词语大全 水落石出造句_水落石出中英文解释和造句

Posted 真相

篇首语:不磨不炼,不成好汉。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 水落石出造句_水落石出中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 水落石出造句_水落石出中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 水落归槽造句_水落归槽中英文解释和造句

词语大全 水落石出造句_水落石出中英文解释和造句

水落石出  shuǐ luò shí chū








  • 她起了疑惑, 便决定弄个水落石出。She got suspicious and decided to get to the bottom of it.
  • 他们希望很快就能把事情弄个水落石出。 The hope to clear the matter up quickly.

  • 不要干预他们的争吵–让他们争个水落石出。 Don’t interfere in their squabble–let them fight it out among themselves.

  • 如果你这么说,我就有责任把事情搞个水落石出。 If you say that, it will bee my duty to make certain.

  • 不要以为你能瞒天过海,此事早晚要水落石出的。 Don’t think you can hide that, it will be known sooner or later.

  • 通过冥思,我们清空了头脑,这样答案就会水落石出。 by meditating we clear our minds so that the answer will bee apparent.

  • 张靓颖即将约满华谊兄弟音乐,她的去向也很快将水落石出。 Zhang Liang Ying forthing expiry of Huayi Brothers Music where she also will soon get to the bottom.

  • 在事情水落石出之后,警察当局受到了来自舆论的巨大压力。 eg: After the case was revealed, the police department has been under mounting pressure from the press.

  • 是的,一切的一切,就是从那一刻开始云开雾散、水落石出的。 Yes, everything is from the very start of Yunkai , get to the bottom of the.

  • 问题在是谁施的咒,怎样施咒,我们一定要乘机查个水落石出。 The problem is who did it, and how. We must take this opportunity to find out.

  • 新法是否能如愿生效会在九月份各学校和大学开学之际水落石出。 Whether or not it can be implemented as intended will bee clear as schools and universities reopen in September.

  • 严律师表示,相信随着公安机关的进一步侦查,案情一定会水落石出。 Yan lawyer expressed his belief that with the public security organs for further investigation, the case will get to the bottom.

  • 当然也有人认为不过是收看新闻,反正事不关己,打算要瞧个水落石出。 Of course there were those who thought they were merely watching the news and remained detached. They just wanted to see how things would turn out.

  • 在真相仍未完全水落石出之前,这棘手的案件如何能翔实呈现在舞台上呢? How can the thorny case be represented with any fidelity on stage when all the facts have not e to light?

  • 我们仍需等待几个星期才能看到水落石出,那时正是E3大会召开的时候。 We’ll know for sure in a couple of weeks, when the E3 conference kicks off.

  • 你对这一事情的热爱将会水落石出;不论你如何定义的成功也会纷至沓来。 Your love of it will e through, and success, however you define it, will follow.

  • 她说,“我将尽可能向他们提供资料,因为我们要把这件事弄个水落石出。” “I’ll give them as much information as we can possibly supply, because we want to get to the bottom of this, ” she said.

  • 任何事情都会有水落石出的一天。理智的对待它吧,这就是你不够诚实的真相。 Some hidden facts are likely to e to light. Play it smart and they are the truth about a situation in which you have been less than honest.

  • 他们针对的是阳虎,而老师不是阳虎,所以围困我们的事,必有水落石出的时候。 All they want is to catch Yanghu, but actually our teacher isn’t. So, the problem of besieging must be solved at last.

  • 任何人都有他们自己的说法,但一切只有等切尔西的会议结束之后,才能水落石出。 Everyone will have their opinion on this, but I am meeting Chelsea to understand and find out what will happen.

  • 物业公司决定务必要把闹“鬼”的原因查个水落石出,对广大业主作出负责的交待。 Property panies must take the decision to make “ghosts” get to the bottom of the reasons for the vast number of owners responsible confessed.

  • 陈云南首度坦承与日方谈判一度受阻,不过他也表示将会继续努力,让案情水落石出。 Chen admitted for the first time in Yunnan negotiations with the Japanese side was blocked, but he also said that efforts will continue, so get to the bottom of the case.

  • 如果这样的奇案也不能尽快水落石出,那么天理何在,光明何在,教育界的本质又何在? If this kind of strange case can’t be resolved quickly, then where is the justice, the light, the essence of the education system?

  • 现在,随着事情渐渐地水落石出,我开始考虑,这次的事件会给伦敦带来什么样的影响。 Now, as the dust begins to settle, I can’t help wondering how all this might affect London in the long run.

  • 去年五月,位于加州帕萨迪纳的宇航局喷气推力实验室受到黑客入侵,至今仍未水落石出。 And last May, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, was invaded by hackers yet to be identified.

  • 游戏的目的是解决一个神秘的谋杀!通过现有的证物及不断的深入调查,抓出凶手,让事情水落石出。 The purpose of the game is to solve a murder mystery! Through the existing evidence and ongoing investigations, the murderer out, so get to the bottom of things.

  • 所以,我认为2004年的房地产行业将是水落石出的一年,无论是政策、土地、市场、产品都会更加明朗。 Therefore, I think the real estate industry in 2004 will be a year of truth, whether policy, land, markets, products will bee more clear.

  • 在一片相互口诛笔伐的众声喧哗中,对于靠近所谓的“真相“,已经没有太多人感到兴趣,水落石出也变得毫不重要了。 Caught up in the war of words between both sides, people are no longer interested in the “truth” of the matter which seems to have bee immaterial.

  • 如果莫斯科真想让人权斗士遇害案件水落石出,并且保护那些仍在车臣坚持斗争的人权工作者,它可以不费吹灰之力就做到。 If Moscow had the will to investigate the murders of human-rights defenders and to protect the few still working in the region, it could easily do it.

  • 结果已证实的15例胸膜间皮瘤病例,良性3例,恶性12例,恶性者合并多量胸腔积液,抽液注气呈现“水落石出”特征; Results 15 cases of pleural mesothelioma had been proved, of which 3 cases were benign, 12 cases malignant.

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