词语大全 桃李满天下造句_桃李满天下中英文解释和造句
Posted 园丁
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词语大全 桃李满天下造句_桃李满天下中英文解释和造句
桃李满天下 táo lǐ mǎn tiān xià
借此机会祝您桃李满天下,家庭和美。 Here I wish you to cultivate the beams, with HeHeMeiMei family!
望桃李满天下,祖国的明天更美好,更辉煌! look, the better tomorrow of the motherland, more brilliant!
作为一个特教工作者,深知不可能桃李满天下。 As a special education workers, aware impossible front.
10她桃李满天下,现在有的学生当老师,有的当工人。 Her students are all over the world. Some are teachers and some are workers.
他为祖国培养了一大批优秀人才,真是’桃李满天下‘。 He has nurtured many students who are now truly like stars all over the sky.
辛勤的汗水是您无私的奉献,桃李满天下是您最高的荣誉。 Hard is the sweat of your selfless dedication, is the highest honor you.
二徒弟郝家骏(郝恩光之子)在天津设馆授徒,桃李满天下。 Two disciples Hao Jiajun (Hao En Guang Zhizi) is located in the Tianjin Museum of apprentices, students everywhere.
教师灌溉园中,笑看桃李含苞待放,盼其怒放天下,策其满世飘香。 Instructors water in the garden of education, smile and see students in bud, long to see them in bloom, and promote them scenting the whole world.
学院在多年的办学实践中,培养出一代又一代才子俊杰,可谓是桃李满天下。 The faculty has trained many excellent graduate students every where from generation to generation.
校史悠久的耀祥中学,培育了一代又一代的潇湘学子,真可谓“桃李”满天下。 The school which has a long has a long history has fostered a lot of persons of ability generation after generation.
苏雪林是中国现代史上一位才华横溢的作家、著作等身的学者、桃李满天下的教授。 Su Xuelin is a talented and brilliant writer in Chinese modern literary history as well as a scholar of letters and a fruitful professor.
尊敬的园丁:您好!在辛勤耕耘下您已是硕果累累,桃李满天下。衷心祝您教师节快乐! Dear gardener: Hello! Under the hard work you have made GREat achievements. Sincerely wish you a happy Teacher’s Day!
辛勤的汗水是您无私的奉献,桃李满天下是您最高的荣誉。祝您:“节日快乐!幸福永远!” The sweat is your hard selfless dedication, your is the highest honor. I wish you: “Happy holiday! Happiness forever! “”
若不是应届生,还得报上自己是某某年次某级某班的学生,否则桃李满天下的老师如何知道你是谁呢? If you are not a graduating student, you should give your grade and class. Otherwise, how can a teacher who has so many students possibly know who you are?
园丁–崇高的称号。看那枝头绽放的鲜花,是您辛勤的汗水灌浇。祝福您:桃李满天下,春晖遍四方! Gardener – a lofty title. Look at the branches of blooming flowers, is that you sweat pouring irrigation. Bless you: students everywhere, Chunhui four times!
“桃李满天下”,是教师的荣耀。–值此曰丽风清、秋实累累的园丁佳节,敬祝老师康乐如意,青春永葆! “Students everywhere, ” the teacher’s honor. – On the occasion of Yue-Lai Feng-Qing, Qiu-scarred gardeners Festival, I wish the teachers wishful recreation, and youth forever!
一支粉笔两袖清风,三尺讲台四季晴雨,加上五脏六腑,七嘴八舌九思十分用心,滴滴汗水滋润桃李满天下。 a thus leave it penniless afterwards chalk, three feet four podium barometer, together with the organs, Bork, bork, bork Jiusi very hard, sweat drops of moisture .
他桃李满天下,有的还是全国有名的魔术师,他们对胡教授收奇乐为徒很不以为然,认为奇乐的魔术不正规。 Hu also was the translation expert in Chinese magic field, he had translated many foreign magic skills and had contributed a lot to this area.
卢声华老师善于发现人才,桃李满天下,经他培养的年轻音乐家近年遍布美国、澳大利亚、香港等国家和地区。 Lu Sheng-hua found that good teachers, after his training in recent years, young musicians all over the United States, Australia, Hong Kong and other countries and regions.
默默无闻育出桃李满天下,拳拳有志造就栋梁兴中华。在您的日历里只有春天,在您的人生里,只有为我们成长而萌生的喜悦。 of unknown fertility, kind Hing Chinese leaders who wish to create. In your calendar only spring in your life, only for us the joy of growth initiation.
从小学一年级到中学生再到博士后,甚至包括服刑的犯人,欧阳中石一生桃李满天下。可以说,他是中国教过学生种类最多的教师。 Mr Ouyang boasted students across China. They included grade-one pupils, middle school students, and post-doctors. Most probably, his students varied the greatest in types.
说某某人“桃李满天下”,也不是说全世界每个人都是他的学生。我们要知道圣经是用一般人的日常生活语言写的,我们读的时候也要这样去读,才不会误解圣经作者的意思。 And this is the test by which men are judged: the light has e into the world and men have more love for the dark than for the light, because their acts are evil.
一个清醒者,具有六种品质:能控制说话的冲动败名裂(口),头脑的妄想(意),控制怒气(意),并同时能够控制自己的口、腹之欲(口、身),和性欲冲动(身),这样的人可以桃李满天下; A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind’s demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.
词语大全 名满天下造句_名满天下中英文解释和造句
名满天下 míng mǎn tiān xià
他从小学画,如今他的作品早已名满天下了。 He began learning painting when he was young, and now his works are world-famous.
这样的成绩无疑是于芬名满天下并底气十足的原因。 Such result is without doubt is world-famous in the fragrance and energy full reason.
“一时名满天下”,一生著述很多,现仅有《半可集》传世。 “The world is full of time” writing a lot of life, it is only “half-can, ” handed down.
尽管不如冬季滑雪那样名满天下,挪威的秋天同样景色迷人。 Autumn in Norway is the same wonderful, in despite of not so famous as the winter skiing.
奥登在进入联盟前就名满天下,本赛季,他终于要踏入的赛场。 Orden before entering the alliance world-famous, this season, he must step into finally athletic field.
“华山”是一个名字,一个地壳运动的隆起处的名字,却名满天下,极富传奇。 I describe it like this: Hua Shan is a geographical name of the protrusion.
从少不更事到名满天下,没有浮华,没有骄傲,犹如午夜一曲深沉的蓝调在功利的足球世界里慢慢地流淌。 Shaobugengshi from 000 to over the world, not flashy, not proud, like a deep midnight blues in the utilitarian world of football flowing slowly.
这项活动的最初设想来源于国父亚当斯和他夫人阿比盖尔名满天下的通信记录,邮政公司的介入也正缘于此。 The inspiration for the campaign — and the Postal Service’s involvement — is the reputation of Adams and his wife, Abigail, as prolific letter writers.
在1882年,早已名满天下的胡雪巖面临事业上的一次重大抉择。他手握1000万两以上的巨额现金,是去办洋务,还是倒卖生丝,竟一时踌躇。 In 1882, renowned Hu Xueyan faced a critical decision in his career. Having 10m liang in cash, he hesitated over whether he should go to handle foreign affairs or resell silk.
南昌素有“物华天宝、人杰地灵”之称,始建于汉高祖时期,唐永徽年间因滕王阁名满天下而使南昌城为世人传诵,1927年中国共产党武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪在这里打响,又被誉为“英雄城”。 Nanchang dates back to B. C. 202, was famous for the Tengwang Pavilion and the first shot of bating reactionary KMT forcefully at 1927, also was named as “Hero City”.
其中培训及标准化部门包括了舰载航空兵联队训练和战斗攻击机战术教练员(strikefightertacticsinstructor,SFTI)培训,它有一个名满天下的名字叫作TopGun。 and ranges. The training and standardization division includes carrier air wing training and strike fighter tactics instructor (SFTI) training, better known as Top Gun.
名满天下 míngmǎntiānxià名满天下的意思和解释:天下闻名。形容名声极大。名满天下的出处《管子·白心》:“名满于天下,不若其已也。”名满天下的例子执事~,而位不过五品,
名满天下 míngmǎntiānxià名满天下的意思和解释:天下闻名。形容名声极大。名满天下的出处《管子·白心》:“名满于天下,不若其已也。”名满天下的例子执事~,而位不过五品,
经纬天下 jīngwěitiānxià经纬天下的意思和解释:经,纬:治理。指治理国家。经纬天下的出处《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“普施明法,经纬天下,永为仪则。”经纬天下的例子经纬天下
经纬天下 jīngwěitiānxià经纬天下的意思和解释:经,纬:治理。指治理国家。经纬天下的出处《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“普施明法,经纬天下,永为仪则。”经纬天下的例子经纬天下
天下独步 tiānxiàdúbù天下独步的意思和解释:独步:独一无二,特别突出。超群出众,无人可比。天下独步的出处《后汉书·戴良传》:“独步天下,谁与为偶!”天下独步的例子德清之
天下独步 tiānxiàdúbù天下独步的意思和解释:独步:独一无二,特别突出。超群出众,无人可比。天下独步的出处《后汉书·戴良传》:“独步天下,谁与为偶!”天下独步的例子德清之
天下第一 tiānxiàdìyī天下第一的意思和解释:形容没有人能比得上。天下第一的出处《后汉书·胡广传》:“试以章奏,安帝以广为天下第一。”天下第一的例子天下第一造句天下第一造
天下第一 tiānxiàdìyī天下第一的意思和解释:形容没有人能比得上。天下第一的出处《后汉书·胡广传》:“试以章奏,安帝以广为天下第一。”天下第一的例子天下第一造句天下第一造
天下汹汹 tiānxiàxiōngxiōng天下汹汹的意思和解释:汹汹:喧扰。形容局势动荡,群情喧扰。天下汹汹的出处《史记·项羽本纪》:“天下匈匈数岁者,徒以吾两人耳,愿与汉王挑
天下汹汹 tiānxiàxiōngxiōng天下汹汹的意思和解释:汹汹:喧扰。形容局势动荡,群情喧扰。天下汹汹的出处《史记·项羽本纪》:“天下匈匈数岁者,徒以吾两人耳,愿与汉王挑