词语大全 水火不相容造句_水火不相容中英文解释和造句
Posted 水火
篇首语:真正的知识使人真正地、实实在在地胜过他人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 水火不相容造句_水火不相容中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 水火不相容造句_水火不相容中英文解释和造句
水火不相容 shuǐ huǒ bù xiāng róng
油和水不能混合在一起。/水火不相容。 Oil and water will not blend.
水火不相容/水火无情。 Fire and water have no mercy.
他们是水火不相容。 Water is inpatible with fire.
东京——猫和老鼠也许天生就是水火不相容。 TOKYO – Cat and mouse may never be the same.
洗碗盆应该怎么摆以避免水火不相容的局面? How should we place the sink in the kitchen to prevent conflict between fire and water?
他们是水火不相容。 They are as inpatible as fire and water.
传统和现代化是水火不相容的。人们必须二者选一。 Tradition and modernization are inpatible. One must choose between them.
长期以来,人们一直视两种分配理论为水火不相容。 Long-term since, people inspects two kinds to allocate theory to be all the time inpatible.
水火不相容。 Water will quench a fire.
水火不相容。 Water is inpatible with fire.
想革命的人会发现他们自己与法律的势力水火不相容。 People with revolutionary ideas may find themselves in collision with the forces of the law.
我永远爱你,但我们注定不该在一起,我们就象水火不相容。 I love you all time, but we are not ever meant to be, we are like oil and water.
宗教与邪教是根本对立、水火不相容的,宗教是邪教的天敌。 Religion and Cult are extremely contradictory like water and fire, and religion is the natural enemy of Cult.
犹太人在亲友死后大办丧事的风俗,是与基督的精神水火不相容的。 The great outward display observed by the Jews at the death of friends or relatives was not in harmony with the spirit of Christ.
有要塞的地方,就一定有教堂,然而,这两者显然是水火不相容的。 Forts and churches almost always go together, and yet they’re downright contradictions.
哦,他的用意是好的,可是我跟他合不来。水火不相容,别白费力气。 Oh, he means well, but he’s not my sort. Oil and water don’t mix, no good trying.
哦,他的用意是好的,可是我跟他合不来。水火不相容,别白费力气。 but he’s not my sort. Oil and water don’t mix, no good trying.
美国曾经希望穆沙拉夫与布托在大选后共同掌权。但是他俩水火不相容。 The United States had hoped Musharraf and Bhutto would end up sharing power after an election but they have rounded on each other.
中国共产党的性质和宗旨,决定了党同各种消极腐败现象是水火不相容的。 Effectively improve the Party’s style of work and focus on bating corruption and upholding integrity.
中国共产党的性质和宗旨,决定了党同各种消极腐败现象是水火不相容的。 The CPC never tolerates corruption or any other negative phenomena. This is determined by its nature and purpose.
如果理想和现实真的完全那么水火不相容,我想,那是不是某些东西需要调整; If ideal and reality are absolutely inpatible just like water and fire, I think whether something needs adjustment.
如果理想和现实真的完全那么水火不相容,我想,那是不是某些东西需要调整; If the ideal and the reality are absolutely inpatible just like water and fire, I think whether something needs adjustment.
利己主义与利他主义,一直像是水火不相容一样,之间的纠葛纷争是没有间断过的。 I like dogs and the proverbs or sayings in which a dog is there. Every dog has his day.
“艺术家和自我批评…,除了一些幸运的例外,永远是水火不相容的”(乔伊丝·卡罗尔·奥茨。 “The artist and the self-critic . . . are, with a few felicitous exceptions, forever at odds”(Joyce Carol Oates.
自古“水火不相容”,但在现代高科技手段下,水中喷火,水火共生等奇妙的景观已完全可以实现。 Since ancient times, “like oil and water”, but in the modern, high-tech measures, tile water guaranteed, City symbiotic such wonderful landscape has been pletely realized.
论文认为,适应和超越都是大学不可回避的责任,它们之间并不是水火不相容的,而是可以找到一个平衡点。 The author considers that adaptation and transcendence, which are not inpatible like oil and vinegar, are both indiscerptible responsibility of the university.
只有平庸的人才会知足常乐,满足现状,不思进步,我绝不是平庸的人,平庸和我就像水火一样,互不相容。 Only mediocre people are easily satisfied. I am a mediocre person by no means. Mediocrity is alien to me, just like the fire and water.
从表面上看,我们的方案是失之过分宽厚,可是事后证明,两国百姓之间却也未曾因此而走到水火不相容的地步。 On the surface, our measures were too tolerant but facts proved that there is no scar and no hatred leaving behind big enough to prevent Japanese and Chinese in cooperation in the later time.
因为它们根本不是水火不相容,而是天然的盟友。其中任何一者的状态延伸都是在为另一者蓄势,激发我们对后者的期待。 since the two are so far from inpatible that they are in natural alliance, the prolongation of either being a preparation for, and exciting a wish for, the other.
这两组人物,往往在故事中有着激烈的冲突,尖锐的水火不相容的矛盾,随着跌宕起伏的情节发展,一个一个扣人心弦的悬念依次展开,最终正义战。 There are two groups of people in the novel with fiercing conflict, finally, the evil one is defeated and the truth es out.
词语大全 水火之中造句_水火之中中英文解释和造句
水火之中 shuǐ huǒ zhī zhōng
他将处于水火夹攻之中! He was caught between fire and water;
没有一个国家的刺激计划能挽救世界于水火之中; No one country’s stimulus can rescue the world from the mire;
不要害怕!我们的救世主已经降临,并拯救我们于水火之中! To deliver us salvation! We must repent and rejoice.
我要向你学习要成为像你一样的大丈夫,一个救人于水火之中的人。 I will learn from you so that I can bee a real man like you, a man who can save people from water and fire.
墓穴里躺着的人被无端地卷入两个水火不容的经济制度的交火之中。 The people in them were caught in the crossfire of two inpatible economies.
他是我们的队魂,即使我们都不在状态时,他也总能救球队于水火之中。 He is a great team player but he can also win a game on his own when maybe we are not playing so well.
其母为水,其子为火,故居阴阳之中,水火之间,古人谓为阴尽阳生之脏。 Its Mother organ is water and Child organ is fire. So, liver locates in the middle of Yin and Yang by ancient people.
他是我们球队的灵魂,即使我们都不在状态时,他也总能救球队于水火之中。 He is a great team player but he can also win a game on his own when maybe we are not playing so well.
他被善良的小男孩杰克收养,伺机而动,时刻准备着拯救这个世界于水火之中。 He is kept and raised by the little boy right bower of the docile, wait for an opportunity but move, prepare to rescue this world every moment in the water fire.
鲍尔森尤其感到苦恼,因为华尔街把他视为一位救金融公司于水火之中的白衣骑士。 Paulson in particular was irked that Wall Street viewed him as a white knight for troubled firms. Mr.
有些人本来能够在只剩八轮时救球队于水火之中,但球迷们怕是认为他们不够大腕。 Someone probably could have rescued Newcastle with eight games to go — one of those managers the fans don’t think quite big enough for them, most likely.
恰恰相反,平衡预算是拯救我们于水火之中,让我们的经济免于完全和彻底崩溃的唯一方法。 On the contrary, it could be the only thing that saves us from plete and total economic meltdown.
在通用的高层们拿着一份改组计划想要说服白宫拯救这个公司于水火之中时,他们就被要求做这样一个预测。 What would you say?G. M. executives were asked to do precisely this, while putting together a restructuring plan to persuade the White House to save the pany from collapse.
为了拯救苍生百姓,左山等三位僧人决定,护送定光佛圣舍利入中原,企望用佛法普度众生,救万民于水火之中。 In an attempt to save people, Zuo Shan and the other two monks decided to escort the She Lizi to the central plains, so that they could use Buddhism to save thousands of people from hardship.
没有一个国家的刺激计划能挽救世界于水火之中;美国再也不是处在那个通过自身需求复苏来整救世界的位置上了。 No one country’s stimulus can rescue the world from the mire; the US is not in a position to revive world demand on its own – again.
毫无疑问,恩波利的球迷希望看到吉奥文科能够救球队于水火之中,因为他们即将面对同样为保级而战的卡利亚里。 No doubt the Empolesi will be hoping Giovinco can fire his side out of the bottom places when they clash with fellow relegation struggles Cagliari.
奥巴马总统说,给公司高管们过高的薪水有悖于美国人的价值观,因为国家是用纳税人的钱拯救这些公司于水火之中的。 President Barack Obama says Americans’ values are offended by excessive paychecks for executives since panies were bailed out by taxpayers.
我用粘土捏出了人形,赋予它们生命,教会他们唱歌和种田,救他们于水火灾难之中。造物之主女娲也应该休息休息了。 xfhsm_ENG:I created people from clay, taught them music and irrigation, and rescued them from disaster. I deserve some rest.
乔可以在比赛中得分,但有时候,当球队陷入水火之中的时候,往往乔总是不能站起来独挡一面,而这却是罗伊最擅长的。 Johnson may have put more into the game at this point, but he can’t help that what he’s done is just a sliver behind what I truly believe Brandon Roy is about to do.
而当凯子将要失败的时候,阿伦站出来了,他扔过三分,拯球球队于水火之中。没有人会忘记杀手雷带给我们的那一个经典的系列赛。 And when he’d hit those big shots and the C’s would lose some of those games anyway, nobody in that locker room would leave more upset than Allen.
即使奥巴马本人曾经强调“政府管理公司的记录是可悲的”,但现在为了拯救汽车工业于水火之中,美国不得不重走“国有化”老路。 Obama even if I have to stress the “government’s record is lamentable, ” but now the auto industry to save Yu Shuihuo, the United States had to re-take the “nationalization” of the old.
这也许是因为美国的两党都支持拯救哥伦比亚的民主体制于水火之中,但就在这项政策看上去踌躇满志之时,社会舆论却对此嗤之以鼻。 It has been possible because both parties supported the idea of backing Colombia’s embattled democracy. But that consensus may now be crumbling—just when the policy seems to be working fairly well.
水火之中 shuǐhuǒzhīzhōng水火之中的意思和解释:水火:比喻灾难。灾难困苦之中。水火之中的出处《孟子·梁惠王下》:“今燕虐其民,王往而证之,民以为将拯己于水火之中也。
水火之中 shuǐhuǒzhīzhōng水火之中的意思和解释:水火:比喻灾难。灾难困苦之中。水火之中的出处《孟子·梁惠王下》:“今燕虐其民,王往而证之,民以为将拯己于水火之中也。
各不相谋 gèbùxiāngmóu各不相谋的意思和解释:谋:商量,计义。各自按照自己的意思办事,不互相商量。各不相谋的出处《论语·卫灵公》:“子曰:‘道不同,不相为谋。’”各不相
各不相谋 gèbùxiāngmóu各不相谋的意思和解释:谋:商量,计义。各自按照自己的意思办事,不互相商量。各不相谋的出处《论语·卫灵公》:“子曰:‘道不同,不相为谋。’”各不相
水火兵虫 shuǐhuǒbīngchóng水火兵虫的意思和解释:指使古书遭受损毁的四种灾害:水灾、火灾、战乱和书蠹。也泛指各种天灾人祸。水火兵虫的出处水火兵虫的例子今人标点古书而
水火兵虫 shuǐhuǒbīngchóng水火兵虫的意思和解释:指使古书遭受损毁的四种灾害:水灾、火灾、战乱和书蠹。也泛指各种天灾人祸。水火兵虫的出处水火兵虫的例子今人标点古书而
水火无情 shuǐhuǒwúqíng水火无情的意思和解释:指水和火是不讲情面的,如疏忽大意,容易造成灾祸。水火无情的出处元·杨梓《豫让吞炭》第二折:“俺城中把金鼓鸣,正是外合里应
水火无情 shuǐhuǒwúqíng水火无情的意思和解释:指水和火是不讲情面的,如疏忽大意,容易造成灾祸。水火无情的出处元·杨梓《豫让吞炭》第二折:“俺城中把金鼓鸣,正是外合里应
水火无交 shuǐhuǒwújiāo水火无交的意思和解释:没有财物牵涉。形容为官清正廉洁。水火无交的出处《隋书·循吏传·赵轨》:“别驾在官,水火不与百姓交,是以不敢以壶酒相送。”
水火无交 shuǐhuǒwújiāo水火无交的意思和解释:没有财物牵涉。形容为官清正廉洁。水火无交的出处《隋书·循吏传·赵轨》:“别驾在官,水火不与百姓交,是以不敢以壶酒相送。”