词语大全 求大同,存小异造句_求大同,存小异中英文解释
Posted 精神
篇首语:说到底,还是“信仰使人快乐”!注意!并非道德使人快乐!本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 求大同,存小异造句_求大同,存小异中英文解释相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 求大同,存小异造句_求大同,存小异中英文解释
求大同,存小异 qiú dà tóng,cún xiǎo yì
我相信大家有更多共通的地方。求大同,存小异。 I believe that they have a lot in mon and many more similarities than differences.
我们确有分裂,必须求大同存小异,弥补裂痕,我将尽力带头去做。 We have known divisions,which must be healed to move forward in great purposes — and I will strive in good faith to heal them.
这个方针体现了民主集中制原则的精神,也体现了求大同存小异的精神。 the spirit that this guiding principle reflected democratic centralism principle,also reflected the spirit that begs Great Harmony to keep little surprise.
通过维持现状,两岸都应该求大同存小异,为两岸所有的中国人民开创一个双赢的未来。 By maintaining the status quo,both sides should seek more mon grounds while reserving differences and create a win-win future for all the Chinese people across the Straits,he said.
在这个大前提下,任何问题都可以本着求大同、存小异的原则,通过友好协商妥善解决。 Under this major premise,all problems can be solved appropriately through friendly consultation with the principle of seeking mon ground while reserving differences.
愿羊年能够为世界带来和平,全港市民能够求大同、存小异、互相包容,发挥团结精神,缔造祥和社会。 All people in Hong Kong would set aside their differences and weld a mon bond for a harmonious munity.
本论文从语言功能和语体之间的关系入手,探讨了建立在双语的共性上的“求大同,存小异”的翻译方法。 and the way of 搒eeking mon ground among differences?. This paper deals with the former by using language functions and stylisticcharacterized features to acplish the bilingual transformation.
也就是说,我们各族群都必须牢记,身为新加坡人,我们应该抱着“求大同,存小异”的精神,寻求共同的目标和理想,一齐来实现未来的新加坡。 In other words,all munities should bear in mind that,as Singaporeans,we should all work for the mon goal while preserving our small differences.
词语大全 大同小异造句_大同小异中英文解释和造句
大同小异 dà tóng xiǎo yì
著名的英国人的幽默感也是大同小异。 The famous English sense of humor is similar.
当然,文明人的道德观念始终大同小异。 Of course the morality of civilized persons has always much in mon.
生活毕竟是那么大同小异! Anyway, how repetitious life is!
我开始认识到无论任何地方人性都是大同小异的。 I beginning to see that human being is pretty much the same everywhere.
在本质上,首席执行官们与我们所有人大同小异。 In the flesh, chief executives are little different from the rest of us.
在英国和美国,人气平平的政府能告诉人们的,大同小异。 In Britain and the US, unpopular governments tell a similar story.
在新西兰,人们欢庆圣诞节的方式与美国和欧洲大同小异。 In New Zealand Christmas itself is observed much the same way as it is in the United States and Europe.
每天的生活大同小异。不过,巴克发现天气变得冷起来了。 One day was very like another, but Buck noticed that the weather was getting colder.
聊天过程也不一样吗?B:可以说是大同小异,过程都很简单。 A: Are they different in the procedures of chat? B: Very much the same, and their procedures are simple.
中队的队员年龄、智力及体力水平大致相当,要求和兴趣也大同小异。 Squadron members age, roughly the same level of mental and physical strength, requirements, and interest in much the same.
其实这几种颜色过于单调,使酒盒包装大同小异,显示不出各个品种的个性。 In fact, the colors are too monotone to make wine box does not display the same way everywhere, various temperament.
虽然各校的教学楼看起来大同小异,但这些楼房的工程和建设质量却参差不齐。 While school buildings look the same, the quality of the engineering and construction is less obvious.
无论我们是用镀金的高脚杯畅饮,还是用粗陶瓷杯牛饮,生活的滋味都大同小异。 Life tastes much the same, whether we quaff it from a golden goblet or drink it out of a stone mug.
和其它媒体行业一样,电视业也正遭受着来自网络同等的威胁,原因也都大同小异。 The internet threatens TV just as much as it does other media businesses, and for similar reasons.
尽管我们这一行所用的工具大同小异,但是建设者和园艺美化专家是完全不同的人。 Though the tools of our trades may have much in mon, builders and landscapes are very different animals.
此外,既然所有的神经元的连接和分享原理都大同小异,这种简单逻辑可以重复和放大。 Moreover, such a simple logic can be iterated and amplified, since all neurons work on a similar principle of connecting and sharing.
也许他们认为,在各家连锁店售卖的产品大同小异的地方,人们到别处消费的机会就更小。 Maybe they think where there are few chains offering anything substantially different, there is less chance people will go elsewhere.
历史上我国北方许多民族都曾信仰过萨满教,但各民族在萨满通灵身份认定上却大同小异。 Many minorities in the north of China once believed in Shaman religion, they were largely identical but with minor differences to confirm Shaman’s identity of munication with spirit.
配件也同样可以应用在工作中,尤其是如果你工作的地方每个人穿的都是大同小异的衣服。 This can be applied at work, too, especially if you work somewhere where everyone wears a different variation of the same outfit.
由于本月国会处于休会期,众多议员都举行了类似的民主大会,并且得到的反应也都大同小异。 With Congress in recess this month, many members are holding such town hall meetings—and meeting a similar reaction.
雁毛头尖利刺~雁领头宽利劈(在当时是跟据使用者需要由工将做刀型-血槽的`但大多大同小异。 The Yanmao sword is sharper which is useful for stabbing, and Yanling sword is wider which is useful for cutting. ( At that time, they were always made according to the need of the user.
这就是我的生活,大同小异,吃饭上课睡觉,偶尔会想一个人。这就是我的生活,琐琐碎碎,碎碎琐琐。 That is the life, honey, be petient, it is a promising time, i promise you.
国际船级协会联合会(IACS)在1978年有统一规定,仅部份船级协会,大同小异的采用以公式订出规范。 International Association of Classification Socicticss (IACS) publisahed a unified requirements in 1978. Only some of the Socictics adopted the requirements in their Rules with minor changes.
一个呼叫中心的建设至少包含两个方面,第一个是有关电话等部分的基本系统建设,这一部分各呼叫中心功能大同小异; The construction of a call center prises two aspects: one is about the infrastructure of telephone, which is largely identical but with minor differences among all the call centers.
然而,全球商界迎接新年来临的方法,却是大同小异,首先要衡量去年所定下的目标是否成功达到,并在必要时加以调整; In the global business world, however, the activities are the same the world over: Measure how you are doing against the goals you have set for yourself, and adjust as necessary.
从最早的网络开始,各种各样的告示就通过一页页的网络链结,来吸引人们的注意力,他们的标签,评价系统甚至用户名都大同小异。 In a design straight from the earliest days of the Web, miscellaneous posts pete for attention on page after page of blue links, undifferentiated by tags or ratings or even usernames.
20多年前,执政的越南共产党摒弃集体主义,着手实施以市场为基础、具有本国特色的改革,这与早几年前中国采取的改革措施大同小异。 It is over 20 years since Vietnam’s ruling munists abandoned collectivism and embarked on their doi moi market-based reforms, not unlike those China adopted a few years earlier.
从最早的网络开始,各种各样的告示就通过一页页的网络链结,被竞相设计来吸引人们的注意力,他们标签,评价系统甚至用户名都大同小异。 In a design straight from the earliest days of the Web, miscellaneous posts pete for attention on page after page of blue links, undifferentiated by tags or ratings or even usernames.
尽管各个城市里污染物的组成和浓度以及空气污染对居民健康的威胁程度有所不同,但某些主要方面却大同小异,因此对空气质量检测技术的需要越来越多。 Although every city and concentration of pollutant and air pollution on human health threat level, but some major aspects of the same, but on air quality detection technology needs more and more.
事实上,大同小异的灾难反映了政局的波涛汹涌:迅速增长的失业率,越来越多的穷人和愈发严重的社会不平等,遭受重创的中产阶级以及高昂的食物价格。 Indeed, a congruence of calamities could prove politically tempestuous: a sharp rise in unemployment, increased poverty and inequality, weakened middle classes and high food prices in many countries.
大同小异 dàtóngxiǎoyì大同小异的意思和解释:大体相同,略有差异。大同小异的出处《庄子·天下》:“大同而与小同异,此之谓小同异;万物毕同毕异,此之谓大同异。”大同小异的
大同小异 dàtóngxiǎoyì大同小异的意思和解释:大体相同,略有差异。大同小异的出处《庄子·天下》:“大同而与小同异,此之谓小同异;万物毕同毕异,此之谓大同异。”大同小异的
词语大全 大同小异字谜及答案(打一字),大同小异字谜及答案(打一字)
大同小异字谜及答案(打一字) 谜面:大同小异(打一字) 谜底:买
词语大全 大同小异字谜及答案(打一字),大同小异字谜及答案(打一字)
大同小异字谜及答案(打一字) 谜面:大同小异(打一字) 谜底:买
词语大全 稍有差异谜语及答案(打一地名),稍有差异谜语及答案(打一地名)
稍有差异。(打一地名) 儿童谜语:稍有差异。(打一地名) 答案:【大同(大同小异)】
词语大全 稍有差异谜语及答案(打一地名),稍有差异谜语及答案(打一地名)
稍有差异。(打一地名) 儿童谜语:稍有差异。(打一地名) 答案:【大同(大同小异)】
【联合战线】的意思是什么?【联合战线】是什么意思?【联合战线】的意思是:联合战线即统一战线。亦泛指相互联结的各种团体。 ●鲁迅《华盖集·通讯二》:「只要所向的目标小异大同,将来就