词语大全 拒人于千里之外造句_拒人于千里之外中英文解释

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1、词语大全 拒人于千里之外造句_拒人于千里之外中英文解释

2、词语大全 寸步千里造句_寸步千里中英文解释和造句

词语大全 拒人于千里之外造句_拒人于千里之外中英文解释

拒人于千里之外  jù rén yú qiān lǐ zhī wài







  • 她非常倔强,常拒人于千里之外。 She’s pretty hard-nosed and tends to put people off.

  • 临时庇护所有时也会拒人于千里之外。 Temporary shelters sometimes find it necessary to turn people away.

  • 是我不想打开心门,拒人于千里之外。 Is I does not want to open the ostium, aloofs.

  • 近年来约翰·巴顿身上有一种拒人于千里之外的力量。 Of late years, John Barton had had a repellent power.

  • 近年来约翰·巴顿身上有一种拒人于千里之外的力量。 Jem had never named his midnight glimpse of John Barton to human being.

  • 我也想听听、你心底的声音。不要拒人于千里之外、好吗。 Even though you hate me now, it will never change.

  • 她像其他一样。冷酷,拒人于千里之外。很多都是这样,特别是女。 I realize now how much she’s just like the others. Cold and distant. And many people are like that. Women for sure. They’re like a union.

  • 多美的一个理由啊,四句话,就能拒人于千里之外…就能坦坦荡荡地走开… What an incredible pretext, just four sentences, turns me down one thousands miles apart……

  • 马份夫一付拒人于千里之外的神情,好像闻到什么令她作呕的东西似的。 Narcissa Malfoy had a haughty manner. The expression on her face was something that smelled very unpleasant under her nose.

  • 一个若不诚实,就没有会想和他做朋友,不久他就会被于千里之外。 If a person is dishonest, no one will want to be his friend. He will soon be e on out cast.

  • 我想东健的霸气应该是让倾慕的、却又不拒人于千里之外的、动的、震撼的一面。 His imposing presence is an admirable, touching and stunning side of him, not overpowering at all.

  • 荷兰是位和善而敏感的,他懂得如何拉近与他的距离,而不是拒人于千里之外。 The Dutchman is a kind and sensitive person, able to reduce distances rather than widen them.

  • 虽然国王给的印象是拒人于千里之外,但她却在访问各省时让们蜂拥过来拥抱她。 While the shah gave the impression of being distantshe allowed people to rush and embrace her while visiting the provinces.

  • 如果你害怕与陌生谈话,也终将会导致最坏的事情发生,你会被于千里之外。 If you fear talking to new people, the worst that can happen is that you’ll be rejected.

  • 整个总决赛科比都寡言少语,拒人于千里之外,不过,他解释说这是他自己集中精神的方式。 He was somber throughout the Finals, but, of course, it was just his definition of being focused.

  • 文祥真不想被打扰,但也不忍拒人于千里之外,只好关闭了隔音障,问道:「请问有什么事吗?」 Wen Xiang really didn’t want to be interrupted, but he couldn’t bring himself to say no. So he turned off his sound block and asked: “What is it?””

  • 客户中其实也有真心喜欢并对我好的,其他方面也有追求者,可是,我却从不动心,拒人于千里之外。 In fact, some customers really love me and treat me well, besides, I have some others pursuer. But I am never touched and always refuse them.

  • 鸿蒙见云将态度真诚,也不好意思太拒人于千里之外,可是他还是不愿正面的回答云将有关替天行道的事。 Seeing the sincere attitude of Yun Jiang, Hong Meng felt himself indifferent if refusing him, but he was reluctant to give Yun Jiang a direct answer about the doing duty for Heaven.

  • 可是没想到,一见面你非但没有嘘寒问暖,反而劈头就说出如此拒人于千里之外的话,你实在太令我失望了。 But to my surprise, on meeting me you utter the unapproachable words that refuse me far, even without small talk. You really disappoint me.

  • 好在借由这个惊险刺激的游戏,让尼克体会到生命的可贵,以及对身边每个的感谢,终不再拒人于千里之外。 Fortunately, Nick realized life is important by the exciting game and appreciates to everybody beside him. At last, he accepts everybody.

  • 60岁之前的女,同俄国和加拿大相仿。宽广,宁静,一望无垠,但是寒冷的(不热心的)地理气候却拒人于千里之外。 Between the ages of 50 – 60 she is like Russia or Canada. Very wide, quiet and the borders are practically unparallel but he frigid climate keeps people away.

  • 60岁之前的女,同俄国和加拿大相仿。宽广,宁静,一望无垠,但是寒冷的(不热心的)地理气候却拒人于千里之外。 Between the ages of 50 – 60 she is like Russia or Canada. Very wide, quiet and the borders are practically unpatrolled but her frigid climate keeps people away.

  • 60岁之前的女,同俄国和加拿大相仿。宽广,宁静,一望无垠,但是寒冷的(不热心的)地理气候却拒人于千里之外。 between the ages of 50 – 60 she is like russia or canada. very wide, quiet and the borders are practically unpatrolled but he frigid climate keeps people away.

  • 她的物都是被束缚著的——或者是被囚禁著的——,她这样将自己与外部世界隔离开来,仿佛是为了自我保护,是为了拒人于千里之外。 She binds – or imprisons – these personae, as if to self-protect and withdraw into her own body, rendering herself immune from the exterior world.

  • 如今较年长的,也比较恐怖的孩子(最主要是指埃米特)已经毕业了,艾丽丝和爱德华没那么拒人于千里之外,所以也不是只有我们三个坐一桌。 Now that the “older” and somewhat scarier (in Emmett’s case, certainly) Cullen siblings had graduated, Alice and Edward did not seem quite so intimidating, and we did not sit here alone.

  • 他还说,这是他所解读的全新的科比,一个现在拒人于千里之外的科比,“如果我病了,我也会那样做(指远离群),直到我好转离开医院为止。 He also says this of the new Bryant he’s read about, the one who has distanced himself from nearly everyone: “If I get sick, that’s all I think about it.”

  • 非洲之角的附近海域时常有海盗出没,索科特拉群岛正孤零零地坐落在此,但是该岛却属400公里(250英里)以外那个不安定的也门。索科特拉群岛有一幅拒人于千里之外的样貌。 MAROONED in pirate-infested waters off the Horn of Africa but tied to unruly Yemen 400km (250 miles) away, the archipelago of Socotra has a forbidding look.

  • 拒人于千里之外造句相关


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