词语大全 破天荒造句_破天荒中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:读书不要贪多,而是要多加思索,这样的读书使我获益不少。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 破天荒造句_破天荒中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 破天荒造句_破天荒中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 天荒地老造句_天荒地老中英文解释和造句

词语大全 破天荒造句_破天荒中英文解释和造句

破天荒  pò tiān huāng







  • 这是破天荒第一次的扶轮社例会。 This was the first Rotary club meeting.

  • 不是做梦,但我破天荒地赖了一次床。 Not be to daydream, but the ground bilked my occur for the first time bed.

  • 她来到别墅这么久,破天荒第一次向他微笑一下。 For the first time since he had been in the villa she smiled at him.

  • 昔日的农奴和奴隶破天荒第一次获得当家作主的权利。 For the first time, the former serfs and slaves were able to enjoy rights as their own masters.

  • 破天荒头一次,我们将在展映中播放一部作品的预告片。 For the first time anywhere, the filmmakers will be screening a special short preview of their uping film!

  • 但是,他碰到这样的事情,这在他一生中还是破天荒头一回。 But this was the first time in his life such a thing had happened to him.

  • “这是件破天荒的事情,”公司女发言人简·威尔科克斯说。 “This has never been done before, “said Jane Wilcox, a spokeswoman with the tire pany.

  • 国际篮球史上破天荒第一次让NBA运动员参加奥运会的竞争。 For the first time in international basketball history, NBA players were allowed to pete for the United States in Olympic petition.

  • 悉尼地标如悉尼大桥、悉尼歌剧院破天荒地熄灯,引起了世界关注。 It caught the world’s attention when its icons like the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House turned their lights off.

  • 业界同襄共破天荒——“和而不同·中国当代雕塑提名展”诞生始末记。 Unite to Hold an Unprecedented Exhibition——Record on the Preparation for “Harmonious but Diverse·China Contemporary Nominated Sculpture Exhibition””

  • 巴基斯坦几个月来没有一位驻北京大使,这可是破天荒第一次,很古怪。 ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—This is the first time that Pakistan does not have an ambassador in Beijing for several months now, which is an oddity.

  • 日本政府声称,工业产量与前年一月份相较,破天荒地下滑了十个百分点。 According to Japan’s government, in January as pared to the year before, industrial output fell 10 percent, that is a record.

  • 报业广告这次破天荒的走低,其最重要的原因莫过于近年来迅速发展的互联网经济。 Newspaper advertisements of this unprecedented decline, the most important reason is the rapid development in recent years of the Internet economy.

  • 报业广告这次破天荒的走低,其最重要的原因莫过于近年来迅速发展的互联网经济。 Report an industry advertisement to lower unprecedentedly this time, it the most important reason nothing is better than in the Internet economy that develop quickly in recent years.

  • 新竹少年观护所破天荒在中秋节举办同乐会,让一时迷途,而不能回家的孩子也能过节。 This holiday party, which broke new ground, allowed these kids who had strayed from the right path and were now unable to go home to celebrate the holiday.

  • 艾美奖首设最佳真人秀主持人大奖,五位提名名嘴也破天荒地组成了庞大的艾美主持阵容。 Emmy sets up the best honorable person Xiu director big prize, five nominated the famous mouth also unprecedented to pose huge Amy to manage the lineup.

  • “反正,”他心里想,“这个家伙会对付得了的;这种事情在这个小城市里也并不是破天荒。 “After all, ” he thought, “the poor chap will get over it; not the first time such a thing has happened in this little city! ”

  • 因此,接下来三周对新加坡、印度、特立尼达和多巴哥、中国和韩国的访问实乃破天荒第一次。 So the trips he plans to make over the next three weeks to Singapore, India, Trinidad and Tobago, China and South Korea are a novelty.

  • 赵国雄带领手下日夜奋战,仅用了两个多月的时间就创造了奇迹——金花宾馆破天荒地扭亏为盈! Under the leadership of Zhao Guoxiong, the whole team made a miracle just in two months— Jinhua Hotel made up the deficits and got surpluses!

  • 没有人这样做。第二天有人和父亲开玩笑说,破天荒第一次,每个打架者在开战之前就被命令停止。 Nobody did. But the next day people kidded him by saying it was the first time any fighter was urged to take a dive before the fight began.

  • 他在观光胜地清迈附近所作的这一尝试并不是破天荒,因为用猴子来采椰子在泰国南部是有传统的。 His venture near the resort town of Chiang Mai is not unique. Monkeys have been used to harvest coconuts in southern Thailand for generations.

  • 周六,很少同时出席一个论坛的潘石屹和任志强两个地产大腕破天荒地一起出现在中国企业家年会上。 Saturday, and attended a few forums and Renzhijiang Pandanyi first two real estate known to occur in China in the annual meeting of entrepreneurs.

  • 联合东道国日本和韩国,还有中国都过关斩将打入正赛。人们破天荒第一次可以实实在在的感受到亚洲队的存在。 For the first time, the tournament was co-hosted by Japan and South Korea with both countries and China making it through the qualifying rounds.

  • 她一方面为了自己的机智落了空而难过,一方面又为了汤姆居然也有这么一回破天荒的听话守规矩的行为而高兴。 She was half sorry her sagacity had miscarried, and half glad that Tom had stumbled into obedient conduct for once.

  • 金舍1948年的报告破天荒地通过研究人类的性行为而发现:92%的男人有手淫活动,而62%的女人有手淫行为。 The Kinsey Report of 1948 – the first thorough study of human sexual habits found that 92% of males reported having masturbated, as opposed to 62% of females.

  • 小泉限制办公开支的做法是卓有成效的破天荒之举,但是问题在于,他的这一举动对战后日本的美好展望首次构成了挑战。 A qualified record then, but the point of Mr Koizumi’s stint in office is that he has for the first time challenged the fortable assumptions that have governed Japan since the war.

  • 它会让你知道成功需要多少工作量许多创业公司失败,是因为创业者没有对成功所必需的、破天荒的工作时间做好思想准备。 It Prepares You for How Much Work Is Involved Many startups fail because the founders were not mentally prepared to work the ridiculous hours necessary to make a business succeed.

  • 下个月将代表参选罗马市长的Rutelli先生形容开放奥古斯都的几间房间是件“破天荒的大事,也是数十载辛勤工作的成果”。 Mr Rutelli, who is standing for election as mayor of Rome next month, described the opening of the Augustus rooms as an “extraordinary event, the fruit of decades of work”.

  • 尽管不是所有这些页巖层中存储的天然气都将被开采出来,但是从技术上说这是可行的,而且各大公司已经破天荒地开始使用这一技术了。 Not all of these shale reserves will ever be tapped, but the technology to do so is available and, for the first time, panies are putting it to use.

  • 按正常理解,央行在最近数年内首次破天荒减息应是对市场的利好。然而,市场用低开低走的走势再次推翻了这种正常逻辑,而导致市场这种奇怪走势的背后究竟是何种原因? In the normal understanding, the central bank in the last few years the first time an unprecedented cut in interest rates in the market should be positive.

  • 破天荒造句相关


    词语大全 天荒地老造句_天荒地老中英文解释和造句

    天荒地老  tiān huāng dì lǎo







  • 一直想追求一个天荒地老的爱情! Have always wanted to pursue a Tianhuangdelao love!

  • 我多么想和你一起笑到天荒地老。 How I want to laugh with you to Tianhuangdilao.

  • 也许天荒地老时,剩下的也仅仅是思念。 May be Tianhuangdelao, is the only remaining missing.

  • 在黑夜里、牵着手走下去、就是天荒地老。 In the nighttime, pulls begins, was in ancient times.

  • 我会爱你到天荒地老! I would love you for all eternity !

  • 一个人,在默默的等待着属于自己的天荒地老。 One man, silently wait for his own death.

  • 一只只木勺,刻出了纹理安然,刻出了天荒地老。 A wood scoop, engraved veins safely, engraved sky’s wasteland and glebe’s old.

  • 毕竟我不希望强求你什么,只想爱你直到天荒地老! Above all I do not wish to importune or promise you. I only want to love you to my last sight.

  • 如果世界上只剩我和你,那么我将和你一起演绎天荒地老。 if in the world only remains me and you, then I will deduct together with you in ancient times.

  • 这一姻缘,等了12年,等到天荒地老,也等到沧海桑田。 This marriage affinity, has waited for 12 years, when in ancient times, also waits till the vicissitudes.

  • 不管天荒地老,尽管福气总有一天需要离开,我都会开心。 No mater how long it takes, no matter when the fortune get passes on, I am happy with it.

  • 亲爱的,全忘了把,我曾说的天荒地老。 谁能帮我 翻译成英语? Dear, please forget the all what I said before about the forever!

  • 我过去经常嘲笑那些总是等着白马王子爱她们到天荒地老的傻丫头。 I used to laugh at the kind of girl that is always waiting for her charming prince who’ll love her until the end of time.

  • 它是海誓山盟、天荒地老,是彼此心灵的避风港,是一生一世的承诺。 It is Haishishanmeng, Tianhuangdelao, is another haven for the soul is the whole life mitment.

  • 有你的日子,天荒地老的承诺都显得如此的卑微。真的,有你,我已知足! There is your day, the day mitment with old wasteland seems to be such humble.

  • 我一如既往地爱你,而且将来也会一直爱你,直到生命逝去(天荒地老)。 I love you like past and be able to continue to the future until ours life terminatinon.

  • 但实际上,按随机概率来计算,你就等到天荒地老,也没法吃到这盆蛋糕的。 In fact, according to the machine of probability, even if you wait till the world faded away, you would still be unable to have this piece of cake.

  • 但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪留在你的心中,直到天荒地老。 But if you try to close your eyes, love turns into a teardrop and remind in your heart forever abider.

  • 但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪留在你的心中,知道天荒地老。 But if you try to close your eyes, love turns into a teardrop and reamins in your heart forever after.

  • 但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化做一滴眼泪留在你的心中,直到天荒地老。 But if you try to close your eyes, love turns into a teardrop and remains in your heart forever after.

  • 但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪留在你的心中,直到天荒地老。 But if you try to close your ears, love turns into a tear drop and remaining in your heart forever aider.

  • 爱情的美丽和可贵,不是誓言的多少和承诺的天荒地老,而是相互的包容和理解。 Love of beauty and value, not the number of vows and mitment of, but mutual tolerance and understanding.

  • 情长路更长,还有更甜蜜的诱惑,舍不得去放弃,无论如何都拼凑不出天荒地老。 Affection long way is longer, still have sweeter temptation, hate to part with go abandoning, anyhow medley do not give day uncultivated land old.

  • 一杯咖啡凉了,另一杯咖啡还在火炉上沸腾,我们的爱在咖啡屋里见证著天荒地老… however one cup of coffee getting cool , another cup of coffee is boiling. our love is certificated here forever…

  • 他颇具实力和速度,他是我至今并肩作战最棒的球员,我希望能够与他搭档天荒地老。 He has quality and pace and is the greatest player I’ve ever played with. I hope to play with him for many years.

  • 一个人的七夕,一个人仰望天空,一个人的天荒地老,一个人的花前月下,一个人的胡思乱想…… 可笑! A person’s Tanabata, a person looking at the sky, a person’s Tianhuangdilao a person’s Huaqianyuexia, a person’s cranky … ridiculous!

  • 也许,终其一生你们也不会出现天荒地老的经典爱情对白,但是,你会因为有这样一个朋友,更加珍惜自己的生命,珍爱自己的生活。 Of course , you two will not have the oldest love story dialogues all your life , yet you will treasure your life because of his being in the world!

  • 因此,如果你不再喜欢一个人,你需要做的只是蒙上耳朵。但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪留在你的心中,直到天荒地老。 So if you stop liking a person you used to like, all you need to so is cover your ears, But if you try to close your heart forever aider.

  • 因此,如果你不在喜欢一个人,你所需要的做的只是蒙上耳朵。但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪流在你的心中,直到天荒地老。 So if you stop liking a person you used to like , all you need todo is cover your ears . but if you try to close your eyes , love turns into a teardrop and remains in your heart forever after.

  • 透过《澳大利亚》这部气势磅礴的爱情史诗,导演巴兹·鲁赫曼不但打造了别开生面的视觉盛宴,并将带领观众经历一场天荒地老的浪漫冒险。 With his new film, director Baz Luhrmann is painting on a vast canvas, creating a cinematic experience that brings together romance, drama, adventure and spectacle.

  • 天荒地老造句相关



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