词语大全 直抒己见造句_直抒己见中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:尺有所短;寸有所长。物有所不足;智有所不明。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 直抒己见造句_直抒己见中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 直抒己见造句_直抒己见中英文解释和造句
直抒己见 zhí shū jǐ jiàn
如何直抒己见——生活将变得轻松。 How to say what you mean – life will bee a breeze.
如何直抒己见——生活将变成微风习习。 How to say what you mean – life will bee a breeze.
趁这样的机会直抒己见,其意义超过了道德上的义务,而成为一种乐趣。 On an occasion of this kind it bees more than a moral duty to speak one ‘s mind; it bees a pleasure .
趁这样的机会直抒己见,其意义超过了道德上的义务,而成为一种乐趣。 On an occasion of this kind it bee more than a moral duty to speak one’s mind; it bee a pleasure.
他才识过人,聪明敏锐,是世界上一位最能直抒己见又德高望重的政治家。 With his brilliant, incisive intellect, he is one of the world’s most outspoken and respected statesmen.
但每当一个人敢于直抒己见时,另外一二个人或许会受到感染而同样行事。 But every time one person would speak out, another person or two was probably inspired to do the same.
他们的散文无视传统古文的程式,直抒己见,畅所欲言,是政治斗争的有效工具。 They ignored traditional literary forms and expressed their views freely in their writings. Their essays were actually effective weapons in political struggles.
由于美国人讲究直率,在平时的交往中,他们对事情和人都乐于直抒己见,坦言相告。 Because Americans stress frank, among contacts of usual, they glad to state one’s views frankly people to thing have, say frankly and inform .
杰森:卡罗尔,你是不是想说,我和你妈创造的一种气氛,使你无法对我们直抒己见? Jason: Oh Carol, e on. Are you implying that your mother and I created an atmosphere in which you could not tell us how you felt?
但是,他已经享受了三年愉快的婚姻生活,遇事可以直抒己见,并且基本塑造了一个民众认可的威尔士亲王形象。 But he has enjoyed three happy years of marriage, believes he speaks his mind, and has carved a relevant role for himself in society as Prince of Wales.
带有称赞的缓和的批评,为日常应尽的服务而感谢别人,征求他人意见而不直抒己见,这些都常被看作是顺从的语言表达法。 Softening criticism with praise, thanking people for routine services, and asking others for opinions instead of asserting12 your own are forms of speech often seen as submissive13.
带有称赞的缓和的批评,为日常应尽的服务而感谢别人,征求他人意见而不直抒己见,这些都常被看作是顺从的语言表达法。 Softening criticism with praise, thanking people for routine services, and asking others for opinions instead of asserting your own are forms of speech often seen as submissive.
在刘备面前,诸葛亮总是直抒己见,说明他对刘备的忠诚并非唯唯诺诺的盲目服从,而是有自己独立的立场和见解的“智忠”。 In the face of Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang always speak of his loyalty to Liu Bei is not stuck to the blind obedience, but rather has its own independent stance and views on the “chi-chung.”
词语大全 固执己见造句_固执己见中英文解释和造句
固执己见 gù zhí jǐ jiàn
约翰尼通常被扮演成固执己见的人。 Johnny is usually played as a stubborn person who always adheres to his own opinions.
他无视公众舆论,固执己见。 In de fiance of public opinion he stood to his guns.
从固执己见,你将得到歧视。 From bigotry you will get discrimination.
固执己见就好像一道墙筑在你跟配偶中间。 Stubbornness is like a wall that you set up between you and your mate.
我很坚定,毅力顽强,有时甚至固执己见。 I’m very determined, persistent and sometimes even stubborn.
他总是固执己见。 He is always unyielding in his opinions.
固执己见的人往往因为一意孤行而给自己带来损害。 A wilful man will have his way to his own hurt.
《固执己见》。长春:时代文艺出版社,1998年。 Interview. Changchun: Epoch Literature and Art Press, 1998.
固执己见的人终将发现自己领悟甚少。———华兹华斯。 Minds that have nothing to confer find little to perceive. ———William Wordsworth.
听到这话他飞快地瞥了她一眼,对她的固执己见感到惊讶。 At this he glanced at her quickly , in surprise at her persistence.
当你把一群人划在一起,对他们进行归纳总结,你就是固执己见。 Whenever you lump a group of people together and make generalizations about them you are practicing bigotry.
《固执己见》,潘小松译。长春:时代文艺出版社,1998年。 Strong Opinions. Trans. Pan Xiaosong. Changchun: The Time Literature and Art Press, 1998.
当你跟配偶说话的时候,你是不是一个硬著颈项,固执己见的人? Are you stiff-necked and stubborn when you speak to your spouse?
有知识的人激烈争论是为了辨明真理;无知的人激烈争辩是为了固执己见。 A knowing man is hot in arguing for truth’s sake; an ignorant man for opinion’s sake.
研究者已经发现固执己见的司机会选择绿色的车,他们不会给任何人让道。 Researchers have found that green cars are chosen by stubborn drivers who won’t get out of the way for anybody.
一个可能的解释是两组科学家之一在实验时出了错,不是双方都固执己见。 One possible explanation is that one of the two groups of scientists made a mistake in their testing, something that both are adamant is not the case.
我,我的确亲自做了很多的装饰。我极度的固执己见不知。那是不是遗传的。 I-I did do a lot of the decorating myself. I’m highly opinionated. I wonder if that’s genetic.
行事不冒失或不固执己见,不轻信人言或听到流言不传述的,才真是大智慧。 Not to act rashly or to cling obstinately to one’s opinion, not to believe everything people say or to spread abroad the gossip one has heard, is great wisdom.
如果两个人在争论,不要固执己见。在无关紧要的事情上要同意大多数人的意见。 If you argue with other people, do not adhere stubbornly to your own opinion, conform to the public on inessential matter.
作为一个企业领导者,巴兹并不固执己见,她非常愿意考(试大改变自己的想法。 As a business leader, Bartz also is known as someone who doesn’t hold grudges and is willing to change her mind.
约翰固执己见,即使给他指出错误,也绝不认错,可这样的人,班上可不止他一个。 Status Offline John is the only one of the students in th class that never admit(s) making a mistake even when it is pointed to him.
我丈夫的妹妹是一个非常固执己见的人。她认为每个人都理所当然地应该在家庭争论中偏袒她。 My sister-in-law is very opinionated and thinks everyone should take her side in family squabbles.
有一群人数不多但固执己见的批评者,还是不信这一套,这些人中有很多受到是由业主和煤矿业主的支持。 A small but persistent group of critics, many of them supported by the oil and coal industries, still don’t buy it.
当你不肯承认自己错误的时候一个最主要检视你是不是固执己见的方法,就是看你愿意不愿意承认自己的错。 When you are not willing to admit your fault One of the primary ways you reveal your stubbornness is by being unwilling to acknowledge your own personal faults.
一个受欲望支配、固执己见、一意孤行的人,怎么会放弃自己的见解哟?他在完成自己的事,怎么理解就怎么说。 Now, how would one led on by desire, entrenched in his likes, forming his own conclusions, overe his own views? He’d dispute in line with the way that he knows.
每次我打开这个网页,我都感觉像在观看一个情景剧,里面充满围绕这两个球员的争论,谩骂和固执己见的陈词。 Every time the site loads on my puter screen, I feel like I’m watching and episode of Around the Horn with all of the debating, name calling, and opinionated rants regarding these two players.
当涉及到关塔那摩湾关押恐怖分子嫌疑人员或认可采用酷刑挖掘可能性救生信息的法律程序方面,他仍固执己见。 But he makes no such concession about holding terrorist suspects in legal limbo at Guantánamo Bay or sanctioning torture to extract potentially life-saving information.
这主要是因为主宰人类物资交换的统治者们失败了,他们固执己见而又无能为力,因而已经认定失败了,并撒手不管了。 Primarily this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind’s goods have failed, through their own stubbornness and their own inpetence, have admitted their failure and have abdicated.
那种认为朝鲜并不总是固执己见的观点甚至会影响到外交人员的思维,在朝鲜雷霆大怒几个月后又要开始新一轮的劝诱活动了。 The notion that North Korea does not always believe what it is doing colours even diplomacy, which may soon start up again after months of tantrums on the part of the North.
但当它们同时呈现在我们面前时,即使是最固执己见的研究者也会获得一些新的视角;此外此书对更为深奥的问题如以色列和海湾各国的关系虽然只是惊鸿一瞥,但同样颇有助益。 But their juxtaposition provides even the hardened student with some new perspectives, and there are useful if brief looks at more recondite questions such as Israel’s relations with the Gulf states.
各抒己见 gèshūjǐjiàn各抒己见的意思和解释:抒:抒发,发表。各人充分发表自己的意见。各抒己见的出处清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第七十四回:“据我主意,何不各抒己见,出个式子,岂
各抒己见 gèshūjǐjiàn各抒己见的意思和解释:抒:抒发,发表。各人充分发表自己的意见。各抒己见的出处清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第七十四回:“据我主意,何不各抒己见,出个式子,岂
固执己见 gùzhíjǐjiàn固执己见的意思和解释:顽固地坚持自己的意见,不肯改变。固执己见的出处《宋史·陈宓传》:“固执己见,动失人心。”固执己见的例子冯贵堂听父亲不赞成他的
固执己见 gùzhíjǐjiàn固执己见的意思和解释:顽固地坚持自己的意见,不肯改变。固执己见的出处《宋史·陈宓传》:“固执己见,动失人心。”固执己见的例子冯贵堂听父亲不赞成他的
孤行己见 gūxíngjǐjiàn孤行己见的意思和解释:不接受别人的意见,固执地照自己的意见行事。孤行己见的出处孤行己见的例子过去和现在都有这样的人,企图~,不尊重我们的意见,但
孤行己见 gūxíngjǐjiàn孤行己见的意思和解释:不接受别人的意见,固执地照自己的意见行事。孤行己见的出处孤行己见的例子过去和现在都有这样的人,企图~,不尊重我们的意见,但
各持己见 gèchíjǐjiàn各持己见的意思和解释:持:抓住不放。各人都坚持自己的意见。各持己见的出处清·黄钧宰《金壶七墨·堪舆》:“然此辈执术疏,谋生急,信口欺诈,言人人殊,
各持己见 gèchíjǐjiàn各持己见的意思和解释:持:抓住不放。各人都坚持自己的意见。各持己见的出处清·黄钧宰《金壶七墨·堪舆》:“然此辈执术疏,谋生急,信口欺诈,言人人殊,
词语大全 独出己见 [dú chū jǐ jiàn]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
独出己见 [dúchūjǐjiàn][独出己见]成语解释见:见解、主张。与别人不同地提出自己的见解和主张。[独出己见]成语出处清·无名氏《续小五义》:“且说黑妖狐智化与小诸葛沈仲