词语大全 眉飞色舞造句_眉飞色舞中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:没有加倍的勤奋,就既没有才能,也没有天才。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 眉飞色舞造句_眉飞色舞中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 眉飞色舞造句_眉飞色舞中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 颦眉蹙额   [pín méi cù é]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

词语大全 眉飞色舞造句_眉飞色舞中英文解释和造句

眉飞色舞  méi fēi sè wǔ







  • 我惊喜地望着他那副眉飞色舞的神情。I gazed in happy surprise at his animated expression.
  • 她眼睛闪光,眉飞色舞,仿佛她是个年轻女子。 Her eyes gleamed and danced as though she were a young woman.

  • 下了课,看她眉飞色舞的,问她有什么是高兴。 Classed dismiss, see her very happy of and ask her to have what is happy.

  • “我好喜欢道明寺的嘴巴”女友眉飞色舞的对我说。 Girl friend’s very happy of”I very happy way the mouth of the clear temple” of say to me.

  • 走在崎岖的小道上,两个女人眉飞色舞地谈论著未来。 On the trail the women talked excitedly about the future.

  • “行啦,行啦,”鼹鼠眉飞色舞地喊道,“太多了!” ‘O stop, stop, ‘ cried the Mole in ecstacies: ‘This is too much! ‘

  • 他的目光并没有固定在任何特别的对象,脸上眉飞色舞。 His gaze was not fixed on any particular object, and his face beamed with joy.

  • 外国女人似乎第一次看到风筝,马上开始眉飞色舞起来。 The foreign lady seems see kite the first time, smile wearing on face.

  • (左)舞蹈系罗曼菲老师提起她的宝贝学生,不禁眉飞色舞。 Dance teacher Lo Man-fei perks up when talking about her students.

  • 台上的设计师讲得眉飞色舞,台下的业主听得津津有味、频频点头。 On the stage designer says delightedly, under the stage owner hears to nod repeatedly with gusto.

  • 笔者虽没有在视频上看见潘的表情变化,相信其眉飞色舞,皮笑肉也笑。 Although not seen in the video, the author Pan expression changes, I believe their reasons, skin laugh meat also laugh.

  • “谢谢,村老倌!”格利比埃眉飞色舞地喊道,“下次喝酒,归我付账。” “Thanks, villager! ” exclaimed Gribier, radiant. “The next time I will pay for the drinks. ”

  • 让石景山人眉飞色舞的也一定是楼群间的花园和一处处繁花似锦的文化广场。 Shijingshan were also expected to be created between the garden and a cultural plaza everywhere it should continue.

  • 有时看着现在的年轻人,谈起事业、理想,眉飞色舞,眼里透漏著锋利的光芒。 Sometimes young people are now looking at, talking about the cause, ideal, enraptured, eyes reveal a sharp light.

  • 一个月前,胡先生说起他的新房还眉飞色舞,因为随房赠送的都是家装的名牌产品。 a month ago, Wu also excited about his new premises because the gifts are Jiezhuang Housing brand-name.

  • 查理几乎激动得说不出话来,紧紧握住她两只温暖的小手,眼睛盯住她眉飞色舞的绿眼睛。 Charles almost stuttered with excitement, holding her warm little hands in his and looking into the dancing green eyes.

  • 她的字写得一如她的人般眉飞色舞,但我总也想不出此时在仲卿身边的兰芝会是如何模样。 Her words were written as her Meifeisewu like, but I can not think of this time around in Zhongqing Nanji is how appearance.

  • 他们一提到乡村,就会眉飞色舞:新鲜的空气,纯朴的人们,与大自然的接近以及宁静的生活。 They always go into raptures at the mere mention of the country: the fresh air, the simple people, the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living.

  • 的确是这样,她高兴得眉飞色舞,现在她只有十英寸高了,已经可以到那个可爱的花园里去了。 And so it was indeed: she was now only ten inches high, and her face brightened up at the thought that she was now the right size for going through the little door into that lovely garden.

  • 他的眼光蓦然冷漠,嘴角向下垂,露出唇边两条深深的纹路,他的眉飞色舞,眉心竖起了好几道刻痕。 His eyes suddenly cold, down to the mouth, his lips two deep lines, his exultant, Mei Xin Road, put up several notch.

  • 对我们诉说几项事业的情况时,岳耀民声调平淡,神色淡定,但谈到藏獒,他逐渐眉飞色舞,情绪高涨。 When he told the cause of several cases for us, Yue Yao-min’s tone and looking flat, but when told about Tibetan mastiff, he gradually exultant, emotions are running high.

  • 比如某位电视经济学家在节目里眉飞色舞大谈美国金融危机对中国的冲击,反方嘉宾拍案而起:你在替谁说话? Economists such as a TV show exultant about the U. S. financial crisis on China’s impact on stroke the table into force of the guests: Who is speaking for you?

  • 正常健康的基督徒生活,本身就是篇有力的讲章,他谈话讲论的时候,总会谈到耶稣,而且一提起来就眉飞色舞; As the sap manifests itself in producing the foliage and fruit of the tree, so with a truly healthy Christian, his grace is externally manifested in his walk and conversation.

  • 里奇眉飞色舞地说,公司致力于成为“流动大鳄”,即靠客户指令交易赚钱,而不是拿银行自己的资本进行投机。 Mr Ricci says colourfully that the firm aims to be a “flow monster”—ie, to make money by trading based on clients’ orders, rather than by speculating with its own capital.

  • 活跃细胞组织、增�生命力,刺激毛囊、加快生长力,提供充足营养成份,令眉毛健康生长,眉飞色舞、精神奕奕。 Enlivens cellular organization, stimulates the hair follicles, accelerates growth, provide sufficient nutrients that can lead to healthy growth and attractive eyebrows.

  • 她站在旅客服务台旁边,和另外一个姑娘眉飞色舞地聊著什么。另外那个姑娘金发碧眼,身穿一件镶著灰色猫皮的布外套。 She is standing near a Travelers Aid counter, deep in conversation with a second girl, a blond in a cloth coat trimmed with gray fur.

  • 旁边座位上,一30多岁的男子埋头看报,另一30岁左右男子闭目养神,前排两年轻女子则聊天聊得眉飞色舞,无人理会。 Next to the seats, a 30-year-old man was buried or newspapers, another 30-year-old man turn a blind eye repose, In the front row of the two young women were exultant chat chat, and left unattended.

  • 另一名十岁女童又蹦又跳、眉飞色舞地告诉本刊记者她是多么喜爱汉娜的音乐和衣着打扮,尽管她还从未听说过《经济学人》。 A ten-year-old leapt at the prospect of telling your correspondent how much she loved Hannah’s music and clothes, even if she had never heard of The Economist.

  • 说话时眉飞色舞,激情澎湃,手舞足蹈,就能增加语言的生动性和感染力。刀�说对了才能尝到甜头,才能引起说的兴趣,越说越想说。 Listen to accurately say that the right can taste the sweetness, said the best way to attract the interest bees want to say.

  • 如果希特勒有机会在过去的一年里和我们共同度过许多场景,听到我们这个论坛的辩论,尤其是有关锡安主义的这场辩论,他一定会眉飞色舞。 Hitler would have felt at home on a number of occasions during the past year, listening to the proceedings in this form and, above all, to the proceedings during the debate on Zionism.

  • 眉飞色舞造句相关


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