词语大全 真心实意造句_真心实意中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 真心实意造句_真心实意中英文解释和造句
真心实意 zhēn xīn shí yì
词语大全 真心诚意造句_真心诚意中英文解释和造句
真心诚意 zhēn xīn chéng yì
真心诚意地爱上学习和知识。 Love learning and knowledge with all your soul.
无论何时说“我爱你”,请真心诚意。 Whenever you say “i love you “, Please say it honestly.
我真心诚意地希望你快乐。 With all my heart I hope you’ll be happy.
我真心诚意地感谢你们! Thanks again with all my heart.
他们处处受到共产党的纯朴、真心诚意的款待。 They enjoyed every bit of the Communists’ simple, unsophisticated hospitality.
英雄会真心诚意地做有益的事,而且是悄悄地去做。 A hero does something kind from the heart and does it quietly.
最后,一个好的丈夫经常恭维自己的妻子,当然是真心诚意地。 Lastly, a good husband often pliments his wife, and does it with sincerity.
这个人的声音里有一种真心诚意,不同寻常,好象是同情的成份。 There was something so wholehearted and unusual and seemingly sympathetic in this man’s voice.
也许我现在是疯了,我不知道,但我坚信这个,我真心诚意地坚信。 And maybe I am insane, I don’t know, but I still believe that. I believe it with all my heart.
我怎么知道他是否是我的?(她又如何知道你是真心诚意地爱她呢?) “How do I know he’s mine?” (How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?
他说,人对真理的领悟和尊重,多赖于真心诚意,而不在于什么理智高下。 The perception and appreciation of truth, He said, depends less upon the mind than upon the heart.
惟有我们个人真心诚意地接受耶稣基督,他才会把神儿女的名份赐给我们。 It can only happen to those who are willing to receive Jesus Christ personally, definitely for themselves.
他告诉所有的女人他是真心诚意的,然而她们都心知肚明,知道他一位好色男。 He told all the women that he was sincere, but they knew he was just a lothario.
在对世界的不断诗意建构中,我们看到许多人对他真心诚意的致敬和殷切期盼。 In the construction of the world continue to poetry, we see a lot of people pay tribute to his sincere and fervent hope.
你这样大做好事来弥补和证实你的悔过,难道还不是真心诚意,实实在在的吗? Is there no reality in the penitence thus sealed and witnessed by good works?
大胆地将他们放进新的领导机构里,要使人民感到我们真心诚意要搞改革开放。 You should not hesitate to include them in the new leading bodies, so as to convince the people that you are sincere in carrying out those policies.
说,“我想告诉你,我将给你一个真心诚意的赞美”然后发表一些深刻的评论吹捧她。 Say, “I’ll tell you what, I will give you a genuine, sincere pliment” and then make some.
我们是真心诚意的:这位民主党候选人的表现清楚地表明,他是重振美国自信更好选择。 We do so wholeheartedly: the Democratic candidate has clearly shown that he offers the better chance of restoring America’s self-confidence.
真心诚意为您提供优惠的北京到路易斯维尔特价机票,热忱为广大新老顾客提供便利的购票服务。 Sincerely for your offer of special fares from Beijing to Louisville, enthusiasm for the vast number of new and old customers to facilitate the purchase of services.
真心诚意为您提供优惠的北京到密尔沃基特价机票 ,热忱为广大新老顾客提供便利的购票服务。 Sincerely for your offer of Beijing to Milwaukee special fares, enthusiasm for the vast number of new and old customers to facilitate the purchase of services.
汉族这么多人,容易看不起少数民族,不是真心诚意地帮助他们,所以必须严格地反对大汉族主义。 they are liable to look down on the minority nationalities and not to help them wholeheartedly, so we must relentlessly fight Han chauvinism.
真心诚意为您提供优惠的北京到明尼阿波利斯特价机票,热忱为广大新老顾客提供便利的购票服务。 Sincerely for your offer of Beijing to Minneapolis, special fares, enthusiasm for the vast number of new and old customers to facilitate the purchase of services.
我们已经准备好配合一切真心诚意的努力去结束加沙遭到的入侵,解除加沙地区的封锁,保证出入口畅通。 We’re ready to cooperate with any genuine attempt which is made to end the aggression against Gaza, to lift the blockade on it, and to guarantee the opening of all the crossings.
男子真心诚意的接受了他的建议返回了。一个月后,他又回来对大师说,他已经学会了去听他妻子所说的每一句话。 Said the Master with a smile, “Now go home and listen to every word she isn’t saying”.
因为,固然在内心真心诚意的爱别人是第一个关键,但是当内在充满的爱心已经长养之后,接着就一定要付诸行动! Surely, to use your sincere faith to love others is the first key, however you must take action when the love in your heart is prepared perfectly.
男子真心诚意的接受了他的建议返回了。一个月后,他又回来对大师说,他已经学会了去听他妻子所说的每一句话。 The man took this advice to heart and returned after a month to say that he had learned to listen to every word his wife was saying.
其实,家庭生活起居,有太多的事,是需要夫妻之间,拿出真心诚意去关怀对方,侍候对方,让对方感到窝心才重要,光是漂亮是不够的。 In fact, the beauty is far from enough. In most time, a couple must care and serve each other sincerely and to do his or her best to make each other happy and fortable.
瑞克抬头看着这个因维人,一边回忆著丽莎在法拉戈袭击卡巴拉城市的时候告诫他的话,一边猜测泰斯拉究竟是真心诚意还是只为了保住自己那条性命。 Rick looked up at the Invid, remembering what Lisa had told him of the Farrago’s attack on the Karbarran city, and wondering whether Tesla was genuine or simply trying to save his own green skin.
不过,我觉得你们是心地善良正直的人士,你们的批评意见是真心诚意地提出来的,因而,我愿意回答你们的批评,希望我的回答是耐心的和通情达理的。 But since I feel that you are men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I want to try to answer your statements in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms.
担任良师益友计划就是要使那些真心诚意需要有人关心的孩子能有一个大人来关心。一对一的关心能具体接触到青少年的生活,并直接影响到他们的未来。 Mentoring programs bring an adult into the life of a child who sincerely needs attention. One-to-one, caring relationships can touch the lives of young people and directly affect their futures.
真心诚意 zhēnxīnchéngyì真心诚意的意思和解释:心意真实诚恳,没有虚假。真心诚意的出处元·无名氏《百花亭》第三折:“常言道海深须见底,各办着个真心实意。”真心诚意的例
真心诚意 zhēnxīnchéngyì真心诚意的意思和解释:心意真实诚恳,没有虚假。真心诚意的出处元·无名氏《百花亭》第三折:“常言道海深须见底,各办着个真心实意。”真心诚意的例
虚情假意 xūqíngjiǎyì虚情假意的意思和解释:虚:假。装着对人热情,不是真心实意。虚情假意的出处明·吴承恩《西游记》第三十回:“那妖精巧语花言,虚情假意的答道:‘主公,微
肝胆相照 gāndǎnxiāngzhào肝胆相照的意思和解释:肝胆:比喻真心诚意。比喻以真心相见。肝胆相照的出处宋·赵令畸《侯鲭录》:“同心相亲,照心照胆寿千春。”肝胆相照的例子
肝胆相照 gāndǎnxiāngzhào肝胆相照的意思和解释:肝胆:比喻真心诚意。比喻以真心相见。肝胆相照的出处宋·赵令畸《侯鲭录》:“同心相亲,照心照胆寿千春。”肝胆相照的例子
披心相付 pīxīnxiāngfù披心相付的意思和解释:披心:披露真心;相付:给人家。形容真心待人。披心相付的出处《晋书·慕容垂载记》:“歃血断金,披心相付。”披心相付的例子披心
披心相付 pīxīnxiāngfù披心相付的意思和解释:披心:披露真心;相付:给人家。形容真心待人。披心相付的出处《晋书·慕容垂载记》:“歃血断金,披心相付。”披心相付的例子披心
腹心相照 fùxīnxiāngzhào腹心相照的意思和解释:腹心:内心;照:映照,见。以真心相见。比喻彼此很知心,达到心心相印的程度。腹心相照的出处明·冯梦龙《警世通言》卷一:“
腹心相照 fùxīnxiāngzhào腹心相照的意思和解释:腹心:内心;照:映照,见。以真心相见。比喻彼此很知心,达到心心相印的程度。腹心相照的出处明·冯梦龙《警世通言》卷一:“
披肝沥胆 pīgānlìdǎn披肝沥胆的意思和解释:披:披露;沥:往下滴。比喻真心相见,倾吐心里话。也形容非常忠诚。披肝沥胆的出处唐·黄滔《启裴侍郎》:“沾巾堕睫,沥胆披肝,不在