词语大全 睥睨一切造句_睥睨一切中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 睥睨一切造句_睥睨一切中英文解释和造句
睥睨一切 pì nì yī qiè
国有土地以其主宰的地位,睥睨著其上的一切建筑物。 Dominated by the status of state-owned land, a symbol of all its buildings.
词语大全 目空一切造句_目空一切中英文解释和造句
目空一切 mù kōng yī qiè
暴徒的顽皮喊道目空一切的警察。 The contumacious mob shouted defiantly at the police.
被晋升至高于立场,罗伯目空一切。 Having been promoted to a highter position, Robert viewed with a scornful eye.
医生是目空一切过于自信的人。 Dr. A is the man with supercilious overconfidence.
野餐时玛丽目空一切,指派别人做事。 Mary was on her high horse at the picnic telling everyone what to do.
人们常常被他目空一切的态度弄得恼火。 People were often irritated by his cavalier attitude toward them.
目空一切的人无朋友。 The insolent have no friends.
人必将屈服,人必被抑制,目空一切的人必低首下心。 Man shall be humbled and the mortal fallen, and the eyes of the haughty cast down.
人必将屈服,人必被抑制,目空一切的人必低首下心。 And man shall be brought down, and man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be brought low.
他们一不心就走入两个极端:目空一切或者内向自卑。 One does not mind them on into the two extremes: to the inferiority or supercilious.
那个男孩需要找个严师管教——他变得越来越目空一切了。 That boy needs to have a strict teacher-he’s getting far above himself.
切勿被苦难所束缚,切勿被毫无来历的财富所蒙蔽,切勿目空一切。 Avoiding the bondage of bitterness, the deceit of wealth without character, and the vanity of pride without gratefulness.
但是,如果你说话的声音太大,人们就会觉得你傲慢专横,目空一切。 But, if you speak too loudly , you may be perceived as overbearing , bossy , a bully , a braggart.
男人应该具备的素质,坚强,勇敢,而又不缺乏幽默,还有那种目空一切的霸气。 Men should have the quality, strong, brave, but not the lack of humor, the kind of supercilious Baqi.
他有时夸夸其谈,象诺曼人那样目空一切地大讲凯尔特人的未开化。(马可勒)。 He sometimes . . . in his rants, talked with Norman haughtiness of the Celtic barbarians. (Macaulay).
乔治亚娜好使性子,心肠又毒,而且强词夺理目空一切,偏偏得到所有人的纵容。 Georgiana, who had a spoiled temper, a very acrid spite, a captious and insolent carriage, was universally indulged.
他以共产国际自居,目空一切,独断专行,颐指气使,企图夺取中央最高领导权。 He with Comintern pose as, supercilious, be a law onto oneself, order people by gesture, the purpose captures central highest hegemony.
纽约一定到处都有这样的 闺房 ,否则哪来那么些美丽、傲慢、目空一切的佳人。 New York must be filled with such bowers, or the beautiful, insolent, supercilious creatures could not be.
另外,也许你们有些人在入学时就已具有非凡的能力,让你目空一切,懒得注意听讲。 Then again, maybe some of you have e to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention.
这个故事告诉我们不要骄傲!不要自大!目空一切!一山还有一山高!做人做事应该谦虚! This story tells us not to be proud! Do not arrogant! Supercilious! There are mountain mountain high! Way of doing things should be modest!
米兰白让这一季的厨卫空间随意邂逅米兰心境,目空一切并高于常态的厨卫生活冷酷中犹见优雅。 Milan white so this season is kitchen space at random encounter Milan mood, supercilious and higher than the normal life in cold blood in the kitchen and still see elegant.
他以前也在剑桥大学待过两年,现在,他是个堂堂的陆军中尉,穿上了军服,更可以目空一切了。 He had previously spent two years at Cambridge. Now he had bee a first lieutenant in a smart regiment, so he could mock at everything more beingly in uniform.
当吾主对熙雍山和耶路撒冷完成了他的一切工作时,必要惩罚亚述王心高气傲的功绩,和他目空一切的骄傲。 When Yahweh has finished all his work on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, he will punish the king of Assyria for his willful pride and arrogant insolence.
在这个目空一切的女人面前,像他这样上了年纪的老人和一个日暮穷途的演员,最希望得到的不是崇拜,而是尊重。 Faced with this contemptuous woman, what he desired most, as ageing man and precarious actor, was respect rather than admiration.
奇妙的是,西班牙是个男性占优越地位、目空一切的社会,而斗牛则是一种主要由男性欣赏、十分女性化的艺术表现。 It is curious to note that Spanish society is very machismo, where the male is domineering, and the bullfight is a very feminist art representation, appreciated mainly by the male population.
雇主们用不同的叫法称呼他们——“Y一代”或“千禧一代”——但一致认为,他们是有史以来最骄纵的雇员,目空一切。 Employers call them different names –Generation Y or the Millennials –but agree about one thing: they are the most pampered employees ever, with an overwhelming sense of entitlement.
时而诚心悔过,时而目空一切,29岁的麦迪这一次也被自己糟糕的表现触动了,他相信8个月前的膝伤手术是他表现低迷的最重要原因。 Sometimes contrite, other times defiant, McGrady, 29, said he has been shaken by poor play he believes to be brought on by his struggles to get over knee surgery eight months ago today.
微软的自大自傲,微软的目空一切,微软的垄断地位竟一度使浏览器的发展陷入停顿,尽管网络环境在当时已经日益复杂,令人困惑和危机四伏了。 Through arrogance or neglect, Microsoft all but ceased Explorer’s development once it had monopoly status — even as the Web became increasingly cluttered, confusing and dangerous.
哪里还能找到2007版的比卢普斯呢,一个选秀时的高顺位,一个被交易过来交易过去的家伙,一个被时日损耗的人,然而,他也是一个满怀天赋,充满自信,而且能够目空一切的大家伙。 Where was the 2007 version of Billups — a one-time high draft choice who was bouncing around out there, wasting away, yet still possessing the talent, the confidence and the swagger?
这座城市(指纽约)里有的是最贫穷的百万富翁,最矮小的伟人,最目空一切的乞丐,最普通的美女,最低矮的摩天大楼,和最令人悲哀的欢乐,和我所见到过的任何城市相比,都有过之而无不及。 It (New York) has the poorest millionaires. the littlest great men, the haughtiest beggars, the plainest beauties, the lowest skyscrapers, the dolefulest pleasures of any town I ever saw. (O. Henry.
目空一切 mùkōngyīqiè目空一切的意思和解释:什么都不放在眼里。形容极端骄傲自大。目空一切的出处清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第五十二回:“但他恃著自己学问,目空一切,每每把人不放
目空一切 mùkōngyīqiè目空一切的意思和解释:什么都不放在眼里。形容极端骄傲自大。目空一切的出处清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第五十二回:“但他恃著自己学问,目空一切,每每把人不放
芸芸众生 yúnyúnzhòngshēng芸芸众生的意思和解释:芸芸:形容众多;众生:原指一切生物,后指许多人。原指世间的一切生灵。后多指大群无知无识的人。芸芸众生的出处《老子》
芸芸众生 yúnyúnzhòngshēng芸芸众生的意思和解释:芸芸:形容众多;众生:原指一切生物,后指许多人。原指世间的一切生灵。后多指大群无知无识的人。芸芸众生的出处《老子》
词语大全 一切众生 [yī qiè zhòng shēng]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
一切众生 [yīqièzhòngshēng][一切众生]成语解释佛教指人类和一切生物。[一切众生]成语出处《妙法莲花经·譬喻品》:“一切众生皆是吾子。”[一切众生]百科解释佛教指
美意延年 měiyìyánnián美意延年的意思和解释:对一切乐观的人,能够健康长寿。美意延年的出处《荀子·致士》:“得众动天,美意延年。”美意延年的例子美意延年造句美意延年造句
美意延年 měiyìyánnián美意延年的意思和解释:对一切乐观的人,能够健康长寿。美意延年的出处《荀子·致士》:“得众动天,美意延年。”美意延年的例子美意延年造句美意延年造句
杜绝言路 dùjuéyánlù杜绝言路的意思和解释:杜绝:断绝,阻塞;言路:进言之路。堵塞和断绝一切进言之路,指不纳谏言。杜绝言路的出处《后汉书·袁绍传》:“操欲迷夺时明,杜绝言
杜绝言路 dùjuéyánlù杜绝言路的意思和解释:杜绝:断绝,阻塞;言路:进言之路。堵塞和断绝一切进言之路,指不纳谏言。杜绝言路的出处《后汉书·袁绍传》:“操欲迷夺时明,杜绝言
冲锋陷阵 chōngfēngxiànzhèn冲锋陷阵的意思和解释:陷:攻破,深入。不顾一切,攻入敌人陈地。形容作战勇猛。冲锋陷阵的出处《北齐书·崔暹传》:“冲锋陷阵,大有其人。”