词语大全 睡眼惺忪造句_睡眼惺忪中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 睡眼惺忪造句_睡眼惺忪中英文解释和造句
睡眼惺忪 shuì yǎn xīng sōng
然而当我奇迹般的出现,睡眼惺忪的。 And when I miraculously appeared, sleepy-eyed.
你看来睡眼惺忪,你最需要的是小睡一下。 You look bleary-eyed. What you need most is forty winks.
早上他总是睡眼惺忪。 He’s always bleary – eyed early in the morning.
一个睡眼惺忪的旅客。 A blurry-eyed traveller.
虽然睡眼惺忪,对孩子却是一次新鲜难忘的经验。 Though their eyes are heavy with sleep, it’s an unforgettable new experience (photo by Pu Hua-chih).
伊凡睡眼惺忪地说:“太阳为什么 起3 得这么早? Ivan was still very sleepy, he said, “Why does the sun rise3 so early?”
从此以后,他自己起床,晃晃悠悠,睡眼惺忪地穿好衣服。 He got up after that, stumbling, blink with sleep and put on his clothes.
爸爸穿着一件汗衫,睡眼惺忪,跌跌撞撞地来到后门,叫我们别闹。 My father, clad in his underwear, stumbled sleepily to the back door and demanded that we keep quiet.
早晨睡眼惺忪地伸手拿袜子的时候,很少有人会考虑抽屉是否灵活。 REACHING blearily, in the morning, for a pair of socks, few people give a thought to the smooth running of a drawer.
“先生,”他睡眼惺忪,左顾右盼,然后问牧师,“干吗只有我和你站着? “Gentleman, ” he sleeps eye Xing Song, look around, ask a minister next, “Why on earth only I and you are standing?
当我泊好车返回时,碰到了邻居迈克▪加西亚,他穿着拖鞋,睡眼惺忪的样子。 When I returned from parking my car I met my neighbor Mike Garcia, wearing slippers and looking sleepy.
两个从陜西省运送土豆到武汉的汽车司机刚刚从这家小餐馆走出来,睡眼惺忪。 Two truck drivers with sleepy eyes emerged from the eatery. They were transporting potatoes from Shanxi Province to Wuhan.
我不用再睡眼惺忪地去上班,但现在,我却每天早早起床,迫不及待地开始工作。 I don’t drag my feet to go to work anymore — now I can’t wait to get up early and start working.
我不用再睡眼惺忪地去上班,但现在,我却每天早早起床,迫不及待地开始工作。 I don’t drag my feet to go to work anymore — now I can’t wait to get up early start working.
你是过去在早晨做的第一件事是否是喝醒眼酒,来使你的神经镇静或者摆脱睡眼惺忪。 Hae you eer taken a drink first thing in the morning(Eye-opener)to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover?
一片可以保护你使你不受伤害的天空,在这片天空下你可以沉沉睡去,睡眼惺忪的醒来。 You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky, and sky can keep you safe when you are sad.
当然,他们不知道,就在睡眼惺忪之际,自己竟处在了一场正在进行的全球战争的第一线。 Certainly they didn’t know they were on the front lines of a global war being waged under their drooping eyes.
被唤来的建筑师米哈伊尔·伊万内维奇来见玛丽亚公爵小姐,他睡眼惺忪,什么也不能回答。 Mihail Ivanitch, the architect, came with sleepy eyes on being sent for, but could tell Princess Marya nothing.
在世界的末日到来时,我心里只想着你没别人,我想念着你睡眼惺忪的脸庞,你那慢慢的步调。 At the end of the world, I miss nobody else but you. I miss your sleepy face, I miss your slowly pace.
9看笑话: 我们走在上学路上,睡眼惺忪脚步迷茫,一个帅哥迎面走来,两眼放光情绪激昂! 9 see joke: We go in go to school on the road, sleep footstep of eye Xing Song is confused, a handsome young man goes head on, two moods that put light are ablaze!
限制睡眼惺忪的年轻大夫们工作时间的规定是早在五年以前出台的,限制他们一周工作八十小时。 Regulations that capped the working hours of bleary-eyed young doctors came just five years ago, limiting them to about 80 hours a week.
他睡眼惺忪的看了看床边的钟。午夜12时32分。他刚睡了一个小时,但感觉如昏死过去一般。 Dazed, Langdon looked at the bedside clock. It was 12:32 A. M. He had been asleep only an hour, but he felt like the dead.
他睡眼惺忪地看了看床边的钟。午夜12时32分。他刚睡了一个小时,但感觉如昏死过去一般。 Dazed, Langdon looked at the bedside clock. It was 12:32 A. M. He had been asleep only an hour, but he felt like the dead.
飞行员一面吸啜著走了味的咖啡,一面睡眼惺忪地看着仪表版,咖啡已经快喝光了,雷达银幕也是空的。 BLEARY-EYED, THE PILOT STARES AT THE INSTRUMENTS while sipping stale coffee. The cup is nearly empty, as is the radar screen.
我知道我女儿此时应该平安地到达学校,我丈夫也应该睡眼惺忪,穿着睡衣在家晃悠,但我还得核实一下。 Though I knew my daughters would already be safely at school, and that my husband would surely still be slouching around in his pyjamas at home, I had to check.
如果我睡眼惺忪的眼睛没有骗我…感谢大家对那个地区的研究,我希望醒来后能看到更多的信息。多谢大家了。 if my sleep deprived eyesaren’t lying to me. i appreciate the research into the area. i hope to find out more when i wake up. thanks.
售票员问︰「两张到台中的车票?」凯萨琳还在打呵欠,一脸睡眼惺忪的模样,她点头说︰「对。」已经陷入半昏睡状态。 “Two tickets to Taichung?” the ticket man asked. Still yawning and with her eyes half closed, Kathleen nodded ‘yes. ‘ She was already half asleep.
一只被绳子拴住的山羊睡眼惺忪,嘴巴一动一动的,大步走在阳光下。另外一只多毛的小驴在四处搜寻着什么,不停地踢著空气,就像疯了一样。 A goat tied with a rope is dozing and chewing, stretched out in the sun, and a hairy little donkey is frisking about, kicking at the air like a mad creature.
我们不知道是该立即起身离开床,还是什么都不做,只静静等待地震停止,因为我们还是睡眼惺忪,一副很想睡的模样,而且隔天早上还要早起。 We had no idea if we shall wake up and jump out of the bed immediately or just do nothing but wait for its stopping quietly since we were sleepy and had to wake up early in the next morning.
我最想做的工作就是写作。我不用再睡眼惺忪地去上班,但现在,我却每天早早起床,迫不及待地开始工作。当然,全世界有千百万人倾情忘我投入心爱的事业,我只是其中一个。 And I’m just one of many who’ve done that — there are people allover the world pursuing their dreams, working with passion, losing themselves in their work.
词语大全 睡眼惺忪的意思_成语“睡眼惺忪”是什么意思
成 语 | 睡眼惺忪 |
成语读音 | shuì yǎn xīng sōng |
成语解释 | 惺忪:刚苏醒的样子。形容睡觉的人刚睡醒,还没有完全清醒。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 主谓式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语;指人刚睡醒。 |
产生年代 | 现代 |
典故出处 | 鲁迅《故事新编·采薇》:“街道上的行人还不多;所遇见的不过是睡眼惺忪的女人,在井边打水。” |
成语例句 | 王朔《永失我爱》:“售货员一个个都~懒洋洋的,电风扇嗡嗡作想。” |
近 义 词 | 睡眼朦胧 |
英文翻译 | have a drowsy look |
俄文翻译 | сонные глазá |
其他语言 | <德>noch ganz verschlafen sein<法>avoir les yeux encore pleins de sommeil |
词语大全 睡眼惺忪 [shuì yǎn xīng sōng]什么意思
睡眼惺忪 [shuìyǎnxīngsōng][睡眼惺忪]成语解释惺忪:刚苏醒的样子。形容睡觉的人刚睡醒,还没有完全清醒。[睡眼惺忪]成语出处鲁迅《故事新编·采薇》:“街道上的行人
词语大全 迷瞪 [mí deng]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
迷瞪 [mídeng][迷瞪]基本解释〈方〉心里迷惑[迷瞪]详细解释亦作“迷登”。迷糊。陈建功《丹凤眼》:“辛小亮还是一副睡眼迷瞪的样子。”柯岩《奇异的书简·美的追求者》:“迷瞪
醒松 [xǐngsōng][醒松]基本解释犹惺忪。刚苏醒貌。[醒松]详细解释犹惺忪。刚苏醒貌。宋毛滂《生查子·春日》词:“烟暖柳醒松,雪尽梅清瘦。”宋辛弃疾《鹧鸪天》词:“娇痴却
此唱彼和 cǐchàngbǐhè此唱彼和的意思和解释:这里唱,那里随声附和。比喻互相呼应。此唱彼和的出处清·陈田《明诗纪事·己签序》:“与前七子隔绝数十年,而此唱彼和,声应气求,
此唱彼和 cǐchàngbǐhè此唱彼和的意思和解释:这里唱,那里随声附和。比喻互相呼应。此唱彼和的出处清·陈田《明诗纪事·己签序》:“与前七子隔绝数十年,而此唱彼和,声应气求,
判若天渊 pànruòtiānyuān判若天渊的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若天渊的出处判若天渊的例子判若天渊造句判若天渊造句相关由两个偏正结构并列
判若天渊 pànruòtiānyuān判若天渊的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若天渊的出处判若天渊的例子判若天渊造句判若天渊造句相关由两个偏正结构并列
判若天渊 pànruòtiānyuān判若天渊的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若天渊的出处判若天渊的例子判若天渊造句判若天渊造句相关由两个偏正结构并列