词语大全 知人善任造句_知人善任中英文解释和造句

Posted 知人

篇首语:少年负壮志,奋烈自有时。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 知人善任造句_知人善任中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 知人善任造句_知人善任中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 察己知人造句_察己知人中英文解释和造句

词语大全 知人善任造句_知人善任中英文解释和造句

知人善任  zhī rén shàn rèn








  • 知人善任,邀集了一大批社会名流。 With unerring intuition he brought together a remarkable collection of distinguished persons.

  • 知人善任,邀集了一大批社会名流。 he brought together a remarkable collection of distinguished persons.

  • 发现人才、培养干部、知人善任的能力。 discover and train cadres and the ability to learn.

  • 毕士安一生为人正直,勤于政务,治学严谨,知人善任。 Bi Shi-life man of integrity, hard-working, rigorous scholarship, Zhirenshanren.

  • 我的职责就是发现他们的长处,规避其短处,所谓知人善任。 My duty is to find their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, the so-called professionals.

  • 一名工作出色的人事部经理要善于物色人才,并能够知人善任。 A good personnel manager is good at selection, at picking the right man for the right job.

  • 用人要知人善任,正人必先正己,言辞必须严正,火攻必须用得适宜。 Treat men as men, be upright with upright, employ the appropriate language, and use fire only when it should be used.

  • 三是坚持学用结合,在提高知人善任、凝心聚力两个核心能力上下功夫。 Third, we should learn to use, in improving the Zhirenshanren, Ningxinjuli efforts of the two core petencies.

  • 高水平的人回国是很好的事情,但是国内的人必须合理的对待他们,知人善任。 It’s good that high qualified people return from foreign countries but our people must treat them reasonably, know their subordinates well and make good use of them.

  • 知人善任是领导用人的核心。这里,“知人”不仅要知人之长,而且要知人之短。 Here, “Tell a person ” the length that should tell a person not only, and what should tell a person is short.

  • 太遗憾了!高水平的人回国是很好的事情,但是国内的人必须合理的对待他们,知人善任。 What a pity! It’s good that high qualified people return from foreign countries but our people must treat them reasonably, know their subordinates well and make good use of them.

  • 知人善任,大多数人都会有部分的长处,部分的短处,各尽所能,各得所需,以量才而用为原则。 ZhiRenShanRen, most people are part of the strengths, weaknesses, the part from each according to his ability, to each, and quantity required by for the principle.

  • 成为一名领导人需要的素质包括:思想开明、真心诚意寻求并听取意见、为人谦虚,并且知人善任。 The things that make a good leader are being open-minded, having a willingness to really ask for and accept advice, showing a sense of humility and putting the right people in the right seats.

  • 成为一名领导人需要的素质包括:思想开明、真心诚意寻求并听取意见、为人谦虚,并且知人善任。 The things that make a good leader are being open-minded, having a willingness to really ask for and accept advice, showing a sense of humility and pitting the right people in the right seats.

  • 从人力资源管理的观点来说,知人善任并能留住良好的人才,是企业的一大课题,尤其是高科技的企业。 From the views of human resources, it is an important topics for business to know people and to allocating due responsibility, then keeping experienced employees, especially in High-Tech Industry.

  • 企业领导者要知人善任,用人不疑,充分调动员工的工作积极性,鼓励他们在工作中发挥自己的聪明才智。 Enterprise leaders should know that people do not suspected, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm staff, encouraging them to play their own ingenuity at work.

  • 高水平的人回国是很好的事情,但是国内的人必须合理的对待他们,知人善任。张柏芝愿为霆锋怀孕几次? It’s good that high qualified people return from foreign countries but our people must treat them reasonably, know their subordinates well and make good use of them.

  • 知人善任”四个字看似简单,实际上做起来并不容易。因为只有对人才的认知越深,看得越透,你才能真正地用好他。 Knowing one’s subordinates and assigning them properly , just fours it looks simple, but difficult to be practiced, because the more you penetrate , the better you exert them.

  • 在干部考察工作中,只有扩大民主,广开渠道,才能全面知人,公正识人。否则,闭目塞听,主观臆断,就不能知人善任。 Otherwise, be out of touch with reality, subjective assume, cannot know one’s subordinates well enough to assign them jobs mensurate with their abilities.

  • 从627年到649年,二十几年间,李世民励精图治,吸取隋朝灭亡的教训,以史为镜,以人为镜,从谏如流,知人善任; From 627 to 649 years, 20 years, Li Shimin good governance, lessons learned of the demise of the Sui Dynasty to history as a mirror to people as a mirror, such as the flow Congjian, Zhirenshanren;

  • 否则,闭目塞听,主观臆断,就不能知人善任。因此,对干部进行考察时,必须坚持扩大民主,群众公认,把评判干部的权力交给群众。 Accordingly, when undertaking making an on-the-spot investigation to the cadre, must insist to enlarge democracy, masses is accepted, give masses the influence of judge cadre.

  • 众所周知,企业最重要的资产是人。“知人善任”四个字看似简单,实际上做起来并不容易。因为只有对人才的认知越深,看得越透,你才能真正地用好他。 it’s universally acknowledged that the most important assets of a pany. using a person rightly after you knowing his abilities, which sounds easy but hard to make it.

  • 知人善任造句相关


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