词语大全 知难而进造句_知难而进中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:存储阳光,必有远芳;心中有暖,又何惧人生荒凉。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 知难而进造句_知难而进中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 知难而进造句_知难而进中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 知难而退造句_知难而退中英文解释和造句

词语大全 知难而进造句_知难而进中英文解释和造句

知难而进  zhī nán ér jìn









词语大全 知难而退造句_知难而退中英文解释和造句

知难而退  zhī nán ér tuì








  • 熟能生巧!不要知难而退!妳会有一个飞跃的! Practice makes perfect! Don’t withdraw after discovering difficulties! You’ll take a leap!

  • 人要学会知难而退,学而实习之,要学会怎样去面对。 People have to learn to quit, and the practice of science, it is necessary to learn how to deal with.

  • 经理一下子想起了此事,认为这条狗应该知难而退了。 the manager remembered this matter at a draught, think this dog should shrink back from difficulties.

  • 面对雅虎的“狮子大开口”,微软方面选择了知难而退。 Face Yahoo ” the lion starts to talk greatly ” , microsoft respect chose shrink back from difficulties.

  • 有些人一次又一次地回来攀登,但每次我都让他们知难而退。 Some e back to me again and again, but each time I show them their mistake. They have not prepared.

  • 波动的市场价格,劳动力短缺以及阴晴不定的鬼天气让人知难而退。 Why put up with fluctuating market prices, labor shortages, and uncertain weather?

  • 最可怕的事莫过于知难而退,临阵脱逃,继而变成一个道貌岸然的伪学者。 The most horrible thing is to quit and deserted, culminating in a seemingly sanctimonious pseudo-scholars.

  • 另外,初始房价下降后,老百姓购房的能力将增大,令房地产炒家知难而退。 Moreover, the initial price decline, the capacity will increase people’s houses, the real estate speculators hope.

  • 如果,以色列最后不能找出并消灭所有的火箭弹和殉教者,它就会知难而退。 Israel would, after all, find it hard if not impossible to winkle out every last rocket and martyr.

  • 苏联与我们对抗时,只要我们让它充分了解我们的决心,它就很可能知难而退。 The Soviet Union was likely to recoil before confrontations with us, if we could only convey our determination sufficiently clearly.

  • 另外,“初始房价下降后,老百姓购房的能力将增大,令房地产炒家知难而退”。 Furthermore, “the initial price decline, the capacity will increase people’s houses, the real estate speculators hope.”

  • 让人惊讶的是,面对如此多的选择,我们选择了知难而退而不是全力以赴地向前。 With so many options at E-Sports’ finger tips it’s a wonder how we keep setting ourselves back instead of pushing ahead full force.

  • 但是玛利亚并没有知难而退,她坚持认为那对处于困境的新婚夫妇必须得到帮助。 But Mary does not allow herself to be dissuaded. She keeps insisting that the bridal couple must be helped in their difficulty.

  • 勃列日涅夫并没有知难而退,他继续无休止地谈论它对美苏两国所具有的历史意义。 Undeterred, Brezhnev rambled on about its historical importance for the United States and the Soviet Union.

  • 既然无法报答,他们就会知难而退,宁愿成为你的敌人,也不愿意成为永久的债务人。 they cannot repay you, and so they retire, preferring rather to be enemies than portugal debtors.

  • 随着房地产市场竞争的加剧,那些基本素质欠佳的开发商将知难而退,逐渐淡出房地产市场。 With the real estate market petition intensifies, the developer will pay the poor quality of basic, faded real estate market.

  • 选择,是场靠侥幸来获胜的游戏吗?是句不用兑现的空话吗?抑或是种让人知难而退的困境? Is choice a game that relies on chance or luck?Is choice an empty promise that never materializes?Or is choice a puzzle so difficult that we have to avoid it?

  • 布鲁克咨询服务的负责人赛门•布莱克说,我们不会知难而退。该机构是一个性健康慈善机构。 Still, that is not to counsel despair, says Simon Blake, the chief executive of the Brook Advisory Service, a sexual-health charity.

  • 布鲁克咨询服务的负责人赛门?布莱克说,我们不会知难而退。该机构是一个性健康慈善机构。 Still, that is not to counsel despair, says Simon Blake, the chief executive of the Brook Advisory Service, a sexual-health charity.

  • 两年前,福特公司几乎购买了这家汽车制造厂,但发现很难使大宇汽车公司起死回生后知难而退。 Ford almost bought the car maker two years ago, but pulled out after deciding that Daewoo would be too hard to turn round.

  • 假定你想在片刻之间解决世上的所有问题,那么你有可能在卷起袖子准备大干一场前就知难而退。 If you imagine trying to solve all the world’s problems at once, though, you’re likely to quit before you finish rolling up your sleeves.

  • 假如你想在片刻之间解决世上所有的问题,那么你有可能在卷起袖子准备大干一场前就知难而退了。 If you imagine trying to solve all the world’s problems at once, though, you’re likely to quit before you finish rolling up your sleeves.

  • 善于施压,知难而退,巧言善辩,和明察秋毫,这些细节的巧妙结合造就了罗斯福和卡特之间的差异。 It is the artful bination of arm-twisting, promise, rhetoric and gritty attention to detail that make the difference between an FDR and a Jimmy Carter.

  • 同时,因为有了严格的制度,提高了资质审查的规范性,有效地堵住了人情关,使部分单位知难而退。 At the same time, because of strict systems, and enhanced quality review normative effectively blocked out, so that part of the unit involved.

  • 然而这些行动却并没有让耍蛇者们知难而退,他们依旧是每年返回到印度教地区,聚集在寺庙和火车站周围耍蛇卖艺。 But undeterred, the snake charmers return every year, gathering in Hindu areas, around temples or at railway stations.

  • 道德教育知难而退,向底线伦理收缩,并不能使人们满意,因为人心的向善,始终是个问题,道德教育始终对此负有使命。 Moral education shrinking to based-line ethic is not satisfactory, because turning towards good is still a problem, and moral education always undertakes the responsibility.

  • 阿岳坚定表达追求小鹿的心意,更对她十分关怀,但因害怕给两人带来更多的痛苦,以致小鹿一再避开阿岳,并利用一新让阿岳知难而退。 Yue is persistent in winning Lu’s heart. Lu is touched by Yue’s concern, but she uses Xin to avoid Yue for fear of causing more hurt to both of them.

  • “墙的存在总是有原因的,”他在他的讲座上说道,“墙的存在不是为了让我们知难而退,而是给了我们一个机会让我们知道自己希望梦想成真的渴望有多强。” “The brick walls are there for a reason, ” he said during his lecture. “The brick walls are not there to keep us out.

  • “墙的存在总是有原因的,”他在他的讲座上说道,“墙的存在不是为了让我们知难而退,而是给了我们一个机会让我们知道自己希望梦想成真的渴望有多强。” “The brick walls are there for a reason, ” he said during his lecture. “The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.

  • 突然之间,国王向女秘书求婚。要女秘书嫁往非洲,自然不愿意,但又不想得罪大客,于是想办法让他知难而退。她胡乱夸张地提出要求:要我嫁给你,有三个条件。 Since this is such a big event, the girl announces to her boyfriend that after dinner, she would like to go out and make love for the first time.

  • 知难而退造句相关



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