词语大全 破除迷信造句_破除迷信中英文解释和造句
Posted 迷信
篇首语:内心简单,知足常乐,便是余生最美好的养生。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 破除迷信造句_破除迷信中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 破除迷信造句_破除迷信中英文解释和造句
破除迷信 pò chú mí xìn
我们必须破除迷信,解放思想。 We must overe superstitions and emancipate the mind.
我们必须破除迷信,解放思想。 Veteran rades must emancipate their minds.
我们必须破除迷信[这些旧习俗]。 We must do away with superstition[these old customs].
我们应该破除一切迷信,解放思想。 We should do away with all fetishes and superstitions and emancipate the mind.
我们要破除迷信,解放思想。 We should do away with all superstitions and emancipate the mind.
第六、破除迷信,解放思想。 Sixth, dispels the superstition, emancipates the mind.
科学的解释为破除迷信提供了一种途径。 Scientific explanations offer an alternative to superstition.
有必要对老年人进行破除迷信的教育吗? Is it necessary to re educate the aged to break with fetish?
第一就是要继续破除迷信,反对本本主义。 No. one, we need to continue to say no to blind face or book-worship.
关于“提倡科学”和“破除迷信”的哲学断想。 Philosophic reflections on”advocate the science”and”do away with superstitions or blind faith”
我们必须破除迷信。 We must explode superstitions.
佛教的方针是彻底破除迷信、开悟、离苦得乐。 Buddhism did not encourage superstitious, it is an approach to enlightenment.
我想有三点:第一,要继续破除迷信,反对本本主义。 I think there are three points: first, needs to continue breaking with superstition and opposing book worship.
我想有三点:第一就是要继续破除迷信,反对本本主义。 I think in the following three areas. No. one we need to continue to say no to blind face or book-worship.
除四害是一个大的清洁卫生运动,是一个破除迷信的运动。 Doing away with the four pests is a big public health campaign and a campaign to destroy superstition.
在破迷信、重科学方面,论述了破除迷信的必要性,并提出了破除手段; In breaking superstition and valuing science, it has explained the necessity of breaking superstition and proposed the methods.
据说,观者如潮,在破除迷信、增进人类学知识方面取得了很好的成果。 It was reported that the number of people who came to view them was as great as an ocean tide.
我们是否切切地求上帝,破除偶像迷信的猖獗,让上帝荣耀的显现赶快临到? Do we beseech our LORD Jesus to shorten the reign of sin by hastening His own glorious appearing?
人们开始破除迷信,再也不去拜菩萨求狐仙,再也不相信一切都是命中注定的了。 The people began to cast aside their superstitions, no longer believed in ghosts, fox goddesses or a fate unalterable.
他最先提出了避雷针的设想,由此而制造的避雷针,避免了雷击灾难,破除了迷信。 He was first put forward the idea of a lightning rod, which manufactured the lightning rod to prevent the disaster struck by lightning, get rid of superstition.
这不信神、不信鬼、破除迷信的行为,也算是邓小平童年时代一个惊世骇俗的举动吧! This does not believe in the god, does not believe the ghost, dispels the superstition the behavior, also is the action which Deng Xiaoping childhood time shocks everybody!
农民协会是青年和壮年农民当权,所以对于推翻神权,破除迷信,是各处都在进行中的。 Since the latter control the associations, the overthrow of religious authority and the eradication of superstition are going on everywhere.
第一,要继续破除迷信,反对本本主义。只有这样,才能使我们的国家永远保持生机和活力; First, we need to continue to say no to blindly following conventionsorbook worship. Only by doing so can we maintain the vigour and vitality of our nation.
此外还有许许多多的“还愿”的事,都要糊点什么东西,可是也都随着破除迷信没人再提了。 There are many other things people prayed for and paper crafts were needed. Today these are all considered superstitions and nobody mentions it.
第一就是要继续破除迷信,反对本本主义。只有这样,才能使我们的国家永远保持生机和活力。 First, we need to continue to say no to blindly following conventions or book worship. Only by doing so can we maintain the vigour and vitality of our nation.
推进中国的政治体制改革,完善中国特色社会主义政治制度,同样要解放思想,实事求是,破除迷信。 Advances China’s political reform, consummates the Chinese characteristic socialism political system, similarly must emancipate the mind, realistic, dispels the superstition.
法国小说家弗朗索瓦·马利·阿鲁埃(笔名:伏尔泰)是一位为了启迪大众、破除迷信与褊狭而不知疲倦的斗士。 The French writer Francois Marie Arouet (pen name: Voltaire) was a tireless fighter for general enlightenment and against superstition and intolerance.
我们要把自己视为广阔宇宙的一部分。知识取代了无知,科学破除了迷信。不过,面对季节不断变化的美景,我们从来,从来没有停止过对它的惊叹。 We needed to see ourselves as part of larger universe. Knowledge replaced ignorance. Science ended 11)superstition. But in the ever-changing beauty of the seasons, never, never our sense of wonder.
在共产党的术语中,它的含意是:使每一个村子的社会、政治、经济生活来一个翻天覆地的大转变,推翻封建主义,建立民主政府,破除迷信,提倡科学。 In Communist terminology it means to turn over the social, political and economic life of every village, to overturn feudalism and establish democracy, to overturn superstition and establish reason.
本文从“风水”一词的由来、发展演化过程,论述了其迷信色彩和科学成分,建议破除迷信,开展建筑地质环境评价,并提出了建筑地质环境的10个评价条件。 The topple old idols and carrying out the appreciation of building geological environment are suggested, and ten appreciation conditions building geological environment are put forward.
词语大全 破旧立新造句_破旧立新中英文解释和造句
破旧立新 pò jiù lì xīn
开放、流动的社会,破旧立新的取向。 An open and fluid society, prefer change to tradition.
破旧立新:每天一颗蛋伤身? Cracked or Not: Is an Egg a Day Harmful?
破旧立新的意思就是要用新方法解决问题。 To “think outside the box” is to try new ways to solve a problem.
打破固定的模式,新世界才能出现。/破旧立新。 When patter are broken, new worlds can emerge.
打破固定的模式,新世界才能出现。/破旧立新。 When patterns are broken, new worlds can emerge.
各地在提出解放思想时都会突出破旧立新、开拓创新。 Around the time of emancipating the mind will be put in prominent Pojiulixin, pioneering and innovative.
这一习俗寄托着人们破旧立新的愿望和辞旧迎新的祈求。 This custom is entrusted with the people’s aspirations and to break Codevelopment prayer.
这一习俗寄托着人们破旧立新的愿望和辞旧迎新的祈求。 This custom consigns people broken-down sign new wishes and 辞 old face new imprecation.
打破固定的模式,新世界才能出现。(或译:破旧立新。) When patterns are broken, new worlds can emerge.
如前所述,“破旧立新”、改革创新仍是解放思想的核心要义。 ” As previously stated, “Pojiulixin” emancipating the mind of reform and innovation is still the core of the essence.
解放思想包含与时俱进、破旧立新,打破原有落后思维框架束缚等含义。 Emancipating the mind include advancing with the times, Pojiulixin, breaking the original thinking behind the framework of shackles and other meaning.
腊肉的烹调手法向来以蒸为主,佬湘楼则破旧立新,标新立异,推出腊肉火锅这道特色菜。 Bacon cooking has always been the way to the main steam, the man Gordon House, break it, the maverick, to launch this feature meat hot pot dishes.
这主要是因为新“国六条”相对于老“国八条”来说,不是破旧立新,而是继续深化和强化。 This is mainly because the new “six countries” in relation to the old “eight countries”, not break new ground, but continue to deepen and strengthen.
破旧立新是设计师的强项,他们一旦发现了红色的美丽,就开始发挥想象力,将它改头换面。 Breaking regulations is what today’s designers should do, and in case of discovering red’s beauty, they will exert their imagination to give red a new face.
并在对丧葬习俗破旧立新,使之符合社会需要、时代需要、环保需要等方面,提出了一些建设性意见。 There are some new opinions about the issues, such as the origin of the custom of the burial in the ground.
不是对汤姆·克鲁斯或其好莱坞同僚的不礼貌,但很难想象他们大都在担负著一个类似的破旧立新工程。 No disrespect to Tom Cruise or his Hollywood counterparts, but it’s difficult to imagine many of them undertaking a similarly iconoclastic project.
这种一箭双雕的政治打击,对近代中国的政制建设产生了“破旧”却没能真正“立新”的复杂的历史影响。 This double political assault exerted a plicated political influence on modem China’s political system by “destroying the old” while failing to “establishing the new”.
当然,最能体现宏宇“地产品质”的还有其创新的标准,敢为天下先,无论是户型的破旧立新,还是园林、水道、装修,都相当理想化。 Of course, most clearly reflects Hongyu “estate quality” were its innovative standards encourage both Huxing the pulling down or gardens, waterways, decoration, quite idealistic.
形式原则造成西方服饰形式不断的破旧立新,同时在形式的过分追求中又不时地使服饰脱离人本身的需求,这也是形式原则带来的遗憾。 The modal principle always creates new forms for the occidental costume. but some extreme pursuit of it makes regret in going far away from human” s genuine needs from time to time.”
“初生牛犊,破旧立新,满怀希望”这是奥巴马推销自己的广告词。可是,至少在经济问题上他和希拉里一样,怎么看怎么都像是一个平庸而老套的民主党人。 Mr Obama advertises himself as something fresh, hopeful and new. But on economic matters at least he, like Mrs Clinton, has begun to look a rather ordinary old-style Democrat.
功行圆满 gōngxíng yuán mǎn功行圆满的意思和解释:功:世界各地;行:善行。封建迷信指功德成就,道行圆满。功行圆满的出处元·岳伯川《铁拐李》楔子:“等他功成行满,贫
功行圆满 gōngxíng yuán mǎn功行圆满的意思和解释:功:世界各地;行:善行。封建迷信指功德成就,道行圆满。功行圆满的出处元·岳伯川《铁拐李》楔子:“等他功成行满,贫
功行圆满 gōngxíng yuán mǎn功行圆满的意思和解释:功:世界各地;行:善行。封建迷信指功德成就,道行圆满。功行圆满的出处元·岳伯川《铁拐李》楔子:“等他功成行满,贫
功行圆满 gōngxíng yuán mǎn功行圆满的意思和解释:功:世界各地;行:善行。封建迷信指功德成就,道行圆满。功行圆满的出处元·岳伯川《铁拐李》楔子:“等他功成行满,贫
破旧立新 pòjiùlìxīn破旧立新的意思和解释:破除旧的,建立新的。破旧立新的出处破旧立新的例子破旧立新造句开放、流动的社会,破旧立新的取向。Anopenandfluidso
破旧立新 pòjiùlìxīn破旧立新的意思和解释:破除旧的,建立新的。破旧立新的出处破旧立新的例子破旧立新造句开放、流动的社会,破旧立新的取向。Anopenandfluidso
因果报应 yīnguǒbàoyìng因果报应的意思和解释:因果:原因和结果。佛教迷信,认为今生种什么因,来生结什么果,善有善报,恶有恶报。因果报应的出处《慈恩传》:“唯谈玄论道,
因果报应 yīnguǒbàoyìng因果报应的意思和解释:因果:原因和结果。佛教迷信,认为今生种什么因,来生结什么果,善有善报,恶有恶报。因果报应的出处《慈恩传》:“唯谈玄论道,
吉人天相 jíréntiānxiàng吉人天相的意思和解释:吉人:善人;相:帮助,保佑。迷信的人认为好人会得到天的帮助。多用作对别人的患病或遇到困难、不幸的安慰话。吉人天相的出处
吉人天相 jíréntiānxiàng吉人天相的意思和解释:吉人:善人;相:帮助,保佑。迷信的人认为好人会得到天的帮助。多用作对别人的患病或遇到困难、不幸的安慰话。吉人天相的出处