词语大全 碌碌无闻造句_碌碌无闻中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 碌碌无闻造句_碌碌无闻中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 碌碌无为造句_碌碌无为中英文解释和造句

词语大全 碌碌无闻造句_碌碌无闻中英文解释和造句

碌碌无闻  lù lù wú wén







  • 他将成为奋发有为的人还是碌碌无闻的人呢? Will that bee an Ionian or a Boeotian?

  • 用凡尘俗土抟捏出来的这小子,知、不文、鲁莽、粗野、平凡,他将成为奋发有为的人还是碌碌无闻的人呢? That pigmy kneaded out of mon earth, ignorant, unlettered, giddy, vulgar, low. Will that bee an Ionian or a Boeotian?

  • 碌碌无闻造句相关


    词语大全 碌碌无为造句_碌碌无为中英文解释和造句

    碌碌无为  lù lù wú wéi







  • 碌碌无为的活,还是轰轰烈烈的死? Live for nothing, or die for something  —Rambo.

  • 我因坎坷一生碌碌无为而遗憾。 I regret my few achievements in a troubled life.

  • 他们第二个任务就是不要碌碌无为。 The second task is to do something useful.

  • 希望自己不是一辈子碌碌无为而虚度年华。 I hope he is not nothing but waste your life.

  • 没有目标的一生注定碌碌无为,确定一个目标吧! Have an aim in life, or your energies will be pastel!

  • 没有目标的一生注定碌碌无为,确立一个目标吧。 Have an aim in life, or your energies will be wasted.

  • 辉煌的一生中忙碌的一小时,抵得上碌碌无为的一世。 One crowded hour of a glorious life is worth an age without a name.

  • 所有邪恶胜利的原因就是因为善良的人们的碌碌无为! The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing!

  • 那布满了长久以来失败的伤痕和碌碌无为的创伤的旧皮。 which has too long, suffered the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediocrity.

  • 成功是失败之后的下一次尝试,轻易放弃了,代价是碌碌无为。 Success is the next try after failure. Give up now, you will obtain nothing.

  • 当你的思想失去了自由的翅膀和创新的源泉,那就只能换来碌碌无为的一生。 When the mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity stops. Well, this is the result of using our brains to think of unimportant things.

  • 我说这些并不是唱高调子,或是要让大家花无数的时间去留心琐事,碌碌无为。 I said that these are not high-sounding principles of, or let you spend the time to carefully countless chores, Liuliumowei.

  • 如果你希望你的人生有一种成就感,而不是碌碌无为一生,就必须打破那种模式。 If you would prefer to find fulfillment, rather than just trudging through life, you need to break that mold.

  • 那么他的一生将会碌碌无为,他的生命就是一首没有音符、没有节奏,只有歌词的曲子。 Then his life will be ?his life is not a note, there is no rhythm, only the lyrics of the song.

  • 在弗拉基球场经过一个碌碌无为的上半场后,利物浦被约维蒂奇梅开二度打开胜利的大门。 A poor first-half in the Stadio Artemio Franchi proved to be Liverpool’s undoing as Stevan Jovetic’s brace earned the points for La Viola.

  • 在休赛期间湖人队似乎又是碌碌无为,但对于湖人队来说并不是在总决赛之后的又一次厄运。 Not much is going on in Lakerland this offseason, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are doomed for another run at the NBA Finals.

  • 过分倚重对团队的表扬,可能会放任低劣的绩效得不到改正,并让员工相信他们是可以碌碌无为的。 An excessive emphasis on group praise can allow poor performance to go uncorrected, and lead employees to believe that mediocrity will be tolerated.

  • 有时候觉得人的这一生都应该做些事情,不应该碌碌无为的活着,对于人生应该有一种积极的态度。 Sometimes people should do something in their life, should not live day by day and no improvement, we should lead our life with an enthusiam attitude.

  • 从全场比赛来看,昔日深帮的亮点并不多,李玮峰在上半场可以说是碌碌无为,到了下半场才稍有起色。 From the game, to help the deep past are not many bright spots, Li Weifeng in the first half Luluwuwei it can be said that, despite a slight improvement in the second half.

  • 我希望我有一个稳定而又安静平凡的生活,同时我又不甘碌碌无为,我要让更多的人们认识我,了解我。 The truth is, there’s no better time than right now. If not now, when? our life will always be filled with challenges.

  • 这些过得不精彩的人往往不是那些碌碌无为的人,就是受金钱、名利诱惑而一度迷失生活方向、失去生活重心的人。 These wonderful people who do not live more often than not those people is affected by money, fame and fortune was tempted to lose the direction of life, loss of life of people who focus.

  • 玛莉参加比赛是因为她有抱负,也因为想让人们知道孤儿院的女孩不会碌碌无为。赢得比赛给她带来的不仅仅是名誉。 Mary entered the contest because she was ambitious and because she wanted to show that orphanage girls could be something. Winning the petition brought her more than fame.

  • 当你是个新秀,在NBA碌碌无为的混了半个赛季,完完全全的什么都没有做,在这个联盟里面,你没有必要去抱怨什么。 When you’re a rookie, having invested a half-season in your NBA career, having done nothing, absolutely nothing, in the league, you don’t get to plain.

  • 有的人雄心万丈,梦想成功后的鲜花和掌声;有的人忙忙碌碌,为生计为名利四处奔波;有的人玩世不恭,终其一生碌碌无为; Some with ambition are dreaming to have flowers and applause after success, while some is forced to rushing about after fane and gain.

  • 最初的愿望依然清晰,可是一切都已经物是人非。见证著周边的幸福和成就,唏嘘著自己的平凡和碌碌无为,不知道自己的理想是什么? I still remember the initial hope, but all have changed. Witness the happiness and success around, feel sad with own ordinariness and mediocrity, do not know what is the ideal?

  • 如果你希望你的人生有一种成就感,而不是碌碌无为一生,就必须打破那种模式。你得弄清楚,自己到底是谁,而且自己真正想做的又是什么。 If you would prefer to find fulfillment, rather than just trudging through life, you need to break that mold.   You need to really figure out who you are, and what you really want to do.

  • 但是该党对任何纲领的认同仍热逊于对梅加瓦蒂夫人本人这一个体的认同,尽管她担任总统期间的碌碌无为和缺乏亲和力的风格都是不利的因素。 But it is still less closely identified with a manifesto than an individual—Ms Megawati, whose undistinguished presidency and aloof style are handicaps.

  • 人最宝贵的东西是生命,生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧。 When you look back at your life, you will have no regrets over any time you wasted. Nor will you feel ashamed of not acplishing anything.

  • 德罗巴和阿内尔卡的组合是从格兰特时代开始的,但这个无敌的组合却在斯科拉里的任期内碌碌无为了,我怀疑这也是斯科拉里想要废掉德黑的借口之一。 This myth was started by Avram Grant and perpetrated by Scolari who I suspect used it as an excuse to keep Drogba out of the team.

  • 马尼切在波尔图赢得冠军杯的过程中发挥了重要的作用,当时波尔图的就是何塞·穆里尼奥。但是当穆里尼奥对他的能力有了重新的熟悉时,他在切尔西就碌碌无为,毫无表现了。 Maniche played a prominent role in the success enjoyed by Porto during Jose Mourinho’s tenure but on being reacquainted in the capital with his former taskmaster, he has thus far failed to shine.

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