词语大全 神出鬼没造句_神出鬼没中英文解释和造句
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2、词语大全 神区鬼奥 [shén qū guǐ ào]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
词语大全 神出鬼没造句_神出鬼没中英文解释和造句
神出鬼没 shén chū guǐ mò
游击队战士神出鬼没地打击敌人。 Partisan fighters fought in secret against the enemy.
它速度奇快而且神出鬼没很难被看见。 It’s wicked fast and dammn near impossible to see.
图上的动物甚至不是神出鬼没的美洲鳄。 The pictured critter was not even the elusive American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus.
那神出鬼没的偷吃蛋糕的人又来过这儿了! The phantom cake-eater has been here again!
但是,他却被神出鬼没的尼斯湖水鬼难倒了。 But he was stumped by the gloomy profundities of Loch Ness.
这支神出鬼没的游击队搞得侵略者疲于奔命。 This guerrilla detachment which mysteriously appeared and disappeared kept the invaders constantly on the run.
她那想望的脸如夜雨落下般神出鬼没于我的梦里。 Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.
这是第一次在野外拍摄到神出鬼没的婆罗州犀牛。 And caught on camera in the wild for the first time the elusive Borneo rhino.
游击队在敌人后方神出鬼没地活动,敌人无奈他何。 The scout single-handedly penetrated behind the enemy’s rear lines.
那个人神出鬼没,使人疑心他会消失到虚无之境中去。 That man in so elusive that one might suspect him of being able to disappear into a fourth dimension.
操作神出鬼没和并列产生的幻象,以使你的对手无法分辨。 Keep your opponents guessing by controlling your illusions created by Doppelwalk and Juxtapose.
不管什么天气都会神出鬼没的蚊子总是夏天里赶也赶不走的烦恼。 If it rains, we may even have the draining problem in the city. To make things worse, the mosquitoes are never absent for the summer.
奥利弗·伍德:啊,你喜欢它,等著瞧吧。它速度极快而且神出鬼没。 Oliver Wood: You like it now. Just wait. It’s wicked fast and damn near impossible to see.
谁也不知道,什么时间,什么地方会突然冒出神出鬼没的凶残的敌人。 No one knew at what moment, or in what place, a secret and murderous enemy might unmask himself.
谁也不知道,什么时间,什么地方会突然冒出神出鬼没的 凶残的 敌人。 No one knew at what moment, or in what place, a secret and murderous enemy might unmask himself.
在绵情爱火点燃的暗夜里–啊,真幸运–我神出鬼没地前往,我的寓所正在安息。 I went forth without being observed, My house being now at rest.
他们的海盗攻击神出鬼没,闪电般击碎敌人的防线,然后在敌方援军到达前又及时撤离。 Their piratical raids strike without warning, smashing defences quickly and then disappearing before reinforcements arrive.
体坛药检的猫捉老鼠游戏依旧持续上演,麻烦的是,老鼠是个不断演化、神出鬼没的目标。 Still, the cat-and-mouse game that is athletic drug testing continues. The trouble is that the mice are fast-moving targets that never stop evolving.
演练时持枪稳活,气势奔放,上下翻飞,神出鬼没,变化莫测,充分体现了”枪似游龙“的特点。 When demonstrating, we should hold the spear steady unexpectedly, which shows the characteristic that the spear moving like an undulating dragon.
相传每逢清明,幽灵会在人间游荡,神出鬼没,所以人们认为四月五日不宜大买卖,不宜动手术。 Legend has it that unhappy spirits wander the earth on Qing Ming day. It’s considered bad luck to do important business or have an operation on April 5th.
过去当发生恐怖攻击后,印度当局很快指明罪魁祸首是巴基斯坦及其幽灵般神出鬼没的三军情报局。 After past terrorist attacks Indian authorities have been quick to blame Pakistan and its shadowy Inter Services Intelligence agency (ISI).
说明: 似乎有幽灵般的影子在这片星光斑斓的广阔区域中神出鬼没,在夜空中的仙王座里飘荡游弋。 Explanation: Spooky shapes seem to haunt this starry expanse, drifting through the night in the royal constellation Cepheus.
在BBC的热播电视剧《神出鬼没》的官方手机游戏里作为军情五处精英团队的成员,领导一个专属调查。 In the BBC hit TV series “tell” the official mobile game as a team of elite members of the MI5, the leadership of a dedicated investigation.
由于潜水艇在海战中神出鬼没的特殊功能,在第二次世界大战后,许多国家都竞相研制常规潜水艇和核潜艇。 Because of the special ability, after the world war, many countries began to develop the regular submarine and nuclear submarine.
介绍:在BBC的热播电视剧《神出鬼没》的官方手机游戏里作为军情五处精英团队的成员,领导一个专属调查。 In the BBC hit TV series “tell” the official mobile game as a team of elite members of the MI5, the leadership of a dedicated investigation.
吉传施总是以巨大的狗,马或者骡子的形态在荒僻的地方神出鬼没;可以在英格兰北部的民间传说中找到它的影子。 The Gytrash, in the form of a huge dog, horse, or mule, haunts solitary places; it is found in the folklore of Northern England. [/left.
而作案的窃贼也十分狡猾,虽然他的作案目标是高档住宅区,但总是变换区域,神出鬼没,显然是多次作案的老手。 and the thieves were very cunning, though his goal is high-grade residential areas were, but always changing region, sea, many were obviously the warrior.
大辅这么名字,大家还记得吗?大家都说他有神出鬼没的魔球,他是全世界最好的投手之一。这个人会撼动整个大联盟…等等。 Remember?He throws an unhittable gyro ball. He’s one of the best pitchers in the world. He will change the balance of power in the Major Leagues.
佐罗zorro在西班牙语中是“狐貍”的意思,每当这只黑色的沙漠之狐神出鬼没之际,他总要用他的利剑划下“Z”的标记。 Zorro zorro in Spanish is “the fox”, when only black Desert Fox tell, he must draw his sword under the “Z” mark.
词语大全 神区鬼奥 [shén qū guǐ ào]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
神区鬼奥 [shén qū guǐ ào]
指神奇深幽的地方。 更多→ 神区鬼奥
神出鬼没 神枢鬼藏 神藏鬼伏 神迷意夺 神采奕然 神闲气定[神区鬼奥]成语接龙
神区鬼奥 奥妙无穷 穷山恶水 水满金山 山公倒载 载欢载笑 查看更多[神区鬼奥]英文翻译
God area ghost Mr
词语大全 神区鬼奥 [shén qū guǐ ào]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
神区鬼奥 [shénqūguǐào][神区鬼奥]成语解释指神奇深幽的地方。[神区鬼奥]百科解释指神奇深幽的地方。更多→神区鬼奥[神区鬼奥]相关成语神出鬼没神枢鬼藏神藏鬼伏神迷意夺
词语大全 神出鬼没 [shén chū guǐ mò]什么意思
神出鬼没 [shénchūguǐmò][神出鬼没]成语解释出:出现;没:消失。象神鬼那样出没无常。形容出没无常,不可捉摸。后泛指行动变化迅速。褒义[神出鬼没]成语出处《淮南子·兵