词语大全 神气活现造句_神气活现中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 神气活现造句_神气活现中英文解释和造句
神气活现 shén qì huó xiàn
他穿着新制服神气活现地照镜子。 He paraded in front of the mirror in his new uniform.
她穿着全套新衣服神气活现地走着。 She was prancing along in her new outfit .
他自从得到了那份新工作后就变得神气活现。 He’s bee very high and mighty since he get that new job.
虽然全身是伤,这把吉他却神气活现地说著话。 Despite its obvious maladies, the guitar spoke with conviction and swagger.
新当选参议员的妻子在镇上神气活现地四处走动。 a newly elected senator’s wife swanking around town.
她刚刚跟老板的夫人交上朋友,就神气活现起来了。 No sooner had she bee friends with the boss’s wife than she began to put on airs .
我的意思是说,有些人一直到了这里还要神气活现。 ‘I mean that there’s people who even bring their pride in here.
在顶端的一块圆木板上,雕有两条神气活现的金龙。 At the top of a log on the board, carving the dragon there are two high and mighty.
那名演员神气活现地在舞台上走来走去[登上舞台]。 The actor strutted about [on to] the stage.
男孩们神气活现地走来走去,想引起附近一群女孩的注意。 The boys strutted around, trying to get the attention of a group of girls who were nearby.
得救后的蜻蜓立刻神气活现地跳舞,像是在为自己的被解救而欢呼。 Dragonfly saved immediately after the high and mighty to dance, such as for their own relief and joy was.
看他两眼放光,神气活现,一脸坏笑,这些都是他兴致高的明显标志。 The twinkle in his eye, his swagger, that sexy smile — all are clear signs he’s in the mood.
乌龟生气了,说:“兔子,兔子,你别神气活现的,咱们就来赛跑。” The tortoise got angry and said:”Rabbit, rabbit, you don’t be very cocky of, we e right away footrace.”
马革士踏上门前台阶,神气活现地按了 按铃 ,一脸旁若无人的样子。 Marcus tramped up the front steps and rang the door bell boldly, to show his independence.
现实生活中的贾斯珀神气活现,是一只非常可爱的宠物猫,阿比很漂亮。 Jasper in the flesh is very hoity-toit, in a good cat way, and Abby’s gorgeous.
克甫是学校里的无敌大王。他神气活现的统治一批顺民,不时的欺负他们。 Cuff, the unquestioned king of the school, ruled over his subjects and bullied them, with splendid superiority.
他们神气活现地蹦著、舞著、跳过椅子和长凳,最后跳出了房子再也没有回来。 Then they hopped and danced about, jumping over chairs and benches. Finally they danced out of the house.
该党2007年失败的主席候选人塞戈莱娜·罗亚尔继续像竞选时那样神气活现。 Ségolène Royal, the party’s defeated presidential candidate in 2007, continues to prance about as if on the campaign trail.
这时西巴轩在一段路外出现了,神气活现的大踏步走着,显得他自以为非常了不起。 Sebastian now appeared in the distance, a mannish spring in his stride, and with every evidence that he took himself seriously.
但他的弹奏技巧的确非常高明,使他的演出显得神气活现,盛气凌人,令人无法抗拒。 But he did have a consummate technical mand of his instrument which…gives his performances an irresistible strut and swagger.
眉毛王心凌非常注重眉毛与睫毛的化妆,因为这能决定自己眼睛是否看起来是神气活现。 Approach of brow king heart is not what often pay attention to brow and eyelash to make up, whether is because this can decide oneself, the eye grand it seems that.
再者,她自己的调查,抱负和努力趋向于揭露那些神气活现的英雄主角完全没有发现的阴谋面。 Additionally, her own investigations, ambitions and efforts tend to uncover aspects of the conflict altogether unseen by the swashbuckling, headlining heroes.
等到电影完成过半的时候,他们已经很了解这些角色了,角色们也开始在画面上神气活现起来了。 As they get to the halfway point of the film, now they know the character well and they are screaming through the frames.
有一次,他做了一个虎形的乐器。这只木雕的虎,神气活现的好像就要跳出来咬人似的。看见的人都会吓一跳。 Once he sculpted a tiger-shape musical instrument. The woody tiger was vivid and vigorous as if it was ready to jump up to bite. Everyone who saw it was frightened.
等到电影完成过半的时候,他们已经很了解这些角色了,你就可以看到这些角色开始在画面上神气活现起来了。 As they get to the halfway point of the film, now they know the character well and they are screaming through the frames.
莱亚德勋爵的新书的封面上有一个更加神气活现的形象:一个幸福的怪人头戴小圆红帽,戴着单片眼镜,手上拿着一束鲜花。 Lord Layard’s latest book has a much jauntier image on its cover: a “happy eccentric” with a fez on his head, a monocle in his eye and a bunch of flowers in his hand.
莱亚德勋爵的新书的封面上有一个更加神气活现的形象:一个幸福的怪人头戴小圆红帽,戴着 单片眼镜 ,手上拿着一束鲜花。 Lord Layard’s latest book has a much jauntier image on its cover: a” happy eccentric” with a fez on his head, a monocle in his eye and a bunch of flowers in his hand.
我想我会投布朗的票,而不投那个看来很高雅的利兰。布朗不像利兰那末神气活现。他很友好、随和,就像我们普通老百姓一样。 I think I’ll vote for Jimmy Brown instead of the other guy James Leland Elegant the third. Jimmy ins’t a stuffed shirt like Elegant — he’s a friendly, informal guy like us ordinary people. “””
点击下载)美国人的自信:美国的孩子不管学习好坏、高矮胖瘦,个个都是趾高气扬、神气活现的,谁都觉得自己不含糊,是个人物。 American self-confidence: In the United States, regardless of learning good or bad, high or short, fat or thin, every children are filled with self-confidence. Everyone feel that they are unambiguous.
词语大全 神气十足造句_神气十足中英文解释和造句
神气十足 shén qì shí zú
她神气十足地向我 发布命令 。 It’ s within his province to issue orders.
他穿着漂亮的新制服真是神气十足。 He really cuts a dash in his smart new uniform.
她神气十足地坐在一张大写字枱后面。 She was sitting importantly behind a big desk.
他现在神气十足,但我认为不会长久如此。 He is riding high now, but I think this won’t be long.
“他当然会被开除的,”凯丝神气十足地说。 “He’ll be sacked all right, ” said Kath airily .
他神气十足地走进房间,一副自鸣得意的样子。 He swaggered into the room looking very pleased with himself.
他没有变成一个衣冠楚楚,神气十足的城里人。 He had not bee a trim, self-satisfied city man.
她们的眼睛,神气十足,鲜润的脸蛋儿笑嘻嘻的。 their eyes were a triumph; their fresh cheeks were full of laughter.
史密斯一家捞到一些钱之后,马上就开始神气十足了。 As soon as Smiths acquired some money, they began to put on airs.
“我敢说,这是你们的损失,”帕迪戈尔太太神气十足地说。 “The loss is yours, I assure you, ” said Mrs. Pardiggle with her manding deportment.
主任多少吓了一跳,但仍然神气十足,“那你就提出来吧。” Somewhat taken aback, but still majestically, “Then show it, ” said the Director.
最有趣的是六组,他们走上讲台,个个面带微笑,神气十足。 The most interesting is the six groups, they took the stage, everybody smiling, spirited full.
她是一位神气十足的女士,戴着眼镜,鼻子很大,嗓音很响亮。 She was a formidable style of lady, with spectacles, a prominent nose, and a loud voice.
汤姆白天过得神气十足,得意洋洋,可晚上全是在恐怖之中度过的。 Tom’s days were days of splendor and exultation to him, but his nights were seasons of horror.
他甚至没有料到那群奴才贪馋的目光,他们无事可干,却神气十足。 Even he had not foreseen the greedy eyes of the servants, who had little to do but look important.
“看在上帝面上,”海伦说,“别让我见到那位神气十足的女人吧。” For God’s sake, ” Helen said, “Keep that smug woman out of my sight . ”
“看在上帝面上,”海伦说,“别让我见到那位神气十足的女人吧。” “For God’s sake, ” Helen said, “Keep that smug woman out of my sight . ”
图为明朝孙龙所画的戴胜,简单的墨块却充分表现了鸟儿神气十足的神情。 In this work by Ming dynasty artist Sun Lung, simple patches of ink fully capture the lofty air of the hoopoe.
一位身穿时式雨衣,神气十足的男人从林肯车里出来,把一位妇女留在车里。 An important-looking man in a smart raincoat got out of the Lincon, leaving a lady in the car.
他风度依旧,神气十足,从容不迫地对付新的处境,为嘉莉的癖好和成就感到高兴。 He carried himself with the same self-important air, took his new state with easy familiarity, and rejoiced in Carrie’s proclivities and successes.
万年青挺著腰,好似一位刚打了胜仗的将军,披着绿色的铠甲,神气十足地站在那里。 Caudatum waist, just like a general who fought victory, under the green armor, standing there in full air.
他彬彬有礼,神气十足,无论什么时候,总是对我的夫人殷殷勤勤,对她的魅力推崇备至。 He is ceremonious, stately, most polite on every occasion to my lady, and holds her personal attractions in the highest estimation.
诗人轻而易举地把这首诗继续写下去,洋洋数百行,行行都象下列名句一样精巧、神气十足。 The poem continues effortlessly through hundreds of lines as well turned and snobbish as the famous.
在彩排现场,记者看到了一群坦桑小伙子在一个中国姑娘的带领下神气十足地练习中国武术。 In the rehearsal scene, the reporter saw a group of Tanzanian young man in a Chinese girl, led by full and vigorous practice of Chinese martial arts.
他端起面前的玻璃杯,呷了一口水,神气十足地清清嗓子,接着就以平稳的语调有板有眼地说开了。 He took a sip of water from a glass in front of him, cleared his throat perfunctorily, and began speaking in a precise and even voice.
岁):“很少看到孙俪演电影啊,不过很喜欢她演的电视剧,演电影更加神气十足的样子,她可以演俏黄蓉。” Year old): “very little sees Sun Liyan the movie, but likes the soap opera which very much she develops, develops a movie more arrogant appearance, she may develop the smart yellow hibiscus.”
孩子们笑吟吟地,跳跳蹦蹦地跟在父母身边,有的则神气十足地学着庄严的步子,显示自己一身过礼拜日的新装。 The children kept smiling, following their parents, jumping and leaping. Some of them imitated the solemn steps with proud, showing off their new festival dress.
孩子们笑吟吟地,跳跳蹦蹦地跟在父母身边,有的则神气十足地学着庄严的步子,显示自己一身过礼拜日的新装。 Fllowing the parents, the children smiled and jumped, some were imtating the grand steps proudly , others were showing their new clothes.
只见彩灯的两旁画著桂林的山水画,彩灯的正面画著一个神气十足的猪八戒,他摇著扇子,翘著二郎腿,露著大肚皮,大模大样地吃著西瓜。 Lantern painted on both sides saw the landscape in Guilin, lantern painted with an air of positive pigs full Journey, shaking his fans, big belly, big and eating watermelon.
神气十足 shénqìshízú神气十足的意思和解释:形容摆出一副自以为高人一等而了不起的样子。神气十足的出处神气十足的例子神气十足造句他们那种神气十足的官僚架子实在叫人吃不消。
神气十足 shénqìshízú神气十足的意思和解释:形容摆出一副自以为高人一等而了不起的样子。神气十足的出处神气十足的例子神气十足造句他们那种神气十足的官僚架子实在叫人吃不消。
挺胸凸肚 tǐngxiōngtūdù挺胸凸肚的意思和解释:凸:凸出。形容身壮力强,神气活现的样子。挺胸凸肚的出处清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第六回:“史见几个挺胸叠肚,指手画脚的人坐在大
挺胸凸肚 tǐngxiōngtūdù挺胸凸肚的意思和解释:凸:凸出。形容身壮力强,神气活现的样子。挺胸凸肚的出处清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第六回:“史见几个挺胸叠肚,指手画脚的人坐在大
词语大全 神气 [shén qì]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
神气 [shénqì][神气]基本解释1.神情;神态2.有精神,有气魄3.骄傲或得意,也指得意或骄傲的样子[神气]详细解释神妙灵异之气。《礼记·孔子闲居》:“地载神气,神气风霆,
词语大全 挺胸叠肚 [tǐng xiōng dié dù]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
挺胸叠肚 [tǐngxiōngdiédù][挺胸叠肚]成语解释挺著胸脯,鼓起肚皮。形容身壮力强,神气活现的样子。也可形容仗势傲物的样子。[挺胸叠肚]成语出处〖出处〗清·曹雪芹《红