词语大全 福地洞天造句_福地洞天中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 福地洞天造句_福地洞天中英文解释和造句
福地洞天 fú dì dòng tiān
大自然的万色千般皆为使我们念想出其中的福地洞天。 “All nature is meant to make us think of paradise, ” Thomas Merton observed.
屏巖洞府素有“江南第一洞天”之称,为道家修行之福地。 The Rocky Grotto enjoys a fame of the “No. 1 Fairyland in South China”, which is a blessed paradise for Taoists.
她也是我国著名的道教圣地,并被称为第七洞天、三十四福地。 She is also the famous Taoists Holly Place in our country, enjoying the fame of the Seventh Sky and 34th Treasured Land.
白石山是我国古代“三十六洞天福地”之一,被认为是神仙的居所。 Baishishan is China’s ancient “36 Dongtianfudi” one of the homes are considered to be a god.
正中石碣上刻着「花果山福地,水帘洞洞天」几大字,真是个好安身处。 On a stone pillar in the middle of the cave there was an inscription: “This Cave of the Water Curtain leads to heaven. “”
他得等著瞧瞧,在这个奥妙无穷的洞天福地里,他究竟能得到多大的好处。 He must wait and see just how much he would make here in this perfectly marvelous realm.
终极追求与理想环境:道教“洞天福地”与基督宗教“新天新地”之比较。 Ultimate Concern and Ideal Surroundings: Comparison Between Taoist “Abode of the Immortals” and Christian “New Heaven and New Earth”
其兴起与勃兴肇基于以老庄哲学为主体的道教哲学思想和以名山皆仙境的洞天福地思想。 This kind of poem originated and developed on the basis of philosophic thoughts of Taoism, mainly the philosophy of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and the thought of cave paradise.
请看这是洞天福地的清泉,我们称为“通天泉”。它一年四季川流不息,象征著朋友们的友谊源远流长。 Here is a clear spring of the cave, called “Tongtian Spring”. It runs all year round, a symbol of our long-lasting friendship.
度假区功能齐全,有完善的商务系统和度假设施。在洞天福地的笔架山中度假,无疑是人生的一大享受! Resort functional and a plete business system and resort facilities. Dongtianfudi in the Beacon Hill in the holiday, it is undoubtedly a great enjoyment in life!
旁边还有宋、明、清的摩崖题刻“天关”、“石门”、“方广洞天”、“闽山福地”等,行笔苍劲雄浑。 There are next to the Song, Ming and Qing Cliff that carved the “day customs, ” “Shihmen, ” “side-Dongtian, ” “Fujian-blessed land”, to T Cangjin powerful.
山岳崇拜不仅使山林资源得到了较好的保护,而且对道教影响深刻,为道教“洞天福地”体系的创立提供了参照。 It not only made forest resources get better protection, but also had a profound influence on Taoism and offered a reference for the creation of Taoism system of blessed-spot.
罗浮山,素有“岭南第一山”、“第七洞天”、“第三十二福地”等诸多美誉,是驰誉国内外的道教、佛教圣地。 Luofu Moutain is well-known as the NO. 1 Mountain in South China, the seventh Taoist Place and the 32nd Taoist Land.
原来水帘后面有一石室,各色石制锅灶、碗盆、床凳一应俱全,正中石碣上刻着“花果山福地,水帘洞洞天”几大字,真是个好安身处。 In the cave were stone pots, bowls, beds and benches. On a stone pillar in the middle of the cave there was an inscription:” This Cave of the Water Curtain leads to heaven.”
词语大全 别有洞天造句_别有洞天中英文解释和造句
别有洞天 bié yǒu dòng tiān
没想到,一个外藏椁里还“别有洞天”。 Unexpectedly, a wife, also in possession of “Space.”
半山腰,一座横穿仙山的山洞更是别有洞天。 Halfway up the mountain, a cave across the fairy mountains, is Journey Into Amazing Caves.
林中小道,错落迂回,漫步其间,别有洞天。 The forest trail, scattered around, take a stroll In the meantime, Journey Into Amazing Caves.
林中小道,错落迂回,漫步其间,别有洞天。 The forest trail, Cuoluo circuitous, stroll the meantime, the Bieyoudongtian.
开发空间的多重功能,读书玩耍都会别有洞天。 C. Develop multiple function of the space, read amuse oneself can see a new world.
这里青山叠翠,碧波荡漾,怪石嶙峋,别有洞天。 Castle Peak Pinnacle here, blue waves, rugged rock formations, Journey Into Amazing Caves.
我们同时都在班上读路易斯·萨尔其的《别有洞天》。 We were both reading HOLES by Louis Sachar with our classes at the same time.
上海较多的人家把阳台封起来,建一个书房也别有洞天。 Shanghai’s more other people seals the balcony rise, build a study to also see a new world.
歌舞厅霓虹闪烁,美仑美奂,声、光、电的境界别有洞天。 You will find another world in hotel dancing hall, with neon lights shining , wonderful music playing .
户外浴室之外别有洞天,是洗澡外另一松弛身心的好方法。 An extended area outside of the outdoor bathroom is a cool place to unwind after a nice bubble bath.
通过博客我发现这个世界别有洞天,通过网络我可以任意飞翔! Through the blog I discover this world is to wide, through the internet I can fly freely!
李毕夫表示,和他一起演出《别有洞天》的沃特是他的良师益友。 LaBeouf calls Voight, who acted with him in Holes, his mentor.
曲阳文物众多,风景如画,真山真水,别有洞天,旅游资源十分丰富。 Quyang artifacts in a picturesque, real mountain real water, Journey Into Amazing Caves, is very rich in tourism resources.
赞美商业和政治领导的新闻标题下别有洞天,事实已经证明,此举有效。 Burrow beneath laudatory headlines on business and political leaders, and it bees clear that the strategy works.
弹丸之地新加坡,国际商务挑大梁。别有洞天商务外,万千奇遇盼君来。 Yet far beyond its essential role in international merce, a myriad of unforgettable experiences awaits everyone who visits Singapore.
演员强沃特和导演史蒂芬?史匹柏都透过《别有洞天》一片认识李毕夫。 Both actor Jon Voight and producer Steven Spielberg came to know LaBeouf through Holes.
联峰山景区的林彪楼(即林彪别墅),一座灰砖小楼,但内部却别有洞天。 the joint-san Lin Biao floor area (that is, Lin Biao Villa), a small building Huizhuan, but the internal Journey Into Amazing Caves.
但是,“假虎丘真剑池”的真实含义还不在此,请大家跟我进“别有洞天”。 However, “false Huqiu really Jian Chi” is not the true meaning of this, everyone with me into the “Journey Into Amazing Caves.
如果某个空间是单独封闭的,业主就可以大胆用色,倒也自成一体,别有洞天。 If space is a separate closed, the owners can make bold colors, but there are stand-alone, shared.
但是跳谷之后没死,而且别有洞天,她也就不必死了,就在谷底生下小张君宝。 However, after the jump-not dead, but Bieyoudongtian, she will not die, gave birth to the bottom in small Zhangjun Bao.
不过,对席亚早期演艺生涯影响最重大的是二00三年出品的电影《别有洞天》。 It was the 2003 movie Holes, however, that played the most important role in Shia’s early career.
别有洞天“活画舫”残迹,其基座用青石雕砌成船舫样式。现经挖掘整理,增砌石料舫面。 Remnants of the Marble Boat. After excavation and clearing. the boat-shaped base has been restored to its original form.
黑邮件在角落里发呆,想着奈良城的别有洞天。海豚的老婆做的白日梦是如何变成一只鼹鼠。 Black Email is spacing out in the corner, contemplating an alternative life in Nara City. Dolphin’s Wife daydreams about being a mole.
在外人看来,只是衣红等几个人围坐一处,在电脑障眼法下,任谁都不知道个中别有洞天了。 Outsiders could only see Yi Hong and the rest of them sitting in a circle. Thanks to the blindfold produced by the puter, nobody knew a different world was hidden within.
于是,站在客厅的你看到的只是一面墙,只有进入书房,你才会惊觉原来玻璃后面是别有洞天。 Then, stand in the sitting room what you see is one side wall only, enter a study only, you just are met Jing bees aware is to see a new world at the back of original glass.
飞来峰据传是从印度飞来的一座小山峰,给我们来看其实就是一座小山包,但此山中别有洞天。 klippe ing from India is said to a small mountain, we have to look at is in fact a hill package, but it is Journey Into Amazing Caves in the mountains.
离开喀土穆、恩图曼黄金市场,光临苏丹港市的黄金珠宝首饰店铺,这里更是流光溢彩,别有洞天。 To leave Khartoum, Omdurman market for gold, visit the city of Port Sudan gold jewelry shop, this is Ambilight, Journey Into Amazing Caves.
其他的还包括:约翰•斯坦贝克的《人鼠之间》、戴夫•佩尔泽的《它,一个男孩子的名字》以及路易斯•萨克的《别有洞天》。 Others including(included) John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men, ” “A Child Called ‘It\'” by Dave Pelzer and “Holes” by Louis Sachar.
仔细审视,还有解构了的四合院,更有建筑师版本的“空间蒙太奇”―――翻起地板即别有洞天,能够随时像换家具一样改变房间; Examine carefully, there are ways of the quadrangles, more architects version of the “space searches” — residents to reveal the wood floor. can change at any time, like furniture for the room;
它常常对现成的规范、材料和思维结果提出质疑,重新排列组合,力图形成新的观点,在新领域有所扩展,在新闻报道中反应出更加宽广深远或者巧妙深邃或别有洞天(新境界)的报道领域和意境。 It often quests for the old specification, materials and results to form the new views and enlarge them in the new field as well as reflect some better artistic conception.
别有洞天 biéyǒudòngtiān别有洞天的意思和解释:比喻另有一番境界。别有洞天的出处唐·李白《山中问答》诗:“桃花流水窅然去,别有天地非人间。”别有洞天的例子各处尽是画栋
别有洞天 biéyǒudòngtiān别有洞天的意思和解释:比喻另有一番境界。别有洞天的出处唐·李白《山中问答》诗:“桃花流水窅然去,别有天地非人间。”别有洞天的例子各处尽是画栋
别有洞天 biéyǒudòngtiān别有洞天的意思和解释:比喻另有一番境界。别有洞天的出处唐·李白《山中问答》诗:“桃花流水窅然去,别有天地非人间。”别有洞天的例子各处尽是画栋
别有洞天 biéyǒudòngtiān别有洞天的意思和解释:比喻另有一番境界。别有洞天的出处唐·李白《山中问答》诗:“桃花流水窅然去,别有天地非人间。”别有洞天的例子各处尽是画栋
词语大全 洞天福地造句 洞天福地の例文 "洞天福地"是什麼意思
洞天福地造句洞天福地の例文"洞天福地"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!他得等
词语大全 福地洞天 [fú dì dòng tiān]什么意思
福地洞天 [fúdìdòngtiān][福地洞天]成语解释原为道家语,指神道居住的名山胜地。后多比喻风景优美的地方。[福地洞天]成语出处唐·杜光庭《洞天福地记》:“列出十大洞天、