词语大全 离乡背井造句_离乡背井中英文解释和造句

Posted 旱灾

篇首语:亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 离乡背井造句_离乡背井中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 离乡背井造句_离乡背井中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 离乡背井的意思_成语“离乡背井”是什么意思

词语大全 离乡背井造句_离乡背井中英文解释和造句

离乡背井  lí xiāng bèi jǐng








  • 离乡背井的日子终于结束了! An end at last to their far away exile!

  • 经济难民离乡背井,希望生活有所改善。 Economic refugees left their native country in the hope of finding a better life.

  • 离乡背井,后有敌军,鲜血染红了白雪。 Is forced to leave native place, latter had the enemy troop, the blood incarnadine white snow.

  • 离乡背井,后有敌军,鲜血染红了白雪。 The capital was abandoned. The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood.

  • 居民不再离乡背井,得以认识外面的世界。 Citizens no longer need to leave their home towns in order to have knowledge of the outside world.

  • 经济难民“离乡背井”,希望生活有所改善。 Economic refugees left their native country in the hope of finding a better life.

  • 对唯一离乡背井的游子,再华丽的光辉,也是徒然闪烁; An exile from habitat, splendor dazzles in vain;

  • 解放前,他们被迫离乡背井,给城里的一个大资本家干活。 Before liberation, they were forced to leave their native place and worked for a capitalist in the city.

  • 华侨离乡背井,远居国外。因此他们在感情上越来越向往祖国大陆。 Absence and distance make the overseas Chinese heart increasingly fond of the motherland.

  • 他因受逼迫便离乡背井到了伦敦,在那里继续工作,一时也没有受到阻挠。 Driven from his home by persecution, he went to London, and there for a time pursued his labors undisturbed.

  • 他不仅昏庸无能,而且喜欢暴力,总是强迫子民们为了他的野心而离乡背井的打仗。 It is inpetent that he not only fatuous and like violence, always force son the peoples to be away from town the back well for his ambition battle.

  • 有些地方,人们离乡背井,长途跋涉,以逃离长期的灾难(饥荒、旱灾以及内战等)。 In some cases, these populations have also traveled great distances from their homes to escape long-term disasters such as famine, drought, and civil strife.

  • 在有些情况下,人们也离乡背井长途跋涉来逃离长期的灾难,像饥荒、旱灾以及内战。 In some cases, these populations have also traveled great distances from their homes to escape long-term disasters such as famine, drought, and civil strife.

  • 这些离乡背井、四处漂泊的异乡人,不管在海外生活多长时间,仍然对将来感到迷惘。 For people who have left their hometown and have been wandering, no matter how long they have been living overseas, they will have a sense of uncertainty about the future.

  • 现在科索沃已经独立了,我希望他们能在这里找到工作而不须要再离乡背井到国外去了。 Now that Kosovo is independent, I hope they can find work here and not travel abroad.

  • 在农村,则父母经常不在家,一年到头离乡背井到城里做工,每年只有一两回可以返家团聚。 In the rural families, it is the absence of parents from the home since they work in cities and the families are together only once or twice a year.

  • “我父亲喜欢待在那里,”邓恩说: “无论你离开了多久……离乡背井的滋味仍然不好受。” “My dad loves being here, ” Deng says. “No matter how long you’re gone…it’s still tough to leave your home.

  • 她们的网站上写道:「『换屋俱乐部』背后的理念就是希望能让离乡背井的大学生们可以交换老家。 Their website says: “The principle behind Student Swaps is to enable students to literally swap family homes.”

  • 若觉得上大学离乡背井会使您想家,或者想在大学中再寻找「故乡」的感觉,那您不妨参加联谊性社团。 If you live far away from your hometown and homesick, here are some clubs which promoting fellowship for you.

  • 老实说,对任何离乡背井的一般少年人来说,面对着漂亮而富挑逗性的女性,确是人生最严峻的考验之一。 For any normal young guy a long way from home, a beautiful, seductive woman can make for one of the fiercest temptations a person can face.

  • 将工厂建造在中国内陆地区,可以为所在地区附近的农村人口提供就业机会,这样他们也一整年离乡背井。 Factories are opening up in China’s interior, providing opportunities for those in rural areas to find employment closer to home, rather than having to leave their families for an entire year.

  • 老实说,对任何离乡背井的一般少年人来说,面对着漂亮而富挑逗性的女性,确是人生最严峻的考验之一。 For any normal young guy a long way from home, a beautiful, seductive woman can make for one of the fiercest temptations a person can face.

  • 外籍劳工因离乡背井,在与其母国不同的生活与工作环境下可能产生的健康问题及健康需求,都是不容忽略的。 Due to different culture and environment, foreign labors may have some health problems, and all these problems are needed to be concerned.

  • 外藉生离乡背井来台求学,面临生活与环境的改变,若没有适当的调适,种种压力会对外籍生的生理、心理健康造成影响。 Foreign students must leave home when they e to Taiwan to study. The changes in life and environment could be a stress for the student and could also affect his/her physical and mental health.

  • 是你们,拒绝被形容成对世事冷漠的年轻人,给我信心和力量。你们离乡背井,只为了些报酬微薄而必须日以继夜的工作。 It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation’s apathy who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep.

  • 许多我的同事以前都是政治犯,他们先时之所以被迫离乡背井、或是流亡在外,全是因为他们有着不受政府支配的鲁莽思考。 Many of my co-workers were ex-political prisoners, people who had been displaced from their homes, or fled into exile, because they had the temerity to think independently of their government.

  • 为了政府要用地、为了出外讨生活,我们一直在离乡背井,走到那里被赶到那里,现在说我们侵占国有地,到底是谁在侵占谁? Because the government needed the land, we must leave for a living. We are always leaving, we are driven away everywhere we are, and now they say we invaded the national land.

  • 竞选活动的开展得到了一些年青人的支持,他们不认为自己是“冷漠的一代”,他们为了工资少得可怜的又没有多少睡眠时间的工作离乡背井。 It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation’s apathy…who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep.

  • 当然,亚洲移民到美国和欧洲所追随的是一条截然相反的道路,亚洲人之所以离乡背井为的是追求更大的经济机会,改善他们原先低下的生活水平。 Asian emigration to the US and Europe of course followed the opposite path, ie it was natives attempting to leave behind their lower quality lives in pursuit of greater economic opportunities.

  • 他们不仅污染了自己,也污染了那地(106:37~39),所以上帝使他们被仇敌所掳离乡背井,然而上帝还是再一次听他们的呼求,并且赐给他们本不该有的慈爱和怜悯(也即但以理、以斯帖、以斯拉、及尼希米)。 They became defiled and the land was polluted (106:37-39), so God cast them out as well. They went into the Captivity, but still God heard their cries and showed them unmerited favour and mercy (e. g.

  • 离乡背井造句相关


    词语大全 离乡背井的意思_成语“离乡背井”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音lí xiāng bèi jǐng
    成语解释 离:分开,分别;背:离开。离开家乡,飘泊在外。
    常用程度 常用
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 联合式
    成语用法 作谓语、定语;指在外瓢泊。
    产生年代 古代
    典故出处 元·王实甫《西厢记》第二本第三折:“可怜刺股悬梁志,险作离乡背井魂。”
    成语例句 毛泽东《关于重庆谈判》:“有许多本地的干部,现在要~,到前方去。”
    近 义 词 颠沛流离 流离失所
    反 义 词 安居乐业 安土重迁
    英文翻译 flee one’s home <tear oneself away from one’s native place; turn one’s back on one’s native land and leave it>
    俄文翻译 покинуть родные места
    日文翻译 故郷(こきょう)を远く离れていてよそにいる
    其他语言 <德>Haus und Hof (od. Heim und Herd) verlassen<法>dépaysé


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