词语大全 稠人广众造句_稠人广众中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:落花踏尽游何处,笑入胡姬酒肆中。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 稠人广众造句_稠人广众中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 稠人广众造句_稠人广众中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 大庭广众造句_大庭广众中英文解释和造句

词语大全 稠人广众造句_稠人广众中英文解释和造句

稠人广众  chóu rén guǎng zhòng








  • 稠人广众面前说话, 她还是第一回呢。It was the first time she had ever spoken before such a big audience.
  • “啊,原来如此!……你也跻身于稠人广众的交际场中了!”他对皮埃尔说道。 “Why, you! … And in such society too, ” he said to Pierre.

  • 他会不会像法利赛人,甚至和那些医师一样咒诅他几句,并警告他远避稠人广众呢? Would He not, like the Pharisees, and even the physicians, pronounce a curse upon him, and warn him to flee from the haunts of men?

  • 她于去冬出阁,因为怀胎,眼下不能跻身于稠人广众的交际场所,但仍旧出席小型晚会。 She had been married the previous winter, and was not now going out into the great world on account of her interesting condition, but was still to be seen at small parties.

  • 一个在稠人广众之中成长起来的作家,自然可以免除孤苦寂寥之虑,但他的作品往往流于平庸。 He grows in public stature as he sheds his loneliness and often his work deteriorates.

  • 不过,随风飘到美国稠人广众地区的气球只有几个,遇害者也只有俄勒冈州一个妇人和五个孩子。 Only a few of them, however, reached populated areas of the United States. The only casualties were a woman and five children in Oregon.

  • 稠人广众造句相关


    词语大全 大庭广众造句_大庭广众中英文解释和造句

    大庭广众  dà tíng guǎng zhòng








  • 她过去习惯于在大庭广众之下发表讲话。She used to make a speech in public.
  • 大庭广众之下,还是不要太放开。 Too much knowledge is no good. What you need is wisdom.

  • 我讨厌你在大庭广众之下说那样的事。 I hate it if you say such things in public.

  • 大庭广众之下…是不礼貌的。 Burping in public is bad manners.

  • 大庭广众之中与红字的佩戴者讲起话来。 Look your last on the scarlet letter and its wearer !

  • 这些孩子大庭广众下这样大吵大闹真不害臊。 These kids ought to feel ashamed of themselves for such a free-for-all in public.

  • 你说:我不能送你,我怕在大庭广众下流泪; You Said: I can not give you, I fear in the public in the tears.

  • 但是请不要在大庭广众下吃我,我会很害羞的。 But please don’t eat me out here on the road where everyone can see.

  • 你居然在大庭广众下用这种谎言侮辱勃艮的皇后? You insult the Queen of Burgund in public with these lies?

  • 塞西尔在大庭广众中通常很有礼貌,但私下里很粗鲁。 Cecil can be very rude in private, though in public he is usually polite.

  • 成年人一般不敢在大庭广众之下讲外语,除非他讲得好。 You know, we are adults who generally dare not speak a foreign language in public before we are good at it.

  • 那家伙在大庭广众通常“很”有礼貌,但私下“很”粗鲁。 That fellow can be very rude in private though in public he is usually polite.

  • 我不敢在大庭广众开口说英语,因为我的语音、语调很糟糕。 I dared not speak English aloud in public because of my poor pronunciation and intonation.

  • 现代女孩子们就在大庭广众前吞云吐雾,她们不在乎人们怎么想。 Girls nowadays just blow a cloud in public. They don’t care what you think.

  • 参考中文)上周日,大部分的选手都是第一次面对大庭广众讲英语。 Last Sunday, most of you got the first time experience of speaking English in public.

  • 虽然她在毕业典礼上极其兴奋,但是她设法抑制自己在大庭广众之下不叫出来。 Though she was extremely happy at the mencement, she managed to refrain herself from shouting in the presence of a large crowd.

  • 不伸出援助之手也未尝不可,但是如果在大庭广众之下一吐不快就大错特错了。 You could not nothing in help but it must be a big wrong to deprecate that in public.

  • 虽然在大庭广众面前他还常常感到害羞,但科学使他的表演天赋得以充分发挥。 Though he was often shy in social settings, science brought out the showman in him.

  • 如果有人在大庭广众之中纠正你某一个字的发音,你有全部权利挥拳打在他的鼻子上。 If anyone correct your pronunciation of a word in a public place, you have every right to punch him in the nose.

  • 狐貍打心眼里看不起刺猬,经常变着法儿耍弄它,让它在大庭广众之下一次次的丑态百出… The fox despised the hedgehog, teased him to beat the band and always made a monkey out of him in public.

  • 现在也很少男人在大庭广众之下帮女人提鞋子,可他却能很自然地帮女人提鞋子,没有一丝不好意思。 Now very few men in public under the shoes to help the woman, but he is naturally able to help women to shoes, there is no trace of embarrassment.

  • 大庭广众下的购物者更倾向于购买绿色产品以体现无私精神时,关上家门在网上购物就是另一回事了。 While shoppers are more likely to buy environmentally friendly products on the high street where they can be seen to make the selfless choice, but behind closed doors it is a different matter.

  • 而且这个庆典并不是出自皇室,或政府出资,这是个了不起的赌博,测试人们是否愿意到大庭广众聚餐。 This is celebration that is not about royalty, the state or making money – it’s a terrific gamble to see if people will claim for themselves the public space for conviviality.

  • 大庭广众或社交场合,不应该对人说谎,也不指使他人说谎,也不赞同他人说谎,他应该戒绝一切谎言。 Having entered a royal court or a pany of people he should not speak lies. He should not speak lies (himself) nor incite others to do so. He should pletely avoid falsehood.

  • 她显然是一位很棒的老师,因为三年之后我不需犹豫就能在大庭广众下唱歌,还常常得到很温暖的赞赏呢! She proved to be an excellent teacher and three years later, I am no longer hesitant to sing in public – and often receive warm pliments.

  • 他们遵循严格的礼仪准则,在大庭广众之中决不做某些事情:法国男士不在街上梳理头发,女士不在街上补妆; They observe a strict code of etiquette and are adamant that certain things are not done in public. French men do not b their hair in the street. Neither do French women apply their makeup.

  • 大庭广众之下因为冷掉的意大利面大吵大闹或许可以让你获得下次免费用餐的机会,但是不会让你的商务谈判成功。 Making a sense in public over cold spaghetti might get you a free meal next time, but it is not going to seal your business deal.

  • 大庭广众之下因为冷掉的意大利面大吵大闹或许可以让你获得下次免费用餐的机会,但是不会让你的商务谈判成功。 Making a scene in public over cold spaghetti might get you a free meal next time, but it is not going to seal your business deal.

  • 对于凯文在大庭广众之下打败自己,特西心中多少有些不自在,但在特西看来,凯文到底只是个孩子,或许只是运气好。 For Kevin, under a large crowd in the beat itself, Teixido mind somewhat unfortable, but in West-view, Kevin in the end only a child, perhaps just lucky.

  • 但是当她喝了酒之后,她就没有办法进行一次有质量点的谈话,她会表现的粗鲁蛮横,在大庭广众之下,和这样的她在一起真的很尴尬。 However, when she drinks, she can no longer carry on an intelligent conversation. She behaves outrageously and it is embarrassing to be in public with her.

  • 大庭广众造句相关



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