词语大全 稳如泰山造句_稳如泰山中英文解释和造句

Posted 国家

篇首语:一身转战三千里,一剑曾百万师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 稳如泰山造句_稳如泰山中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 稳如泰山造句_稳如泰山中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 有眼不识泰山造句_有眼不识泰山中英文解释和造

词语大全 稳如泰山造句_稳如泰山中英文解释和造句

稳如泰山  wěn rú tài shān








  • 我将会要坐的稳如泰山一样。 I’ll sit as still as a hill.

  • 比尔,你还会坐着吗?我会坐得稳如泰山。 Will you sit still, Bill? I will sit as still as a hill.

  • 只要这个环节不发生问题,中国就稳如泰山。 So long as no problems arise in those two bodies, China will be as stable as Mount Tai.

  • 你的不守规矩会让这个稳如泰山的星座苦恼不安。 Your lack of routine upsets this steady sign.

  • 到了1995年夏季,布朗的权威已经稳如泰山了。 By the summer of 1995 Brown’s authority was unquestioned.

  • 而且监管力度再大也不能保证金融业能够稳如泰山。 And even then it does not guarantee stability.

  • 你还要继续坐下去吗,比尔?我可是坐得稳如泰山哦。 Will you sit still, Bill? I’ll sit as still as a hill.

  • 即使他爱着飞逝而去的羽箭,他也同样爱着稳如泰山的弓。 For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

  • 尽管这是空中1040英尺的高处,世贸中心仍稳如泰山。 Although it was 1040 feet in the sky, the WTC was quite steady.

  • 长期以来,这个比率稳如泰山,看来大有“自然法则”的意味。 The ratio has been so stable over time that it appears to be the natural order of things.

  • 这也使得他无论是在好的时刻还是坏的情况下都能够做到稳如泰山。 Like everyone he encounters good moments and bad situations but he’s always really calm – he’s really calm when things are not the best.

  • 坎通纳,基恩和贝克汉姆来了又走,但苏格兰人的统治却稳如泰山。 Eric Cantona, Roy Keane and David Beckham have e and gone but the Scot’s regime had endured.

  • 同时,也希望,移动能够在竞争中继续保持王建宙稳如泰山的气势。 At the same time, I hope, be able to move the petition to continue to maintain the momentum as stable as Mount Tai Wang Jianzhou.

  • 那么为什么这个一再被消灭,又一再借尸还魂的僵尸主意如此稳如泰山? So why has this zombie idea —it keeps being killed, but it keeps ing back —taken such a powerful grip?

  • 那么亨利是不是有开疆扩土的野心,或者仅仅是想让自己的位置稳如泰山呢? So was Henry attempting to expand his empire, or simply reclaim what was rightfully his?

  • 面对这些威胁和挑衅,韩国稳如泰山,信念坚定,赢得了美国和世界的尊重。 In the face of these threats and provocations, the People of the Republic of Korea have shown its steadiness and resolve that has earned the respect of the United States and of the world.

  • 当情况变得艰难的时候,他仍然能稳如泰山。你会发觉,没有事情会困惑着他。 When the going get tough, he’s steady as a rock. You’ll never know anything was bothering him.

  • 理性稳如泰山,收紧缰绳,她不会听任感情脱缰而出,把她赶向疯狂的感情裂口。 Reason sits firm and holds the reins, and she will not let the feelings burst away and hurry her to wild chasms.

  • 结果就是只有少数不幸的盗版商会在偶然的严打行动中遭到罚款或者拘留,但整个行业仍然是稳如泰山的。 The end result is that a few unlucky pirates may be subject to fines or imprisonment as a result of sporadic crackdowns, the business itself is certainly here to stay.

  • 而这位新的君王,我们是否可以认定他之所以能稳如泰山地做国家的统治者,是因为他窃取国家的同时,也窃取了仁义? However if he stole a state where people advocated the benevolence and righteousness and abided by the constitutions and the laws of government, he would be the steady ruler of the state.

  • 在一对英国新人的婚礼上,有一个伴郎始终待在一个地儿,纹丝不动。甚至在新人海誓山盟之后,他依然在那里稳如泰山。 During the marriage ceremony of a British couple, the best man remained motionless. Even after vows were exchanged, he didn’t move.

  • 除了这边的资本有点窘迫、那边的流动法规严格一点、铲除几家体质差劲的金融机构,银行业的几家龙头公司还是稳如泰山。 Aside from a few tweaks to capital here, some tougher rules on liquidity there, and the disappearance of a handful of badly-run institutions, the same big names dominate the industry.

  • 很难想像一个这么不快乐的城市的政府竟然会稳如泰山,没有倒台,甚至还在施以更多不必要的不快乐因素,比如放一把刀在大家头上。 It is hard to imagine that the government of such an unhappy city is not toppled and even introduces more unhappy causes, such as a knife on our heads.

  • 他调整了不需要更换的零部件,提升了油、水和电压水平,把钥匙放进点火开关中,嘴里虔诚地祷告著,结果还是一样——汽车稳如泰山。 He adjusted what didn’t need replacing, brought up the fuel, water, and electrical levels, put the key in the ignition, said a fervent prayer, and still—it wouldn’t start.

  • 不管贝克先生建议布什怎样做,也不管上个月共和党在中期选举中败的多么惨烈,布什总统仍然想让世界知道,他仍旧——稳如泰山——是最后拍板的人。 Whatever conclusions Mr Baker offers him, and despite last month’s electoral drubbing, Mr Bush wants the world to know that he is still, firmly, “the decider “.

  • 而这位新的君王,我们是否可以认定他之所以能稳如泰山地做国家的统治者,是因为他窃取国家的同时,也窃取了仁义?窃取了圣人的智慧以及典章制度呢? Do we deem that all makes this happened, is because the new king steal the benevolence and righteousness, as well as the wisdom of sage and the constitutions system at the same time?

  • 稳如泰山造句相关


    词语大全 有眼不识泰山造句_有眼不识泰山中英文解释和造

    有眼不识泰山  yǒu yǎn bù shí tài shān








  • 昨天晚上我才发现自己既失职又有眼不识泰山。 Last night I realized that I’d been both blind and derelict .

  • 在这个晚上有人告诉她说她真是有眼不识泰山。 In the course of evening someone informed her that she was entertaining an angel unawares.

  • 怪呢!都怪我有眼不识泰山,遇到中国国家足球队的了! Strange! All blame me an eye don’t know Mount Taishan, meet China a nation football team of!

  • 林先生,我有眼不识泰山,想不到您还是一位企业家,能有幸参观一下您的工厂吗? Mr Lin, I have eyes, but I have failed to see Mount Tai-shan. I haven’t realized that you were an entrepreneur.

  • 林先生,我有眼不识泰山,想不到您还是一位企业家,能有幸参观一下您的工厂吗? Mr Lin, I have eyes, but I have failed to see Mount Tai-shan. I haven’t realized that you were an entrepreneur. May I visit your factory?

  • 他不无自豪地对我说“林先生我有眼不识泰山想不到您还是一位企业家能有幸参观一下您的工厂吗? I own a factory, ” he proudly replied. “Mr Lin, I have eyes, but I have failed to see Mount Tai-shan. haven’t realized that you were an entrepreneur. May I visit your factory?

  • 尽管蟾蜍对此暴跳如雷,极力申辩说,他是命运之神派来惩罚那个臂上长色斑的胖女人的,因为她明白面对一位绅士,却有眼不识泰山。 though Toad kicked terribly at this, holding himself to be an instrument of Fate, sent to punish fat women with mottled arms who couldn’t tell a real gentleman when they saw one.

  • 牧大侠,我错了,有眼不识泰山。敢情你这么多才多艺啊。不过,是不是蒙我不懂法语啊(我说过我不小资的,不会法语),你咕噜什么呢。 He said he was impressed by the beauty of france and french girls when he went there in 2001 Am I right? I am guessing.

  • 外观看起来不怎么出色的建记辣椒板面,总让有眼不识泰山的人忽略。不过,一到用餐时间,别说店里座无虚席,就连要找到泊车位也挺困难,非得要转了一圈又一圈才能如意。 The outlook of Restoran Kin Kin will easily missed by , however, when it e to dine hour, both lunch and dinner, you can see people crowded the restaurant and it’s even harder to get a parking slot.

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