词语大全 穷乡僻壤造句_穷乡僻壤中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:少年意气强不羁,虎胁插翼白日飞。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 穷乡僻壤造句_穷乡僻壤中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 穷乡僻壤造句_穷乡僻壤中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 穷乡僻壤的意思_成语“穷乡僻壤”是什么意思

词语大全 穷乡僻壤造句_穷乡僻壤中英文解释和造句

穷乡僻壤  qióng xiāng pì rǎng








  • 穷乡僻壤出现的事物是多么美好。 How lovely things were out in the hinterland.

  • 古丽漫无目的地逃往银河系的穷乡僻壤。 With no clear objective or direction, Guri fled to the backwater of the galaxy.

  • 这里过去是穷乡僻壤,现在铁路公路都畅通了。 This formerly inaccessible place can now be reached by road and rail.

  • 一个年青的金发女郎在路易斯安那的穷乡僻壤渡假。 A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana.

  • 为此,她去过许多穷乡僻壤,但几乎每次都无功而返。 Her search led her to many backwater planets but time and again her hunt would e up empty.

  • 令多事之冒险者赶出诸位之穷乡僻壤。赶快来电,取回您之隐私。 MM:Keep nosy adventurers out of your remote geographical location with QuestGuard. Call today, and get your privacy back.

  • 退役后,他来到一个穷乡僻壤的小山村,当了一名体育代课老师。 After retirement, he goes to a remote village to be a temporary sports teacher.

  • 诸位读者想像过没有,在华北的穷乡僻壤做一个中国农民意味着什么? HAVE you ever considered what it means to be a Chinese peasant in the interior of North China?

  • 十年前,甘水镇是一个灰尘乱飞的穷乡僻壤,以世界上最大的响尾蛇聚集地而著称。 Ten years ago Sweetwater was a dusty backwater best known for having the world’s largest rattlesnake round-up (see article).

  • 八名雪上汽车驾驶者在加拿大的穷乡僻壤失踪,有人怀疑他们因为当地的雪崩而丧身。 Eight snowmobilers are missing and some are feared dead following avalanches in Canada’s backcountry .

  • 在银河系螺旋线西边最末端的某穷乡僻壤处,悬挂著一个完全不被人搭理的黄色小太阳。 Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.

  • 不同部落之间有很明显的行政联系。即使是穷乡僻壤的小村落也与一些行政中心有联系。 There was a great sense of political connectedness between different groups. Even small villages in the hinterlands of large cities were connected to some political center.

  • 阿拉斯加州批准退税44%,不过制片商要得到全部补贴,须得三九严冬在穷乡僻壤拍摄。 Alaska has approved a 44% rebate, although production panies must film in rural areas during the state’s gruelling winter to qualify for the full sum.

  • 在深入银河系穷乡僻壤的同时,他与奇斯人重建建立了联系,当时奇斯人正被各种入侵威胁所包围。 When in the depths of the galaxy’s backwater, Thrawn re-established contact with the Chiss, who in the interim had been besieged by all manner of encroaching threats.

  • 从表面看,她们是两个毫不引人注目的姑娘,久处穷乡僻壤使她们养成了腼腆的态度和缄默的习惯。 In externals, they were two unobtrusive women; a perfectly secluded life gave them retiring manners and habits.

  • 作为新型飞机的秘密训练基地,这个地方是很理想的:它地处穷乡僻壤,特别便于有效地隐蔽其活动。 As a secret training base for a new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity.

  • 其中城市文化人多半通过网络,包括电子邮件,穷乡僻壤关怀时事的人们基本上是通过收听外国电台。 People who lived in the cities found it mostly through the Internet including via email. Those people in remote areas basically heard about it through foreign radio services.

  • 他接着说,“媒体都信奉精英主义,他们会相信关于你这个出身于阿肯色州穷乡僻壤的小子的任何传言。 He went on to say the press were elitists who would believe any tales they were told about backwater Arkansas.

  • 中巴车开上东发村印满车辙的泥土路,载着这位年轻工人和他的太太离开这个靠近俄罗斯边界的穷乡僻壤。 The bus is starting to roll down the rutted dirt road in Dongfa village, carrying the young worker and his wife away from this ghost town near the Russian border.

  • 从外表上看,她们是两个丝毫不引人注目的姑娘,由于久居穷乡僻壤,她们养成了腼腆的态度和缄默的习惯。 In externals, they were two unobtrusive women; a perfectly secluded life gave them retiring manners and habits.

  • 中国保存完好的地方往往是人烟稀少的穷乡僻壤,因高山环抱,而与世隔绝;因为经济落后,而景色得以保存。 Those well preserved places tend to be impoverished and scarcely inhabited settlements, cut off from civilization by the high mountains and protected by the underdeveloped economy.

  • 除了迅速出名的一两个地方,比如采尔马特和夏木尼,阿尔卑斯山的村庄一般是群山环绕、与世隔绝的穷乡僻壤。 Except for one or two places such as Zermatt and Chamonix, which had rapidly bee popular, Alpine villages tended to be impoverished settlements cut off from civilization by the high mountains.

  • 即将出版「美国对乔治亚外交政策」新书的作者米契尔说:「它是块穷乡僻壤,即使独立,还是个贫穷的乡下地方。 “It’s a poor, rural place. If it were independent, it would be a poor, rural place. ” said Mr. Mitchell, author of an uping book on American foreign policy in Georgia.

  • 被逼得步步为营的祖马要反击了,他开始接受报纸采访,到穷乡僻壤进行视察,到津巴布韦为那里的协商政府排忧解难。 A chastened Mr Zuma is already fighting back, giving newspaper interviews, going on walkabouts in poor townships and flying to Zimbabwe to try to end a deadlock in its power-sharing government.

  • 一个有效阻碍打击海盗活动的现象是,海盗们越来越倾向于在穷乡僻壤的地方实施袭击,那些地方通常法律法规不完善。 One obstacle to effective counter measures is that piracy tends to be rife in poorer regions where law and order has broken down.

  • 这就充分说明了,在这里,在这个穷乡僻壤,在这个也许我会终生呆下去的地方,只有体力劳动的成果才是衡量人的尺度。 So this showed that only the results of physical labor were the measure to measure a person here, in this remote and backward place, and this place in which may be I stay here forever.

  • 秘书一眼就看出这对从穷乡僻壤里来的乡下人跟这个学校没有任何关系。他们或许根本就不配进这个剑桥地区。秘书皱着眉头。 The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods, country hicks had no business at Harvard and probably didn’t even deserve to be in Cambridge. She frowned.

  • 这名来自象牙海岸的大个子把一枚打痛他的硬币扔回给伯恩利的球迷,或许他希望可以让这些穷酸的家伙们用来买票回他们的穷乡僻壤。 The big Ivorian with a small threshhold for pain chucked a coin into the Burnley fan section, in hopes of rewarding the poverty-stricken town with a bit of cash for the trip home.

  • 在使他一举成名的《比斯瓦斯先生的房子》这部大作中,奈保尔深刻地描绘了生活在加勒比地区那片穷乡僻壤的一群抬不起头的小人物,赋予他们以尊严。 In the book that made him famous, A House for Mr. Biswas, he lent the profundity of the major novel to the wing-clipped characters in a Caribbean backwater and granted them dignity…

  • 当然,在一些穷乡僻壤也会有诸如“所有外国人都长著红头发和蓝眼睛,而且走路不用弯膝盖”这样的闲话,但是,见过老外的人便会更加了解事实是怎样了。 There was some talk among the rustics that all foreigners had red hair and blue eyes and walked without bending their knees. But those who had actually seen them knew better.

  • 穷乡僻壤造句相关


    词语大全 穷乡僻壤的意思_成语“穷乡僻壤”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音qióng xiāng pì rǎng
    成语解释 穷:贫穷;僻:偏僻。荒远偏僻的地方。
    常用程度 常用
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 联合式
    成语用法 作主语、宾语、定语;指偏僻的地方。
    产生年代 古代
    典故出处 宋·曾巩《叙盗》:“穷乡僻壤、大川长谷之间,自中家以上,日暮持钱,无告籴之所。”
    成语例句 茅盾《子夜》:“他们将使他们的灯泡、热水瓶、阳伞、肥皂、橡胶套鞋,走遍了全中国的~。”
    近 义 词 穷山恶水 不毛之地 穷陬僻壤
    反 义 词 沃野千里
    英文翻译 by-place <remote,backward place>
    俄文翻译 захолустье <глушь>
    日文翻译 へんぴな片(かた)いなか
    其他语言 <德>eine arme und entlegene Gegend <Kaff>


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    僻壤  [pìrǎng][僻壤]基本解释1.偏僻的地方2.偏远或人烟稀少的地区;不毛之地[僻壤]详细解释偏僻荒远的地方。宋曾巩《叙盗》:“穷乡僻壤,大川长谷之间,自中家以上,日昊持

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