词语大全 穷困潦倒造句_穷困潦倒中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:少年乘勇气,百战过乌孙。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 穷困潦倒造句_穷困潦倒中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 穷困潦倒造句_穷困潦倒中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 落魄不羁造句_落魄不羁中英文解释和造句

词语大全 穷困潦倒造句_穷困潦倒中英文解释和造句

穷困潦倒  qióng kùn liáo dǎo








  • 穷困潦倒时,我想象未来的富有; If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to e .

  • 它们现在可真的是穷困潦倒了。 Now, they really were poor.

  • 他是个穷困潦倒的作家。 He is an impoverished writer.

  • 一位穷困潦倒的可怜人睡在门口的地板上。 The poor man in poverty sleeps on the floor at the doorway.

  • 或许有些人家财万贯,而有的人却穷困潦倒。 Perhaps some people Jiacaiwanguan, while some people are destitute.

  • 现在,可怜的旦尼尔真是处于穷困潦倒的境况。 Right now the poor guy is really down and out.

  • 自从他失业以后,他的确过著穷困潦倒的生活。 Since he lost the job, he has really e down in the world.

  • 他并非一直家财万贯,并深知穷困潦倒的痛苦。 He wasn’t always a millionaire and more than understood the pain of poverty.

  • 但由于事业失败,穷困潦倒,妻子也离他而去。 Because of the failure of business, his wife then left him.

  • 他做出了一个错误的决定,以致他的后半生穷困潦倒。 He made a wrong decision, so that half of his lifetime was wasted.

  • 它守候着睡梦中穷困潦倒的主人如同守候着王子一般。 He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince.

  • 那么,这对现实世界尤其是经济状况穷困潦倒的人意味着什么呢? So what does any of this mean for people in the real world especially in this down-and-out economy?

  • 同理,贷款购买高价资产并非发家致富之路,而是走向穷困潦倒之途。 Similarly those who buy an overvalued asset with borrowed money have not made themselves richer but poorer.

  • 经历过住房热潮和金融崩溃之后,人们普遍认为英语国家将陷于穷困潦倒。 The English-speaking countries are widely perceived to be down and out after housing binges and financial busts.

  • 爱因斯坦很认同莫扎特即使在非常困难或穷困潦倒的情况依然可以继续创作的能力。 He also empathized with Mozart’s ability to continue to pose magnificent music even in very difficult and impoverished conditions.

  • 没有母亲,查理·卓别林充其量也只是维多利亚时期伦敦城里又一位穷困潦倒的儿童。 Without her, Charlie Chaplin would have bee just one more child lost in the poverty of Victorian London.

  • 我看到他时,就回想到多年前自己也是一个穷困潦倒的孩子,没钱给妈妈买圣诞礼物。 When I looked at him, I saw myself, many years ago. I too, was a poor boy with nothing to buy my mother a Christmas gift.

  • 一个穷困潦倒的作家(亚里克·鲍德温)将自己的灵魂卖给了魔鬼以换取名望和财富…… A down-and-out writer sells his soul to the devil in exchange for fame and fortune.

  • 你知道他实际上已经穷困潦倒了吗?并且他对我承认来这里的原因就是因为把钱花光了。 Were you aware that he is practically penniless, and admitted to me that he came here because his money had run out?

  • 又或一名画家,决心为了伟大的艺术而忍受清贫的生活,直到有一天穷困潦倒,无法坚持。 Or the painter who accepted the life of poverty to make her great art, till poverty became far too expensive to afford.

  • 不过,在当前的繁荣景象中,我们仍需清醒地面对这样一个事实,这就是我们曾经穷困潦倒过。 Nevertheless, the present prosperity must not blind us to the fact that we used to suffer great poverty.

  • 当你穷困潦倒时首先要求助的便是犹太人,我手头几乎一下子就有了三个,全是充满同情心的好人。 The first people to turn to when you’re down and out are the Jews. I had three of them on my hands almost at once. Sympathetic souls.

  • 也就是说,消费者花掉了上述意外之财,而不是把它存起来以备穷困潦倒的政府日后再把钱征收回来。 In other words, consumers spent windfall money rather than saving it in the expectation that a flat-broke government would claw it back later.

  • 穷困潦倒时,我想象未来的富有。力不从心时,我回想过去的成功。自轻自贱时,我想想自己的目标。 If I feel inpetent I will remember past success. If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.

  • 但是这有一定的代价:因为当他饮酒的时候,我们有工作和工钱。当他戒酒了,我们就只有借酒消愁穷困潦倒了。 But it came with a price because when he was drinking, we had jobs and money. When he quit, we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.

  • 可现在到村子里,石磨塌了,碾子滚了,这些石匠的杰作就像穷困潦倒的乞丐横七坚八地斜躺在破败的老庄子上。 Village now, the collapse of the stone, roll the roller, which is like a masterpiece of mason destitute beggars Kennedy eight to seven transverse oblique dilapidated old lying on the Zhuangzi.

  • 北漂一族老灭因经商失败而穷困潦倒,其女友燕姿与之分道扬镳。为节省开支,老灭只好决定将自己租来的两居室租出一间。 Lao Mie es to Beijing to do business, but he fails and his girlfriend dumps him. In order to save money, Lao Mie decides to share his acmodation.

  • 芝加哥大学的一名经济学家史蒂夫•莱维特的研究发现的一个趋势就是那些穷困潦倒、缺乏教育的黑人常用典型的黑人名字。 Increasingly it is poorer and less educated black Americans who use “typically black” names, according to research by Steven Levitt, an economist at the University of Chicago.

  • 有关饮酒的曲线形状与之相似:随着收入的减少,酗酒的情况也会减少——除了那些真正穷困潦倒的人,他们会带着仇恨将指数推高。 The pattern is similar when it es to drink: as ine declines, so does boozing—except among really poor people, who (on average) put it back with a vengeance.

  • 如果你什么都没有,如果你被剥夺得一无所有、穷困潦倒,那只是因为你不相信或者不了解你体内蕴含的这种能量,毫无疑问,宇宙将它赋予了你,它将所有东西赋予了所有人,不偏不倚。 If you have any lack, if you are prey to poverty or disease, it is because you do not believe or do not understand the power that is yours. It is not a question of the Universal giving to you.

  • 穷困潦倒造句相关


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