词语大全 穷奢极欲造句_穷奢极欲中英文解释和造句

Posted 生活方式

篇首语:一身转战三千里,一剑曾当百万师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 穷奢极欲造句_穷奢极欲中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 穷奢极欲造句_穷奢极欲中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 穷奢极侈造句_穷奢极侈中英文解释和造句

词语大全 穷奢极欲造句_穷奢极欲中英文解释和造句

穷奢极欲  qióng shē jí yù








  • 求上帝喂养那些穷奢极欲的人吧! May God feed the over-abundant!

  • 山西煤老板是否真如外界所说的那样穷奢极欲? Shanxi coal bosses are really outside said extravagant?

  • 穷人饿肚子,而极少数人却过著穷奢极欲的生活。 The poor people starved, while a few lived off the fat of the land.

  • 有些人穷奢极欲,有些人却一贫如洗,这似乎不公平。 It doesn’t seem fair that some people lead lives of luxury, while others have nothing at all.

  • 富裕人口生活方式穷奢极欲,缺乏对整个社会的责任心。 Well-off population luxury lifestyle Jiyu, a lack of sense of responsibility for society as a whole.

  • 同时,对贵族阶级的穷奢极欲和不惜弄虚作假的生活方式作了抨击和暴露。 At the same time, aristocratic class, and Jiyu extravagance of the poor at the fraud and exposed to criticism made by way of life.

  • 传说,殷商末代的商纣王是个穷奢极欲、残暴无道的昏君(参看《助纣为虐》)。 Legend has it the last Shang King Zhou of the business is a luxury Jiyu, cruelty-free Road Hun Jun (see “indecent”).

  • 三分之二的人类正苦于营养不良,而我们自己的上流社会却穷奢极欲,纸醉金迷。 While two-thirds of mankind suffers undernourishment, our own upper classes revel amidst superfluous abundance.

  • 穷奢极欲,毁灭人类。所以我们劲力控制自己的感情,适度是我们追求的最佳状态。 Excess in aii the things is the undoing of men. So we practise controling our senses , moderation, we hope.

  • 一方面很多人还在为温饱而发愁,另一方面却有很多人穷奢极欲,这种强烈的反差不能不让人唏嘘。 On the one hand, many worry about meeting food and clothing needs, while on the other hand many others live in excessive luxury. One cannot help but sigh at the inequality.

  • 他的生活穷奢极欲,住在一座他自认为坚不可摧的宫殿中,对普利摩顿三百多万民众的死活毫不关心。 He lived in excessive luxury, in a palace he believed impregnable, caring little or nothing for the two and three quarter million people who occupied Primordium.

  • 这或许能解释人们为何需要”穷奢极欲”。在这个季度令人惊异的一本畅销书中描述了历年最大鲑鱼的捕获情节。 This may help explain why a lavish, illustrated account of the biggest salmon ever caught has bee one of the surprise bestsellers of the season.

  • 发生这样的事情,只是因为在各种社会里,一些人拥有了更多的东西,穷奢极欲,而另一些人拥有不够,缺吃少喝。 These take place only in munities where some have got more that is sufficient while others have not enough.

  • 为了使这些占人口少数的人可以不从事劳动而又过著穷奢极欲的生活,大多数人就必须拼命干活,并且过著穷困的生活。 The majority work hard and live in poverty in order that the minority may live in luxury without working at all.

  • 清教思想的魂灵仍旧在人们耳畔切切私语,告诫人们不要耽于这世俗的穷奢极欲,我也希望有更多的美国人不要想着去过他们负担不起的生活。 Puritan ghosts still whisper their warnings against profligacy in my part of the world, and I certainly hope that more Americans live within their means.

  • 穷奢极欲造句相关


    词语大全 穷奢极侈造句_穷奢极侈中英文解释和造句

    穷奢极侈  qióng shē jí chǐ







  • 你们在世上穷奢极侈,养肥了自己,竟不知屠宰的日子到了。 Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter.

  • 地上的君王曾经与她通奸;商人亦因她穷奢极侈的生活而发了财。 The kings of the earth mitted adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.

  • 他在位期间,穷奢极侈,荒淫无度,花费大量金钱去开通京杭运河。 In his fourteen-year reign, he gave himself up to extravagance and debauchery. He spent a vast sum of money for opening a great canal from Beijing to Hangzhou.

  • 法国大革命之前,王室穷奢极侈传说深入民心,从鉆石项链事件中可见一斑。 The widespread belief in the French royal family’s extravagance before the French Revolution may be seen in the Diamond Necklace Affair.

  • 那么奥巴马告知老板们,他们“有责任不要穷奢极侈”,会不会带来更大范围的高管薪酬约束呢? Will Mr Obama’s message to bosses that they have “got responsibilities not to live high on the hog” lead to restraint in executive pay more broadly?

  • 孩子啊!你要想想,你一生穷奢极侈,拉撒路却受尽苦楚;他如今在这里得着安慰,而你却受折磨; But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is forted here and you are in agony.

  • 原来这是一个梳妆间,里面摆满各种精致的梳妆用品,从这些用品里似乎可以看出死者生前的穷奢极侈。 It was the dressing-room, plete down to the very last details, in which the dead woman’s profligacy had seemingly reached its height.

  • 我们穷奢极侈,郁郁寡欢,超速驾驶,心浮气躁,睡太晚,起太难,读书浅,经常看电视却很少祈祷。(? We spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get to angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too often, and pray too seldom.

  • 穷奢极侈造句相关



    词语大全 穷奢极侈造句_穷奢极侈中英文解释和造句

    穷奢极侈  qióngshējíchǐ穷奢极侈的意思和解释:穷:极;奢、侈:奢侈。极端奢侈,尽量享受。形容挥霍浪费,荒淫腐化。穷奢极侈的出处《后汉书·陆康传》:“末世衰主,穷奢极侈

    词语大全 穷奢极侈造句_穷奢极侈中英文解释和造句

    穷奢极侈  qióngshējíchǐ穷奢极侈的意思和解释:穷:极;奢、侈:奢侈。极端奢侈,尽量享受。形容挥霍浪费,荒淫腐化。穷奢极侈的出处《后汉书·陆康传》:“末世衰主,穷奢极侈

    词语大全 穷奢极欲的意思_成语“穷奢极欲”是什么意思


    词语大全 穷奢极侈的意思_成语“穷奢极侈”是什么意思


    词语大全 穷侈极欲的意思_成语“穷侈极欲”是什么意思


    词语大全 穷奢极侈   [qióng shē jí chǐ]什么意思

    穷奢极侈  [qióngshējíchǐ][穷奢极侈]成语解释穷:极;奢、侈:奢侈。极端奢侈,尽量享受。形容挥霍浪费,荒淫腐化。贬义[穷奢极侈]成语出处《后汉书·陆康传》:“末世衰

    词语大全 裸逐   [luǒ zhú]什么意思

    裸逐  [luǒzhú][裸逐]基本解释相传商纣王穷奢极欲,“以酒为池,县肉为林”,使男女赤身裸体,追逐其间。事见《史记·殷本纪》。[裸逐]详细解释相传商纣王穷奢极欲,“以酒为池,

    词语大全 极欲   [jí yù]什么意思

    极欲  [jíyù][极欲]基本解释尽其所欲。[极欲]详细解释尽其所欲。《史记·郦生陆贾列传》:“陆生常安车驷马,从歌舞鼓琴瑟侍者十人,寳剑直百金,谓其子曰:‘与汝约:过汝,汝给吾

    词语大全 极欲   [jí yù]什么意思

    极欲  [jíyù][极欲]基本解释尽其所欲。[极欲]详细解释尽其所欲。《史记·郦生陆贾列传》:“陆生常安车驷马,从歌舞鼓琴瑟侍者十人,寳剑直百金,谓其子曰:‘与汝约:过汝,汝给吾

    词语大全 穷侈极欲   [qióng chǐ jí yù]什么意思

    穷侈极欲  [qióngchǐjíyù][穷侈极欲]成语解释犹言穷奢极侈。《新唐书·孙伏伽传》:“方自谓功德盛五帝,迈三王,穷侈极欲,使天下士肝脑涂地,户口殚耗,盗贼日滋。”[穷侈