词语大全 穷途末路造句_穷途末路中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:智者不为愚者谋,勇者不为怯者死。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 穷途末路造句_穷途末路中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 穷途末路造句_穷途末路中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 穷途之哭造句_穷途之哭中英文解释和造句

词语大全 穷途末路造句_穷途末路中英文解释和造句

穷途末路  qióng tú mò lù






  • 他的公司似乎已经走到了穷途末路。 It seems like his pany is going to the dogs.

  • 穷途末路的人往往铤而走险。 Desperate men often do desperate things.

  • 中国信托业穷途末路了吗? Is China’s Trust Industry in Dead End?

  • 见识了如何穿越法国追击穷途末路之敌。 Lô, how to pursue a defeated enemy in the dash across France.

  • 买别墅送产权直升机别墅开发商穷途末路? Buy villa to villa property developers in a dead-end helicopters?

  • 买别墅送飞机:已经是开发商的穷途末路了吗? Villa to buy aircraft : the developer is a dead end?

  • 买别墅送飞机?国内开发商莫非真到穷途末路了? Villa to buy the aircraft? Is it a dead end to internal developers?

  • 在海难中丧失一切的海员说,他已经是穷途末路了。 The sailor who had lost everything by shipwreck said that he was thrown on his beam-ends.

  • 空难调查已是穷途末路,报告中没有提到什么新东西。 end; there is nothing new in the report.

  • 除了穷凶极恶的谋杀式“非对称”战术,塔利班已是穷途末路。 Its leadership had been shredded by systematic assassination, and it was reduced to murderous but desperate “asymmetric” tactics.

  • 我再也不必在穷途末路上堕落了。我已能在拥挤的人行道上昂首阔步了。 I no longer wallow in the grime and gutters, but I walk along crowded sidewalks with my head held high.

  • 这个加盟国票决退出苏联,造成了地震般的冲击,表明苏联已经走到了穷途末路。 The seismic shock of a Soviet republic voting to secede showed that the Soviet Union was finished.

  • 科学家们已到穷途末路了,如果他们得到政府更多的资金,他们才能继续此项研究。 The scientists have reached the end of the road and can only continue the research if they receive more government funding.

  • 事实上,有非常充分的理由可以把沉湎于声色之乐的性看作是衰败和穷途末路的征象。 In fact, it may very well be the sign of a crippled or impoverished sensuality.

  • 以掠夺和蚕食民众财富为基础搭建起来的房地产繁荣,在民众觉醒之后,也已经走到了穷途末路。 Plunders and nibbles the populace wealth the real estate prosperity which builds for the foundation, after the populace awaken, also had already arrived at the dead end.

  • 自美国成为世界强国以来,布什可以说是最糟糕的一位总统,他的外交政策已到了穷途末路的地步。 The foreign policy of Mr Bush, arguably the worst president since the US became a world power, has e to a dead end.

  • 燃烧军团入侵的第三次战争后,穷途末路的暗夜精灵们在被恶魔污染的灰谷外急切地寻找安身之处。 After the invasion of the Legion during the Third War, the Night Elves desperately sought a refuge from the demonic corruption that tainted much of Ashenvale.

  • 小室哲哉曾于今年6月15日在博客上提到自己已经穷途末路:“必须做的事情确实还是不做不行的。 Tetsuya chamber this year on June 15 in the blog on their own has been referred to a dead end: “must do or not do not work.”

  • 如果一个人的时间和财富得到了高效合理的应用,在我看来,是完全不必有晚景凄凉、穷途末路的担忧的。 If his time and means are profitably employed, I say there is no need of his being poor and needy to the end of life.

  • 最后一个可能性是:这可能是内鬼所为,也许是一个职员在自己还没有穷途末路之前事先陷害雇主的诡计。 The last possibility is that this could be an insider’s job, perhaps an employee’s scheme to get even with his or her boss just in case he would get nasty in future.

  • 对于大多数人来说失败这个词总是带给人穷途末路的感觉,但是对于那些成功的邻导人来说失败是希望的种子。 For a lot of people , the word “failure”carries with it a feeling of ing to an end; but for the successful leader, failure is a beginning, a seed of hope.

  • 但这并不意味着雄心已经穷途末路,人们不再感觉到受到雄心的激励了,只是人们不再公开地以它为荣,更不愿公开地坦白了。 This does not mean that ambition is at an end, that people no longer feel its stirrings and promptings, but only that, no longer openly honored, it is less openly professed.

  • 但这并不意味着雄心已经穷途末路,人们不再感觉到受到雄心的激励了,只是人们不再公开地以它为荣,更不愿公开地坦白了。 This does not mean that ambition is at an end, that people no longer feel its stirrings and promptings, but only that, no longer openly honored, it is less openly underground, or made sly.

  • 你的最亲的骨肉也会被你看作是些憧憧往来的黑影,几乎成了人生的穷途末路中一些若有若无的形象,很容易和无形的鬼魂混淆在一起。 Your nearest relations are often no more for you than vague shadowy forms, barely outlined against a nebulous background of life and easily confounded again with the invisible.

  • 小时候,我以为整个世界象间巨大的糖果店,摆满了形形色色的糖果,可有朝一日你一转身,看到的确是一间监狱,而你已是穷途末路。 Justine: As a girl you see the world as a giant candy store filled with sweet candy and such. But one day you look around and you see a prison and you’re on death row.

  • 我们犹如置身在一艘在太平洋中心即将沉没的船只,没有一个人可以游到岸去,即使是顶尖的游泳健儿也无能为力,我们已经穷途末路。 We are all like people on a sinking ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean; not one us can swim to shore, not even the very best swimmers among us. Our situation is desperate.

  • 第三种观点是资源的贱价时代已经结束了。我们耗尽了石油,耗尽了产出食物的土地,我们大体上已经走到了掠夺地球资源的穷途末路。 The third view is that the era of cheap resources is over for good — that we’re running out of oil, running out of land to expand food production and generally running out of planet to exploit.

  • 这些调查发现驳斥了军队首脑们维持其商业活动的主要借口中的一条,即他们已经穷途末路,需要这些财政收入来补充寒酸的国家预算。 The findings undermine one of the army chiefs’ main excuses for keeping their businesses: that they desperately need the revenues to supplement the meagre official budget.

  • 多年以来,香港业一直与盗版作斗争,与好莱坞竞争,还要应对观众对亚洲其它地区的兴趣一直增长。部门业内士为港片发出了穷途末路之叹。 Hong Kong for years has struggled against movie piracy, petition from Hollywood, a surging interest in other regional Asian films. Some in the industry have rung the death knell.

  • 一言以蔽之,共产党认为,蒋介石正在把中国引入穷途末路。但更重要的是,他们认为中国人民将会看清这一点,并将起来反抗这个独夫民贼。 In short, the Communists believed that Chiang was leading the nation into an inescapable impasse, but more important, they thought the Chinese people would see this and turn against their dictator.

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