词语大全 窃窃私议造句_窃窃私议中英文解释和造句
Posted 耶稣
篇首语:人生难得几回搏,此时不搏待何时。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 窃窃私议造句_窃窃私议中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 窃窃私议造句_窃窃私议中英文解释和造句
窃窃私议 qiè qiè sī yì
们窃窃私议说:「这个人交接罪人,又同他们吃饭。」 but the Pharisees and scribes began to plain, saying, “This man weles sinners and eats with them. “”
犹太人遂对耶稣窃窃私议,因为 说∶我是从天上降下来的食粮。 The Jews then murmured at [Jesus], because He said, “I am the bread which came down from heaven.”
犹太人遂对耶稣窃窃私议,因为他说:我是从天上降下来的食粮。 41The Jews therefore murmured at him, because he had said: I am the living bread which came down from heaven.
犹太人遂对耶稣窃窃私议,因为他说:我是从天上降下来的食粮。 41The Jews murmured because Jesus had said, “I am the bread which es from heaven.”
机灵人似乎听不见这种窃窃私议的反对意见,仍旧继续他们的勾当。 The skilful do not seem to hear the murmured objection, and they continue their manoeuvres.
法利塞人及经师们窃窃私议说:"这个人交接罪人,又同他们吃饭。 2 but the Pharisees and scribes began to plain, saying, “This man weles sinners and eats with them.”
法利塞人及经师们窃窃私议说:「这个人交接罪人,又同他们吃饭。 And the Pharisees and the scribes murmured, saying: This man received sinners, and eaten with them.
耶稣自知他的门徒对这话窃窃私议,便向他们说:“这话使你们起反感吗? Since Jesus knew that his disciples were murmuring about this, he said to them, “Does this shock you?”
让每个人或拆或建或者做他喜欢的花费,没有人窃窃私议,没有人加以控制; Let any man pull down, or build, or make whatsoever expenses he pleases, nobody murmurs, nobody controls him;
当别人勇敢地、仁慈地、直截了当地规劝我们,而不在我们背后窃窃私议时,我们不该感谢他们吗? Should we not be thankful ourselves when others have the courage and loving-kindness to tell us our faults directly and to refrain from whispering about them behind our backs?
词语大全 窃窃私语造句_窃窃私语中英文解释和造句
窃窃私语 qiè qiè sī yǔ
老师一转过身去,他们就开始窃窃私语。 When the teacher turned around , they began to whisper.
您的楼梯位于窃窃私语风。 Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.
如果你窃窃私语,人们会相信你说的一切。 People will believe anything if you whisper it.
大家吃了一惊,开始窃窃私语,做着鬼脸。 People gasped and whispered and made faces.
左邻右舍在窃窃私语。 Whispering neighbours left and right.
自习课、晚自习不得窃窃私语,不得讨论问题; Don’t whisper or discuss in the self-study class or evening self-study class.
现在,我从牌桌旁人们的窃窃私语中得知,事实并非如此。 Now , I understood from the whispers around the table , that this was not true .
它们叽叽咕咕地窃窃私语著,我要告诉你我今日的所见所闻。 And while they crow and whisper, I’ll tell you what I see today.
几天后,他看到老人手挽著一个年轻女人在街上走,还窃窃私语。 A few days later he happened to notice the man walking down the street with his arm around a gorgeous young woman and grinning from ear to ear.
一对对情侣,相对而坐,一边窃窃私语,一边品尝他们喜爱的冰点。 One may also see young lovers sitting in pairs whispering to each other over icecream or ice pastry.
水中的鱼儿成群结队的在水中窃窃私语,有的还带着宝宝出来晒太阳。 Water fish in groups whispering in the water, and some even take the baby out of the sun.
半夜过后,音乐停止,喧哗的旅客们散去,只听到入睡时的窃窃私语。 The music stopped after midnight, the voices of the passengers dispersed and broke into sleepy whispers.
这时已有一些客人站在远处旁观,相互窃窃私语,却没有人挺身而出。 All this time some guests were watching from a distance. They spoke in low voices among themselves but no one stepped forward to help.
我的心啊,请静静地听,请聆听这世界的“窃窃私语”,这是它的求爱。 Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you.
秋风在树叶中瑟瑟作响,窃窃私语告诉你欢乐已逝,嘉年华会将近尾声。 There was the resting of autumn winds, a whispering breath of departed revelry: Carnival was almost done.
那技工和两个女工仔细端详着他,从头到脚,一点不放过,随后窃窃私语。 The mechanic and the two work-girls examined him point by point before resuming their conversation in a subdued voice.
有了好姐妹的作陪,阿娇很快笑容绽放,加上,三人躲在小房子里窃窃私语。 Had good sisters’ being invited along, the Ajiao very quick smiling face bloomed, in addition, three people hid in the small house talk in whispers.
没有必要窃窃私语,因为大喊大叫、唱山歌及大多数高声喊叫并不会引发雪崩。 No need to whisper: Shouting, yodeling, and most other loud sounds cannot trigger an avalanche.
生活向你的心灵窃窃私语。有时,你会没有时间去聆听,生活之砖就扔向了你。 Life whispers in your soul and speaks to your heart. Sometimes, when you don’t have the time to listen, life throws a brick at your head.
有清风艳阳、窃窃私语还有香脆可口的零嘴儿,人生最惬意的事情莫过于如此了。 Cool breeze, bright sunshine, whispering and fragrant and crisp snacks?Icould not think of anything in my life that is better than them.
壁立的巖石,静静流着的小河,风过处便窃窃私语的树林,都成为了她的亲密邻居。 The panies she had were the steep cliffs, the gently flowing stream, and the trees that whispered in the wind.
于是公孙龙收那人做徒弟。其他弟子窃窃私语,还暗暗的嘲笑道:「声音宏亮有什么用?」 Gongsun Long took the man as his disciple. His other disciples were secretly laughing among themselves. ‘ What is the use of a loud voice?’ they sneered.
待球员们再看个仔细时,不由得都张大了嘴巴,有几位在窃窃私语,另有些人面色变得苍白。 Mouths dropped open as the players got a better look. A few whispered to one another. Others visibly paled.
他再也受不了昨天晚上那种遭遇,女眷们对他前程的祝愿,她们的窃窃私语和堆在脸上的笑容。 No more than last night could he bear the prospect of women’s greetings, their chatter, and the smiles upon their faces.
所有那些让人心跳加速、早已默念闭塞千万遍的秘密,终于可以化做温柔的窃窃私语与人分享。 All those breathless secrets in your heart that you rehearsed a thousand times and are now ready to share gently with a tender ear.
萨凡纳人都在背后窃窃私语,对远去西部的菲力浦*罗彼拉德议论纷纷,但嘀咕并没有带来什么答案。 Savannah buzzed behind its doors and speculated about Philippe Robillard, who had gone West, but the gossiping brought no answer.
当生命想与你的心灵窃窃私语时,若你没有时间,你有两种选择:倾听你心灵的声音或让砖头来砸你! It’s your choice: Listen to the whispers of your soul or wait for the brick!
当生命想与你的心灵窃窃私语,有时,你会没有时间去聆听…那么砖头就会落到你的头上,提醒你注意! Life whispers in your soul and speaks to your heart. Sometimes, when you don’t have time to listen…Life throws a brick at your head.
万圣节前夜还是举办化妆舞会的好时机。你会看到女巫坐着扫帚柄飞进来,鬼怪和骷髅则在舞池中窃窃私语。 Halloween is also a time for masquerade parties. Witches fly in on broomsticks, while ghosts and skeletons chat on the dance floor.
他突然停下脚步,恐惧万分。他回头朝窃窃私语的人群看了一眼,似乎想听他们说点什么,后来又改变了主意。 Mr. Dursley stopped dead. Fear flooded him. He looked back at the whisperers as if he wanted to say something to them, but thought better of it.
窃窃私语 qièqièsīyǔ窃窃私语的意思和解释:背地里小声说话。窃窃私语的出处唐·韩愈《顺宗实录·永贞五年》:“虽叛两使事,未尝以簿书为意,日引其党屏人切切细语,谋夺官者兵,
窃窃私语 qièqièsīyǔ窃窃私语的意思和解释:背地里小声说话。窃窃私语的出处唐·韩愈《顺宗实录·永贞五年》:“虽叛两使事,未尝以簿书为意,日引其党屏人切切细语,谋夺官者兵,
窃窃私私 [qièqièsīsī][窃窃私私]基本解释耳语轻微细碎貌。[窃窃私私]详细解释耳语轻微细碎貌。《天雨花》第三回:“老孙与你言何事,窃窃私私不出声。”[窃窃私私]英文翻
窃窃 [qièqiè][窃窃]基本解释1.明察貌。2.形容声音轻微细碎。3.暗中;偷偷地。[窃窃]详细解释明察貌。《庄子·齐物论》:“而愚者自以为觉,窃窃然知之。”陆德明释文引司
窃窃自语 [qièqièzìyǔ][窃窃自语]基本解释小声地自言自语[窃窃自语]百科解释拼音:qièqièzìyǔ[解释]:窃窃:细碎的样子;自:自己;语:说话。窃窃自语:小声地
窃语私议 [qièyǔsīyì][窃语私议]成语解释私:私下。背地里小声议论。[窃语私议]成语出处三国·魏·嵇康《家诫》:“若见窃语私议,便舍起,勿使忌人也。”[窃语私议]百科解
词语大全 窃窃细语 [qiè qiè xì yǔ ]什么意思
窃窃细语 [qièqièxìyǔ][窃窃细语]成语解释背地里小声说话。[窃窃细语]成语出处唐·韩愈《顺宗实录·永贞五年》:“虽叛两使事,未尝以簿书为意,日引其党屏人切切细语,谋夺
咠咠 [qìqì][咠咠]基本解释1.窃窃私语貌。2.毁谤,进馋。[咠咠]详细解释窃窃私语貌。《说文·口部》:“咠,聂语也。《诗》曰:‘咠咠幡幡。’”段玉裁注:“今《诗》作‘缉缉