词语大全 立锥之地造句_立锥之地中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:登山则情满于山,观海则意溢于海。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 立锥之地造句_立锥之地中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 立锥之地造句_立锥之地中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 立足之地造句_立足之地中英文解释和造句

词语大全 立锥之地造句_立锥之地中英文解释和造句

立锥之地  lì zhuī zhī dì








  • 那么天主和宗教在政治里完全没有立锥之地吗? Do God and religion have no business at all in politics, then?

  • 在那样一个时代,穷人和不幸的人毫无立锥之地。 JANE:There was no proper place for the poor or the unfortunate.

  • 在几乎无立锥之地的地方仍然端著架子;那可就太愚蠢了。 It will have is foolish to stand upon our dignity in a place where there is hardly room to stand up on our feet.

  • 在几乎无立锥之地的地方仍然端著架子;那可就太愚蠢了。 It will have been foolish to stand upon our dignity in a place where there is hardly room to stand up on our feet.

  • 在6,400万人挤进一个小地方下,大多数人只能有立锥之地。 With 64 million people squeezed into a small area, most people make do with tiny plots of land.

  • 大珠:“老僧我上无片瓦,下无立锥之地,哪有什么地方可以聚众?” Big Jewel: “I have neither a single tile nor a tiny bit of land with me. Where can I get together a group of people?”

  • 随着贸易萎缩,数以百万计的工人正失去他们在全球供应链条底端的立锥之地。 As trade shrinks, millions of workers are losing their foothold on the bottom rungs of the global supply chain.

  • 小街虽在地图上难有立锥之地,但在近现代中国文化史上却是浓墨重彩的一笔。 Although the streets on the map difficult to Lizhuizhidi, but in modern Chinese cultural history is of a crime and health care.

  • 但是,只要我有了她,即使在这个世界上我只有一块立锥之地,我也会心满意足。 but I would be content with the smallest corner of this earth if only she were mine.

  • 日本没有宗教行善的传统,因此施粥站或其他收容贫无立锥之地者的地方少之又少。 With no religious tradition of charity, Japan has few soup kitchens or other places for the indigent.

  • 接受罗马天主教会在基督内的信心并无可立锥之地,但有人接受那教会的教导和操练。 Acceptance into the Roman Catholic Church is not upon the grounds of faith in Christ, but that a person accepts the teaching and practices of the Church.

  • 一面机织的网固定在线上方,以防止海浪的冲刷夺走他十年流亡赢得的唯一立锥之地。 A woven net was fastened over the niche, lest the scouring tides steal what little he’d accumulated during his ten-year exile.

  • 若以当下繁荣的主流商业剧场的眼光,这些演出大多绝无可能成行,甚或难有立锥之地。 In the eyes of prospering mainstream mercial theatres these days, many of those plays may not be acceptable or will even be given a toehold.

  • □“穷无立锥之地”是中国一句常用的古话,这句话确切地把无房可住作为贫穷的主要标志。 ” do not have a tiny bit of land thoroughly ” it is a monly used adage of Chinese, this word cuts the ground truly can live without the room the main mark that serves as poverty.

  • 奉承一旦被识破,它就没有了立锥之地。但是人们听见的往往是相反的一说:拍马可以四通八达。 If flattery (insincere praise) is recognized, it will not succeed. One sometimes hears the opposite, Flattery will get you everywhere.

  • 截止日落时,盟军终于攻占了一个微小的立锥之地,并在接下来的几周里艰难地扩大战场,最终致使纳粹在西线的溃败。 By the end of the day, the Allies had achieved a tenuous toehold that would be laboriously expanded over the next weeks and would lead ultimately to the Nazi defeat in the West.

  • 村里的群众还推选了马英海担任新的村长。马英海是位四十岁上下的贫苦农民,过去贫无立锥之地,直到土改时才分得了九亩地。 The village elected as its new chief a forty-year-old farmer named Ma Ying-hai, who formerly had owned no land of his own, but who had acquired an acre and a half during the land division.

  • 更重要的是,一旦生命的某个变体在那里某处有了立锥之地,生来固有造化本性的生命就会着手改变环境直到它适合其他物种的生存。 But more importantly, once one variety of life has a toehold in a place, the inherently transforming nature of life modifies the environment until it is fit for other species of life.

  • 如果你的梦想不是成为本行业内的龙头老大,而仅仅是追逐利润财富,那么你的目标应该是定位于一个尚有待发展能寻得立锥之地的机会市场。 If money is what you’re after, not the dream of being number 1 in ‘that’ field, then find an unoccupied niche.

  • 大家一定觉得希奇,云南的项目怎么不在云南馆而在北京馆展出?该所的杨经理道出其中缘由:云南展馆的负责人以这项技术不能登大雅之堂为由,不愿给其立锥之地。 Everybody is certain wondering, how is the project of Yunnan Yunnan house and to how is the project of Yunnan Yunnan house and exhibit in Beijing house?

  • 因此,如果信用证要求提供的单据与信用证要求使用的语言不符,则银行有权拒绝付款,即便该项不符纯粹是措辞上的。法律格言“法律不计较琐细的事”在跟单信用证这一领域无立锥之地。 Hence, if the documents tendered under the credit deviate from the language of the credit the bank is entitled to withhold payment even if the deviation is purely terminological.

  • 立锥之地造句相关


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