词语大全 等而下之造句_等而下之中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 等而下之造句_等而下之中英文解释和造句
等而下之 děng ér xià zhī
汉代只有孔子被神化,称为“圣人”,孟子和荀子尚为等而下之的“仁人”。 Mencius and Xunzi were the strongest ones of those schools.
你最高尚的思想,你最明晰的言辞,你最伟大的情操都源于我。等而下之的其他都另有渊源。 Mine is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest Feeling. Anything less is from another source.
一个女人成了妻子就等而下之,不仅抵不上恪守妇道的寡妇,也不如修女,修女还发过誓保持贞洁。 A wife was considered inferior to both a nun, who had taken a vow of chastity, and a virtuous widow.
我带雅各布回家时,妈妈穿得整整齐齐地坐在靠背椅上,一切准备就绪,就等而下之小外孙的到来了。 By the time I brought Jacob home, Mom was sitting in her chair, dressed and ready to wele him.
因此给勤增爱护保重补葺或者夺目补助喷洒火滴,如果等而下之搁置防火牛油事后涂抹,也是不得防锈及避免松动办法。 So diligently maintenance or pay attention to the secondary water, if lower use waterproof butter in his painting, but also in advance without losing Rust prevention and prevention of loosing method.
词语大全 等而上之造句_等而上之中英文解释和造句
等而上之 děng ér shàng zhī
斯密等苏格兰思想家大致上已经理解了这一过程,而门格尔则使之变的更加具体了。 Smith and other Scottish thinkers, had by and large understand the process, while the Menger is to make it bee more specific.
其实,此二学派在法律基本精神、思维方式等许多重要问题上存在着广泛而深刻的相同相通相似之处。 With seeking the mon points between the two schools, this article demonstrates that there is extensive and profound homology or resemblance between them in many important questions.
目前海测实务上,常因不易寻找率定作业适合之海底地形或海床特征物等问题,而造成率定作业上之困扰。 The problem in the hydrographic surveying in the practice is not easy to seek for the suitable seabed or underwater feature for patch test at present.
大肠癌在中医学上属“积聚”、“肠风”、“脏结”、“销肛痔”、“脏毒”等范畴,而无大肠癌之病名。 In Traditional Chinese Medicine, large carcinoma was considered as “accumulation”, “hemorrhoidal hemorrhage”, “visceral mass”, and “dysentery”, not named as large carcinoma.
中和节在创制之初的游乐目的,决定了其宴游歌舞的节日场面;而特定的中和乐舞等,则是在此基础上的新创。 The original purpose of the festival was for fun, and therefore singing, dancing and feasting served as its main forms.
判决结果将会取代1983年的一项法律,而该法律要求一些女孩在告知其父母她们欲堕胎后等上24小时之久。 The justices will review the decision striking down a 1983 law, which required some girls to wait twenty-four hours after telling their parents they wanted an abortion.
段玉裁等乾嘉大师在北系官话的背景下研究上古音,研究目光受到了局限,只有大类之别而为音值的探求所困扰。 The scholars of Qing Dynasty, among whom Duan Yucai was, were puzzled by the problem of tone value because of their sight being confined to the Mandarin in North of China.
太阳太阴合病:胡女,40岁,本桂枝新加汤方意用之,并以药艾条熏灸上脘、中脘、至阳等穴区,持续治疗三个月而愈。 First, concurrent disease of Taiyang and Taiyin: Miss Hu, 40 years old, was cured by Guizhi-Xinjia-Tang and using Aitiao to smoke the points such as Shangwan, Zhongwan, Zhiyang, etc for three months.
岁月可以在皮肤上留下痕迹,而激情之火的熄灭则在心灵上刻下烙印。担忧、惧、乏自信等扭曲了人的心灵,也将青春化为灰烬。 Years may wrinkle the skin but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.
夏洛蒂·勃朗特以其《简·爱》等文学著作在文学史上占据了一席之位,而勃朗特家庭的另外两个妹妹艾米莉和安妮也并不较之逊色。 Charlotte Bronte held her position on the literature history with her Jane Eyre, and her two little sisters, Anne Bronte and Emily Bronte, were not inferior to her.
岁月可以在皮肤上留下痕迹,而***之火的熄灭则在心灵上刻下烙印。担忧、恐惧、缺乏自信等扭曲了人的心灵,也将青春化为灰烬。 Years may wrinkle the skin but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.
岁月没出国疑问在肌肤上留下痕迹,而激情之火的熄灭则在心灵上刻下烙印。担忧、恐惧、缺乏自信等扭曲了人的心灵,也将青春化为灰烬。 Years may wrinkle the skin but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the list ent and changing s the spirit behind to dust.
但得分最高的还是在诚信和价值观等个人素质方面,而在是否坚定果决或任命有才之士这种有关领导能力或是职业素养的问题上,奥巴马的得分就没那么高了。 But it offers its highest grades on personal matters like honesty and values, versus leadership or professional questions such as being firm and decisive, or appointing qualified people.
从买地券所保留的文字而言,或因文字有所磨泐而漫漶不清,或俗讹字形近字较多,或用典使事、言辞深奥等原因,致使已经刊出的许多买地券在文字释读上存在不当之处。 However, most elucidating texts are not appropriate in reading and explanation because the words bee worn out, or a large number of similar or wrong characters are used, etc.
此标记终末带区在上橄榄核背侧,三叉神经运动核腹侧以及三叉神经感觉主核的背内侧部等处增大,而上橄榄核背侧及三叉运动核腹侧的终末区以往并无人注意到在此有与之相应的核团。 The labeled terminating zone was enlarged at the area dorsal to the superior olivary nucleus, the area ventral to the trigeminal motor nucleus, and the medial part of the dorso-medial, portion of Vp.
等而上之 děngérshàngzhī等而上之的意思和解释:按某一等级,由此再往上。等而上之的出处宋·朱燮《絜斋集·高鞅论》:“古者五家置一比长,等而上之,为闾,为旅,为党,皆置
等而上之 děngérshàngzhī等而上之的意思和解释:按某一等级,由此再往上。等而上之的出处宋·朱燮《絜斋集·高鞅论》:“古者五家置一比长,等而上之,为闾,为旅,为党,皆置
滑天下之大稽 huátiānxiàzhīdàjī滑天下之大稽的意思和解释:强调事情非常滑稽可笑(带讽刺意味)。滑天下之大稽的出处滑天下之大稽的例子不但唱工,单是黑头涎脸扮丑角,丑
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