词语大全 筋疲力竭造句_筋疲力竭中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:知识就是力量,时间就是生命。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 筋疲力竭造句_筋疲力竭中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 筋疲力竭造句_筋疲力竭中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 势穷力竭造句_势穷力竭中英文解释和造句

词语大全 筋疲力竭造句_筋疲力竭中英文解释和造句

筋疲力竭  jīn pí lì jié







  • 到了下午5点, 我们已经干得筋疲力竭了。By five o’clock in the afternoon we were all burned out from working.
  • 爬那么多楼梯几乎使他筋疲力竭。 Climbing all those stairs nearly did him in.

  • 搬动所有的家俱几乎使他筋疲力竭。 Moving all that furniture nearly did him in.

  • 做完瑜伽锻炼后汤姆已经筋疲力竭了。 Tom was out of gas after he finished his yoga exercise.

  • 长年辛劳而筋疲力竭的工人。 Workers exhausted by years of toil.

  • 这一定是强普的“他筋疲力竭了?”系列。 This sure trumps the “Has he pooped?” series.

  • 我们该如何处理生活中的筋疲力竭、气馁、和失望? How should we handle the exhaustion, discouragement and depression in life?

  • 来自家庭的压力让妳筋疲力竭,不妨抽时间放松一下; Take time to relax. Stress and pressure at home may have worn you ragged. You should catch up on correspondence.

  • 战争结束时,威尔逊已是筋疲力竭,对生活感到厌倦了。 By the end of the war Wilson felt used up and sick of life.

  • 最后她筋疲力竭,倒在地上睡着了,不久便进入了梦乡。 Finally her strength gave out, and she sank down to the ground, falling into a heavy sleep. She was soon immersed in a dream.

  • 但是另一方面,长时间启动导向反应可能令玩家筋疲力竭。 On the other hand, prolonged activation of the orienting response can wear players out.

  • 上天总是无视人们对爱的呼唤,直至人们呼唤得筋疲力竭。 Nature does not often answer a call for love, until the caller is tired of calling.

  • 现在你来到我的面前,诉苦说自己筋疲力竭,而且任务失败。 Your task was to push and that you’ve done. Now you e to me, your strength spent, thinking that you’ve failed.

  • 不管怎样,这种事一旦摊在头上, 不被拖得筋疲力竭就算是好汉! Anyway, once this kind of thing spreads out go up in the head, be not procrastinated brazenly to be brave man!

  • 没有一个敏惑的人能听完《第九号交响曲》而不感筋疲力竭与钝化的。 no person of sensibility can e away from the Ninth Symphony without being exhausted and purified.

  • 例如,你不能和你的孩子一个晚上不睡觉,然后筋疲力竭的送他们去学校。 For example, you can’t stay up all night with your child and send them exhausted to school.

  • 在比赛中保持专注、作积极的自我对话,都能对筋疲力竭的跑者有所助益。 Staying focused on the race and engaging in positive self talk can help weary runners.

  • 他说,英式橄榄球完全符合他对鼻青脸肿的对抗和操到筋疲力竭的欲望需求。 Rugby, he said, perfectly fit his desire for a bruising fight and an exhausting workout.

  • 斯梯芬形容憔悴,筋疲力竭,从闷热的工厂里走了出来,到了凄风冷雨的街道上。 Stephen came out of the hot mill into the damp wind and cold wet streets, haggard and worn.

  • 跳肚皮舞跳在怀孕期间不可以到筋疲力竭的程度,一但感觉到疲劳就应该即刻停止。 During pregnancy women should not exercise to exhaustion. Any exercise should be stopped immediately once signs of fatigue show.

  • 她夜以继日,不停劳作,可是进展不快。到了筋疲力竭之际,还是没有造出多少泥人。 She went about her work day and night. It was slow work. When she became tired, the number of creatures she made was still very small.

  • 每到夜晚,当他回到自己的小屋时,总是浑身疼痛又筋疲力竭,感觉好像每天都徒劳无功。 Each night the man returned to his cabin sore and worn out, feeling as if his whole day had been spent in vain.

  • 拍摄这样一部动画电影不仅是对智力的挑战,也是对体力的挑战,他们告诉我已经筋疲力竭了。 Films this kind of animation movie is not only to the intelligence the challenge, is also to the physical strength the challenge, they told me already the jiggered up.

  • 但一旦演出感情戏,那可真的是很伤神的──整天拍下来,你会觉得被掏空搾干似的筋疲力竭。 But when you dive into emotional scenes, it really takes a toll on you emotionally and that’s – at the end of the day you’re just drained, and so tired.

  • 本来吵吵闹闹的律师及政客们亦宁静下来,只有一班小天使在继续嬉戏,直至筋疲力竭一个个倒下来。 The other day the murmur sound of the lawyers &politicians disappear, only the laughters of the little angels could be heard till they’re all exhausted and fall down one by one.

  • 通讯记者回来之后,一言不发,往石头上一坐。他已经筋疲力竭,肚子又饿,连说话的气力也没有了。 The reporter, on his arrival, sat down on a rock, without saying anything. Exhausted with fatigue, dying of hunger, he had not strength to utter a word.

  • “温太尔,在我们睡觉前,你给她挤奶,”第二个声音说,“我夜里需要喂奶,长途旅行让我筋疲力竭。” “You will milk her before we retire, Wormtail, ” said the second voice. “I will need feeding in the night. The journey has tired me greatly. ”

  • 马喘息一声向前挪动了,可是它走得很慢,她把马赶上大路时发现连她自己这样筋疲力竭的人也会比它跑得快呢。 He wheezed and started, but he walked so slowly as she turned him into the road she knew she could walk faster herself with no effort whatever.

  • 弗瑞德·纳德这位自从女儿遭受意外,就为了她的复原而筋疲力竭的父亲,想尽一切办法使脊髓损伤的研究更上一层楼。 Fred Nader, whose life has been consumed by his daughter’s recovery since her accident, is studying ways to steamroll advances in spinal cord injury research.

  • 当电视节目过度启动收视者的导向反应时,尽管收视者仍然专心盯着电视萤幕,但是他们却会感到筋疲力竭,无法从中得到什么心理补偿。 The orienting response is overworked. Viewers still attend to the screen, but they feel tired and worn out, with little pensating psychological reward.

  • 筋疲力竭造句相关


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    词语大全 力尽筋疲造句_力尽筋疲中英文解释和造句

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