词语大全 粗中有细造句_粗中有细中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:幽映每白日,清辉照衣裳。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 粗中有细造句_粗中有细中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 粗中有细造句_粗中有细中英文解释和造句
粗中有细 cū zhōng yǒu xì
乍一看,世纪城的开发商给人的印象似乎是财大气粗,其实是粗中有细。 At first glance, the St. developer gives people the impression that it is supported, is both crude and refined.
从而使模板搜索具有粗中有细的人眼搜索策略,集中搜索相关峰区域,极大地减少了不必要的冗余运算。 Thereby the searching is analogous to visual perception mechanism of human being, which focuses on the area of the correlation peak, searching in a highly discriminating way.
树石花草争晖,小鸟栖枝鸣唱,花鸟笔墨用小写意笔法,风格秀丽柔和,山石皴擦较为粗放,粗中有细,画功颇深。 Flowers and Birds by Li Shan of the Qing Dynasty. The artist drew the flowers and birds with fine brushwork while showing the shades and texture of rocks by bold, light-ink strokes.
词语大全 大家闺秀造句_大家闺秀中英文解释和造句
大家闺秀 dà jiā guī xiù
你是够文雅的,看上去象个大家闺秀。 You are genteel enough, you look like a lady.
她是他所认识的第一个“大家闺秀”。 She was the first “nice” girl he had ever known.
在西班牙,大家闺秀出门旅行总带一个女监护人。 In Spain a young lady of good family does not travel without a chaperon .
他是如此像个大家闺秀,而她又这么十足一位上流绅士。 he is so ladylike, and she’s such a perfect gentleman.
一位笃信基督教的大家闺秀,可以在乡村中找到自己的生活理想。 Christian young lady of fortune should find her ideal of life in a village.
刘星望着离开的女人嘴中嘟囔著,象这样大家闺秀现在是越来越少了。 Liu Xing Looking at the women to leave the mouth Dunang such as this we Guixiu is now increasingly less.
很多古代小说中详细地描绘一些大家闺秀的“香汗涔涔”也是这个道理。 A few daughter of an eminent families represent in detail in novel of a lot of ancient time ” sweet sweat drippings ” also be this truth.
想吃什么,就吃什么,也没有人指责你缺乏大家闺秀的风度,真是痛快。 And what fun to eat all you wanted without having censorious people say you weren’t ladylike.
她是天生的大家闺秀,是一颗明珠,除了粗通文墨,也许什么也不懂了。 She was a lady born, a jewel, though probably she could do no more than just read and write.
今天,越来越多的大家闺秀以参与或辅助的角色加入到社会公共事务中。 Today more and more ladies who e from culture lineage family take part in the public pidgin with a participant and adjuvant role.
品名源自坦洋工夫在红茶发展史上的重要地位及其具大家闺秀品质的特点。 The name es from the important status of Panyong Congou in the development history of black tea.
最后的1995则是典雅含蓄的大家闺秀,搭配澳洲网鲍,成就经典绝配。 And with Australian Abalone, vintage 1995 became a lady from descent family, elegant and dignified.
我喜欢他与他的太太;他是如此像个大家闺秀,而她又这么十足一位上流绅士。 I like him and his wife; he is so ladylike, and she’s such a perfect gentleman.
他知道黛西不间寻常,但是他并没认识到一位“大家闺秀”究竟有多少不同寻常。 He knew that Daisy was extraordinary, but he didn’t realize just how extraordinary a “nice” girl could be.
玉姐姐是那种绝对大家闺秀的女子,面貌清秀,皮肤白皙,典型的柳叶眉,丹凤眼。 Jade is the kind of absolutely lady of a renowned family female, she has fine and delicate features, the skin is fair, typical willow-leaf eyebrows, phoenix eye.
把—个大家闺秀嫁给了目不识丁的农夫。这种事情称为“一朵鲜花插在了牛粪上”。 This kind of thing is called ” a flower is inserted on cow dung ” .
他告诉记者,十字绣因为绣法简单、携带也方便,所以为许多“大家闺秀”所喜欢。 He told reporters, Cross-stitch embroidery because the method is simple and also easy to carry, so for a number of “ladylike” likes.
一个个细嚼慢咽,如牛的反刍,又像怕咬了自己的舌头,典型的淑女,典型的大家闺秀。 One Xijiaomanyan, the ruminants such as cattle, like afraid to bite his tongue, the typical ladies, typical of all Guixiu.
端庄、含蓄、“用表情杀人”,学好昆曲,一颦一笑,举手投足都会有大家闺秀的风范。 A well-trained Kunqu Opera practicer will show her style of a good family with her all effected coquetry and behavior.
凡是大家闺秀知道的事情,她们已经没有一样不教她,可是她所学得的,只是一种表面的礼貌。 Between them, they taught her all that a gentlewoman should know, but she learned only the outward signs of gentility .
如果说料理是精雕细琢的大家闺秀,那么农家菜就是不事装扮的小家碧玉,纯朴是它最大的特点。 If cooking is likened to a lady from a good family, then farm-flavored food is a mid-class young girl with simplicity as its biggest characteristics.
如果,中国的政坛中,大多数人都是优秀的绅士,我想将来中国会有一些大家闺秀愿意参政议政的。 If most people of Chinese politics are good gentleman just like west countries, then I think some noble lady will take part in Chinese politics in the future.
而西施可能是生长在条件优渥的家庭之中,从小耳濡目染,自然的培养出一派大家闺秀的气度与娇柔的身段; On the contrary, Xishi, who might be born with silver spoon in her mouth, was fostered to be lady of cultured family since childhood.
最糟糕的是,他的妻子是名门出身的大家闺秀,她父亲是交易市场的栋梁人物,倘若兴师问罪起来,那可了不得。 And worst of all, his wife was from a good family, her father was one of the pillars of the exchange market and his revenge would be great.
中国古代的大家闺秀想必西方人一定毫无想象,更不必说中国古代的“男尊女卑”及古时的家法等一切束缚主义的思想。 Ancient Chinese people Guixiu presumably Westerners must not imagine, not to mention ancient China’s “patriarchal” and the ancient and all the lessons of the ideological shackles.
因此,社会极力宣扬谦逊、隐忍、温柔、忘我等传统的女性价值、鼓吹所谓的“淑女风范”,培养所谓的“大家闺秀”。 ” Therefore, the munity the best possible advertisement for humility, gentle, ecstasy and other traditional female values, advocate the so-called “ladies style”, and fostering a so-called “you.
爱米丽的悲剧正在于她灵魂深处的南方社会所固有的“大家闺秀”观念与传统妇女观和作为一个女人的自然天性之间的矛盾。 Emily’s tragedy is in the depths of her soul inherent in Southern society, “we闺秀” concept with the traditional views on women and women as a contradiction between the natural instinct.
宴会厅中女人很多,各种类型,小家碧玉和大家闺秀,保守的和开放的,不过在场的人却没有一个能及得上眼前这个女人衣若馨。 Many women in the banquet hall, all types, and we Xiaojiabiyu Guixiu, conservative and liberal, but the presence of a person is not able to present the woman good-clothing Rexin.
带着取来的“真经”,几经奔波最终选定了一个“大家闺秀”,地理位置、户形设计、绿化环境、小区智能、升值潜力都令人心动。 with access to the “real” through the selection of a final day “we girls”, geographical location, family-shaped design, a green environment, small wisdom, appreciation potential is a heart beat.
这里的女孩子是地道的大家闺秀,她们纤细的身段,软软的粤语,受过良好教育,有的还会些手工,尊敬长辈,拥有中国的传统美德。 Here the girls are all authentic Guixiu, the posture of their slim, Ruanruan Cantonese, a well-educated, and some will be more hand, respect their elders, have a traditional Chinese virtue.
大家闺秀 dàjiāguīxiù大家闺秀的意思和解释:旧指世家望族中有才德的女子。也泛指有钱有势人家的女儿。大家闺秀的出处南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·贤媛》:“顾家妇清心玉映,自
大家闺秀 dàjiāguīxiù大家闺秀的意思和解释:旧指世家望族中有才德的女子。也泛指有钱有势人家的女儿。大家闺秀的出处南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·贤媛》:“顾家妇清心玉映,自
有隙可乘 yǒuxìkěchèng有隙可乘的意思和解释:指事情有漏洞可以利用。有隙可乘的出处有隙可乘的例子有隙可乘造句这个申明中有一点是有隙可乘的。Therewasoneassa
有隙可乘 yǒuxìkěchèng有隙可乘的意思和解释:指事情有漏洞可以利用。有隙可乘的出处有隙可乘的例子有隙可乘造句这个申明中有一点是有隙可乘的。Therewasoneassa
绵里藏针 miánlǐcángzhēn绵里藏针的意思和解释:绵:丝棉。棉絮里面藏着针。形容柔中有刚。也比喻外貌和善,内心刻毒。绵里藏针的出处元·石君宝《曲江柳》第二折:“笑里刀剐
绵里藏针 miánlǐcángzhēn绵里藏针的意思和解释:绵:丝棉。棉絮里面藏着针。形容柔中有刚。也比喻外貌和善,内心刻毒。绵里藏针的出处元·石君宝《曲江柳》第二折:“笑里刀剐
胯下之辱 kuàxiàzhīrǔ胯下之辱的意思和解释:胯下:两条腿之间。从胯下爬过的耻辱。胯下之辱的出处《史记·淮阴侯列传》:“淮阴屠中有侮信者,曰:‘若虽长大,好带刀剑,中情怯
胯下之辱 kuàxiàzhīrǔ胯下之辱的意思和解释:胯下:两条腿之间。从胯下爬过的耻辱。胯下之辱的出处《史记·淮阴侯列传》:“淮阴屠中有侮信者,曰:‘若虽长大,好带刀剑,中情怯
盘古开天地 pángǔkāitiāndì盘古开天地的意思和解释:指人类开始有了历史。盘古开天地的出处盘古开天地的例子盘古开天地造句中国神话传说中有盘古开天地的说法。It’ssai
盘古开天地 pángǔkāitiāndì盘古开天地的意思和解释:指人类开始有了历史。盘古开天地的出处盘古开天地的例子盘古开天地造句中国神话传说中有盘古开天地的说法。It’ssai