词语大全 精妙绝伦造句_精妙绝伦中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 精妙绝伦造句_精妙绝伦中英文解释和造句
精妙绝伦 jīng miào jué lún
这里的“恰好”二字可谓精妙绝伦。 ” Where “exactly” the word can be described as exquisite peerless.
精美的图案,精妙绝伦吧! Look at those beautiful patterns.
毕加索的笔法精妙绝伦。 Picasso’s brushwork is particularly fine.
是一幅壮美的画卷,五彩缤纷、精妙绝伦; Is a sublime picture scroll, multi-colored, exquisite peerless;
思美特精妙绝伦的制作工艺源自欧美古典、简洁风格。 The delicate processing technique of Smet roots in Euramerican style of the classicality and simplicity.
并说:“得味在酸咸之外,食者自知,可谓精妙绝伦。” ” And said: “The acid in a salty taste , Who knew that food, is absolutely exquisite.
中国古典园林精妙绝伦,整个园林充满诗情画意,文人气息浓郁。 Chinese classical gardens are exquisite beyond pare, filled with poetic beauty with strong literati atmosphere.
生活就象一张白张,如何让它五彩斑斓,精妙绝伦,完全靠我们自己。 Life is a blank sheet of paper, so how do we make it colourful and wonderful ?It all depends on us.
在北京众多观众面前,中国队以一场精妙绝伦的表演夺得男子团体体操金牌。 China delivered a stunning performance in front of a packed crowd to claim the men’s team gymnastics gold in Beijing.
这一切,汇成了一幅精妙绝伦的交融著古代与现代、东方与西方风格的立体图画。 All this merged into a piece of magic peerless blend of ancient and modern, East and West style three-dimensional picture.
智能、关联、数字、集成,精妙绝伦的“智能模式”源于博克孜孜以求的创新智慧。 The intelligence, connection, digital, and integration, the wonderful”intelligent pattern” es from the innovation.
走进吐鲁番,就走进了西域丝路精妙绝伦的博物馆,来到了人与自然和谐生存的欢乐园。 As you enter turpan, you enter a fantastic museum which situated on the ancient Silk Road in the Western Regions, and you e to a wonder land where man and nature harmoniously coexist.
规模宏大,塑像石雕,精妙绝伦,曾云集四方高僧,胜极一时,名声远播,颇有“陇南敦煌”之巧喻。 Large scale stone statues, exquisite, monks have gathered in the Quartet, a very temporary victory, fame spread far and wide, quite “Longnan Dunhuang” and Qiao Yu.
尔后,中国的京剧将带你到另一个精妙绝伦的世界。夜吧和迪厅整夜不休,仿佛是为了迎接黎明的太阳。 Afterwards, Chinese opera can envelop you in the magnigicence of another world, another time . The discos and nightclubs are set to toast the rising sun.
我纵横网络BBS多年,自以为再也不会有任何帖子能打动我,没想到今天看到了如此精妙绝伦的这样一篇帖子! My vertical-horizontal network BBS has thought that there will not any model that can move me again for many years, have never expected that saw so exquisite beyond pare a such a model today!
午后闲翻书,被一则小小故事羁住目光脚步,细细地读下去,品咂一阵后,才长吁一口气,暗叹这故事的精妙绝伦。 Afternoon free book, the story of a small living eyes kept pace, careful to read, this exquisite story.
在自动乐器已被高级音响取代的今天,回首这些精妙绝伦的人造产品,我们不禁惊叹人类曾经有过如此灿烂的文明。 Today, although automatic music has already been replaced by hi-fi systems, we still marvel at the magnificent creations that mankind used to make.
成都美食具有特别丰富的味觉元素和优美的视觉效果。从菜品、餐具、礼品到餐厅、庭院,犹如精妙绝伦的工艺品。 Appreciating the Chengdu foods is a captivating gustatory and visual experience. The dishes, the containers, and the settings of restaurants and courtyards, pose themselves as artistic creations.
然后,湖人通过精妙绝伦的传球和令人窒息的防守,在第3节剩余时间打出了14:5的高潮,锁定了比赛的胜利。 Then the Lakers, with splendid passing and suffocating defense, calmly out scored them 14-5 for the rest of the quarter to clinch it.
我被那些精妙绝伦而又富有创义的作品深深的吸引并开始对这门在中国尚属于新兴艺术领域的材料产生了浓厚的兴趣。 I had been deeply attracted by the tremendous and creative art works, and had produced a strong interest in AG which is a sunrise field in China.
尔后,中国的戏剧将你领入另一个精妙绝伦的世界。夜总会和迪厅整夜不休直至次日清晨,仿佛是为了迎接初升的太阳。 Afterwards, Chinese opera can envelop you in the magnigicence of another world, another time . The discos and nightclubs are set to toast the rising sun.
本书作者描写了于平民身上(“女人不再允许穿高跟鞋——这实在是很难的”)发生黑帮战争的种种影响,可谓精妙绝伦。 His description of the effects of gang war on ordinary people (“Women stop wearing high heels—too hard to run in them”) is masterly.
肃南是全国唯一的裕固族自治县,独具特色的裕固风情,引人入胜的祁连风光,精妙绝伦的石窟艺术是其发展旅游的三大优势。 Its three predominance are unique custom of Yugu nationality, ravishing scene of Qilian mountain and fine art of grotto.
这顶精妙绝伦的皇冠制作于1911年,切割精美的鉆石镶嵌在黄金和白金相混合的皇冠上,以前伊丽莎白女王的祖母玛丽皇后曾戴过。 The ring of brilliant-cut diamonds mounted in gold and set in platinum was created in 1911, and previously worn by Queen Mary —— the present queen’s grandmother.
和你们所有人一样,我们真是等不及想看看夜骐究竟是个什么样子,特别是现在我们听到谣言说夜骐的设计图真的是精妙绝伦,这无疑又更加的刺激了我们。 Like all of you we just cant wait to actually get to see the Thestral’s especially now as we heard whispers the plans for them are ‘out of this world’ which just added to the excitement.
词语大全 精妙绝伦的意思_成语“精妙绝伦”是什么意思
成 语 | 精妙绝伦 |
成语读音 | jīng miào jué lún |
成语解释 | 精:工致,细密;妙:美好;绝伦:没有比得上的。精致美妙,无与伦比。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 褒义词 |
成语结构 | 补充式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语;同“精美绝伦”。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 宋·周密《武林旧事·灯品》:“灯只至多,苏福为冠,新安晚出,精妙绝伦。” |
成语例句 | 余华《文学和文学史》:“甚至一个~的比喻都能够使一部作品成为难忘。” |
近 义 词 | 精妙入神 精美绝伦 |
反 义 词 | 粗制滥造 |
词语大全 语妙绝伦 [yǔ miào jué lún]什么意思
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荒谬绝伦 huāngmiùjuélún荒谬绝伦的意思和解释:绝伦:超过同类。没有比这更荒唐更不合情理的了。荒谬绝伦的出处荒谬绝伦的例子这促~的论调,根本不值得一驳。荒谬绝伦造句荒