词语大全 繁花似锦造句_繁花似锦中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 繁花似锦造句_繁花似锦中英文解释和造句
繁花似锦 fán huā sì jǐn
日常的繁多小事能让生活变得繁花似锦。 That it’s those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.
神州大地繁花似锦,祖国长空乐曲如潮。 Vast land of beautiful flowers, the sky of the motherland music rave reviews.
那座花园是一个繁花似锦,香气袭人的仙境。 The garden was a fairyland of beautiful flowers and sweet odors.
四月里的倾盆大雨,会造就五月的繁花似锦。 The torrential rains in the month of April, give rise to the glorious flowers in the month of May.
由他侍弄的植物生长开花了,玫瑰也繁花似锦。 The plants he tended grew and blossomed, and the rose trees blossomed.
花园里繁花似锦。 Flowers filled the garden.
这里春日繁花似锦、夏时凉爽宜人、冬来银妆素裹。 Here spring flowers, nice and cool in summer time and winter makeup to silver-wrapped.
春天繁花似锦。 The flowers are profuse in spring.
繁花似锦的植物,形形色色的动物把地球装扮得异彩纷呈。 Colourful plants and various animals make the earth extraordinarily beautiful.
阳春三月,此园繁花似锦,五彩缤纷,犹如置身于花的海洋之中。 Yangchun in March, this garden of beautiful flowers, colorful, like exposure among a sea of flowers.
MEC正如五月繁花似锦,每个分区的俱乐部正在相继成立,太好了! MEC is blossoming now like the May, every district club is build now, so great.
八大关内树木成荫,繁花似锦,尤其是青岛的市树—-雪松更是四季常青。 Within Colorado, shady trees and colorful flowers, in particular the city of Qingdao —- cedar tree is perennial.
春夏是前往这里的旅游最好的季节,气温适中,草甸上繁花似锦,景致迷人。 Spring and summer is here to the best tourist season, moderate temperatures, the meadow flowers, and beautiful.
荷兰设计师托德·邦耶以自然有机的形式为母题,创造了许多繁花似锦的漂亮产品。 Holand stylist holds De Bangye in the palm to be inscribed for the mother with natural and organic form, created a lot of beautiful products of numerous Hua Shijin.
如果说他的命运是那破旧的花架,那么因为他的坚强意志,变得繁花似锦,光艳夺人; if we say that is the fate of his old flower, then because of his strong will bee flowers, Guangyan away;
在显微镜下看起来,它就像一幅繁花似锦的那伐鹤地毯,或是一幅铁路调车场的鸟瞰图。 Under a microscope, it resembles a stylized Navaho rug or the aerial view of a railroad switching yard.
一草一木,尽得维护,绿地面积占39%,天然树木多达千余株,层层叠翠,繁花似锦。 Plants, do a safeguard, green area accounts for 39%, up to 1, 000 trees natural trees, layers of green, it should continue.
贪婪与信任的结合,成就了华尔街长期以来繁花似锦的心理基础——“人能战胜市场”。 The bination of greed and trust, a Wall Street success for a long time the flowers were the basis of the psychological – “one can beat the market.”
神州大地繁花似锦,祖国长空乐曲如潮。在这美好日子里,我们最真诚地祝福:祖国繁荣昌盛! Vast land of beautiful flowers, the sky of the motherland music rave reviews. In this beautiful day, our most sincere blessing: the prosperity of the motherland!
买花种花,每年春天的必修课。家家户户繁花似锦,倒也爽心悦目。处处彩色点缀,也算是涂鸦… Every Spring, every family is busing planting all different flowers and the neighborhood bees colorful quickly.
园内湖光山色,参天树木,绿草如茵,繁花似锦,鸟语花香,多种棕榈科植物营造了热带风情景象。 Park Huguangshanse, towering trees, green grass and Fanhuasijin, Niaoyuhuaxiang, a variety of palm plants to create a tropical scene.
用不着多举例,即使高明的画家,也难以形象地勾勒出这秋天原野的繁花似锦、五彩斑斓的景象来。 Do not need more than, for example, even if the brilliant painter, it is difficult to outline the image field of flowers this fall, gorgeous color to the scene.
我倦了,慵懒地卧于床榻,幻想着全部工作都已终结。拂晓醒来,却发现我的园中繁花似锦,奇妙非凡。 I was tired and sleeping on my idle bed imagined all work had ceased. In the morning i woke up and found my garden full with wonders flowers.
春天美不胜收,而五月也是一个明媚清新、繁花似锦的月份,但这些时节的魅力是由于与冬天的对比而增强的。 Spring has many beauties, and May is a fresh and blooming month, but the charms of this time of year are enhanced1) by their contrast with the winter season.
您披一身星光,耕耘于繁花似锦的田野。我们的童年,记满您热情洋溢的诗句;我们的未来,就酝酿在您的怀里。 You cultivate in the field with looming like brocade in the moonlight. Our childhood record your ebullient poem. Our future is brewing in your bosom.
您披一身星光,耕耘去繁花似锦的田野。我们的童年,记满您热情洋溢的诗句;我们的未来,就酝酿在您的怀里。 You cultivate in the field with blooming like brocade in the moonlight. Our childhood record your ebullient poem. Our future is brewing in your bosom.
神州大地繁花似锦,祖国长空乐曲如潮。在这美好日子里,让我用最真挚的祝福伴您渡过。祝:万事大吉,心想事成! Throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. In this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through. Chu: everything is, e!
六月的伊犁河谷,正是草长莺飞、繁花似锦的时节。“新世纪的新疆”采访组慕名采访了伊犁州工商局斯拉木·哈孜局长。 “The Xinjiang of new century ” interviewed group of Mu Mingcai to visit Yi to plow a city Director Silamu Hazi of industrial and mercial bureau.
梦里繁花似锦,金玉满堂,崇拜者众,食客三千,华灯璀璨,掌声雷动,挥霍纵情,男欢女爱,如痴如醉,欲仙欲死……就是不愿醒来。 So much beautiful flowers in dream, full of prosperity, admirers everywhere, guests over 3, 000, full of glamour, thunderous applause, indulge in luxury and romance…just do not like to wake up.
而今迈步从头越,我们坚信,有一批批执著于教育事业的辛勤园丁的不懈努力,再过二十年,铜陵的教育事业必将更加蓬勃兴旺,繁花似锦。 We are determined to refresh ourselves. We believe the future of Tongling’s education will be more and more brilliant in the next 20 years through devoted teachers’ persistent efforts.
词语大全 柳暗花明造句_柳暗花明中英文解释和造句
柳暗花明 liǔ àn huā míng
也许,这是探索园区经营的一条柳暗花明之路。 Perhaps, this is a when exploration garden area manages promising road.
人生路上有甜也有苦,甜也会峰回路转,苦也会柳暗花明。 Everyone can meet with the path which may wind through high peaks and go smooth and steady.
当然,放弃我们知道的东西令人恐惧,但柳暗花明又一村。 Of course it’s scary to give up what we know, but the abyss is where newness lives.
纵使不能柳暗花明,也可为曾经的励精图治而道声无怨无悔。 Can not even turn for the better, it’s hard for once and no regrets Daosheng.
传统的堪舆学中更强调曲线之美,“路要有柳暗花明之曲”。 More emphasis on traditional learning curve benign beauty, “there must be a way out of the Road song.”
山重水复之后,内外资企业所得税法的合并似乎迎来了柳暗花明。 After being in the foreign and domestic ine tax law, the merger will usher in a new vista.
上海烂尾楼的“柳暗花明”得益于上海政府部门勇于破解难题的勇气。 Shanghai unpleted residential flats “way out” from Shanghai government departments to Solve Problems courage.
谁也没有想到会有这一天,谁也没有想到他们的生活会出现柳暗花明。 But it was never thought about that there was one day, one day on which they would have their good luck in their life.
常常会让人错觉“山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”就是如此场景。 Often make the wrong impression, “a basket case today have no doubt, new vista” is such a scene.
话虽如此,但这是否为事关朝鲜近期核武器试验的外交关系柳暗花明之征兆? Might it nonetheless herald a breakthrough in the diplomatic confrontation over North Korea’s recent bomb and missile tests?
我们为之高兴和振奋,‘柳暗花明又一村’,中国打火机产业前景依然灿烂。 We do it glad to mix hearten, ‘ promising another village ‘ , foreground of Chinese lighter industry still bright.
“山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”的奇松竹海,构成了天柱山的隽隽秀色。 “Another Day in the suspect failed, the prospect of” Qi-Song of Zhuhai, constitute the Tianzhushan Jun Juanxiu color.
当我遇到了挫折,想要放弃的时候,我想到了山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。 When I met with setbacks, you want to give up, I thought the mountain heavy water plex have no doubt, new vista.
你甚至可能发现自己是如此地乐在其中,你那陷入危机的婚姻也会变得柳暗花明。 You might even find you enjoy it so much that this troubled marriage perks up.
初春时桃李争艳,花香饮醉,新荫匝地,烟光杳蔼,如剑南诗云:柳暗花明又一村。 Zhengyan early spring when the peach, floral drunk, the new Yamza di , smoke-ray disappeared Ai, such as Shiyun Jiannanchun: new vista.
人生路上有甜也有苦,甜也会峰回路转,苦也会柳暗花明。——张文凯(高一·四班) Everyone can meet with the path which may wind through high peaks and go smooth and steady. —— Zhang Wenkai (Class Four, Senior One.
如果你和你的另一半愿意采取这些步骤,你们会在爱情的道路上遭遇冲突和柳暗花明。 If you and your partner are willing to take these steps, then expect bumps and turns in the road.
如果你的公司曾濒临破产,但终于得到一份订单或注资,让公司柳暗花明,这样的细节要放在高潮部分。 The order or capital injection that saved your business should materialise, like the Ninth Cavalry, at the last gasp.
昨天脸上刚挨了一巴掌,现在,这些想法看上去有些一厢情愿,但是有时山穷水惊疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。 After yesterday’s slap in the face this may sound like wishful thinking, but sometimes bad turns have positive unintended consequences.
通道的尽头是一座橡木色实木楼梯,顶面相间的橡木条有韵律地排列著,楼上“柳暗花明”地藏着偌大的空间。 Access is the end of a oak color wood staircase, the oak alternate with the top face of a man in the sequencing, upstairs, “a way out” to how big the space.
有了财富我们就能随时应用,在“山穷水尽疑无路”时,“眉头一皱计上心来”,当然也就“柳暗花明又一村”了。 With the wealth, we can apply at any time in the “failure looms”, the “brow Yizhou total body center to”, of course, be “vista” of the.
然而,乔依旧留在了厄普顿公园,在因大腿骨折而被迫停止训练之前,他迫切期待的职业生涯在那里变得柳暗花明。 However Joe remained at Upton Park where his much awaited career began gently before being brought to a halt altogether by a broken leg.
人们在生活中的种种不顺,并不见得是件坏事,他没准会让你在某个方面,获得某种感悟,某种灵感,让你柳暗花明又一村。 people living in the various unfavorable, and not necessarily a bad thing, perhaps he will let you in a certain context, to obtain some insight, some inspiration, so that your prospect.
赖四这个人物的确比较精明,比较幽默,很有计谋,总能够在“山穷水尽疑无路”的时候,使自己“柳暗花明又一村”,在事。 Laisi is a canny person, and he is also very humorous and smart. He can always find ways to get through difficulties and improve himself.
实现梦想得要千辛万苦,这一点 神也知道。但是,千万不要因为任何人而放弃初衷。坚持住!任何时候,总有柳暗花明的希望! Lord knows dreams are hard to follow. But don’t let anyone tear them away. Hold on! There will still be tomorrow in time you’ll find the way.
做学问也用得上陶渊明的一句诗“山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”,只要功夫精神用到,自然会豁然开朗,有所发现,有所发明的。 Show how hungry you are. Not to take academic too serious. Relax yourself once in a while. Go swimming, go to the beach, go to everything inspiring and refresh your mind.
其实,倒也感谢这场突如其来的大雨,让我享受了一段清静,修身养性的时光…或许,失去的背后总会有另一种风景:柳暗花明又一村! In fact, it is also thanks to the sudden heavy rain, let me enjoy a quiet, self-cultivation time … Perhaps, there will always be behind the loss of another landscape: new vista!
只要有坚强的意志,才有可能让我们在“山穷水尽疑无路”时,通过努力看到“柳暗花明又一村”的美景,收获“咬定青山不放松”的喜悦。 As long as there is a strong will it be possible to let us in the “failure looms”, through the effort to see the “vista” the beauty of the harvest, “Yao Ding Aoyama do not relax, ” joy.
2006年在萨拉·波利的加拿大影片《柳暗花明》中扮演一个饱受阿兹海默症折磨但仍然吸引到一段新爱情的女人,并荣获奥斯卡最佳女演员。 and she took the Best Actress award for Sarah Polley’s 2006 Canadian drama, where she played a woman who is suffering from Alzheimer’s but still manages to attract a new lover.
在园中行游,或见“庭院深深深几许”,或见“柳暗花明又一村”,或见小桥流水、粉墙黛瓦,或见曲径通幽、峰回路转,或是步移景易、变幻无穷。 Bank of China in the garden tour, or see “Shen Shenshen yard dash, ” or see “vista”, or see the small bridges, powder wall Daiwa, or see its winding, winding paths, or walking the scenes the walls.
如花似锦 rúhuāsìjǐn如花似锦的意思和解释:锦:有彩色花纹的丝织品。如同花朵、锦缎一般。形容风景绚丽或前程美好。如花似锦的出处清·黄小配《廿载繁华梦》第三回:“那香屏牌价
如花似锦 rúhuāsìjǐn如花似锦的意思和解释:锦:有彩色花纹的丝织品。如同花朵、锦缎一般。形容风景绚丽或前程美好。如花似锦的出处清·黄小配《廿载繁华梦》第三回:“那香屏牌价
柳暗花明 liǔànhuāmíng柳暗花明的意思和解释:垂柳浓密,鲜花夺目。形容柳树成荫,繁花似锦的春天景象。也比喻在困难中遇到转机。柳暗花明的出处唐·武元衡《摩河池送李侍御之凤
柳暗花明 liǔànhuāmíng柳暗花明的意思和解释:垂柳浓密,鲜花夺目。形容柳树成荫,繁花似锦的春天景象。也比喻在困难中遇到转机。柳暗花明的出处唐·武元衡《摩河池送李侍御之凤
用繁花似锦造句 一:青春是友谊的花朵,在这繁花似锦的日子里,我的祝福是一朵芬芳的勿忘我。 二:岛上繁花似锦,绿树成荫,风光秀丽,有“海上花园”之誉。 三:梦里繁花似锦,金玉满堂,崇拜者众,食客三