词语大全 约法三章造句_约法三章中英文解释和造句

Posted 社会

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1、词语大全 约法三章造句_约法三章中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 自知之明造句_自知之明中英文解释和造句

词语大全 约法三章造句_约法三章中英文解释和造句

约法三章  yuè fǎ sān zhāng








  • 我立下承诺,和最邪恶的魔鬼约法三章。 With the gravest devil, I propose my everlasting promise.

  • 约法三章”比喻制定出共同遵守的条款。 “Yue fa san zhang”. To establish terms and conditions to be followed by all parties.

  • 因为我没有时间去训练你们,所以我在这约法三章。 Since I dont have the time to properly train you, Im laying down three simple rules.

  • 我和自己约法三章:每写150字我就去打一轮游戏。 I start by making a deal with myself that after every 150 words I am allowed ONE game.

  • 日本军队执行的是约法三章:“不奸,不烧,不抢。” The Japanese army implemented the three bans policy: “Don’t rape, don’t burn, don’t loot.”

  • 这种权利既然不能来自自然,它就必须基于一些约法三章。 Nevertheless, this right does not e from nature, and must therefore be founded on conventions.

  • 本想跟弟弟来个约法三章的,追女孩不要伤感情最好不过了。 I wanted to make a few regulations to be observed by all concerned originally , it was the best for not hurt our heart to go after the girl.

  • 因为你们离开不了,你和你丈夫需要和妈妈坐下来,约法三章。 Since you are not in a position to leave, you and your husband need to sit down with Mom and set some boundaries.

  • 那个脚,位于最低下之地,我们要约法三章不能跟它相处一道。 That foot, be located in the lowest ground, we want mae a few regulations to be observed by all concerned to cannot get along with it together.

  • 杨胜奎首先从纪休整顿着手,制定了一系列规章制度,实行约法三章,… Yang Shengkui begins suddenly from discipline rest and reorganization above all, made a series of regulations systems, practice agree on a three-point law, …

  • 几位有相同志趣的朋友「约法三章」,规定除某些特殊场合之外,一律得讲英语。 Several friends with the same interests can make a rule that except certain special occasions, all need to speak English.

  • 不过,在休息之前你必须约法三章,在这90分钟之内不能被其他事情转移注意力; Until that break, however, be disciplined about not being distracted by anything else for those first 90 minutes;

  • 赵匡胤推辞再三,众人以死相胁,最后赵匡胤依刘邦故事约法三章,大军向东京进军。 Zhao Kuangyin Tuici repeatedly, threatening people with Si Xiang, Zhao Kuangyin last Yuefasanzhang story by Liu Bang, the army to enter Tokyo.

  • 两人各自独立,约法三章:双方带各自的异性朋友来玩时,必须选择对方不在的日子; Two separate agreement : Both sides take their heterosexual friends around, we must not choose the other day;

  • 因为有了“诚信”二字,百年的老店得以顾客盈门,刘邦的约法三章得以传为千年美谈。 Because of the “integrity” of the word to customers centuries old surplus doors, Liu Chuan-the pledge to the Millennium mouth with approbation.

  • 虽有约法三章,但女生们却总看不惯我俩应付了事,所以卫生工作基本上还是由她们负责。 Notwithstanding the agreement, but they have always frown upon girls I share her face, or by their health is responsible.

  • 从当上税官的第一天起,杜荣峰就给自己约法三章:纳税人给钱不要,送物不拿,宴请不到。 Since the first day when bee pay taxes officer, du Rongfeng gives him agree on a three-point law: Taxpayer does not want to money, send content to be not taken, fete does not arrive.

  • 我们因给与而自由,享用信赖的他会加倍回报这份信赖。以爱讨价还价、约法三章,爱情就会衰败。 We gain freedom by giving it, and he who bestows faith gets it back with interest. To bargain and stipulate in love is to lose.

  • 第二天,我们进行了一次谈话。我跟她约法三章,尽量清晰合理。我坚持让她见辅导员,但她不肯去。 The next day we had a talk. I set some ground rules trying to be clear and reasonable. I insisted she see a counselor but she didn’t want to go.

  • 在社会结构简单,人口不多时,大家约法三章,遵守简单的规矩,各人都凭著自己的良心,自我要求,自我规范,也就是自律; When social structure is simple and population is less, each person acts on his conscience to behave himself, which is self-regulate.

  • 两人各自独立,有自己的私密空间,但也约法三章,诸如,双方带各自的朋友来玩时,必须选择同屋不在的日子,以免干扰对方; Two separate, have their own personal space, but few, such as the belt around their friends, must choose roommate in the day to avoid interfering with each other;

  • 所以,与其关注选择一个什么样的教练,还不如现在就和足协约法三章,能不能从这次选择开始,有一个全新,哪怕半新的气象。 So, instead of concern to choose what kind of coach, now less than three-point law and the Football Association, can choose from the beginning of a new, even if half of the new weather.

  • 在社会国家的层面上,一切还是约法三章,按法律办事。只有公权力获得伸张,社会才有公平可言,社会秩序也才能得以维持下去。 In the state of nation and society, regulations and laws should be made for all concerned to follow so that public right is carried out and fairness bees possible and social order is maintained.

  • 在我还是小狼的时候,邻家的小孩都爱到钟楼下的市场追逐玩耍,而父母也会和家里的小兽约法三章,要在听到五次连续的钟声时开始回家。 When I was young I use to play around the market under the clock tower, and when the bell sounded 5 times in a row I know it is time for me to be home.

  • 在我还是小狼的时候,邻家的小孩都爱到钟楼下的市场追逐玩耍,而父母也会和家里的小兽约法三章,要在听到五次连续的钟声时开始回家。 When I was young I use to play around the market under the clock tower, and when the bell sounded 5 times in a row I know it is y time for me to be home.

  • 莉莉,特德是我们最好的朋友,我们先约法三章。那个叫盖尔的男人一点都不性感。他也不是我们的朋友,瞟都不瞟他一眼。别和他眉来眼去。 Lily, Ted is our best friend, let’s get something straight. Male Gail is not hot. He’s not our friend, don’t even look at him. Just no eye contact.

  • 当回到社会国家的层面上,一切还是应该约法三章,以法律规则作为办事准绳。只有在公权力完全获得伸张的情形下,社会才有公平可言,社会秩序也才能得以长期维持下去。 In the state of nation and society, regulations and laws should be made for all concerned to follow so that public right is carried out and fairness bees possible and social order is maintained.

  • 约法三章造句相关


    词语大全 自知之明造句_自知之明中英文解释和造句

    自知之明  zì zhī zhī míng








  • 能有自知之明就是真正的进步。 To know one’s self is true progress.

  • 自知之明是智慧,忘乎所以是愚蠢。 To know **elf is wisdom, to forget **elf is folly.

  • 人生最难是自知。人贵有自知之明。 The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.

  • 能有自知之明就是真正的进步。 To know oneself is true progress.

  • 自知之明是智慧,忘乎所以是愚蠢。 To know oneself is wisdom, to forget oneself is folly.

  • 自知之明是自我改善的开始。 Self-knowledge is the beginning of self-improvement.

  • 聪明的人有自知之明。 A wise man knows his own limitations.

  • 你很有自知之明。 You are very self-knowledge.

  • 人须有自知之明! A man must know his own limitations!

  • 自知之明的杜鹃,是会突出半个身子在大钟外面的。 The cuckoo who is on to himself is halfway out of the clock.

  • 最难能可贵的是她良知泯灭之前还有一点点自知之明。 The most valuable is her conscience, devoid of self-knowledge until there is a little bit.

  • ‘不错啊。只是没有你们那么辉煌。’她有自知之明。 ‘As good as usual, but not as wonderful as yours, ‘ Molly is of self-knowledge.

  • 很明显,尽管具有自知之明是件好事,但过度自谦则是有害的。 It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful.

  • 雷德洛全家透出一种将将就就的生活态度,且贵在有自知之明。 A make-do and mend attitude runs throughout and the Laidlaw trait of knowing one’s place is of the utmost importance.

  • 他的羞涩除了性格的原因之外,也是一种很有自知之明的内敛。 His shyness is part of his character and also part of a self-awareness that is very subtle.

  • 我对自己的能力如何颇有自知之明(我知道自己的能力不很强)。 I have no illusions about my ability, ie I know that I am not very able.

  • 假如你的超过1000字,这是因为你的自知之明很差,这就是你的问题。 If you are going over 1000 words, it’s because your self-knowledge is really bad, so that is your problem.

  • 我还有些自知之明,我知道拉尔夫是不需要我的安慰的,我们没有共同的语言。 I should never presume to candole with Mr Ralph; we’ve not on those terms.

  • 智慧的人却不会,即使他并不聪明,却有着强烈的自知之明与明辨事非的准则。 Contrarily, with strong sense of self-knowledge and of distinguishing right from wrong, wise ones never have the embarrassment of being too smart, even if they are not intelligent at all.

  • 凯文:“这样的话,自知之明,而不是自我中心主义,对应聘者是很有帮助的吗?” Kevin: “So , candidates will help themselves by being self-aware but not self-centered?”

  • 在你尝试了解其他人和盼望其他人明白你之前先使自己成为一个优秀的且有自知之明的人。 Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect  them to know you.

  • 自知之明者知道如何加强他们的薄弱之处;而聪明的人能战胜一切困难,乃至征服他们的命运。 He that knows himself knows how to strengthen his weakness, and the wise person conquers everything, even the stars in their courses.

  • 最艰深难懂的学问都是自知之明的,这些学问通常都是独立发展起来的而非通过和其他学科的交流。 The most elusive knowledge is self-knowledge, and it is usually acquired through solitude, rather than through interaction with others.

  • 最艰深难懂的学问都是自知之明的,这些学问通常都是独立发展起来的而非通过和其他学科的交流。 The most elusive knowledge is self-knowledge, and it is usually acquired through solitude, rather than through interaction with others. 【200】

  • 因为我有自知之明,我知道自己在做什么,所以不会出乱子、不会出轨、不会失控、更不会自寻烦恼。 I know what I am doing, so I don’t do wrong, or do out of control or make mistakes.

  • 因为我有自知之明,我知道自己在做什么,所以不会出乱子、不会出轨、不会失控、更不会自寻烦恼。 2I know what I am doing, so I don’t do wrong, or do out of control or make mistakes.

  • 在最后阶段,要善于学会全面接受真实的自我,“人贵有自知之明”,正确的自我评价,可以使人获得充分的自信。 In the final phase, to learn to be good all-round acceptance of the true self, “there are people in your self-knowledge, ” the right of self-evaluation, it can be fully self-confidence.

  • 它通过限制具有吸引力的高职位的数量来诱惑每一名员工,甚至是最有自知之明的员工也会为之动心,想方设法地得到提升。 By limiting prestige to those few rungs high up on the ladder, it tempts every employee, even the most self-aware, to try clamber onto next rung.

  • 他认为,要做到文化自觉,一是对自己的文化要有“自知之明”,二是在处理不同民族文化的关系问题时要树立“和而不同”的文化观。 He argued that in order to reach “cultural conscious”, firstly, we should have self-knowledge to our own culture; secondly, we must establish the cultural view of “harmony but difference”.

  • 撒野的时候,我想我是有自知之明的,因为我知道我会踢疼艾菈保母,而闹完脾气我会感到抱歉、痛惜和遗憾。但是,我不记得这种良善的感情那一次曾经让我自制; I think I knew when I was naughty, for I knew that it hurt Ella, my nurse, to kick her, and when my fit of temper was over I had a feeling akin to regret.

  • 自知之明造句相关



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    自知之明  zìzhīzhīmíng自知之明的意思和解释:自知:自己了解自己;明:看清事物的能力。指了解自己的情况,对自己有正确的估计。自知之明的出处《老子》第三十三章:“知人者智

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    自知之明  zìzhīzhīmíng自知之明的意思和解释:自知:自己了解自己;明:看清事物的能力。指了解自己的情况,对自己有正确的估计。自知之明的出处《老子》第三十三章:“知人者智

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    词语大全 约法三章的意思_成语“约法三章”是什么意思


    词语大全 约法三章   [yuē fǎ sān zhāng]什么意思

    约法三章  [yuēfǎsānzhāng][约法三章]成语解释原指订立法律与人民相约遵守。后泛指订立简单的条款。褒义[约法三章]成语出处汉·司马迁《史记·高祖本纪》:“与父老约法三