词语大全 纹丝不动造句_纹丝不动中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 纹丝不动造句_纹丝不动中英文解释和造句
纹丝不动 wén sī bù dòng
但大部分人还是坐在那里纹丝不动。 But most of us just sat there.
每一片草叶,每一根细枝都纹丝不动。 Every blade, every twig was still.
纹丝不动的躯体显示不出有生命的迹象。 The motionless body showed no signs of life.
风拂着我的面颊,风帆纹丝不动,世界一片寂静。 The wind fanned my cheeks, the sails slept, the world was silent.
尽管我们想方设法要把锁弄断,它却仍纹丝不动。 Despite all our attempts to break it open, the lock would not yield.
修完后割草机还是纹丝不动。于是,我决定把它拆开。 The mower firmly refused to mow , so i decided to dismantle it.
但仙鹤却纹丝不动。一种全新的感受油然而生。自信。 Po: But Crane didn’t move. And then Crane felt something new. Confidence!
修完后割草机还是纹丝不动,于是,我决定把它拆开。 The mower firmly refused to mow, so I decided to dismantle it.
军舰鸟在空中飞得高些了,又盘旋起来,双翅纹丝不动。 The bird went higher in the air and circled again, his wings motionless.
枪托的冲撞把那房子震得一片响,但是那扇门纹丝不动。 The blows from the butt end of the gun made the house tremble, but did not shake the door.
大小:“他怎么说的?把他的话纹丝不动的给我反复一遍!” What did he say? You repeat his every single word plz.
明亮的月光下,雪地一片晶莹。寒冷而凝滞的空气中,树叶儿纹丝不动。 The moon was shining brightly on the snow, and in the cold still air not a leaf moved on the trees.
我走到她面前,她纹丝不动,我坐了下来,握住她搁在沙发上的那只手。 I went to her? she did not stir ?sat down and took the hand which was resting on the couch.
像似一面天造的明镜,把洞顶上的一切生物倒映在洞底那纹丝不动的静水之中。 A mirror had been created in which all that grew on the ceiling was reflected in the still water below.
黑夜渐渐过去,新的一天开始了。可是蝴蝶依然纹丝不动地站着,目光盯住港口。 Night is gradually receding before the new day, but Butterfly still stands motionless, her gaze fixed on the harbor.
于是,周星驰又拿起手中的霸王枪(道具)对准他的大腿戳了两枪,他依然纹丝不动。 Still no movement. Stephen Chow hit the “corpse” with overlord gun. Still no reaction.
1999年以来,在利比里亚和尼日利亚这样的国家里,失学儿童的数量几乎纹丝不动。 In countries like Liberia and Nigeria the numbers have hardly budged since 1999.
第三幕:黑夜渐渐过去,新的一天开始了。可是蝴蝶依然纹丝不动地站着,目光盯住港口。 Act III: Night is gradually receding before the new day, but Butterfly still stands motionless, her gaze fixed on the harbor.
她纹丝不动,内心似乎很平静。这是一个非常惹人喜爱的小东西,外表长得象小牛一样结实。 She did not move and seemed, inwardly, quiet; an unusually attractive little thing, and as strong as a heifer in appearance.
当我坐在阳台上,聆听他的脚步,树上的叶子纹丝不动,河水静止得像熟睡的哨兵膝头的刀剑。 When I sit on my balcony and listen for his footsteps, leaves do not rustle on the trees, and the water is still in the river like the sword on the knees of a sentry fallen asleep.
没有疑问这一要素,真理通过的大门将紧紧关闭,在一千位路西法最强烈的叩击下也纹丝不动。 Without the wonderful element of doubt, the doorway through which truth passes would be tightly shut, impervious to the most strenuous poundings of a thousand Lucifers.
挣扎中的龟鳖被仍进沸水,蛇被纹丝不动抓紧,一路剖开,掏出五脏,生剥活皮,仿如剥香蕉皮般。 Struggling turtles are thrown into the boiling water; snakes are held still, slit along their length, turned inside out and skinned alive, like peeling a banana.
相传,真武大帝年轻时就在此修炼,他面壁数十年,心如古井,甚至鸟儿在他头上筑巢他也纹丝不动。 Legend has it, the Chen-Wu in this practice when he was young, he Mianbi few decades, such as heart Furui, or even a bird nesting in his head he Wensibudong.
自从,我们开始漫长的等待,二人桌叫的很快,到后来基本不用排队,四人桌是纹丝不动,我们一度怀疑系统出了问题。 From then , we began to wait for seat. Table for two wass easy to get and table for four had less changes.
躺着纹丝不动,他看起来那么像一具僵硬的尸体,难闻的气体引得苍蝇围着他飞个不停,乌鸦也站在附近等著吃他的肉。 Lying motionless, he looked so much like a stiff corpse that flies flew around him, attracted by the awful smells. Crows stood nearby waiting to eat his flesh.
飞行员设置好相关控制。银色的飞船优雅地下降靠近,就像是舞蹈开始时的第一个动作。另一只飞船静静地等候着,纹丝不动。 The pilot set the controls. The silver ship dipped closer gracefully, as if initiating the first movement of a dance. The other ship sat, eerily motionless.
被困白鲸惟一的防御手段就是它的白色,看起来像是覆蓋著雪的冰,而且还得保持纹丝不动——这种办法在此情况下几乎毫无效用。 A stranded beluga’s sole defense is being white, looking like snow?covered ice and keeping perfectly still?hardly an effective strategy in this case.
我们两人心灵深处的黑殿里,都盘踞著沉默不语、纹丝不动的秘密,这些秘密已经倦于自己的专横统治,是情愿被人赶下去的暴君。 Secrets, silent, strong sit in the dark palaces of both our hearts: secrets weary of their tyranny: tyrants, willing to be dethroned.
现在再想想一下,要你记住的这棵橡树正在猛烈地晃动,而不管让这棵树晃动的原因是什么,这棵周围的其他橡树好象就是纹丝不动。 Now consider the same oak tree swaying violently while the trees around it are seemingly unaffected by whatever is causing the movement.
但是,在曼哈顿住过一段时间人都有这样的经历:你坐的出租车被堵在街上纹丝不动,眼睁睁看着一个小老太太慢悠悠地从人行道上“超”过自己,然后越走越远。 Anyone who has spent any time in Manhattan has had the experience of being stuck in traffic in a taxicab and watching a little old lady on the sidewalk overtake them and disappear into the distance.
词语大全 按兵不动造句_按兵不动中英文解释和造句
按兵不动 àn bīng bù dòng
林文犹豫了一下,仍然按兵不动。 Just hesitate a little, still bide one’s time.
大家都干起来了,你怎么还按兵不动呢? Everybody else has started work. Why do you sit there doing nothing?
然而按兵不动也存在风险。 Yet there are risks in sitting tight.
学术界因此继续研究,即使华尔街按兵不动。 Academia thus moved on, even if Wall Street did not.
按兵不动,待形势明朗后再入市可能比较明智。 Anything, to be uncertain after the market situation may be more sensible.
当我们需要你帮助时,你却按兵不动,亲得无聊。 When we need you help, all you did was sit back and twiddle you thumbs.
内地其他城市纷纷出台救市方案之际,深圳一直按兵不动。 Inland other cities appear in abundance rescues when the city plan, Shenzhen has held troops.
但是没人想冒按兵不动、进而引发市场灾难性反应之风险。 But no one wanted to take the chance of not acting and causing a calamitous market response.
但央企总体表现并不是很出众,显示主流资金仍是按兵不动。 However, the overall performance of the central rate is not very well, the show is still the mainstream funds hold.
当一只鸟只是为了张望而飞向高枝的时候,其它的鸟按兵不动。 When a bird merely flies up to a branch to look around, the other birds don?t move.
问题是我不是你,但即便如此,我也希望你无论如何要按兵不动。 The trouble is that I’m not you, but even taking that into account I’d urge you to stay put anyway.
疑难题目是我否则你,但即便如此,我也期望你无论咋样要按兵不动。 The trouble is those I’m not you, but even taking those into account I’d urge you to stay put anyway.
美国不断要求北约向阿富汗增派部队,但欧洲一些国家不断按兵不动。 The United States has been urging its NATO allies to send more troops to Afghanistan, but European nations remain reluctant to mit further reinforcements.
不过,在北京拥有超过500家加油站、一家独大的中石化却按兵不动。 has in Beijing surpasses 500 gas stations, an alone big China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation actually to hold troops.
欧洲央行在这个“节骨眼”上按兵不动的做法,自然引起了各方的高度关注。 The European Central Bank in this “critical juncture” on hold, naturally aroused great concern from all sides.
但它同时也暗示著欧洲开发商们对第二大房地产交易市场正“按兵不动”著。 It also points to an unusual degree of restraint among developers in Europe’s second-largest property market (by transactions).
如果人人都在买进时你做到了按兵不动,那么只有在人人都抛售时你才能买进。 You can only buy when everyone else is selling if you have held your fire when everyone was buying.
在投票机中,这类程式码往往会按兵不动,到了选举日才会出手更改选票记录状况。 In a voting machine, such code would do nothing until election day, when it would change how votes were recorded.
不过,对利好题材的过度炒作以及主流机构的按兵不动,仍将制约市场的上行空间。 However, on the positive theme of excessive speculation, as well as mainstream institutions not do anything, the market will continue to be constrained up space.
只有法拉利的莱科宁和马萨依旧按兵不动,练习赛中晚出场已经是他们的一个惯例了。 Only then Ferrari’s Laikening and Masa hold troops as before, in the practice match late entered the stage already was their convention.
在我看来,现在没有理由选择按兵不动,只要你愿意为长期收益而在短期内冒一些风险。 I see no reason not to start now, as long as you’re willing to risk some short-term declines in return for long-term profits.
他并没有采纳情报服务机构提出的建议——再按兵不动一年,以观察撤离计划的实施情况? he declined the offer of the head of the service to stay in office one more year in order to help oversee the implementation of the disengagement.
而当这种观念成为共识之后,按兵不动或者逢高派发、保存实力的保守操作就不难理解了。 When this concept has bee a consensus, no action or the distribution of temper, to preserve the strength of the conservative operation is not difficult to understand.
如果我是你,我会按兵不动。问题是我不是你,但即便如此,我也希望你无论如何要按兵不动。 If I were you I’d stay put. The trouble is that I’m not you, but even taking that into account I’d urge you to stay put anyway.
今年全球汽车行业的日子都不好过,因为愈显黯淡的经济前景令各地消费者都在大宗消费面前选择了按兵不动。 The global auto industry is suffering this year as worsening economic prospects lead consumers world-wide to hold off on big purchases. In the U.
经修订的造型外,还有一些小的内部设备和设计戏法,保持新鲜的模式,虽然动力系统选择按兵不动在新的一年。 Revised styling outside, as well as some minor interior equipment and design juggling, keeps the model fresh, although powertrain choices stand pat for the new year.
但这次,总理决然采取了行动;他并没有采纳情报服务机构提出的建议——再按兵不动一年,以观察撤离计划的实施情况? This time around, the prime minister took action; he declined the offer of the head of the service to stay in office one more year in order to help oversee the implementation of the disengagement.
高失业率令美联储(Fed)只能按兵不动,因此任何拥有额外美元或有渠道借到美元的人都可以通过购买非美元资产从中获利。 And high unemployment keeps the Fed on hold, so anyone with extra dollars or the connections to borrow dollars wins by buying nondollar assets.
“他们告诉我们,如果我们不能有所作为的话,他们也会按兵不动,”她说,”我们在那里会谈的一些人说我们应该做的更多,我也认为我们应该做得更多。 “They told us if we’re not going to do something, they’re not going to do anything, ” she said. “Some of the people we talked to there said we should do more. I think we should do more, too.
“你猜得很对。甚至还超过了你的猜想,”国王说道,“不过,我一决定到这儿来,就马上派人去列日,暂时压一压叛乱活动。我那两个忙碌好动的朋友——卢斯拉尔和巴维翁已接到命令,暂时按兵不动,等我和我堂弟的这个亲切会晤结束以后再说。” “And if it indeed shall be so, ” said Oliver, in a resigned tone of voice, “it will be so ordered, because I was too grateful a servant to hesitate at executing the mands of my royal master.
按兵不动 ànbīngbùdòng按兵不动的意思和解释:按:止住。使军队暂不行动。现也比喻暂不开展工作。按兵不动的出处《吕氏春秋·恃君览》:“赵简子按兵而不动。”按兵不动的例子又
按兵不动 ànbīngbùdòng按兵不动的意思和解释:按:止住。使军队暂不行动。现也比喻暂不开展工作。按兵不动的出处《吕氏春秋·恃君览》:“赵简子按兵而不动。”按兵不动的例子又
原封不动 yuánfēngbùdòng原封不动的意思和解释:原封:没有开封。原来贴的封口没有动过。比喻完全按照原样,一点不加变动。原封不动的出处元·王仲文《救孝子》第四折:“是你
原封不动 yuánfēngbùdòng原封不动的意思和解释:原封:没有开封。原来贴的封口没有动过。比喻完全按照原样,一点不加变动。原封不动的出处元·王仲文《救孝子》第四折:“是你
原封不动 yuánfēngbùdòng原封不动的意思和解释:原封:没有开封。原来贴的封口没有动过。比喻完全按照原样,一点不加变动。原封不动的出处元·王仲文《救孝子》第四折:“是你
原封不动 yuánfēngbùdòng原封不动的意思和解释:原封:没有开封。原来贴的封口没有动过。比喻完全按照原样,一点不加变动。原封不动的出处元·王仲文《救孝子》第四折:“是你
寂然不动 jìránbùdòng寂然不动的意思和解释:寂:寂静。寂静无声,一点动静都没有。寂然不动的出处《周易·系辞下》:“《易》无思也,无为也,寂然不动,感而遂通天下之故。”寂
寂然不动 jìránbùdòng寂然不动的意思和解释:寂:寂静。寂静无声,一点动静都没有。寂然不动的出处《周易·系辞下》:“《易》无思也,无为也,寂然不动,感而遂通天下之故。”寂
寸丝不挂 cùnsībùguà寸丝不挂的意思和解释:原为佛家语,比喻心中无所牵挂。后多指赤身裸体。寸丝不挂的出处宋·释道元《景德传灯录》卷八:“师便问:‘大夫十二时中作么生?’陆
寸丝不挂 cùnsībùguà寸丝不挂的意思和解释:原为佛家语,比喻心中无所牵挂。后多指赤身裸体。寸丝不挂的出处宋·释道元《景德传灯录》卷八:“师便问:‘大夫十二时中作么生?’陆