词语大全 绝处逢生造句_绝处逢生中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:博观而约取,厚积而薄发。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 绝处逢生造句_绝处逢生中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 绝处逢生造句_绝处逢生中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 绝路逢生   [jué lù féng shēng]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

词语大全 绝处逢生造句_绝处逢生中英文解释和造句

绝处逢生  jué chù féng shēng








  • 竟然可以绝处逢生,太好啦,感谢神。 everything is under control, thanks God about that.

  • 以为逃到城镇可以绝处逢生的农民被机枪扫射。 Desperate villagers who tried to force their way into the towns were greeted with machine-gun fire .

  • 金融危机之下,通过股权并购,让我市不少企业绝处逢生。 Under the current financial crisis, many businesses in Jiaxing survived the crisis by shareholding merger.

  • 他们机智地化解了一次又一次针对自己严厉审查,绝处逢生! They resourcefully resolved again and again for his harsh review, needed it!

  • 如果说上帝不巧把你带进了困境,那么他也一定会让你绝处逢生。 If God brings you to it – He will bring you through it.

  • 他绝望了,正在此时,他见到远方的帆影,有了绝处逢生的希望。 He gae up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail raised his hope of rescue.

  • 他绝望了,正在此时,他见到远方的帆影,有了绝处逢生的希望。 He gave up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail raised his hope of rescue.

  • 他们最鲜明的谈判风格是咄咄逼人、拖延时间、敲诈勒索、绝处逢生。 Its negotiating style is marked by bluster, foot-dragging, blackmail and brinkmanship.

  • 于是一个无可奈何的空前绝后的想法诞生了:下面就让我教你绝处逢生! Then the idea of the unique of a have no alternative was born: I let teach you be unexpected rescued from a desperate situation below!

  • 他没念完大学,但相信“只要你做些调查,在美国是可以绝处逢生的。” He is a college dropout, but reckons that “if you do some research, you can make a lot out of nothing” in America.

  • 深圳一电子商务网站的总裁告诉记者,“我们必须专注细分领域,绝处逢生。” ” Shenzhen, president of ane-merce sites, told reporters, “We must focus on sub-areas, Juechufengsheng.

  • 目前仅比深圳队少一分的辽宁队必须冷静下来,一场场去拼,才有可能绝处逢生。 At present, only the experience less than the Shenzhen team Liaoning team have to calm down and a field all, will it be possible to Juechufengsheng.

  • 竹也象征著伟大的中华民族在帝国主义的侵略与压迫下,仍然能够坚韧不拔,绝处逢生。 Bamboo is also a symbol of the great Chinese people in the imperialist aggression and oppression will still be able perseverance needed it.

  • 你好,我刚自上海回港,虽知你病情反复,但请安心静养,暂时不要劳累工作,相信一定绝处逢生。 I just returned from Hong Kong from Shanghai. Though I know your condition is not stable, take good rest. Stop work temporarily, Believe everything will be revitalized after a stop.

  • 如果,三元有能扭转困境、有善于管理的人才,有一套独特的管理模式,完全可以使三鹿绝处逢生。 If there are three to turn around, there are good at managing people, a unique management style, could make Juechufengsheng San Lu.

  • 正如今天《华尔街日报》文章所指出的,谈判的最后阶段总是充满着边缘策略,最后反而会绝处逢生。 As today’s Wall Street Journal article notes, late-state negotiations often full of brinkmanship.

  • 美凤绝处逢生,得越南难民船所救,但面容已毁及失声,悲愤莫名,遂偷渡返家中,唯其幼子视之作疯妇。 At the meantime, May is saved by a refugee boat. Though seriously injured and lost her voice, she manages to sneak back home but her son does not recognize her.

  • 多方反弹的契机终于等到,在基建板块的带动下,权重股奋起反弹,从而指数再次从岌岌可危的境地绝处逢生。 Multi-rebound opportunity to wait until at last, in the infrastructure sector, led by heavy weights rebounded to rise in order to re-index from the precarious situation Juechufengsheng.

  • 我国星级酒店业只有努力培植自己的核心能力,大幅度提高经营业绩,才能在内忧外患的险恶处境中绝处逢生。 In order to win the battle, star hotels in China should do their best to cultivate their key abilities to enhance the management achievement.

  • 湖人=魔术?在等式的一边,湖人队。今天的湖人可以说是无所不胜。即使对手略低一筹,湖人也可以绝处逢生。 On one side of the equation, the Lakers only seem to play at their best in desperate situations — even against inferior foes.

  • 要能绝处逢生,你不需要具备赛车选手的反应力、海克力士的肌肉或爱因斯坦的头脑,你只要知道该怎么作就好了。 To live through an impossible situation, you don’t need the reflexes of a Grand Prix driver, the muscles of a Hercules, the mine of an Einstein.

  • 为什么我们即使在近乎绝望的时候,我们还是固执的背上那个沉重的行囊?那是因为,我们一直相信,希望总是绝处逢生。 Why do we clutch this baggage even when we were desperate to move on, because we all know there is a chance we might like go too soon.

  • 我现在既已登上了陆地,平安上岸,便仰脸向天,感谢上帝令我绝处逢生,因为几分钟之前,我还几乎无一线生还的希望。 I was now landed, and safe on Shore, and began to look up and thank God that my Life was sav’d in a Case wherein there was some Minutes before scarce any room to hope.

  • 他是如此迅速,如此不顾一切,绝佳的运球,用他的方式仿佛已经是绝路,但他就是能够绝处逢生,且之后还能造成对方犯规。 He is so quick , he is so desperate , great handle with the ball , he looks in his way like he would not continue to go , but he did . and then he creat foul .

  • 在新方针指引下,他的订户数量直线上升,竞争对手们纷纷探询他绝处逢生的秘密,但是他缄口始终,带着这个秘密进了坟墓。 Under the new policy he got so many subscribers that his rivals endeavoured to discover the secret of his prosperity, but he kept it, and when he died it died with him.

  • 美联储表示,GMAC成为银行控股公司有助于加强GMAC提供贷款的能力以鼓励消费者购买通用公司的汽车,通用汽车公司也因此看到了绝处逢生的希望。 That the Federal Reserve, GMAC became the bank holding pany to strengthen GMAC’s ability to provide loans to encourage consumers to buy GM vehicles, GM has also seen the Juechufengsheng hope.

  • 但是2001年案件被转到上诉法院,判决又发生了逆转,《波罗》杂志又绝处逢生,判决附带了一个小小的条件,即它要声明“它不是附属于波罗·拉尔夫·劳伦的”。 But the ruling was reversed upon appeal in 2001 and Polo came back to life — with a small disclaimer, stating that it was “not affiliated with Polo Ralph Lauren.”

  • 绝处逢生造句相关


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    Be alive in desperation


    词语大全 绝路逢生造句_绝路逢生中英文解释和造句

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