词语大全 置之不理造句_置之不理中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 置之不理造句_置之不理中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 置之不理造句_置之不理中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 置之死地造句_置之死地中英文解释和造句

词语大全 置之不理造句_置之不理中英文解释和造句

置之不理  zhì zhī bù lǐ








  • 对于这种挑衅, 我们不能置之不理。We cannot ignore such provocations.
  • 他对一切事先忠告都置之不理。He thrust aside all precautionary advice.
  • 该国政府发出警告如果战争爆发, 她将不会置之不理。The government of this country gave warning that she could not sit idly by in the event of war.
  • 老板对她的要求充耳不闻,置之不理。 The boss turned a deaf ear to her request.

  • 他对那些帮助请求置之不理。 He ignored the requests for help.

  • 他对一切有关金钱的要求都置之不理。 He was deaf to all requests for money.

  • 他们对于英格兰议会的轻微干涉置之不理。 They despised the feeble interference of the English Council of State.

  • 他的邻居们需要帮助的时候他从未置之不理。 He never turned his back on his neighbors when they needed help.

  • 好书就像好朋友一样从来不会对我们置之不理。 A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.

  • 最好置之不理跳舞轮胎;他们将找到自己的路径。 Best to just ignore the dancing tires; they will find their way.

  • 但是仅仅因为一样东西老而置之不理也是不对的。 But it is a mistake to dismiss something just because it is old.

  • 这呼吁如此措词,使我感到责任重大,不易置之不理。 An appeal so worded could not be set aside without a grave responsibility .

  • 目前,制药行业的趋势还是把失败药物的数据丢在一边,置之不理。 There’s a tendency in the industry to bury data on failed drugs and forget about them.

  • 但是,即使邓布利多恳求他杀死自己,斯内普还是可以对此置之不理。 But even if Dumbledore was urging Snape to kill him, Snape still could have disregarded that.

  • 政客们似乎对于外交政策事务越来越兴趣索然,在选举日,更是置之不理。 Politicians seem less and less interested in foreign-policy matters that pay no dividends on election day.

  • 此后,他们通过公证告知华野物业,应解除双方的物业管理合同,但对方置之不理。 Thereafter, they informed the Chinese through legalization wild properties should lift the property management contracts, but the other side.

  • 布里尼皇帝不仅对他们母后的死置之不理,并将鲁鲁修和妹妹娜娜莉当作人质送往日本。 Baird not only for the emperor’s death ignored their queen mother, sister and Lolo Nanali repair and sent to Japan as a hostage.

  • 周五投票表决时,北韩驻联合国大使并不在场。平壤过去对安理会的制裁决议置之不理。 North Korea’s ambassador was not present at Friday’s vote. In the past Pyongyang has dismissed Security Council action against it.

  • 但他们对这一点却置之不理,即我们虽说是飞行员,却和任何潜在的特务一样有被俘的危险。 But they ignored the fact that, though pilots, we potentially were in as much danger of capture as any convert agent.

  • 在周一到达北京时希尔说他将同中国官员会面但却对可能同金(桂冠)邂逅的问题置之不理。 On his arrival in Beijing on Monday, Hill said he would see with Chinese officials but ignored a question about a potential encounter with Kim.

  • 请停止以我的名字开出这种错误的帐单。假如你们对这件事置之不理,我必须考虑采取法律行动。 Please put a stop to this incorrect billing in my name. If you ignore this, I will have to think about legal action.

  • 安理会正在表决第二套关于制裁伊朗的法案,伊朗对第一套法案置之不理,而继续他的铀浓缩计划。 The Security Council is voting on its second set of sanctions against Iran; the country responded to the first by expanding enrichment.

  • 美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马本周二承认自己有一点老土,但对于要他多关注时尚的建议,却置之不理。 US President Barack Obama admitted Tuesday he’s a little frumpy , but brushed aside suggestions that he should pay greater attention to fashion.

  • 在这样一个过渡期内,人们对一些不利的经济消息——例如昨日发布的美国住宅数据——置之不理。 In such a transition period, poor economic news such as yesterday’s US housing data are shrugged aside.

  • 由于马祖储存大批弹药,常超时工作,许多士兵申诉,但军方为达成清点弹药任务,对申诉置之不理。 Matsu due to the large number of ammunition storage, regular overtime, and many plaints of soldiers, but to reach an inventory of ammunition for the military mission, ignored the plaint.

  • 虽然科学界对全球暖化的影响程度尚有歧见,但若人类对温室效应造成的危险置之不理,无非是玩火自焚。 Although there is disagreement within the scientific munity about the extent of global warming, humans would be playing with fire if we were to ignore the danger it poses.

  • 作为安全生产的主体,有的企业不仅对安全生产工作重视不够,有的甚至对安监、消防等部门的检查置之不理。 Production safety as the main body, and some enterprises not only to the lack of attention to production safety work, and some even An Jian, fire departments check ignored.

  • 当需要对“如果置之不理,身体状况会如何”进行描述时,我通常会产生焦急,非常焦急,我最大限度的焦急。 By describing the natural history of the condition if it is left untreated, I can produce anxiety. Lots of it. As much as I need to.

  • 最近一份报告指出,伦敦地铁长期过度拥挤,让人变得跟动物一样,出现「狗咬狗」心态,对其他乘客置之不理。 Chronic overcrowding on London’s Tube network turns people into animals who adopt a “dog eat dog” attitude to fellow passengers, according to a recent report.

  • 你需要对电视新闻中最新的市场恐慌消息置之不理,你必须对杂志封面上声称的市场只能走牛(走熊)漠然处之。 You need to discount the latest market scare on the TV news, you must ignore the magazine cover announcing that the market can now only go up (or down).

  • 置之不理造句相关


    词语大全 置之死地造句_置之死地中英文解释和造句

    置之死地  zhì zhī sǐ dì







  • 不过,有句俗话,置之死地而后生。 However, the saying goes, home of death and then Health.

  • 这与万万树置之死地而后生的打法路数相似。 This tree must die before the home of the principal ways similar.

  • 中国政府把西藏人们视为罪犯,欲把他们置之死地而后快。 The Tibetan people are regarded like criminals, deserving to be put to death.

  • 善用网络公关的力量,企业必定能够从激烈的竞争环境中,置之死地而后生! Be apt to uses the power of network public relations, the enterprise is sure can from inside intense petitive environment, the deathtrap of buy is born after that!

  • 为了体现“置之死地而后生”的魄力,更为了展示向地产老大们叫板的勇气。 to embody “the battle over the ownership of” vigour, but also to display the courage estate boss was calling.

  • 最叫他觉得奇怪的是那种怨恨,蛮横残忍的,毫不掩饰的,置之死地而后快的怨恨。 The strangest of all, to him, was the hatred, the brutal, unclocked, inexorable hatred.

  • 然而,此役面对实力并不强的四川队,青岛需要置之死地而后生,博出一片新田地。 However, this service facing the strength not strong Sichuan team, Qingdao needs to set at the deathtrap, but the young man, is abundant stretch of Xintien place.

  • 毕竟辽小虎如今处境险恶,球员们都有了置之死地而后生的想法,辽宁队才可能决堤逢生。 Liao Xiaohu dangerous situation now, after all, the players have a home and then kill the idea of Health, Liaoning team can be every burst of Health.

  • 置之死地而后生”,在大疫之年,许多被感染者来到虱癣园,希望变成不死生物活下去。 In desperate times people turn to desperate solutions, during the plague years many of the infected came to Enlil-saduga, hoping to live on as Undead.

  • 而是当我们在做某件事之前,我们就应该做好失败的心理准备,这样才会有置之死地而后生的感觉。 But when we do something, we should be prepared to do a good job of failure, as this will be home the feeling of resurrection.

  • 我会拿我的一切做赌注,当输掉最后一文时,就把自己抵押上,我认为,这样我就能置之死地而后生。 I shall stake all I have and when I lose my last penny I shall stake myself, and then I think I shall have won through my utter defeat.

  • 当然,你说中国民营企业也大批关门倒闭,这说明你更不懂现代中国经济了,听说过置之死地而后生吗? Of course, you have a large number of Chinese private enterprises to close the closure, the more you do not understand the modern Chinese economy, the home had heard of Health before you die?

  • 从这个角度看,“沙丁鱼”们要感谢置之死地而后生的谷歌“鲶鱼”,是它带来了生死之间的激励和竞争! From this point of view, “sardines” who would like to thank the home of the Health and then kill Google “catfish”, it is between life and death brings inspiration and petition!

  • 为什么要这样做,我也不是很清楚,我当时是急了,采用了“置之死地而后生”的战略哦——其实是蛮干的。 Why do so, I am not very clear, I was a bit tight, adopted the “home of Health to death and then” Oh strategy – is the acting.

  • 与此同时传统航空公司也在改变成本结构、更换商务模式,试图在与低成本航空公司的搏斗中置之死地而后生。 Meanwhile traditional airline also is changing cost structure, change business affairs mode, try to be born after that in the deathtrap with the in fighting buy of low cost airline.

  • 国民经济与房地产业的关系,正如母亲对于长子一样,当长子过于不听使唤时,会有棒喝,但绝不是要置之死地。 Economic and business relations, as the eldest son, mother, eldest son too when filled, will be Rod drink, but not to ignore the killing.

  • 廖仲恺既是国民党左派的代表性人物,又是孙中山先生坚定不移而又至关重要的支持者,右派势力必欲将他置之死地而后快。 He was not only a representative of Kuomintang leftist, but also a firm and most important supporter to Mr. Sun Yat-sen. So he was persecuted by the Kuomintang rightists and the imperialists.

  • 他的意思是说:「如今,按着你们在基督里的身分,并鉴于基督已进入你们生命的事实,你们必须将过往在你们心中作王的旧人置之死地」。 He is saying ‘now in the light of your position in Christ, in view of the fact that Christ is in your life, put to death the old nature that used to reign in your heart’.

  • 他的意思是说:「如今,按着你们在基督里的身份,并鉴于基督已进入你们生命的事实,你们必须将过往在你们心中作王的旧人置之死地」。 He is saying ‘now in the light of your position in Christ, in view of the fact that Christ is in your life, put to death the old nature that used to reign in your heart’.

  • 萧峰道:“这叫做置之死地而后生。我倘若不冲,就非死不可。那也说不上什么勇敢不勇敢,只不过是困兽犹斗而已。咱们围住了一头大熊、一只老虎,它逃不出去,自然会拚命的乱咬乱扑。” This is called ‘being desperate. ‘ I would have died had I not acted. I fought like a cornered animal and it had nothing to do with being courageous.

  • 置之死地造句相关



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    却之不恭  quèzhībùgōng却之不恭的意思和解释:却:推却。指对别人的邀请、赠与等,如果拒绝接受,就显得不恭敬。却之不恭的出处《孟子·万章下》:“却之却之为不恭。”却之不恭

    词语大全 却之不恭造句_却之不恭中英文解释和造句

    却之不恭  quèzhībùgōng却之不恭的意思和解释:却:推却。指对别人的邀请、赠与等,如果拒绝接受,就显得不恭敬。却之不恭的出处《孟子·万章下》:“却之却之为不恭。”却之不恭

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    却之不恭  quèzhībùgōng却之不恭的意思和解释:却:推却。指对别人的邀请、赠与等,如果拒绝接受,就显得不恭敬。却之不恭的出处《孟子·万章下》:“却之却之为不恭。”却之不恭

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    词语大全 置之脑后造句_置之脑后中英文解释和造句

    置之脑后  zhìzhīnǎohòu置之脑后的意思和解释:放在一边不再想起。置之脑后的出处置之脑后的例子贾家三兄弟自从拜在姚拨贡名下,便把这孟老夫子~。(清·李宝嘉《文明小史》第十