词语大全 罪恶滔天造句_罪恶滔天中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 罪恶滔天造句_罪恶滔天中英文解释和造句
罪恶滔天 zuì è tāo tiān
如果美丽有罪,那你就是罪恶滔天。 If beauty is a crime, you are heinous!
他不相信日本在战争年代罪恶滔天。 He does not believe Japan’s wartime behaviour to be exceptionally evil.
如果漂亮是一种罪,你已经罪恶滔天! If attractive is one kind of crime, you already monstrous crimes!
如果帅是一种罪,那我已经罪恶滔天。 If the crime is a handsome, I have been heinous.
5因他的罪恶滔天他的不义神已经想起来了。 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
因她的罪恶滔天,她的不义神已经想起来了。 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
因她的罪恶滔天,她的不义神已经想起来了。 For her sins have gone up even to heaven, and God has taken note of her evil-doing.
5因她的罪恶滔天,她的不义神已经想起来了。 for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.
公众普遍支持对那些罪恶滔天的罪犯执行死刑。 And there is widespread public support for the principle of executing egregious criminals.
5因她的罪恶滔天,神已经想起她的不义来了。 For her sins have accumulated up to heaven, and God has remembered her unrighteousnesses.
5因他的罪恶滔天;他的不义上帝已经想起来了。 for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.
关于圣诞节的如果美丽是一种罪,你已经罪恶滔天! If beauty is a crime, you are heinous!
亚当和夏娃的儿子,你罪恶滔天,不过耶和华非常仁慈。 Son of Adam, Son of Eve, thy crime is great, and yet the mercy of my Father is also great.
波特曼博士将潘的过失讲得罪恶滔天,她听了,马上站到海伦一边,反对博士。 She at once took side with Helen against Doctor Portman, when he outcried at the enormity of Pen’s transgressions.
在犹大人面前,以赛亚高悬著上帝话语的镜子,要他们明白:这个国家已经铸下了滔天的罪恶! Isaiah held up the mirror of God’s Word before the people of Judah to show how stained with sin the nation had bee.
我们本愿治愈巴比伦,但是她却不痊愈;我们放下她,各自回归故乡,因为她罪恶滔天,直达云霄。 We have tried to heal Babylon, but she cannot be healed. Leave her, let us go, each to his own land. ” Her judgment reaches heaven, it touches the clouds.”
如果帅是一种罪,我已罪恶滔天。如果美丽是一种错,我已一错再错。如果聪明要受惩罚,我不是要… Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally…
认清他们的秘密罪恶面目,揭露他们秘密侵犯、残害人类的滔天罪行,将他们押上国际刑事法庭的审判台!! We must recognize their true evil face, disclose their huge crimes of covertly damaging human beings, and put them into the Judge Courtroom in International Criminal Court! !
认清他们的秘密罪恶面目,揭露他们秘密侵犯、残害人类的滔天罪行,将他们押上国际刑事法庭的审判台!! We must disclose the horrible crimes which are covertly damaging human beings, and put them into the Judge Courtroom in International Criminal Court! !
只有当这个国家罪恶滔天,再也不能容忍时,上帝才会施以毁灭的审判作为惩罚(如所多玛和蛾摩拉,创19:1~38)。 The reason for God’s judgment of destruction upon a nation is for punishment only when the iniquity and wickedness has reached an unbearable height (eg. Sodom and Gomorrah, genesis 19:1-38).
但是失败又回归到非洲的老问题:很多领导人由于错置的后殖民地时期的团结意识而不太情愿非难他们的同类人,尽管有人真的罪恶滔天。 But its failures go back to Africa’s age-old problem: too many of its leaders, out of a misplaced sense of post-colonial solidarity, are loth to criticise their peers, however vicious.
凯特尔一生中从未违抗过元首命令,甚至叫他去犯罪恶滔天的战争罪行的命令也从未违抗过,因此没有再讲下去。但约德尔却不那么听话,他憋不住了。 Keitel, who had never disobeyed an order from the Leader in his life, not even those manding him to mit the vilest war crimes, said nothing further, but Jodl, less a lackey , did.
凯特尔一生中从未违抗过元首命令,甚至叫他去犯罪恶滔天的战争罪行的命令也从未违抗过,因此没有再讲下去。但约德尔却不那么听话,他憋不住了。 disobeyed an order from the Leader in his life, not even those manding him to mit the vilest war crimes, said nothing further, but Jodl, less a lackey, did.
词语大全 罪不容诛造句_罪不容诛中英文解释和造句
罪不容诛 zuì bù róng zhū
鳌拜这厮罪大恶极,就无今日之事,也早已罪不容诛。 Oboi is a villain. Even without today’s crime, he would have deserved severe punishment.
罪不容诛 zuìbùróngzhū罪不容诛的意思和解释:诛:把罪人杀死。罪恶极大,杀了也抵不了所犯的罪恶。罪不容诛的出处《汉书·游侠传序》:“况于郭解之伦,以匹夫之细,窃杀生之权
罪不容诛 zuìbùróngzhū罪不容诛的意思和解释:诛:把罪人杀死。罪恶极大,杀了也抵不了所犯的罪恶。罪不容诛的出处《汉书·游侠传序》:“况于郭解之伦,以匹夫之细,窃杀生之权
血债累累 xuèzhàilěilěi血债累累的意思和解释:血债:未报的杀人深仇;累累:形容很多。指杀人很多,罪恶极大。血债累累的出处血债累累的例子这个狗仗官势、~的地头蛇,被暴怒
血债累累 xuèzhàilěilěi血债累累的意思和解释:血债:未报的杀人深仇;累累:形容很多。指杀人很多,罪恶极大。血债累累的出处血债累累的例子这个狗仗官势、~的地头蛇,被暴怒
天诛地灭 tiānzhūdìmiè天诛地灭的意思和解释:诛:杀死。比喻罪恶深重,为天地所不容。天诛地灭的出处明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第十五回:“我等六人中但有私意者,天地诛灭,神明
天诛地灭 tiānzhūdìmiè天诛地灭的意思和解释:诛:杀死。比喻罪恶深重,为天地所不容。天诛地灭的出处明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第十五回:“我等六人中但有私意者,天地诛灭,神明
攻守同盟 gōngshǒutóngméng攻守同盟的意思和解释:原指国与国之间订立盟约,战时彼此联合进攻或防卫。现多指坏人互相订约,为掩盖罪恶而一致行动。攻守同盟的出处清·曾朴《
攻守同盟 gōngshǒutóngméng攻守同盟的意思和解释:原指国与国之间订立盟约,战时彼此联合进攻或防卫。现多指坏人互相订约,为掩盖罪恶而一致行动。攻守同盟的出处清·曾朴《
十恶不赦 shíèbùshè十恶不赦的意思和解释:指罪恶极大,不可饶恕。十恶不赦的出处《隋书·刑法志》:“又列重罪十条:……其犯此十者,不在八议论赎之限。”元·关汉卿《窦娥冤》第
十恶不赦 shíèbùshè十恶不赦的意思和解释:指罪恶极大,不可饶恕。十恶不赦的出处《隋书·刑法志》:“又列重罪十条:……其犯此十者,不在八议论赎之限。”元·关汉卿《窦娥冤》第