词语大全 置之脑后造句_置之脑后中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 置之脑后造句_置之脑后中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 置之脑后造句_置之脑后中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 置之死地造句_置之死地中英文解释和造句

词语大全 置之脑后造句_置之脑后中英文解释和造句

置之脑后  zhì zhī nǎo hòu







  • 为了达到个人目的, 他把集体利益置之脑后。To acplish his own end, he placed collective interests in the back of his mind.
  • 如何才能将所有的担心忧虑置之脑后呢? How can I cast away all my cares and worries?

  • 为了达到个人目的,他把集体利益置之脑后。 To acplish his own end he placed collective interests in the back of his mind.

  • 我今天要把节食计划置之脑后。尽情享受一下。 I shall forget about dieting today. I’m just going to indulge.

  • 你可以接受那个虚假的道歉 然后将其置之脑后… You can take that fake apology and shove it right up your hairy…

  • 今天我要把节食计画置之脑后, 想吃什么就吃什么。 I shall forget about dieting today. I’m just going to indulge, ie eat and drink what I like.

  • 不幸的是,战争一开始,这一战争法就被人们置之脑后。 Unfortunately, in the heat of battle, the laws of war do not exactly Come to mind.

  • 身后的问题常常被我们置之脑后,或者从我们的视野中被抹去。 We put off until later asking about what es afterward, after death, or we push it out of our field of vision altogether.

  • 这次考试不及格是令人失望的,但你最好将它置之脑后,重新开始吧。 It was disappointing to fail the examination, but you’d better shove that behind you and make a fresh start now.

  • 我会立即把你的论述置之脑后,如果……我自己拿得出一个更好的论点。 I would dismiss your thesis out of hand if … I had a better one myself.

  • 贝尔德跳得非常棒,此时她又听到了人群的欢呼,但马上又将它置之脑后。 Bayard is jumping beautifully and for a moment she hears the crowd again, but soon forgets them.

  • 需要承认这种感情的存在,仅仅这样就能使我们把这些感情置之脑后了吗。 These feelings need to be acknowledged and only then can we put them behind us.

  • 双方都将简单的礼貌置之脑后,因此对于大量的消费者来说,服务随之而去。 On both sides, simple courtesy has gone by the board. And for a multitude of consumers, service went with it.

  • 我们没再继续费劲琢磨他们的行为,而是置之脑后,继续享受我们在一起的时刻。 Rather than focusing on the behavior and continuing to give it energy, we both dropped it and continued to enjoy our time together.

  • 我做孩童时,言谈举止、心思意念像孩童,但是,成人之后,我就把孩时的一切置之脑后。 When I was a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

  • 将其置之脑后,而脓肿仍在化脓,其浓液不可能不侵入身体,这种疼痛()布了整个有机体。 Left untreated, the abscesses suppurate; the pus cannot escape from the body, and the malady spreads throughout the organism.

  • 将其置之脑后,而脓肿仍在化脓,其浓液不可能不侵入身体,这种疼痛()布了整个有机体。 the pus cannot escape from the body, and the malady spreads throughout the organism.

  • 因此,有时你非常努力地去写报道、采访,报道写出来之后便将那个问题、那个人置之脑后了。 So you sometimes bee very focused on working on the stories, interviewing, and then you write the story and you forget about that problem, you forget about that person.

  • 新的消费设施已充分就位,餐厅、酒店、商场开足马力全力运转,试图将此之外的混乱置之脑后。 A new consumer infrastructure has been set in place, its restaurants and hotels and shopping centers churning in attempted oblivion to the chaos beyond.

  • 汉格兰德强调他非常适应富勒姆生活,这名高大的中后卫高兴把转会传闻置之脑后直到真正的报价到来。 Hangeland insists that situation suits him just fine, with the towering centre-half happy to put the issue to the back of his mind until something tangible materialises.

  • 就可以了事了——那根本不管用。乐观积极的想法,不是你想要就能拥有的,也不是置之脑后就可获得的。 Positive thinking is not something that you can do only when you feel like doing it and it is not something that a person can just keep bottled up in the back of their head.

  • 然后,我继续建议她去认清是什么发生在她身上,不去消除它,而是把它放在她脑后的架子上(置之脑后)。 I then went on to advise her to acknowledge what had happened to her, not dismiss it, and put it on the shelf at the back of her mind.

  • 他们的种种评论就和任何其他网络谈论区里的评论一样(口无遮拦),可说完不到15分钟也就置之脑后了。 They make the kind of ments you would expect to find on any talk board, and which would normally be forgotten within 15 minutes.

  • 换言之,明星更应重视自身的道德约束,不能只利用公众人物的角色去谋取个人私利,而将公共责任置之脑后。 Change character, star should value the moral tie of oneself more, the part that cannot use public figure only goes seek individual expedience, and ignore and forget of will public duty.

  • 我被告知宫崎先生根本没有退休,而且目前正在制作另一部电影。这又提升了我的失望。我希望能将这置之脑后。 I am told that Mr Hayao has not retired after all, but is now making another movie. This has increased my disappointment. I hope to put it behind me.

  • 让民权登上头版头条似乎很风光,但对文化遗产的关注却被置之脑后。而在这个方面国外的压力恰恰可能有所收效。 It is tempting to say that civil rights mand headlines, but cultural heritage – where foreign pressure can sometimes shame a regime into caution – goes by the board.

  • 我知道,他们过去那样冷落我们,至今仍然令人气愤,但是现在我们应该把它置之脑后,因为我们必须同这些人合作。 I know the way we were snubbed still rankles, but it’s got to be put behind us now. We must cooperate with these people.

  • 贪欲占了上风。在某个时候,泡沫大到了荒谬的程度,贪欲占了上风,要让这个神话继续,就必须将所有的常识置之脑后。 Greed takes over. At some point, the bubble reaches a point that is so ridiculous that greed takes over and all mon sense must be suspended to continue the myth.

  • 随着佛朗哥在一九七五年逝世,这似乎是一项各党派达成的共识,好让西班牙把战争和独裁政权置之脑后,而平静地接纳民主政体。 It may seem an all-party consensus that enabled Spain to put the war and dictatorship behind it following Franco’s death in 1975 and to peacefully embrace democracy.

  • 但是勿庸置疑的是不久之后的某刻,一条伦理底线将在某处实验室被置之脑后:从人类手中创造的第一个生命个体将开始它的分裂和自我复制过程。 But sometime soon a line will be crossed in a laboratory somewhere and the first unarguably living thing created from scratch by the hand of man will divide itself in two and begin to reproduce.

  • 置之脑后造句相关


    词语大全 置之死地造句_置之死地中英文解释和造句

    置之死地  zhì zhī sǐ dì







  • 不过,有句俗话,置之死地而后生。 However, the saying goes, home of death and then Health.

  • 这与万万树置之死地而后生的打法路数相似。 This tree must die before the home of the principal ways similar.

  • 中国政府把西藏人们视为罪犯,欲把他们置之死地而后快。 The Tibetan people are regarded like criminals, deserving to be put to death.

  • 善用网络公关的力量,企业必定能够从激烈的竞争环境中,置之死地而后生! Be apt to uses the power of network public relations, the enterprise is sure can from inside intense petitive environment, the deathtrap of buy is born after that!

  • 为了体现“置之死地而后生”的魄力,更为了展示向地产老大们叫板的勇气。 to embody “the battle over the ownership of” vigour, but also to display the courage estate boss was calling.

  • 最叫他觉得奇怪的是那种怨恨,蛮横残忍的,毫不掩饰的,置之死地而后快的怨恨。 The strangest of all, to him, was the hatred, the brutal, unclocked, inexorable hatred.

  • 然而,此役面对实力并不强的四川队,青岛需要置之死地而后生,博出一片新田地。 However, this service facing the strength not strong Sichuan team, Qingdao needs to set at the deathtrap, but the young man, is abundant stretch of Xintien place.

  • 毕竟辽小虎如今处境险恶,球员们都有了置之死地而后生的想法,辽宁队才可能决堤逢生。 Liao Xiaohu dangerous situation now, after all, the players have a home and then kill the idea of Health, Liaoning team can be every burst of Health.

  • 置之死地而后生”,在大疫之年,许多被感染者来到虱癣园,希望变成不死生物活下去。 In desperate times people turn to desperate solutions, during the plague years many of the infected came to Enlil-saduga, hoping to live on as Undead.

  • 而是当我们在做某件事之前,我们就应该做好失败的心理准备,这样才会有置之死地而后生的感觉。 But when we do something, we should be prepared to do a good job of failure, as this will be home the feeling of resurrection.

  • 我会拿我的一切做赌注,当输掉最后一文时,就把自己抵押上,我认为,这样我就能置之死地而后生。 I shall stake all I have and when I lose my last penny I shall stake myself, and then I think I shall have won through my utter defeat.

  • 当然,你说中国民营企业也大批关门倒闭,这说明你更不懂现代中国经济了,听说过置之死地而后生吗? Of course, you have a large number of Chinese private enterprises to close the closure, the more you do not understand the modern Chinese economy, the home had heard of Health before you die?

  • 从这个角度看,“沙丁鱼”们要感谢置之死地而后生的谷歌“鲶鱼”,是它带来了生死之间的激励和竞争! From this point of view, “sardines” who would like to thank the home of the Health and then kill Google “catfish”, it is between life and death brings inspiration and petition!

  • 为什么要这样做,我也不是很清楚,我当时是急了,采用了“置之死地而后生”的战略哦——其实是蛮干的。 Why do so, I am not very clear, I was a bit tight, adopted the “home of Health to death and then” Oh strategy – is the acting.

  • 与此同时传统航空公司也在改变成本结构、更换商务模式,试图在与低成本航空公司的搏斗中置之死地而后生。 Meanwhile traditional airline also is changing cost structure, change business affairs mode, try to be born after that in the deathtrap with the in fighting buy of low cost airline.

  • 国民经济与房地产业的关系,正如母亲对于长子一样,当长子过于不听使唤时,会有棒喝,但绝不是要置之死地。 Economic and business relations, as the eldest son, mother, eldest son too when filled, will be Rod drink, but not to ignore the killing.

  • 廖仲恺既是国民党左派的代表性人物,又是孙中山先生坚定不移而又至关重要的支持者,右派势力必欲将他置之死地而后快。 He was not only a representative of Kuomintang leftist, but also a firm and most important supporter to Mr. Sun Yat-sen. So he was persecuted by the Kuomintang rightists and the imperialists.

  • 他的意思是说:「如今,按着你们在基督里的身分,并鉴于基督已进入你们生命的事实,你们必须将过往在你们心中作王的旧人置之死地」。 He is saying ‘now in the light of your position in Christ, in view of the fact that Christ is in your life, put to death the old nature that used to reign in your heart’.

  • 他的意思是说:「如今,按着你们在基督里的身份,并鉴于基督已进入你们生命的事实,你们必须将过往在你们心中作王的旧人置之死地」。 He is saying ‘now in the light of your position in Christ, in view of the fact that Christ is in your life, put to death the old nature that used to reign in your heart’.

  • 萧峰道:“这叫做置之死地而后生。我倘若不冲,就非死不可。那也说不上什么勇敢不勇敢,只不过是困兽犹斗而已。咱们围住了一头大熊、一只老虎,它逃不出去,自然会拚命的乱咬乱扑。” This is called ‘being desperate. ‘ I would have died had I not acted. I fought like a cornered animal and it had nothing to do with being courageous.

  • 置之死地造句相关



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    置之不理  zhìzhībùlǐ置之不理的意思和解释:之:代词,它;理:理睬。放在一边,不理不睬。置之不理的出处清·黄小配《廿载繁华梦》第十六回:“各人听了,反不以为是,就有说他是

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    词语大全 置之死地而后生造句_置之死地而后生中英文解释

    置之死地而后生  zhìzhīsǐdìérhòushēng置之死地而后生的意思和解释:原指作战把军队布置在无法退却、只有战死的境地,兵士就会奋勇前进,杀敌取胜。后比喻事先断绝退路,

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    词语大全 置之度外造句


    词语大全 置之度外造句
