词语大全 美不胜收造句_美不胜收中英文解释和造句

Posted 景色

篇首语:最聪明的处世之术是,既对世俗投以白眼,又与其同流合污。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 美不胜收造句_美不胜收中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 美不胜收造句_美不胜收中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 妖不胜德造句_妖不胜德中英文解释和造句

词语大全 美不胜收造句_美不胜收中英文解释和造句

美不胜收  měi bù shèng shōu








  • 它们是完美而精确、美不胜收的。 Their perfection and precision, simply beautiful to behold.

  • 我们度假的那个城市美不胜收。 The city where we spent our vacation was very beautiful.

  • 立体照明系统绚丽多彩、美不胜收。 The three-dimensional lighting system gorgeous, is too beautiful to behold.

  • 晶莹剔透的雨点滴滴坠落,美不胜收。 The crystal raindrops fall and (that’s) the beauty of it.

  • 从这儿看到的湖景美不胜收。 The view of the lake from here is great.

  • 当地人说,如果有幸遇雾,景色更是美不胜收。 Locals say that if therexing yu fog, scenery is beautiful.

  • “对搞创作的人来说,这里美不胜收,”他说。 “It’s a magnificent space for creative people, ” he said.

  • 在找出租车的途中,我发现复旦正门内的这条小径,美不胜收吧? On my way to the taxi, I found this road just inside the Fudan University gate. Nice, huh?

  • 我们校园周围是宾州中部连绵起伏的山峦,全年都有美不胜收的景色! We have a beautiful campus tucked into a valley in the rolling hills of central Pennsylvania, with spectacular scenery throughout the year (but especially in the fall when the leaves are changing).

  • 北锦江从谷底流下,两岸怪石林立,奇景叠生,栩栩如生,美不胜收。 North Jinjiang down from the bottom, the two sides Guaidan the proliferation of overlapping phenomenon of Health, life is enormous.

  • 抒情的行板,使人们犹如置身于精巧秀丽的姑苏园林之中,美不胜收。 The lyric allegretto makes people in the refined garden of Su Zhou, which has too many beautiful things.

  • 很多中国运动员的奏凯已经超越了优秀,它们是完美精确、美不胜收的。 Many of China’s triumphs went beyond excellence. Their perfection and precision, simply beautiful to behold.

  • 大理非常美,有奇异的山脉和美不胜收的风景。但是,它好像缺少些什么。 Dali was nice, with fantastic mountain-scapes and incredibly picturesque scenery, yet it seemed to be lacking something.

  • “人间天堂”杭州有着美不胜收的自然景观,宜人的城市环境和深厚的文化底蕴。 Hangzhou is named “paradise city” of China because of it’s beautiful view, nice environment and abundant culture implications.

  • 四季景色各异,美不胜收,凡来此游者,为藏而不露的山野美景竞折腰,无不心旷神怡。 Four different scenery, beautiful, all those who came here to swim for the hidden beauty of the mountainjing zhe yao , all relaxed and happy.

  • 这听起来似乎有些言过其实,但是见到高地的大部分人愿意承认那里的景色的确美不胜收。 This may sound exaggerated, but on arriving in the High lands most people readily agree that the scenery is indeed magnificent.

  • 《围城》艺术特色的独特性体现在讽刺与幽默的完美结合上,且妙喻多不胜数,美不胜收。 The art characteristics of the novel is reflected on the perfect bine of the satire and humor .

  • 作为首个观赏的景点,莲花池及周围的美不胜收的风景让作者联想到宋代诗人杨万里的诗句。 As the first tourist spot, the lotus pond and beautiful surrounding scenery made the author associate with the poem of Yang Wanli in Song Dynasty.

  • 生活有时会美不胜收,有时也会艰苦卓绝。要学会欣赏美丽,欣赏多了,你就不会被苦难折服。 Life can be very beautiful and life can be very difficult. Learn to appreciate the beauty so much that the difficulties cannot bring you down.

  • 由此远眺,村烟点点,镜屏清晰,九龙山峰起伏,兰城风光,尽收眼底,三江之汇,美不胜收。 This wonderful little village of smoke, clear-screen, Kowloon peaks ups and downs, the Portland City scenery, panoramic view, of the Sanjiang, breathtaking.

  • 其中“绞杀植物”、树瀑布、大板根、缠丝洞、望江巖、野象石等景德镇点甚具特色,美不胜收。 The “strangling plants”, the tree falls, large plate-kan, wrapping hole, Wangjiang rock, Ye Xiang Shi, such as Jingdezhen, very unique, breathtaking.

  • 她搽的脂粉,大半全跑到了他的脸上跟枕头上,然而残存的那淡淡一层,依然显得她的脸颊美不胜收。 Most of her make-up had transferred itself to his own face or the bolster, but a light stain of rouge still brought out the beauty of her cheekbone .

  • 此园一年四季彩叶缤纷,尤其在秋高气爽之时,漫步园中,那红彤彤、黄澄澄的秋叶秋果更是美不胜收。 This colorful garden throughout the year Coleus, especially in autumn when the walk through the gardens, that glowing red, glistening yellow fruit of the autumn leaf fall is even more beautiful.

  • 即使是冬天,路边的景色依旧是美不胜收,那里无数的小鸟来觅取浆果莓和露在雪地上的枯枝上的种子。 Even in winter the roadsides were places of beauty, where countless birds came to feed on the berries and on the seed heads of the dried weeds rising above the snow.

  • 我邀请到了梅州市音乐家协会主席、国家二级作曲陈勋华先生来为大家介绍种类繁多、美不胜收的客家山歌。 I invited the President of the Musicians Association of Meizhou City, the country music secondary Mr. Chen Xunhua to introduce a wide range of the beautiful Hakka folk songs.

  • 蒲柏的诗歌不仅形式美仑美奂,内容更是美不胜收。读他的诗,让人赏心悦目之余,更有一种心灵洗礼后升华的感觉。 Pope’s poetry is not only perfect and magnificent in form but also popular and constructive in content, which hasn’t been surpassed by any other English poets.

  • 本书打破了以往花园设计的固定模式,向读者展示了花园也可以成为单独的空间。苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青,美不胜收。 Garden Details breaks down the elements of garden design and shows how each can be used to create unique garden spaces.

  • 园内各景点错落有致,无论香樟古韵、红巖飞瀑,还是涓涓细流,垂柳拂水,极目远眺,绿茵春晖、湖光舟影,美不胜收。 Ancient camphor trees, red rock, waterfall, brook, weeping willow, green land, spring sunlight and boat on the lake contribute to picturesque scenery.

  • 和谐无处不在,在家,在外,在学校,只要尽你的力,去帮助别人做做你能做的事情,少去计较一些事情,生活定会美不胜收! Harmony everywhere, at home, outside, at school, as long as you do, and to help other people doing things you can do less to care about something, life will be beautiful!

  • 在冲泡过程中,兰花吸收水分而徐徐展开,如同兰花在大自然中自由开放,同时散发出阵阵兰花幽香,真让人心旷神怡,美不胜收。 When pickling, the orchid flowers open out slowly like they do in the nature because of water absorption, at the same time it emits orchid flowers aromatic.

  • 美不胜收造句相关


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