词语大全 羽毛未丰造句_羽毛未丰中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 羽毛未丰造句_羽毛未丰中英文解释和造句
羽毛未丰 yǔ máo wèi fēng
窗台上一只羽毛未丰的小麻雀。 a small unfledged sparrow on the window sill.
他年龄尚小,羽毛未丰,看起来就是一副很稚气的样子。 He is still quite young and not mature enough. Judging from his appearance, people think he is quite childish.
他年龄尚小,羽毛未丰,看起来就是一副很稚气的样子。 A feather that is not yet fully grown; fledgeless, (figuritive) a person is too young, thus not experienced or knowledgeable, nor strong.
象你那么大的时候,我很有同情心,偏爱羽毛未丰,没有人抚养和不幸的人。 When I was as old as you, I was a feeling fellow enough and partial to the unfledged , unfostered, and unlucky.
象你那么大的时候,我很有同情心,偏爱羽毛未丰,没有人抚养和不幸的人。 When I was as old as you, I was a feeling fellow enough and partial to the unfledged, unfostered, and unlucky.
这时候一阵狂风吹了过来,巢里细小干枯的树枝马上燃起了猛烈的火焰。那些羽毛未丰的雏鹰都被烧死了,并从树上掉了下来。 A strong breeze soon fanned the spark into a flame, and the eagles, as yet unfledged and helpless, were roasted in their nest and dropped down dead at the bottom of the tree.
她怒气冲冲地追着他们,简直像个小瘟神——猩红热或某个羽毛未丰的专司惩罚的这类小天使,其使命就是惩处正在成长的一代人的罪孽。 She resembled, in her fierce pursuit of them, an infant pestilence — the scarlet fever, or some such half-fledged angel of judgment — whose mission was to punish the sins of the rising generation.
她怒气冲冲地追着他们,简直像个小瘟神——猩红热或某个羽毛未丰的 专司惩罚的这类小天使,其使命就是惩处正在成长的一代人的罪孽。 She resembled, in her fierce pursuit of them, an infant pestilence — the scarlet fever, or some such half-fledged angel of judgment — whose mission was to punish the sins of the rising generation.
词语大全 凤毛麟角造句_凤毛麟角中英文解释和造句
凤毛麟角 fèng máo lín jiǎo
倘有,亦实在是屈指可数、凤毛麟角了。 If there is, but also it is very few, rare.
专家指出女性的诺贝尔奖获得者是凤毛麟角。 Experts say women are often underrepresented as Nobel laureates.
但是,这方面成功的范例可以说是凤毛麟角。 However, successful examples in this regard can be said to be rare.
对于众多的开发商而言,能够上市的毕竟是凤毛麟角。 For many developers, after all, is hardly able to be listed.
就是中学语文教师,真正懂得并讲好鲁迅的,也凤毛麟角。 What”s more, the Chinese teachers in the middle school who can understand and analyze Lu Xun”s works well are few.
在市场唱和之声外,从高执行基准利率的银行变得凤毛麟角。 Voices in the market responsory, from the implementation of high bank interest rates bee rare.
如今很少有流行的舞者能用他的步法吸引你的注意力:他就是这凤毛麟角。 There are few popular dancers today who keep drawing your attention to footwork: He was always one of them.
相反,能热爱并且理解自然科学和工程技术的文学艺术家真可谓凤毛麟角。 On the contrary, a literary artist who loves natural science and has some idea about engineering technology can be well regarded as a rarity of rarities.
在一个现代化城市里,能听得出画眉和山乌鸦叫声不同的人,恐怕是凤毛麟角。 Probably in a modern city the man who can distinguish between a thrush’s and a blackbird’s song is the exception.
世界上可与观看顶尖选手在最佳状态下竞技时的兴奋相比拟的事真是凤毛麟角。 or two things▼ in this world▼ beat the thrill of watching top athletes▼ at the peak of their form.
运用语言学理论和方法研究体育语言的论著凤毛麟角,体育语言的研究有待深入。 Linguistic theory, and methods of using the language of sports on a rare depth research to be the language of sport.
同居那年,他已经超过了25岁了,带这年龄还没有成亲的牧人已经是凤毛麟角了。 Cohabitation, he has more than 25 years of age, with this age have not been married the pastor is a very few.
以需要“整理内存”,将片刻的过去的易丢失的凤毛麟角流于文字,防止脑袋短路使其再也。 I’m so forgetful that I have to coordinate my memory and writing down something that have gone away, so that it can’t be missing.
他在科学界颇有清誉,却不隶属于任何正规的研究机构,在挥金如土的科学界里有如凤毛麟角。 He maintained a spotless scientific reputation, yet he had no formal institutional affiliation, a rarity in the heavily funded world of science.
在简约家居风格盛行的今天,如何在简单中独树一帜,成为凤毛麟角的精品,是极其不轻易的。 Reside style be current in contracted home today, if where simple in develop a school of one’s own, make rare high-quality goods, it is to not allow extremely easy.
像佛陀、耶稣或庄子那样的人凤毛麟角,他们是自在的,他们的生活是一种喜乐,而不是受苦受难。 Rarely is there a man like Buddha, Jesus, or Chuang Tzu — one who is at home, whose life is an ecstasy and not a suffering and an anxiety.
首先能讲一口漂亮英语的人已相当少见,而既能讲一口漂亮英语又唱歌唱得好的人就更是凤毛麟角了。 Those who can speak good English are quite rare while those who both speak good English and sing good songs are the rarity of rarity.
学术界对涂尔干的这一思想关注得较少,从这一思想角度探讨中国构建和谐社会的文献更是凤毛麟角。 But the academic circles pay little attention to this thought, and the literatures are extremely rare to discuss the construction of the Chinese harmonious society from this angle.
据统计,北京房地产开发商有4000多家,而真正具有资金实力和开发经验的开发商却如凤毛麟角。 According to statistics, there are over 4000 in Beijing real estate developers, and truly financial strength and development experience as developers are rare.
这并不是凤毛麟角的个案,据北京市总体规划,以上两个厂均属北京市政府2000年污染扰民搬迁企业。 This is not rare cases, according to Beijing overall planning, these two plants are Beijing government in 2000 pollution nuisance removal enterprises.
然而该国得到的援助相比印度尼西亚等国在遭受海啸袭击后得到的援助只是凤毛麟角,并且将来也无可期待。 If Yet the demands amounts of the aid been being requested it are just a fraction of a/ what was spent on countries like Indonesia after the tsunami – and not much is forced ing forthing yet.
在理论界,众多学者较多的关注企业人力资本价值测评,而对于企业人力资本价值提升的研究却是凤毛麟角。 There are so much result in human capital valuation. In the contrary, there is a little achievement about human capital value promotion.
在美国最大的500家企业中没有一位黑人担任首席执行官和总裁,华尔街的大投资公司中黑人高级职员也凤毛麟角。 None of the CEOs and presidents of the top 500 panies in the Unites States are blacks. Blacks holding senior posts at Wall Street investment panies are rare, if any.
八层以上的板式高层很少见,高层塔楼更是凤毛麟角,优美的自然条件和整洁的城市环境吸引了大量外来的投资客户。 Eight more senior type is rare, high-level tower is rare, beautiful natural conditions and clean urban environment to attract a lot of foreign investment clients.
宁采臣则需要那种特别会演戏的兼有书生气和傲骨的男演员,这样的人选在当今男演员中则更是凤毛麟角,至今没有人选。 Ningcai Chen is the kind of special needs will be acting both Shusheng Qi characters and the actor, such a candidate in today’s actor is in even more rare, so far no one will vote for.
一直以来,国内学界对循环经济从经济和技术的角度介绍颇多,而对与循环经济有关的环境法治建设发面的研究凤毛麟角。 For a long time, the native academic field has been staying on the introduction of cycling economy from the angles of economy and technology. The study on the nomocracy construction is very rare.
同时主教练贝尼特斯说道:“我知道我们购买他是因为他是一名非常出色的球员,但是像他这样类型的球员却是凤毛麟角。” While boss Benitez said: “We knew when we bought him that he was a very good player, but players of his type are normally less consistent than others.”
开发的项目主要以三人家庭为主,两室一厅,三室一厅或四室一厅,主要面对已婚家庭,而开发适合单身住的房简直是凤毛麟角,屈指可数。 Three major projects to develop family-oriented, Liangshiyiting, pager or burned, the main face of a married family, and the development of suitable living room is a rare single, unique.
确实存在这样的情况,一个聪明而有天分的货币政策管理者,可以随时调整政策。这比一个固定的增长率要好得多。但是,这样的人凤毛麟角。 There are certainly occasions in which discretionary changes in policy guided by a wise and talented manager of monetary policy would do better than the fixed rate, but they would be rare.
对于艺术家而言,他们大多只在一个领域做得比较优秀,但是我相信,很少有人能在一个以上的领域同时做到杰出,至于说在很多领域都能表现出色那就更是凤毛麟角了。 Some are good or excellent in a single area but I believe there are few that can excel at more than one, and there are even less that can excel in more.
羽毛丰满 yǔmáofēngmǎn羽毛丰满的意思和解释:小鸟的羽毛已经长全。比喻已经成熟或实力已强大。羽毛丰满的出处清·无名氏《杜诗言志》卷十二:“而彼林木丛杂中,有羽毛丰满而栖
羽毛丰满 yǔmáofēngmǎn羽毛丰满的意思和解释:小鸟的羽毛已经长全。比喻已经成熟或实力已强大。羽毛丰满的出处清·无名氏《杜诗言志》卷十二:“而彼林木丛杂中,有羽毛丰满而栖
羽翼已成 yǔyìyǐchéng羽翼已成的意思和解释:鸟的羽毛和翅膀已长全。比喻力量已经巩固。羽翼已成的出处《史记·留侯世家》:“多欲易之,彼四人辅之。羽翼已成,难动也。”羽翼已
羽翼已成 yǔyìyǐchéng羽翼已成的意思和解释:鸟的羽毛和翅膀已长全。比喻力量已经巩固。羽翼已成的出处《史记·留侯世家》:“多欲易之,彼四人辅之。羽翼已成,难动也。”羽翼已
凤毛麟角 fèngmáolínjiǎo凤毛麟角的意思和解释:凤凰的羽毛,麒麟的角。比喻珍贵而稀少的人或物。凤毛麟角的出处《南史·谢超宗传》:“超宗殊有凤毛。”《北史·文苑传序》:
凤毛麟角 fèngmáolínjiǎo凤毛麟角的意思和解释:凤凰的羽毛,麒麟的角。比喻珍贵而稀少的人或物。凤毛麟角的出处《南史·谢超宗传》:“超宗殊有凤毛。”《北史·文苑传序》:
凤毛麟角 fèngmáolínjiǎo凤毛麟角的意思和解释:凤凰的羽毛,麒麟的角。比喻珍贵而稀少的人或物。凤毛麟角的出处《南史·谢超宗传》:“超宗殊有凤毛。”《北史·文苑传序》:
凤毛麟角 fèngmáolínjiǎo凤毛麟角的意思和解释:凤凰的羽毛,麒麟的角。比喻珍贵而稀少的人或物。凤毛麟角的出处《南史·谢超宗传》:“超宗殊有凤毛。”《北史·文苑传序》:
童颜鹤发 tóngyánhèfà童颜鹤发的意思和解释:颜:脸色。仙鹤羽毛似雪白的头发,孩子似的红润的面色。形容老年人气色好。童颜鹤发的出处唐·田颖《梦游罗浮》:“自言非神亦非仙,
童颜鹤发 tóngyánhèfà童颜鹤发的意思和解释:颜:脸色。仙鹤羽毛似雪白的头发,孩子似的红润的面色。形容老年人气色好。童颜鹤发的出处唐·田颖《梦游罗浮》:“自言非神亦非仙,