词语大全 群龙无首造句_群龙无首中英文解释和造句

Posted 星宿

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1、词语大全 群龙无首造句_群龙无首中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 群龙无首   [qún lóng wú shǒu]什么意思

词语大全 群龙无首造句_群龙无首中英文解释和造句

群龙无首  qún lóng wú shǒu








  • 群龙无首,宋军很快就被打垮了。 Leaderless, the Song troops were soon utterly routed.

  • 首相一死,他的党派就群龙无首了。 The death of the Prime Minister left his party without a leader.

  • 将军死亡使这支军队群龙无首。 The general’s decease left the army without a leader.

  • 其麾下主力,华裔党派已经数月群龙无首。 Its main ethnic-Chinese party has been without a leader for several months.

  • 面临着经济危机,日本再次发现自己群龙无首。 Japan again finds itself leaderless as it faces a collapsing economy.

  • 事实上,日本——这个世界第二大经济体,现在群龙无首。 In effect, the world’s second-largest economy is leaderless.

  • 分公司的职工都很年轻,群龙无首,于是我又成了中层管理人员。 Subsidiary pany’s staff are very young, a group of people without a leader, therefore I have bee the middle managers.

  • 群龙无首,藏人就会服从治理——但这可以说是灾难性的错误估计。 Without a leader, they think, Tibetans will be more pliant — but that is a catastrophic miscalculation.

  • 首席反黑手党检察官皮埃罗·格拉索宣布黑手党已经“群龙无首”了。 But the chief anti-Mafia prosecutor, Piero Grasso, still declared that the Mafia had been “decapitated”.

  • 佩莱昂接管了一支群龙无首的部队,试图在首脑死后控制混乱的局面。 Pellaeon taking mand of the leaderless task force, trying to rein in the chaos after the death of a mastermind.

  • 家电销售旺季来临,作为家电连锁企业,却遭遇了群龙无首,让人心忧。 Home appliance sells busy season advent, interlink an enterprise as home appliance, encountered however a group without leader, allow popular feeling concern.

  • 群龙无首的燃烧军团在艾泽拉斯上被部落,人类和暗夜精灵的联军打的溃不成军。 Without their mander the Burning Legion forces remaining on Azeroth crumbled under the bined might of the Horde human and night elf armies.

  • 团队合作固然重要,但团队成员却群龙无首,你得帮助他们聚焦,指引正确的方向。 Team effort is required, but they’ll get nowhere by themselves. Focus their attention and point them in the right direction.

  • 团队合作固然重要,但团队成员却群龙无首,你得帮助他们聚焦,指引正确的方向。 Team is required, but they’ll get nowhere by themselves. Focus their attention and point them in the right direction.

  • 凭借这一才能,他招募了许多原来属于贾巴的黑社会成员。贾巴死后,这些人一度群龙无首。 This talent enabled him to scavenge a number of underworld contacts that were otherwise rudderless in the wake of Jabba’s demise.

  • 田瑞率部杀出城门,企图突出重围,不料被其弟弟田济所杀,一时间叛军群龙无首,四散逃命。 TIAN Rui led his troops out of the Shing Mun, in an attempt to tight encirclement, only to be killed by his younger brother, Tian Ji, a rudderless time the rebels, fleeing in different directions.

  • 卡廷惨案使波兰大批战前精英灰飞烟灭,而今天的这场飞机失事,则使波兰社会一时间群龙无首。 Yet like Katyn, which eliminated the flower of the pre-war Polish elite, the plane crash also seems like a decapitation of Polish society.

  • 奥巴马的支持率仍然在60%,尽管全球危机的压力(仍在持续),以及共和党仍然不得人心群龙无首。 Mr Obama’s approval ratings remain in the 60s, despite the pressure of a global crisis, and the Republicans remain unpopular and rudderless.

  • 阿根廷队原来在队首的带领下,踢的极为出色,但当马拉多纳被取消资格后,球队群龙无首,立刻解散了。 Argentina was playing very well with the captain, but as soon as Maradona was disqualified, the team lost and was immediately eliminated.

  • 那位仰光的经济学家说:“如果民主运动群龙无首,缅甸军政府就是唯一的政府,无需再看管它的人民了。” The Rangoon-based economist said: “If the democracy movement was leaderless, the Burmese regime was now a government unique in that it was unburdened by having to care for its people.”

  • 众所周知,一场运动的兴起和持续,需要一批具有领导群众运动的核心力量,不然就会出现群龙无首的局面。 As we all know that it needs the force at the core which can lead the majority, or it would be acephalous.

  • 随着莫布雷离去加盟凯尔特人,西布朗现在群龙无首,但是降级英超的西布朗却没有停止引进新鲜血液的脚步。 Albion are managerless following Tony Mowbray’s decision to quit for Celtic. But the relegated Premier League side have not stopped sounding out possible new players.

  • 面临着经济危机,日本再次发现自己群龙无首。财务大臣已经因为酒后失态引咎辞职,而首相如今也是四面楚歌。 Japan again finds itself leaderless as it faces a collapsing economy. The country’s finance minister has resigned after a humiliating scandal, and the prime minister is on the ropes.

  • 当他们离开的时候,留下的是一个群龙无首,无抵抗力的民族,根本就不是当时当时大量涌入岛中的强悍的北方民族的对手。 When they went they Left behind a leaderless and defenceless people, and these were no match for the fierce northern tribes that now poured into the island.

  • 核心人物周正毅出事后,农凯群龙无首,无奈之下已经和上海银行达成封闭开发协议,将由上海银行全面接手该项目的操作。 Zhouzhengyi core figure out afterwards, farmers Super leader, but has been under development and Shanghai Bank reached agreement closed from Shanghai Bank took over the project full operation.

  • 摩托罗拉还会在找谁来出任手机业务首席执行长的问题上遇到困难,而这个部门从2007年2月起就已处于群龙无首的状态了。 Motorola also is running into roadblocks over hiring someone to run the division, which has lacked a CEO since February 2007. The favored candidate — Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • 可是,国会中的民主党人士感到处于领导真空(群龙无首),乃强调由于布什不闻不问令经济一撅不振,以便增加他们自己的政治筹码。 But congressional Democrats, sensing a leadership void, have made political hay by contending the economy is in the doldrums because Bush refuses to do anything about it.

  • 萧峰知道她在星宿派所闯的祸实在不小,料想她确是不敢回去,笑道:“你是星宿派的大师姊传人,你不回去,群龙无首,那便如何是好?” “You are the heir apparent of the sect. They will be in total disarray without you, ” Xiao teased, knowing she was in big trouble with the sect and wouldn’t dare to return.

  • 不过,今年“夏季大学”的气氛将不会那么愉快,因为党内的一些领导人已经开始痛责社会党,称其死气沉沉,群龙无首,很快就会被埋进历史的垃圾堆。 But this year’s school will be fraught, for some of the party’s own leaders have taken to denouncing it as lifeless, rudderless and ready to be buried.

  • 忠叔出走后,海龙社更与强运社联手攻击洪兴社,小玉兄长因而被杀,在群龙无首下,小玉被逼继任坐馆之职,跟海龙及强运社誓不两立,三帮的一场激烈火爆的大厮杀即将展开了。 Sea Dragon even teams up with another gang to kill Yuk’s elder brother. Without other options, Yuk takes up the headship of Hung Hing and leads his men to strike back…A vigorous war is about to begin!

  • 群龙无首造句相关


    词语大全 群龙无首   [qún lóng wú shǒu]什么意思

    群龙无首   [qún lóng wú shǒu]






    【出自】:《易·干》:“用九,见群龙无首,吉。”群龙无首,六爻皆动,并非是如某些人所说:指事物处在新生的初级阶段,可见连绵不绝的龙身,预示著事物处于蓬勃向上发展的急速发展阶段,并且此时龙首还未见,表示事物的最终发展方向还没有显现出来,此时怎么做都是合理的,如果龙首已现,则发展脉络已清晰,再不按已形成的规则进行就不好了。而是另有其意。龙,阳物也,乃至刚至阳之物,代表了积极、正义、坚强不屈。“群龙”无首,一群“龙”在一起各尽所能,团结互助,忠心不二,积极发展,何须“首”的出现?故曰“吉”!【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语、补语。 更多→ 群龙无首


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