词语大全 翩翩起舞造句_翩翩起舞中英文解释和造句

Posted 蝴蝶

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1、词语大全 翩翩起舞造句_翩翩起舞中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 翩翩少年造句_翩翩少年中英文解释和造句

词语大全 翩翩起舞造句_翩翩起舞中英文解释和造句

翩翩起舞  piān piān qǐ wǔ






  • 她如同湖中的天鹅一样翩翩起舞。 She is dancing like a swan in the lake.

  • 这位在战场上翩翩起舞的妇人是谁。 Who is this Woman dancing over the field of battle.

  • 伴着我和母亲一起翩翩起舞。 And dance with my mother and me.

  • 同我和母亲一起翩翩起舞。 And dance with my mother and me.

  • 跟我和母亲一起翩翩起舞。 And dance with my mother — me.

  • 蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩起舞。 Butterfly dances gracefully among flowers.

  • 当你面临选择,是枯坐无为还是翩翩起舞。 And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

  • 瞧,几片树叶落在地上,风儿吹着它们翩翩起舞。 Look, a few films fall leaves on the ground, wind blowing their dancing.

  • 一个从沉闷的生活中逃脱出来的女孩在公园中翩翩起舞。 A person es out from the dreary life. She dances in a park.

  • 如果心是一棵树,爱就是满枝的绿叶,围绕着你翩翩起舞。 If heart is tree, love is green leaf which is dancing around you.

  • 看到花蝴蝶翩翩起舞时,你有没有想过它经过了蛹的蜕变? Dancing butterflies to see, you have not thought about it after the transformation of the pupa?

  • 外面的雨越下越大,犹如翩翩起舞的小精灵,美得虚幻而又不真实。 Under the rain outside the greater the more as if the dancing elf, the United States were false and untrue.

  • 一阵风吹过,蝴蝶兰便翩翩起舞,像个花蝴蝶一样伸展着自己的身躯。 A gust of wind swept through, then dancing orchid, like a butterfly, like stretching his body.

  • 人生不是为等待暴风雨过去,它是为学会在雨中翩翩起舞。(翻译:兰馨心情。 Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

  • 这时,场上的人群便自觉结成圆圈,敲响铓锣,挥刀舞弓引吭高歌,翩翩起舞。 At this time, people will pitch consciously form a circle, mang gong sounded, brandished a knife and sang along Bow Dance, Dance.

  • 可这一刻,舞台上音乐旋律奏起,舞者从那朦胧的烟雾中出场了,然后翩翩起舞。 May be this moment, the stage musical melody begins to play, dancers from that hazy smoke appeared, and then dance.

  • 树上,片片金黄的叶子飘下来,像一只只在翩翩起舞的花蝴蝶,漫天飞舞,顽皮之极。 Trees, patches of golden leaves float down like a flower only in the dancing butterflies, sky flying, extremely playful.

  • 花儿们发出阵阵醉人的芳香,引来一大群蝴蝶,蝴蝶在空中翩翩起舞,那景象可真美! Flowers were sent bursts of intoxicating fragrance, attracted a large group of butterflies, butterfly fluttering in the air, it can be really beautiful scene!

  • 仙人之中,有的挥动着长袖翩翩起舞,有的托腮静坐,若有所思,有的拉弓射箭,千钧一发。 The immortals are dancing with their long sleeves waving in the air, sitting quietly with their chins in their hands, or shooting arrows with concentrated expressions.

  • 一阵风吹过,小花连连点头,似乎穿着水晶花裙,在水石上翩翩起舞,令人心旷神怡,如痴如醉。 A gust of wind blowing, flowers nodding again and again, it seems that wearing a crystal Huaqun, dancing in the water stone, it is relaxed and happy, mesmerizing.

  • 我的言语微不足道,但当我的作品因充满了深刻的意义而下沉时,它们却能够随着时间的翩翩起舞。 My words that are slight may lightly dance upon time’s waves when my works heavy with import have gone down.

  • 它的含义在英语中已发生了变化,现今已是指青年人可以随着唱片播送出的音乐翩翩起舞的娱乐场所了。 In English the meaning has undergone a change, since it now implies a place of entertainment where young people dance to recorded music.

  • 我的语言微不足道,但当我的作品因充满了深刻的意义而下沉时,它们却能够随着时光的浮动翩翩起舞。 My works that are slight may lightly dance upon time’s waves, when my works heavy with import have gone down.

  • 小蜜蜂在花丛中忙碌地采蜜,蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩起舞,天空中有一朵朵的白云,小鸟在天空中自由自在的飞翔。 Bees busy collecting nectar in the flowers, butterflies dancing in the flowers in the sky there is a blossoming of white clouds, birds to fly freely in the sky.

  • 翩翩起舞的流水,你路上的泥沙乞求着你的歌声和你的旋律。你将会担负起带跛足的泥沙奔流向前的重任吗? The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness.

  • 陶醉在音乐中的小弟弟禁不住随着音乐的节奏翩翩起舞,父亲轻轻哼唱,母亲也不由自主吹起了口哨,而我只是注意听着。 Caught up in the rhythm of the music, my baby brother danced around while Daddy hummed and Mother whistled. I just listened.

  • 1996年6月10日,在俄罗斯罗斯托夫的一场摇滚音乐会上,叶利钦翩翩起舞。数周之后,他再度赢得大选,获得连任。 Yeltsin dances at a rock concert in Rostov, Russia, on June 10, 1996. A few weeks later he defeats a Communist challenger and is re-elected.

  • 约格尔从容而且柔和地移动那双穿着短靴皮鞋的小脚,随同那胆怯、却尽力跳出各种舞步的娜塔莎,首先在舞厅中翩翩起舞。 With soft and delicate movements of his little slippered feet, Iogel first flew across the room with Natasha—shy, but conscientiously executing her steps.

  • 而当我看到一位年轻的舞蹈演员伴着音乐翩翩起舞时,不由得想到这几个星期以来,为我组织的所有“欢迎”和“送别”的文娱演出。 And, as I watch a young dancer twirl gracefully to the music, I think about all the “wele” and “farewell” programs that have been organized for me in the last several weeks.

  • 一阵微风吹过来,它们在空中翩翩起舞,有的像蝴蝶在空中飞舞著,有的像黄莺展翅飞翔,有的像演员那样轻盈地旋转,又飘飘摇摇地落下。 From a micro-wind, which danced in the air, and some, like butterflies fluttering in the air, and Ying Huang as some fly, some as light as an actor to rotate, and shake to fall Durian.

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    词语大全 翩翩少年造句_翩翩少年中英文解释和造句

    翩翩少年  piān piān shào nián






  • 他长成了一个翩翩少年。He has grown into a fine young man.
  • 风中奔跑的翩翩少年,你是想做一只鹰,与天比高? In the wind runs the elegant young man, you are want to make a hawk, is higher than with the day?

  • 她邀请这位性情投合的翩翩少年只要来伦敦就来看她。 She invited the agreeable young spark to visit her if ever he came to London.

  • 一修炼千年的巨蟒看见,化为一翩翩少年,将冰片吐入他口中。 A practice millennium python seeing, changes into an elegant young man, spits into the borneol in his mouth.

  • 那喀索斯,人称风度翩翩少年,惟心性高傲锱铢必较蔑视一切,令人不堪。 Narcissus is said to have been a young man of wonderful beauty, but intolerably proud, fastidious, and disdainful.

  • 但他成功地将人物刻画成思维简单却非常大胆并风度翩翩少年,而且让观众觉得可信。 But he manages to express his character’s simple-minded, but daring and charming nature in a believable way.

  • 青春是如此的奇妙,充满著苦痛,也充满著神奇。翩翩少年永远不知青春为何物,直到年华已逝,才如梦初醒。 Man’s youth is a wonderful thing:it is so full of anguish and of magic and he never es to know it as it is, until it has gone from him forever.

  • 一日,她被一个正在行猎的小伙子看见了,她认出来这个猎手原来是自己的儿子,现在已长成为一个翩翩少年。 One day a youth espied her as he was hunting. She saw him and recognized him as her own son, mow grown a young man.

  • 我们——20世纪末出生的婴儿,现在已成长为翩翩少年,将来,我们是21世纪的希望,是未来社会的建设者和创造者。 We – 20 babies born in the century, and now has grown to Pianpianshaonian the future, we hope that the 21st century, are the future builders and creators.

  • 《青春啊青春》:青春是如此的奇妙,充满著苦痛,也充满著神奇。翩翩少年永远不知青春为何物,直到年华已逝,才如梦初醒。 anguish and of magic and he never es to know it as it is, until it has gone from him forever.

  • 爱德华生于20世纪的第一年,出身于吸血鬼世家的他,自从1918年发育成长为十七岁的翩翩少年之后,他便再也没有衰老,永远保持着年轻俊朗的外形。 Born in 20th century first Edward, was born in the family, since his vampire 1918 growth for seventeen dance after young, he never keep the young aging, handsome appearance.

  • 当年的翩翩少年、靓丽少女都已变得成熟了很多,有的变胖了,有的变瘦了,但岁月改变的只是人的外表,不变的却是那份纯真的心灵,言谈之间,少了当年的激情和稚气,多了一些成熟和稳重。 Some, but the only time to change the person’s appearance, the same is that pure soul, and conversation between the and less to the time when the passion and childlike, more mature and stable.

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    翩翩少年  piānpiānshàonián翩翩少年的意思和解释:指举止洒脱的青年男子。翩翩少年的出处翩翩少年的例子翩翩少年造句他长成了一个翩翩少年。Hehasgrownintoa

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    喜跃抃舞  xǐyuèbiànwǔ喜跃抃舞的意思和解释:抃:鼓掌。喜欢得跳跃、鼓掌、起舞。形容极度欢乐而手舞足蹈的情状。喜跃抃舞的出处《列子·汤问》:“娥还,复为曼声长歌,一里老幼