词语大全 耳目一新造句_耳目一新中英文解释和造句
Posted 耳目
篇首语:忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 耳目一新造句_耳目一新中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 耳目一新造句_耳目一新中英文解释和造句
耳目一新 ěr mù yī xīn
你与众不同的见解真是让人耳目一新! You’re really different people view refreshing!
令人耳目一新,最适合在温暖的初夏夜晚饮用。 Refreshing, works best on warm early summer nights.
令人耳目一新的门,就不会再出现他们失去前门地位。 Refreshing doors no longer causes them to lose their front door status.
皮皮就给你个绝佳机会,来享受耳目一新的手机蹦极! Pipi give you a perfect opportunity to enjoy the refreshing phone bungee!
他在德语界独树一帜,敏感性好,讲起故事来令人耳目一新。 In German he was an exquisite stylist, and he brought to that language a new sensitivity in the art of story telling.
系统很快就会回复,并且将呈现崭新的面貌和令人耳目一新的功能! We’ll be back soon with a whole new look and amazing new features!
将军澳东港城翻新后,在形象设计及商户组合上,均令顾客耳目一新。 The new image and tenant mix offer shoppers at East Point City in Tseung Kwan O a new experience.
而当时广东的甲a队伍,还开始引进一些外援,让国内联赛耳目一新。 At that time, a Guangdong A team also introduced a number of foreign players, so fresh and new domestic league.
在谈及到自己即将发行的新专辑时,她表示肯定让大家有耳目一新的感觉。 Turning to his forthing new album, she said so sure we have a fresh experience.
丘比特:代表天真、时尚、艺术、情感。选材新颖,造型奇特,让人耳目一新。 Cupid:is represented fashion concept, selection novel modelling unusual, letsperson informer one newly.
今年推出的第二辑邮票同样饶具新意,以本土文化结合西方传统,令人耳目一新。 The innovative design of its second set features a perfect fusion of elements from Western tradition and local culture.
而相应的建筑形体也表现得令人耳目一新,更可以说是对传统笛卡尔坐标系的强烈冲击。 Accordingly the architectural form also expresses new, fresh and a pleasant change , even could given the traditional Descartes reference frame a strong impact .
通过培训学习,使自己耳目一新,无论是在理论心得,还是在业务水平都比原来提高了一个层次。 Through training and study, their refreshing, whether in the theoretical experience, or in the level of business than the original raise a level.
甫于近日改头换面的裕廊飞禽公园,展出与设施也令人耳目一新,处处惊奇不断,绝对值回票价。 The newly revamped BirdPark offers a range of new and exciting exhibits and facilities which are truly breathtaking and worth your while.
近日有两条利好消息令人耳目一新,给政府调控职工收入带来启示,也给劳动者增加工资带来希望。 Recently, there are two good news is refreshing, to bring ine workers in the regulation of the Enlightenment, but also to increase the wages of workers about their future.
除了成千成万的古典(书)条目索引外,大量新颖的、有价值的数码资料不断增加,令人耳目一新。 In addition to thousands of classic titles, the amount of new, instantly available digital material is impressive and growing.
包装用户期待将他们的产品在包装盒上推陈出新,使消费者有耳目一新的感觉,从而达到促销的目的。 Wraps the user looked forward to their products in the package of innovative consumer new, so as to achieve marketing purposes.
鲜食是我们每天吸引更多顾客光临的主要部门,而在鲜食部门不断有新品推出就会使顾客感觉耳目一新。 Fresh is the key dept for us to attract much more customers shopping in our store daily.
美国老师走进了我们的课堂,他们的教育方法令我们耳目一新,他们的幽默、风趣与和蔼深深地吸引了我。 American teachers went into our class and brought their new and fresh teaching methods here. I was deeply attracted by their humor and kindness.
可以说,在湖南方言滑稽表演的舞台上,这两个人创造了空前的喜剧效果,他们的表演风格让人耳目一新。 We may say that in Hunan’s dialect harlequinade stage, the two men created all-time edy effect. Their performance style let the people find everything new and fresh.
本报讯(记者庄盈实习生吕进芳)从下周一开始,桂林电视台将全新改版,为观众打造耳目一新的视听盛宴。 A (intern reporter Zhuang Ying-Jin Lu) from the beginning of next Monday, Guilin, a new television station will be revised for the audience to create a fresh and new audio-visual feast.
其结果便产生了他现代音乐创作不受约束的观点,既令人耳目一新,也使他的前辈(伯尼为其一)望所不及。 The result is a refreshingly open-ended view of contemporary music-making that puts many of his predecessors, Burney among them, to shame.
自1959年以来,我们在全世界树立了这样一种信誉,即传递成功的商业价值和让人耳目一新的建筑环境。 Since 1959, we have established a reputation for delivering mercially successful, creative and innovative environments across a variety of sectors worldwide.
自1959年以来,我们在全世界树立了这样一种信誉,即传递成功的商业价值和让人耳目一新的建筑环境。 Since 1959, we have established a reputation for delivering mercially successful, creative innovative environments across a variety of sectors worldwide.
赫德士先生表示,这种关于整个焦煤镇问题的简洁的总结性的发言,使他受到高度的教育,而且使他耳目一新。 Mr. Harthouse professed himself in the highest degree instructed and refreshed, by this condensed epitome of the whole Coketown question.
首先,这是非常令人耳目一新,但我不能过于鲁莽。当我驾驶摩托车,我的头感觉较轻。我真的很喜欢这种感觉。 First of all, it is very refreshing, but I cannot be too reckless. When I drive my motorcycle, my head feels lighter. I really like this feeling.
《软件工程思想》讲述“软件开发”和“做程序员”的道理,视野独特,构思新颖,内容风趣,不落窠臼,令人耳目一新。 Software engineering thinking about software development and do programmers , the vision of unique, innovative ideas, the content of humor, not follow the beaten track, it is refreshing.
我是水瓶座的,但看不下去你的诗,也许因为这个星座的人本身就是这种性格。不过你的诗让我耳目一新,佩服,我不得不这样说。 You make me feel so strong. You let me think something wrong. This time you really shock me! Come on!
但若说使视觉疲劳的公众耳目一新,最成功的作者还要数遗传学者史蒂夫。琼斯,以及两位科学史学家阿德里安。德斯蒙德和詹姆斯。穆尔。 But in the search for a new angle to tempt the jaded public, the most successful offerings are those of Steve Jones, a geneticist, and Adrian Desmond and James Moore, two historians of science.
词语大全 耳目昭彰造句_耳目昭彰中英文解释和造句
耳目昭彰 ěr mù zhāo zhāng
在双轨体制下市场体制的高效率昭彰在人耳目,为市场体制的改革创造了条件。 Since in the context of the two fold economic systems, the market system have showed high efficiency, thus created conditions for market-oriented reform.
在双轨体制下市场体制的高效率昭彰在人耳目,为市场体制的改革创造了条件。 What leave market system in double track system is efficient clear is in person information, the reform that is market system created a condition.
耳目昭彰 ěrmùzhāozhāng耳目昭彰的意思和解释:昭彰:十分明显,人所共见。众人已听到和看到,十分明显。形容被众人了解得清清楚楚,无法藏匿。耳目昭彰的出处耳目昭彰的例子说
耳目昭彰 ěrmùzhāozhāng耳目昭彰的意思和解释:昭彰:十分明显,人所共见。众人已听到和看到,十分明显。形容被众人了解得清清楚楚,无法藏匿。耳目昭彰的出处耳目昭彰的例子说
耳目股肱 ěrmùgǔgōng耳目股肱的意思和解释:股:大腿;肱:手臂从肘到腕的部分。起到耳朵、眼睛、手臂的作用。比喻辅佐帝王的重臣。也比喻十分亲近且办事得力的人。耳目股肱的出处
耳目股肱 ěrmùgǔgōng耳目股肱的意思和解释:股:大腿;肱:手臂从肘到腕的部分。起到耳朵、眼睛、手臂的作用。比喻辅佐帝王的重臣。也比喻十分亲近且办事得力的人。耳目股肱的出处
掩人耳目 yǎnréněrmù掩人耳目的意思和解释:遮掩别人的耳朵和眼睛。比喻用假象迷惑人,欺骗人。掩人耳目的出处《大宋宣和遗事》亨集:“虽欲掩人之耳目,不可得也。”掩人耳目的例
掩人耳目 yǎnréněrmù掩人耳目的意思和解释:遮掩别人的耳朵和眼睛。比喻用假象迷惑人,欺骗人。掩人耳目的出处《大宋宣和遗事》亨集:“虽欲掩人之耳目,不可得也。”掩人耳目的例
在人耳目 zàiréněrmù在人耳目的意思和解释:表示为人们所听到看到,都已熟知。在人耳目的出处明·张岱《奇字问·序》:”近取《左(传)》、《国(语)》、《史记》……诸书在人耳
在人耳目 zàiréněrmù在人耳目的意思和解释:表示为人们所听到看到,都已熟知。在人耳目的出处明·张岱《奇字问·序》:”近取《左(传)》、《国(语)》、《史记》……诸书在人耳
娱心悦目 yúxīnyuèmù娱心悦目的意思和解释:娱、悦:使愉快。使心情愉快,耳目舒畅。娱心悦目的出处秦·李斯《谏逐客书》:“所以饰后宫,充下陈,娱心意,说耳目者,必出于秦然后