词语大全 耳濡目染造句_耳濡目染中英文解释和造句

Posted 裁缝

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1、词语大全 耳濡目染造句_耳濡目染中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 后生小子是什么意思及造句 成语大全

词语大全 耳濡目染造句_耳濡目染中英文解释和造句

耳濡目染  ěr rǔ mù rǎn








  • 这样的说教我们耳濡目染了不少。 The word we had heard no less thousands.

  • 自幼耳濡目染,对中路梆子产生浓厚兴趣。 Influenced at an early age, and a keen interest in Middle Road Bangzi.

  • 而在父亲的耳濡目染下,他热爱音乐并且琴艺过人。 Being influenced by his father, he developed passion for music and he has outstanding piano skills.

  • 而在父亲的耳濡目染下,他热爱音药并且琴艺过人。 The influence of his father passion toward music made him loves music and good at playing piano.

  • 文化的这部份内容是通过成长环境和家庭耳濡目染学到的。 This part of culture is learned unconsciously simply by growing up in a particular munity or family.

  • 由于妈妈是个厨师,从小耳濡目染啲他也非常喜欢炸油条。 Since mother was a cook, from a young age influenced him very much enjoy the deep-fried deep-fried dough sticks.

  • 跟随燕王之后,耳濡目染,郑和受教育程度又加深了一层。 Follow-yan, osmosis, Zheng and level of education also deepened a barrier.

  • 八岁小志工跟着父母耳濡目染,把环保当作自己份内的责任。 This eight-year-old has been long influenced by his parents and does his share to protect the environment.

  • 耳濡目染、品格承传,致使作家出版社的人文品质卓越非凡。 Uncles, character inheritance, resulting in the Humanities Press Writer remarkable quality.

  • 让孩子耳濡目染电影与新闻报道中的暴力与犯罪行为是很糟糕的。 It’s too bad that children are exposed to films and reports about crime and violence.

  • 可喜的是,长期耳濡目染,五个女儿也秉承了她纯朴善良的美德。 Fortunately, uncles and long-term, five of her daughters also carry the virtues of simple goodness.

  • 他说:“我的家人工作时认真投入,耳濡目染我也变得坚韧而机敏。 “My resourcefulness and persistence e from watching my folks digging in, ” he says.

  • 跟随“狂人”几个月的耳濡目染,巴雷西也有几分穆里尼奥的风采。 Follow the “madman” uncles and a few months, there are a few Baresi Mourinho’s style.

  • 从小便对佛教耳濡目染,也努力身体力行其教导,以累积自己的阴德。 Since I was a kid, I’ve learned and heard lots about Buddhism. I tried to put what Buddha taught into practice and accumulated my “score of deeds”.

  • 我看到她对所有事情都这样做,耳濡目染,终于我能按她的方式去做。 I have seen her fix all these things so often that I can do it just the way she does.

  • 出生在一个裁缝家庭的阿庆,从小对服装裁缝耳濡目染,也产生了浓厚的兴趣。 Qing, who was born in a tailor’s family, was influenced constantly by his family about the dress tailoring, which he was so interested in.

  • 为此设计了良好的教育环境,以便学生能够在他们的专业的文化和活动中耳濡目染。 The educational environment is therefore designed so that students are immersed in the culture and activities of their profession and industry.

  • 结果他们搬到学校旁边住,孟子耳濡目染,自然而然地学起学生礼让、读书的举止。 So they moved to live next to a marketplace. Then Mencius began to imitate merchants hawking wares. “This is not the place I would like to raise my son, either” said his mother.

  • 运用英语电影,电视等资料给学生直观的感受,使学生对英语的实际使用耳濡目染; Using English movie, material and so on television for student direct-viewing feeling, causes the student to be influenced by what one sees and hears to the English actual use;

  • 他父亲是乐队指挥,母亲是歌唱家,小时候耳濡目染,所以长大后自己也爱好音乐。 His father is a conductor of an orchestra and his mother is a singer; so imperceptibly influenced by his parents, he grew up as a music lover.

  • 因为不同人的生活环境是不一样的,他们的世界观,他们的看法都会受到所在环境的耳濡目染。 Because they grow up in different surroundings, their world views and perspectives are inevitably influenced.

  • 这种影响不是像有共同的遗传基因或者灵魂附体那样坐实,而是一种耳濡目染,一种熏陶的结果。 This kind of influence is not like that of mon genes or possession by a soul, but the influence of surroundings, the result of influence.

  • 学生在耳濡目染中,在接受知识的过程中,也能自觉养成写规范字的良好习惯,因为“榜样的力量是无穷的”。 Uncles and students, in the process of acceptance of knowledge, but also norms consciously written word to develop good habits, because “the power of example is endless.”

  • 另一方面是你跟什么样的人相处久了,你就难免会受到他们的影响,就难免会耳濡目染地变成那群人当中的一份子。 On the other hand, if you stay with some people for long time, they have influence on you and you will bee the member of them by what you constantly see and hear.

  • 耳濡目染了很多亲人间、恋人间分别的情景,几乎每一种分别都要经历一场心灵的熬战,哭到眼泪不愿为情感作奴隶。 Uncles and a lot of loved ones, the love scenes respectively, a difference almost every soul must go through a boil war, do not want to cry tears of emotion to be slaves.

  • 说实在话,我曾经也有过相似的疑问和误解,可是在金色天堂工作中,我耳濡目染了真正的事实,让我完全否定了这个假象。 Be honest I also had the same idea before I came to the Golden Paradise. But I have to say this is not true.

  • 很多人,在长久以往的耳濡目染中愤世嫉俗、担忧、怀疑。但今天他们做出了回答。他们的双手扭转了历史,让历史转向充满希望的新的一。 we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.

  • 当我的侄女放学回家后说“同性恋真恶心”时,我知道她这种憎恨是从一个同学那里学来的,而那个同学的憎恨,又是从家长那里耳濡目染而来。 When my niece returned from school saying, “Gays are disgusting! “I knew she learnt that hatred from a classmate, who had in turn absorbed that hatred from a parent.

  • 在首批赴台的大陆游客中﹐许多人都谈到这片岛屿对他们来说有似曾相识的感觉﹐因为多年来他们已经对这里的习俗、食物、风景甚至是政治耳濡目染。 Most Chinese tourists in the first group emphasized the island’s familiarity, as they have heard of the customs, food, vistas and even politics of Taiwan for years.

  • 说是先天基因也好,说是后天的耳濡目染也罢,反正,17岁时,芬尼在国家锦标赛上第一次取得了自行车场地赛冠军,这也是他第一次参加竞争如此激烈的比赛。 Call it genes or osmosis, but at 17 he won his first track event, the national championships; it was also his first ever petitive race.

  • 耳濡目染造句相关


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    中文发音: hòu shēng xiǎo zǐ


    成语出处:宋 俞文豹《吹剑四录》:“恐数十年后老成凋丧,后生小子,不知根柢,耳濡目染,目变而复还。”



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