词语大全 聪明智慧造句_聪明智慧中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:守株待兔只能得一餐饱,主动出击方能丰衣足食。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 聪明智慧造句_聪明智慧中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 聪明智慧造句_聪明智慧中英文解释和造句
聪明智慧 cōng míng zhì huì
这样孩子们长大后才有可能变得聪明智慧。 The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent.
我很尊敬我的老师,因为她非常聪明智慧。 I respect my teacher because she is extremely intelligent.
这一类书籍会闭塞自己的聪明智慧,败坏自己的心志趣向。 Such books can block my intelligence and wisdom, and will undermine my aspirations and sense of direction.
这一类书籍会闭塞自己的聪明智慧,败坏自己的心志趣向。 Such boo can block my intelligence and wisdom, and will undermine my aspirations and sense of direction.
学生应该能够活学活用圣经知识,在其中得着属灵的聪明智慧。 A graduate of V & P should have the wisdom in applying biblical knowledge acquired from school.
求神赐聪明智慧,让我们能好好地计划及安排2008年的课程。 May God grant us wisdom and discernment to well plan our 2008’s training course schedules.
现代人吃饱了就不饥了,可免疫力下降了,聪明智慧就开始休眠。 Modern man is not hungry fed, and can be weakened immunity, and wisdom began to sleep.
我靠聪明智慧不能获得的,可以通过爱去拥有。但那样能使我满足。 What I cannot gain by intellect I can possess by affection, and let that suffice me.
但愿耶和华赐你聪明智慧、好治理以色列国、遵行耶和华你神的律法。 Only may the Lord give you wisdom, and knowledge of his orders for Israel, so that you may keep the law of the Lord your God.
但愿耶和华赐你聪明智慧,好治理以色列国,遵行耶和华你神的律法。 May the LORD give you discretion and understanding when he puts you in mand over Israel, so that you may keep the law of the LORD your God.
求神赐聪明智慧,让我们能继续好好地计划及安排2008年的课程。 May God grant us wisdom to continue well planning the schedules of our training programs in 2008.
在我们的文化中,猫头鹰这种鸟是“倒霉”的象征,而在其他文化中,它却代表聪明智慧。 In our culture, the bird owl is a symbol of misfortune but in other cultures it represents intelligence and wisdom.
中国高档真丝地毯已非普通的地毯而是中国工匠聪明智慧,丰富想象力和坚韧耐力的结晶。 Chinese silk carpets are no longer the mon carpets but the crystallization of the wisdom, imagination and stamina of Chinese craftsmen.
中国高档真丝地毯已非普通的地毯而是中国工匠聪明智慧,丰富想象力和坚韧耐力的结晶。 The high quality China silk carpets are no longer the mon carpets but the crystallization of the wisdom, imagination and stamina of Chinese craftsmen.
一个人如果从来不改变他的观念,不修正错误,那么他的明天永远都不会比今天更聪明智慧。 He that never changes his opinions, never corrects his mistakes, and will never be wiser on the morrow than he is today.
一个人如果从来不改变他的观念,不修正错误,那么他的明天永远都不会比今天更聪明智慧。 He that never changes his opinions, never corrects his mistakes, and will never be wiser on the morrow than he is today.
你等他死了以后,再侍候别的国王嘛,把你的才华和聪明智慧侍候国家,而不是侍候一个国王啊! If you can wait until his death, you can serve another King. You should devote your talent, intelligence and wisdom to the country, not just to the King.
但是,通过努力学习和反复摸索,再加上你们的聪明智慧以及团队协作的精神,你们终于成功了。 You succeeded through hard study and repeat exploration, in addition to your intelligence, wisdom, and the spirit of teamwork.
但是也许一天会有一个节目,当然星期日会有许多个节目,是能令聪明智慧的男女喜欢并产生兴趣的。 But there is , perhaps , one program a day and many , of course , on Sunday which an intelligent man or woman can enjoy and derive interest from .
在你国中有一人,他里头有圣神的灵,你父在世的日子,这人心中光明,又有聪明智慧,好像神的智慧。 There is a man in your kingdom in whom is a spirit of the holy gods;
在你国中有一人,他里头有圣神的灵,你父在世的日子,这人心中光明,又有聪明智慧,好像神的智慧。 There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy gods;
这一科研成果从根本上降低了学习英语的成本,提高了中华民族综合素质水平,体现了中华民族的聪明智慧。 This achievements in scientific research fundamentally reduced the study English cost, raised the Chinese nation prehensive quality level, has manifested Chinese nation’s intelligent wisdom.
东公馆-这座古典建筑艺术的殿堂,是临夏各民族聪明智慧和辛勤劳动的结晶,具有罕见的观赏和研究价值。 East Kungkuan – the classical architecture of the temple, is the nation Linxia wisdom and the crystallization of the hard work has seen the value of viewing and research.
我必照你的话作,赏赐你一颗聪明智慧的心,在你以前没有像你的人,在你以后,也不会兴起一个像你的人。 I do as you requested. I give you a heart so wise and understanding that there has never been anyone like you up to now, and after you there will e no one to equal you.
连基督徒在社区慈善服务时,也常会感到困惑,求神赐给信徒聪明智慧分辨和处理,发扬神的大慈爱,高举基督耶稣的圣名。 Such an attitude is also mon among believers. Let us pray for wisdom as believers learn to live out the passion of Jesus Christ .
作品凝聚了数代艺人们的聪明智慧,风格上逐渐形成“形”、“色”、“声”、“动”四大特点。形,是造型稚美、形象多样; The bination of many works of art and people’s wisdom, style formed on the “shape”, “color” and “sound”and “dynamic”four major characteristics.
以利户说明创造主对我们的爱;祂赐给我们的聪明智慧胜于飞鸟走兽,祂也给人类歌唱及创作音乐的才能(35:10~11)。 Elihu illustrated our Maker’s love for us in that He gave us intelligence and wisdom far greater than the animals, and He gave mankind the talent to sing and create music (35:10-11).
在中国成立公司,是因为我们相信,在世界金融市场上,凭著中国人的勤奋努力和聪明智慧, 中国人应该能够发挥出巨大的潜力。 We are opening in China because we believe there is an untapped pool of talent that would be ideal for this business.
《拇指汤姆》是德国 童话作家 格林兄弟的作品,讲述了一个只有拇指大的小人 儿 汤姆运用聪明智慧战胜重重困难、成功脱险的故事。 Tom Thumb is written by the Brothers Grimm from Germany. It is about how a boy, who is only the size of a thumb, he uses his wits to overe dangerous obstacles.
我理想中的男士是:诚实,善良,体贴,性格良好。聪明智慧.乐观,开朗,有男人的胸怀,最好还有一点幽默感.身心健康,有一点责任感… I’m looking for a man who is caring and affectionate, intelligent, humor, open-minded and have a kind &men’s heart. HEALTHY in both physically and mentally.
词语大全 绝顶聪明造句_绝顶聪明中英文解释和造句
绝顶聪明 jué dǐng cōng míng
她不仅绝顶聪明,而且非常务实。 She was not only extremely intelligent but also very practical.
我就是那个天生丽质、绝顶聪明的人吗? Who am i to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
他不必绝顶聪明,不必要有野心,但是要有视野。 He doesn’t need to be very intelligent, or ambitious, but he should have a wide vision.
这就像是拥有绝顶聪明的私人专属 DJ 一样。 It’s like having your own highly intelligent, personal DJ.
聘用绝顶聪明的年轻人,建立适者生存的用人机制。 Employ extremely intelligent young people and establish survival-of-the-fittest employment system.
比如爱因斯坦,这个绝顶聪明的小孩就极度讨厌上学。 In fact, Albert Einstein, the very poster boy of intellectualism, intensely disliked school.
我这样问我自己,我就是一个天生丽质、绝顶聪明的人么? We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
我们质问著自己,我就是内个天生丽质,绝顶聪明的人吗? We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, georgeous, talented, fabulous?
我们这样问自己“你就是那个天生丽质,绝顶聪明的人吗?” We ask ourselves:”who am i to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?”
卡罗尔:我可没有兄弟,姐妹倒有几个,每个人都绝顶聪明。 Carol: I don’t have any brothers. I have several sisters though; all of whom are mighty talented.
我们这样问自己“我就是那个天生丽质,绝顶聪明的人么?” Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves “who am I to be brilliantgorgeoustalented and fabulous?”
我们这样问自己:“我就是那个天生丽质、绝顶聪明的人吗?” we ask ourselves:’who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, tallented and fabulous?’
我们这样问自己:「我就是那个天生丽质、绝顶聪明的人吗?」 We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
他们不但绝顶聪明,而且非常有人情味、很谦虚、有时还很幽默呢。 They are not only brilliant individuals, but also exceptionally human, humble and sometimes even downright humorous.
世界上绝顶聪明的也只有爱因斯坦等几个人,大部分人的智力都是差不多的。 The world’s only extremely intelligent people are merely Einstein, and a few others. Most of the people in the intelligence are similar.
他们最近发展出一项绝顶聪明的方法,来测定溶液中是否有特定基因序列的存在。 Letsinger of Northwestern University, who recently developed an ingenious method to test for the presence of a specific genetic sequence in solution.
这些史家笔下呈现出的成吉思汗是一个绝顶聪明,但脾气暴烈、残忍无情的君王。 The historians present the picture of a brilliant but tempestuous and cruel man.
读者知道,星占家是些聪明人,绝顶聪明的人,他们把礼物带给槽子里的婴孩耶稣。 The magi, as you know, were wise men—wonderfully wise men—who brought gifts to he Baby in the manger.
我们质问自己:我可以是那个绝顶聪明,天生丽质,才华横溢,充满传奇色彩的人吗? We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
就连那些把大堆超级愚蠢的主意夸成绝顶聪明主意的人都会觉得这是个绝顶聪明的主意。 Even he, to whom most things that most people would think were pretty smart were pretty dumb, thought it was pretty smart.
第一项因素是心理素质。华伦他绝顶聪明。另一方面,他是不能击败所有前来挑战他对手。 The first factor is the mental aptitude. Warren is seriously smart. On the other hand, he can’t beat all ers in chess blindfolded.
第一项因素是心理素质。华伦他绝顶聪明。另一方面,他是不能击败所有前来挑战他对手。 The first factor is the mental aptitude. Warren is seriously smart. On the other hand, he can’t beat all ers in chess blindfolded. He’s out-achieved his mental aptitude.
人类羨慕成功者,因而往往认为成功者都绝顶聪明,但实实在在的讲,世界上,聪明是顶不住的东西。 Human envy successful, therefore, often considered successful are extremely smart, but real talk, the world, smart is a can not stand things.
人类羨慕成功者,因而往往认为成功者都绝顶聪明,但实实在在的讲,世界上,聪明是顶不住的东西。 Envy human success, that success is often brilliant, but the real, the world is rushing into things smart.
问题是,为什么会有那么多绝顶聪明的脑袋和自称风险管理控制严谨的投资机构,多年来前仆后继、欣然上当? The question is, why are there so many brilliant minds and claiming to be rigorous risk management control of investment institutions, fought for many years, is pleased to be taken in by them?
很早就认识到她的潜能并激发她商业雄心的中学指导顾问南希?怀斯回忆说,“她极有可能成为绝顶聪明之人。” “She was in danger of being terminally cute, ” recalls her high school guidance counselor, Nancy Wise, who recognized Krawcheck’s potential early and stoked her business ambitions.
也是,毕竟中土世界充满不计其数的奇怪生物,哈比人的存在微不足道,他们并非骁勇善战的武士,也不算是绝顶聪明的智者。 Middle-earth being, after all, full of strange creatures beyond count, Hobbits must seem of little importance, being neither renowned as great warriors, nor counted among the very wise.
后来,无论何时,当裁判官必须做艰难决定的时候,他对大家宣布,“我们将请教我的妻子,因为她是一个名聪明的妇女,绝顶聪明。” Afterward, whenever the magistrate had to make a difficult decision, he announced to one and all, “We shall consult my wife, for she is a clever woman, and very wise. “”
虽然,并没有一个固定的名词可以完全涵盖祂的功能,然而,上士者却心里有数,知道气、挫火是绝顶聪明、充满智慧,不但通古知今,也熟知未来的。 Though no name can cover all functions, they know that Qi, and kundanili are absolutely wise, knowing things of all ages, including the future.
我们并不是因为自己不够好而感到害怕而是因为我们无法知道自己到底有多大的本事。我们这样问自己“我就是那个天生丽质、绝顶聪明的人吗?”事实上,有什么你做不到的呢? we feel afraid not because we are not excellent enough but don’t know how strong we are. we ask ourselves” if i’m the person who with natural beauty and who is the extremely smart one?”
绝顶聪明 juédǐngcōngmíng绝顶聪明的意思和解释:绝顶:极端。形容异常聪明。绝顶聪明的出处绝顶聪明的例子庄子是~的人,他的门徒大约也是些~的人。(郭沫若《庄子的批判》
绝顶聪明 juédǐngcōngmíng绝顶聪明的意思和解释:绝顶:极端。形容异常聪明。绝顶聪明的出处绝顶聪明的例子庄子是~的人,他的门徒大约也是些~的人。(郭沫若《庄子的批判》
聪明才智 cōnɡmínɡcáizhì聪明才智的意思和解释:指人的智慧和才能。聪明才智的出处北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训·治家》:“如有聪明才智,识达古今,正当辅佐君子,助其不足”聪明
聪明才智 cōnɡmínɡcáizhì聪明才智的意思和解释:指人的智慧和才能。聪明才智的出处北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训·治家》:“如有聪明才智,识达古今,正当辅佐君子,助其不足”聪明
冰雪聪明 bīngxuěcōngmíng冰雪聪明的意思和解释:比喻人聪明非凡。冰雪聪明的出处唐·杜甫《送樊二十三侍御赴汉中判官》诗:“冰雪净聪明,雷霆走精锐。”冰雪聪明的例子以~
冰雪聪明 bīngxuěcōngmíng冰雪聪明的意思和解释:比喻人聪明非凡。冰雪聪明的出处唐·杜甫《送樊二十三侍御赴汉中判官》诗:“冰雪净聪明,雷霆走精锐。”冰雪聪明的例子以~
冰雪聪明 bīngxuěcōngmíng冰雪聪明的意思和解释:比喻人聪明非凡。冰雪聪明的出处唐·杜甫《送樊二十三侍御赴汉中判官》诗:“冰雪净聪明,雷霆走精锐。”冰雪聪明的例子以~
冰雪聪明 bīngxuěcōngmíng冰雪聪明的意思和解释:比喻人聪明非凡。冰雪聪明的出处唐·杜甫《送樊二十三侍御赴汉中判官》诗:“冰雪净聪明,雷霆走精锐。”冰雪聪明的例子以~
聪明伶俐 cōngmínglínglì聪明伶俐的意思和解释:聪明:智力发达,天资高。伶俐:灵活、乖巧。形容小孩头脑机灵,活泼且乖巧。聪明伶俐的出处聪明伶俐的例子原来这乐和是一个~
聪明伶俐 cōngmínglínglì聪明伶俐的意思和解释:聪明:智力发达,天资高。伶俐:灵活、乖巧。形容小孩头脑机灵,活泼且乖巧。聪明伶俐的出处聪明伶俐的例子原来这乐和是一个~