词语大全 肺腑之言造句_肺腑之言中英文解释和造句

Posted 内心

篇首语:要真正了解一个人,需在不幸中考察他。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 肺腑之言造句_肺腑之言中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 肺腑之言造句_肺腑之言中英文解释和造句

2、成语故事 肤受之言   [fū shòu zhī yán]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

词语大全 肺腑之言造句_肺腑之言中英文解释和造句

肺腑之言  fèi fǔ zhī yán








  • “茵特”之花,表达肺腑之言。 Flowers by Interflora speak from heart.

  • 民主党人和共和党人都说我的话是肺腑之言。 Democrats and Republicans said Bob Dole’s word is good.

  • 这是S延边路的一位中小投资者的肺腑之言。 This is the S Yanbian Road, a small and medium investors remark.

  • 挚友的这番肺腑之言,深深地触动了我的心。 This words from heart of the bosom friend, touched my heart deeply.

  • 肺腑之言:交学费是必须的。但跟对方向才是最最重要的! My saying of the bottom of my heart:it must be handed tuition fee. But it is important to follow the right direction.

  • 聆听老人的肺腑之言,我仿佛触摸到他那颗滚烫的爱国之心。 Listen the old man’s heartfelt words, I imitate a Buddha to touch him that very hot patriotic heart.

  • 这是在实施、推进载人航天工程中,中国航天人发出的肺腑之言。 This is in the implementation of the advance of the manned space program, Chinese astronauts were issued by the remark.

  • 记住,对你爱的人说“我爱你”,但最重要的是这是你的肺腑之言。 Remember, to say, I love you to your loved ones, but most of all mean it.

  • 我不知道从何说起,但这些话是肺腑之言。兄弟,请静心的听我说。 I don’t know where to start, but the words are ing straight from my heart. Listen to me closely, listen to me, brother.

  • “我非常感激,”我继续说,并为有人可以明白我的肺腑之言而高兴。 “I’m so grateful, ” I continued, happy someone could understand my gratitude.

  • 文字于我而言,只是为了抒发,抒胸中之气,发肺腑之言,与名利一概无关。 Text on me, just to express, to express the chest of the gas, made sincere and has nothing to do with the fame and fortune Yi Gai.

  • 零落成泥、摧折寸断,散落于皑皑雪间。我想我现在懂了,你当时的肺腑之言。 lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow. now i think i know , what you tried to say to me.

  • 至于他奉劝中学生在感情上不要表现太多,也许是对半年多来经历后的肺腑之言吧。 He advised students not to the performance too much emotionally, perhaps for more than half a year after the words from others experience it.

  • 真正发自内心的肺腑之言即使在现实生活中也极为难得,在采访节目中几乎根本听不到。 Generally spontaneous good talk is the rarest thing, even in actual life, and almost unknown in the chat show.

  • 也许你喜欢的人没有从你说出那些你爱听的话,但是对你的肺腑之言你却不要充耳不闻。 Never say you don’t love a person anymore if you can’t let go.

  • 希望大家珍视这种肺腑之言,而这种高明的言论,既需要经验,又需要眼光,难能可贵。 Hope everybody cherishes this kind of words from heart, and this kind of brillant opinion on public affairs, need experience already, need eye again, mendable.

  • 也许你喜欢的人没有从你说出那些你爱听的话,但是对你的肺腑之言你却不要充耳不闻。 There are things you’d love to hear that you would never hear from the person whom you would like to hear them from, but don’t be so deafer not to hear it from the one who says it from his heart.

  • 也许你喜欢的人没有从你说出那些你爱听的话,但是对你的肺腑之言你却不要充耳不闻。 r hear from the person whom you would like to hear them from, but don’t be so deaf as not to hear it from the one who says it from his heart.

  • 也许你喜欢的人没有从口中说出那些你爱听的话,但是对他的肺腑之言你却不要充而不闻。 There are things you’d love to hear from the person whom you would like to hear them from, but don’t be so deaf as not to hear it from the one who saya it from his heart.

  • 也许你永远不会从想聆听的人那里听到你想听到的话,但是不要对一个人的肺腑之言充耳不闻。 There are things you’d love to hear that you would never hear form the person whom you would like to hear them form, but don’t be so deaf as not to hear it form then one who says it form his heart.

  • 也许你永远不会从想聆听的人那里听到你想听的话,但是,不要对一个人的肺腑之言充耳不闻。 There are things you’d love to hear that you would never hear from the person whom you would like to hear them from, but don’t be so deaf as not to hear it from the one who says it from his heart.

  • 多马的话好像很悲观,然而,这句豪言壮语,却是这位完全效忠于耶稣基督的门徒的肺腑之言。 His words sound pessimistic, but they were brave words, spoken out of a heart fully devoted to Jesus Christ.

  • 下文是我第一次被拒后意气之作,本想弃置算了,转念间,不怕得罪还是附上全当是我一番肺腑之言。 I am grateful for the openness of the internet, and please kindly believe above was written with sincerity and great appreciation of what you have established and acplished.

  • 其时,希拉里非常悲伤,她说出了肺腑之言。她说,“在步入新千年之际,我们需要有目的性的新政治。 At a time when she was grief-stricken, she reached deep inside herself to say that, as we moved into the new millennium, we need a new politics of meaning.

  • 开发商的肺腑之言和认认真真做事的态度赢得了业主们的信任,使购房者放心买房,让业主们买后放心。 Developers from the bottom of their hearts and conscientiously do attitude has won the confidence of owners, property buyers can buy for their owners after buying.

  • 此时我有了与之相关的肺腑之言:小树刚植下,需要木干的扶持,孩子如小树,也需要大人的引导、帮助。 At this point I have a related remark: newly planted trees need dry wood to support the child, such as trees, but also in need of adult guidance and help.

  • 实在是肺腑之言,我们牢记在心,将来无论做什么事情,都会认真负责的去完成,这也是此行的最大收获之ㄧ。 We will keep her valuable words in mind and no matter what we will do in the future we will fulfill it responsibly and earnestly. The interview with her is our most valuable visiting experience.

  • 自从战时阿斯顿维拉的神射手庞戈·沃灵视进球如草芥之时,我们再也没听说过那位英国人发出如此的肺腑之言了。 We haven’t heard an Englishman utter those sentiments since Pongo Waring was banging in goals for Aston Villa between the wars.

  • 你知道,生命中,我们花了太多的时间,却没说出几句由衷的肺腑之言,我们的肺腑之言,我们用暗语表达,用纸花传言。 As you may have noticed that he has a tendency to get in trouble. You know we spend so much of our lives not saying the things we want to say, the things we should say.

  • 周星驰和《大话西游》结下了不解之缘,那段经典台词曾被恶搞成无数版本,至今大家仍对周星驰一番“肺腑之言”记忆犹新。 Stephen Chow married the film “A Chinese Odyssey”. His classical lines of the film have been tricked into many types. People still remember Stephen Chow’s words from the bottom of his heart.

  • 肺腑之言造句相关


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    肤受之言   [fū shòu zhī yán]






    拼 音 fū shòu zhī yán 释 义 肤:肤浅。受:感受。指肤浅的,使人感受不深的言论。也指不切合实际的言辞。 出 处 南朝·宋·范晔《后汉书·杨璇传论》:“风景之赏未甄,肤受之言互及。” 更多→ 肤受之言


    一家之言 满纸空言 狂瞽之言 肤如凝脂 肤粟股栗 肤见谫识


    肤受之言 言近意远 远走高飞 飞沙走石 石泐海枯 枯树开花 查看更多




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