词语大全 胆大包天造句_胆大包天中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 胆大包天造句_胆大包天中英文解释和造句
胆大包天 dǎn dà bāo tiān
从来就没有胆大包天地英雄好汉。 There never was a hero who did not have his bounds.
他敢冒险做这事,真是胆大包天。 It is really very bold of him to venture to do this.
从来就没有胆大包天的英雄好汉。 There never was a hero who did not have his hounds.
从来就没有胆大包天的英雄好汉。 There never was a hero who did not have his bounds.
我要看看是谁这么胆大包天! I want to find out who is so daredevil!
我要看看是谁这么胆大包天! I want to find out who is so daredevil!
一旦有人撑腰,这帮家伙就变得胆大包天。 Now that they were backed up, these fellows became audacious in the extreme.
我的上帝,谁这样胆大包天?你看见什么了吗? My Lord, who would have dared ? Did you see anything?
阿纳海姆这边最胆大包天的旅游展示——洛杉矶时报; the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim- Los Angeles Times;
我的,就是我的水。你胆大包天了!晚上我去吃了你! mine and then it is mine. How dare you are! I’ll eat you tonight.
你胆大包天在澳大利亚抗议中国政府,说政府贪污腐败。 You are so bold in Australia protesting against the ChineseGovernment and saying the Government is corrupt.
“你是个胆大包天的流氓,先生,”市政官说,“你胆敢认为今天会时来运转?” You are a daring rascal, Sir, ” said the magistrate; “and how dare you hope times are mended with you today?”
以民营企业的身份,开辟温州-―长沙首条私人包机航线,业界称之为“胆大包天”。 To the status of private enterprises, open Wenzhou – – Changsha first private charter flights, the industry as “big.”
小丽左思右想,忽然回忆起被抢那一幕,原来是歹徒胆大包天,竟然给她打来了电话。 Young Li ponders, recalls suddenly is snatched that originally is the scoundrel gallbladder large package day, made the phone call unexpectedly to her.
我从没见过这么胆大包天的小偷。他大摇大摆地进来,拿了珠宝,而后若无其事地离开。 I’ve never seen such a bold thief. He waltzed in , took the diamonds and waltzed right out.
据美联社报道,美国亚特兰大两名警官胆大包天,竟利用警局的计算机调查总统奥巴马的犯罪记录。 Authorities are investigating 2 Atlanta-area police officers accused of using government puters to run a criminal background check on US President Barack Obama, AP reported.
倘若社会组织得规范,使一个男人变成胆大包天的恶棍的品质能量,同样也可把他变成社会有用之材。 The same energy of character which renders a man a daring villain would have rendered him useful in society, had that society been well organized.
我没理他,谁知这家伙胆大包天,竟敢用手扯我……我女朋友说,你的朋友真不少呀,还有要饭的呢! I didn’t tell me he saw this guy bold, dare to use hand pull me… my girlfriend said, your friend, and a beggar! I hear very angry and beat him…
这对胆大包天的夫妇是来自弗吉尼亚州北部的塔里克·萨拉希和妻子米夏埃拉,在当地马球界有点名气。 The dare-devil couple are Tareq and Michaele Salahi from North Virginia, who are quite famous in the local polo munity.
当那些胆大包天的人类冒险穿越地球大气这个柔软的瓶壁的时候,上述的学术性问题就具备了现实意义。 When human daredevils ventured beyond the soft bottle of the Earth’s atmosphere, this once academic question took on practical meaning.
此时匪首劳伦斯居然胆大包天的直接打电话对科纳斯挑衅说,要是明天还抓不到他的话就永远没机会了。 At this point Lawrence bandit chieftain was audacious in the extreme corners of the direct call of provocation that would also capture him tomorrow, then it will never be no opportunity to do so.
我们总结未成年人犯罪,一个孩子可能是胆小如鼠,两个气壮如牛,三个就胆大包天,四个就什么都敢干。 We summarize the minor crime, a child is possibly a timid as a rabbit, two gas strong like cows, three on the gallbladder large package day, four anything dare to do.
出了好莱坞,加州本身就造就了美国俚语的普遍,创造了胆大包天的(棒的)引人敬畏的以及许多其他的词汇。 Outside Hollywood, California itself is an incubator of American slang, producing phrases such as bodacious , awesome and many more.
由1901 年起,有15 名胆大包天的人已使用木桶或其他工具越过大瀑布,包括一艘小赛艇和私人船舶。 Since 1901, 15 dare devils have gone over the falls in barrels or other devices including a kayak and a personal watercraft.
“胆大包天”的切尔西后卫威廉•加拉透露,蓝军希望尽快将联赛冠军收入囊中,以便于他们把精力集中在欧冠上。 Cheeky Chelsea defender William Gallas has revealed the Blues are hoping to wrap up the Premiership title as quickly as possible – so they can then concentrate on European glory.
但一切敬畏上帝的人必能应付这胆大包天的僭越者,正如基督应付那奸猾的仇敌说:“当拜主你的上帝,单要事奉他。” But those who fear and reverence God meet this heaven-daring assumption as Christ met the solicitations of the wily foe: “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.”
马道夫被控操纵一种胆大包天的庞氏骗局 ,以高额回报吸引投资者而实际上用他们投资的现金支付已有的投资人的收益。 Madoff was accused of running an audacious Ponzi scheme, luring investors with the promise of great returns while actually using the cash they invested to pay returns to existing investors.
巴三军情报局(简称ISI)这一臭名远扬的巴军方间谍机构背地援助塔利班这个巴最大盟友美国的敌人,胆大包天,令人佩服。 THE Inter-Services Intelligence directorate (ISI), Pakistan’s notorious military spooks, deserve credit for the audacity of their covert support for the Taliban, the enemy of Pakistan’s greatest ally.
剧本中,安纳金最初的登上“恶毒”号的计划包括一个胆大包天的超空间小跳跃,把“曙光”号放到离敌舰外壳只有几厘米的地方。 In the script, Anakin’s original plan to board the Malevolence included a foolhardy hyperspace micro-jump that would have deposited the Twilight just centimeters away from the enemy ship’s hull.
如果我们怀疑一个人撒谎,那我们就应该假装相信他的话;因为他接着就变得胆大包天、信誓旦旦,不遗余力地说更多的谎话,而且连面具也不要戴了。 If we suspect that a man is lying, we should pretend to believe him; for then he bees bold and assured, lies more vigorously, and is unmasked.
词语大全 胆大心细造句_胆大心细中英文解释和造句
胆大心细 dǎn dà xīn xì
胆大心细 dǎndàxīnxì胆大心细的意思和解释:形容办事果断,考虑周密。胆大心细的出处《旧唐书·孙思邈传》:“胆欲大而心欲小,智欲圆而行欲方。”胆大心细的例子以~勇猛灵活的战
胆大心细 dǎndàxīnxì胆大心细的意思和解释:形容办事果断,考虑周密。胆大心细的出处《旧唐书·孙思邈传》:“胆欲大而心欲小,智欲圆而行欲方。”胆大心细的例子以~勇猛灵活的战
胆大心小 dǎndàxīnxiǎo胆大心小的意思和解释:形容办事果断,考虑周密。胆大心小的出处《旧唐书·孙思邈传》:“胆欲大而心欲小,智欲圆而行欲方。”胆大心小的例子胆大心小造句
胆大心小 dǎndàxīnxiǎo胆大心小的意思和解释:形容办事果断,考虑周密。胆大心小的出处《旧唐书·孙思邈传》:“胆欲大而心欲小,智欲圆而行欲方。”胆大心小的例子胆大心小造句
胆大心粗 dǎndāxīncū胆大心粗的意思和解释:做事胆子在,但心粗。考虑不周全。胆大心粗的出处元·关汉卿《蝴蝶梦》第二折:“扑咚咚阶下升衙鼓,唬得我手忙脚乱,使不得胆大心粗。
胆大心粗 dǎndāxīncū胆大心粗的意思和解释:做事胆子在,但心粗。考虑不周全。胆大心粗的出处元·关汉卿《蝴蝶梦》第二折:“扑咚咚阶下升衙鼓,唬得我手忙脚乱,使不得胆大心粗。
词语大全 狗膽包天造句 狗膽包天の例文 "狗膽包天"是什麼意思
狗膽包天造句狗膽包天の例文"狗膽包天"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!”王孫
胆粗气壮 dǎncūqìzhuàng胆粗气壮的意思和解释:形容胆大气盛,无所畏惧。胆粗气壮的出处胆粗气壮的例子我只从昨天受了那和尚的一番折磨,又经了十三妹姐姐的地番教化,不觉得~
胆粗气壮 dǎncūqìzhuàng胆粗气壮的意思和解释:形容胆大气盛,无所畏惧。胆粗气壮的出处胆粗气壮的例子我只从昨天受了那和尚的一番折磨,又经了十三妹姐姐的地番教化,不觉得~
一身都是胆 yīshēndōushìdǎn一身都是胆的意思和解释:极言胆大勇敢。一身都是胆的出处《三国志·蜀志·赵云传》裴松之注引《云别传》:“子龙一身都是胆也。”一身都是胆的例