词语大全 胡作非为造句_胡作非为中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 胡作非为造句_胡作非为中英文解释和造句
胡作非为 hú zuò fēi wéi
入侵军队胡作非为到了极点。 The invading troops displayed the most unbridled license.
他现在所受的贫穷足以当成他从前的胡作非为的惩罚了。 ex. His present indigence is a sufficient punishment for former folly.
他在海外胡作非为了一段很短的时期,靠他的小聪明过日子。 He rioted abroad for a brief term , living by his wits.
工作使人类免除了三大流弊:生活乏味,胡作非为,一贫如洗。 Work keeps us from three great evils:boredom, vice, and need.
一个社会再自由开放也决不容许一些人为了险恶目的而胡作非为。 A society, no matter how free and open it is, never allows some people to mit all kinds of outrages for evil purposes.
不管生活让你变得多名的严肃,每个人都要有一个可以胡作非为的朋友。 No matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
许多贪赃枉法的官吏一想到此事就非常害怕,轻易不敢出门胡作非为了。 Many officials who took bribes and bent the law were extremely frightened by this. Therefore , they dared not go out and mit other outrages.
这宝石山呢,属于一群狂暴粗野的巨人,他们住在山上,在山上胡作非为。 This valuable rocky mountain, belongs to group of wild boorish giants, they live on the mountain, mits evil acts on the mountain.
任河南布政司时,一些官僚权责,仗势胡作非为,他严加惩治,地方安宁。 Henan appointed Chief Secretary, some of the bureaucratic powers and responsibilities, Zhang Shi act, he severely punish the local peace.
我明白了…不管生活让你变得多严肃,每个人都要有一个可以胡作非为的朋友。 I’ve learned… That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.
交互产品有所作为,作为设计师,我们必须确保自己的劳动成果不会胡作非为。 In a nutshell, interactive products do things, and as designers, we must be sure that the results of our labor do good things.
雷蒙是一个十足的野心家,带领军队在当地胡作非为,人民生活在水深火热之中。 Raymond is a full careerist, to lead the army in the local act, people living in dire straits.
他们被指责对那些严重犯罪视而不见,这通常意味着在开枪之前,你可以胡作非为。 They were accused of the grievous crime of ‘shilly-shallying’, which being interpreted means doing everything you possibly can before you shoot.
我明白了…不管生活让你变得多么的严肃,每个人都要有一个可以胡作非为的朋友。 That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
我明白了…不管生活让你变得多么的严肃,每个人都要有一个可以胡作非为的朋友。 I’ve learned…That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
城乡抗议近些年来一直有增无减,官方的胡作非为(例如腐败和征地)更是火上浇油。 Urban and rural protests have been increasing in recent years, fuelled by official wrongdoing such as corruption and land grabs.
富人以其所拥有的财富优势寻求强权庇护,竟而成了特殊公民,胡作非为也有机会逃脱责任。 Rich in its possession to the wealth of advantages to seek asylum in power, and has bee a special citizens also have the opportunity to act to escape responsibility.
我明白了…不管活着让你变得多名的严肃,每一自己都要有唯一的没疑问题目胡作非为的哥们。 I’ve learned… That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
我们深切地明白,每-个人都是神圣而不可侵犯的。因此,我们才不敢肆无忌惮地在人前胡作非为。 We drastically understand that each person is sacred and inviolable. Therefore, we dare not to act wildly against others.
绍兴天池苑一位物业管理人员说,特别是新房装修期间,有的住户有点“胡作非为”,连承重墙也敢拆。 Shaoxing a property management accounting Yuan said, especially bridal decoration period, some households somewhat “arbitrary”, and even dare to demolish walls.
即使在各个地方政府中既有那种胡作非为的违法行政的人,也有致力于推动中国法制进步的一些官员和法官。 Even if both the local government in all kinds of outrages that the administration of the law, and also to promote the progress of China’s legal system, some officials and judges.
他对云城的忠诚甚至促使他背叛了胡作非为的雷纳城主,转而支持新来的兰多·卡瑞辛,后者不久便成为新的行政官。 Lobot’s loyalty to Cloud City even led him to betray the draconian Baron Raynor to newer Lando Calrissian, who followed as Administrator.
旋涡迅速增长,变成一根顶天立地的巨大风柱,在三个小时内像一条孽龙似的在整个州内胡作非为,所到之处无一幸免。 Vortex of rapid growth and bee an indomitable spirit, in the GREat wind, in three hours as a Nielong similar abuses throughout the state, went Wuyixingmian.
中国是从1949年开始的,”他表示,当时英国和其它欧洲国家仍是殖民强权,“具有殖民强权附带的一切胡作非为”。 China started in 1949, ” he said, a time when the UK and other European nations were also colonial powers, “with all the abuse attached to colonial powers”.
此乃至理名言,敬畏上帝使人不敢胡作非为,养成敬虔的好习惯,时间就不会浪费在放荡纵欲的恶行当中,生命也不至虚度。 There is no doubt about it. The fear of the LORD leads to virtuous habits, and these prevent that waste of life which es of sin and vice.
权威人士为了他们可以践踏自由而胡作非为,而且乐此不疲。然而,如果缺失了自由可能被践踏的危险,自由终不会是真正的自由。 Those in authority are never tired of holding forth the possibility of the abuse of freedom as a reason for withholding it, but without that possibility freedom would not be really free.
这样的俄罗斯当然可以并且的确也威胁到了其邻国,例如格鲁吉亚或是乌克兰这两个仍被俄政治家视为可以对其胡作非为的殖民地(附属国)。 This Russia certainly can and does threaten neighbours such as Georgia or Ukraine, which many Russian politicians still treat as wayward colonies (see article).
如果你带他下来时,他是行为不检,你将加强想法,“如果我可以胡作非为,[size=-1]她将退出做什么,我[size=-1]不喜欢”。 If you take him down when he is misbehaving, you will be reinforcing the idea “If I misbehave, she will quit doing what I don’t like.”
我来到这个星球的机会只有一次,过客而以,在我存在的空间内,我不允许胡作非为,你们必须接受我的规则,公平的规则,否则,我将会成为你的噩梦! I came to this planet only once the opportunity, passer by, in my room there, I not allowed to misbehave, you have to accept my rules, fair rules, otherwise I will bee your nightmare!
词语大全 胡作非为造句
列土封疆 liètǔfēngjiāng列土封疆的意思和解释:列:同“裂”;封疆:划定疆界。帝王将土地分封给大臣。列土封疆的出处《汉书·谷永传》:“方制海内非为王子,列土封疆非为诸
列土封疆 liètǔfēngjiāng列土封疆的意思和解释:列:同“裂”;封疆:划定疆界。帝王将土地分封给大臣。列土封疆的出处《汉书·谷永传》:“方制海内非为王子,列土封疆非为诸
列土封疆 liètǔfēngjiāng列土封疆的意思和解释:列:同“裂”;封疆:划定疆界。帝王将土地分封给大臣。列土封疆的出处《汉书·谷永传》:“方制海内非为王子,列土封疆非为诸
列土封疆 liètǔfēngjiāng列土封疆的意思和解释:列:同“裂”;封疆:划定疆界。帝王将土地分封给大臣。列土封疆的出处《汉书·谷永传》:“方制海内非为王子,列土封疆非为诸
词语大全 姿意妄为 [zī yì wàng wéi]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
姿意妄为 [zīyìwàngwéi][姿意妄为]成语解释任意胡作非为,常指极端地固执己见和偏爱自己的习惯,常含有一种几乎难以抑制的反复无常的意味。[姿意妄为]成语出处毛泽东《陕甘