词语大全 脱缰之马造句_脱缰之马中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 脱缰之马造句_脱缰之马中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 害群之马造句_害群之马中英文解释和造句

词语大全 脱缰之马造句_脱缰之马中英文解释和造句

脱缰之马  tuō jiāng zhī mǎ






  • 物价飞涨,有如脱缰之马。Prices were running wild.
  • 缺乏知识热忱,犹如脱缰之马。 Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

  • 没有知识的热情,犹如脱缰之马。 Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.

  • 昨天,他抓住了一匹脱缰之马。 He stopped a runaway horse yesterday.

  • 缺乏知识热心犹如脱缰之马。 Z Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

  • 缺乏知识热诚犹如脱缰之马。 Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

  • 昨天,他抓住了一匹脱缰之马。 He stopped a runaway horse yesterday .

  • 他勒住了脱缰之马受到了表扬。 He was praised for bringing up the runaway horse.

  • 他终于停住了这匹脱缰之马。 At last he stopped the runaway horse.

  • 他终于停住了这匹脱缰之马。 At last he stopped e runaway horse.

  • 缺乏知识心犹如脱缰之马。 Zeal wait out knowledge is a runaway horse.

  • 缺乏知识心犹如脱缰之马。 Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

  • 脱缰之马的速度毫无价值。 The speed of a runaway horse count for nothing.

  • 失业率的再次攀升可能会让保护主义成为脱缰之马。 Another spike in unemployment could well set it loose.

  • 一切都开始于那天早晨,当一切都脱离了轨道,如脱缰之马,再难控制。 It all started on that very morning, when everything started to run out of their ways like a running wild, which can no longer be controled.

  • 结束通货膨胀意味着使所有美国人免除对势如脱缰之马的生活费用的恐怖。 Ending inflation means freeing all Americans from the terror of runaway living costs.

  • 她很可能知道如果我的虚荣心一旦站了上风,那么日后就会像脱缰之马,难以驾驭。 Very possibly she knew that if my vanity was once allowed to get the upper hand it would be difficult afterwards to bring it under control.

  • 她很可能知道如果我的虚荣心一旦站了上风,那么日后就会想脱缰之马,很难控制住的。 Very possibly she knew that if my vanity was once allowed to get the upper hand it would be difficult afterwards to bring it under control.

  • 现代货币主义理论简析奉进入70年代,资本主义社会的通货膨胀如脱缰之马,无法控制。 Manage of contemporary money creed enters 70 age by brief analyse Mafeng, the inflation of capitalist society is like running wild, uncontrollable.

  • 这与几个月前对于美国财政状况日益恶化的大惊小怪和对通胀率如脱缰之马迅速上升的担忧,形成了天壤别。 What a far cry from the hoo-haa a few months ago over the US’s deteriorating fiscal position and worries about runaway inflation.

  • 一进来,是个阳光男孩,就在屁股里沙发还有零点几毫米的时候,一句“真是烦人”的话如脱缰之马倾泻而出,预期种透露著抱怨与不羁。 I e in, the sun was a boy in the buttocks on the sofa, there are a few millimeters against, a “really annoying” as if pouring out runaway horse, is expected to reveal a kind of unruly and plain.

  • 麦田守望者》的中心人物霍尔顿,时常被拿来与哈克贝利·恩─克吐温的同名小说(译本为《哈可贝利·恩历险记》)那名天真无邪的少年脱缰之马做比较。 Holden Caulfield, the central character in” The Catcher in the Rye”, has been pared with Huckleberry Finn , Mark Twain’s naive adolescent runaway in the novel of the same name.

  • 脱缰之马造句相关


    词语大全 害群之马造句_害群之马中英文解释和造句

    害群之马  hài qún zhī mǎ








  • 我在厂里好比是一家之主, 我不能容忍那种害群之马。As the owner of the factory I’m like the head of a family, and as such I can’t allow any black sheep among my employees.
  • 每一个团体中都难免有害群之马。 There is a black sheep in every flock.

  • 每一个团体中都难免有害群之马。 There’s a black sheep in every flock.

  • 约翰是匹害群之马,被开除了党籍。 John was a black sheep and was driven out of the Party.

  • 我们应清除队伍中的害群之马。 We should get rid of the black sheep in our group.

  • 也许每个行业都有害群之马。 Perhaps every profession has got its black sheep.

  • 每个羊群都有害群之马;家有败家子。 There are black sheep in every flock.

  • 汤姆是这个班的害群之马。 Tom is the applied of the class.

  • 吉姆是我们班的害群之马。 Jim is the black sheep of our class.

  • 李明是个败家子。(害群之马,败家子) li ming is the black sheep of his family.

  • 汤姆是他班上的害群之马。 Tom is the black sheep in his class.

  • 在每一群羊中总有一只黑羊(害群之马)。 Black sheep dwell in every fold.

  • 杰克是班上的害群之马。 Jack is a black sheep of the class.

  • 他是家族中的害群之马。 He is the black sheep in his family.

  • 中国人不能团结一致,是因为一些害群之马在破坏。 Hopefully, among Chinese there is no ill bird that fouls its own nest.

  • 羊群中免部了有黑羊;任何群体中,总有害群之马。 Ther’s a black sheep in every flock.

  • 对单位,社会,国家有贡献吗?不做害群之马,也不做社会的包垘。 Do you make contributions to your work unit, pany, society and nation? Don’t be a loser and a burden to the society.

  • 彼得是害群之马。因为他表现不好,他所在的班级从来没有受到过表扬。 Peter was the black sheep. His class had never been praised because of his misconduct in school.

  • 不可否认,一匹害群之马可能会毁了一支光荣军队在百姓心中的历史名声。 There is no denial that a black sheep will probably destroy the historic reputation and fame of a glorious army in people’s hearts.

  • 戴夫真是害群之马,因为他在上课时表现不好,全班同学放学后都被留了下来。 Dave was the black sheep. Because of his misconduct in class, the whole class had to stay after school.

  • 成语“害群之马”出自于这个小男孩说的话,用来形容给集体带来坏影响的人。 The idiom “The horse which does harm to the herd – A black sheep” is taken from what the boy said and is used to describe anyone who has a bad influence on his peers.

  • 马赫迪军把这些害群之马称为“特殊群体”,并且把他们主要和伊朗联系在一起。 The military refers to splinter elements as “special groups” and links them primarily to Iran.

  • 乌克兰田径选手柳。布隆斯卡面临终生禁赛,拜拜愚蠢的“黑羊”(害群之马)! the Ukrainian athlete Lyudmila BlonskaBlonska faces a lifetime ban. bye bye, stupid black sheep!

  • 可是,年复一年,我们始终放任这些害群之马,议员的再次当选率一直高于96%。 And yet year after year we keep the rascals right where they are, with the reelection rate for House members hovering at around 96 percent.

  • 所以通过对整个行业的规范,无疑剔除的将是信托业和房地产业内的“害群之马”。 So through the entire industry norms, no doubt from the trust industry and the real estate industry will be the “black sheep”.

  • 但这并不是说物业管理公司对业主中侵犯其他多数人利益的个别“害群之马”就没有办法了。 This is not to say that property management panies to the interests of the majority owners of the violation of other individual “black sheep” in no way.

  • 在进入职场时做出承诺,学生们纷纷表示:我不想成为社会中的害群之马,我想成为有用的人。 By taking the Pledge as they enter the job market, students are saying, “Hey, I don’t want to be a part of the bad that’s out there.”

  • 第五,要跟紧创业板市场,进行适时调整,比如设置严格的停牌制度,挑出个别的害群之马给予惩治。 Fifth, have to bear in the GEM market, timely adjustments, such as setting strict suspension system, to single out individuals for punishment of the black sheep.

  • 纳粹党认为德国这样的一个优等民族中同性恋者是害群之马,而且有55000的同性恋者被判为有罪。 The Nazis branded homosexuality an aberration threatening their perception of Germans as the master race, and 55, 000 gay men were deemed criminals.

  • 但我们亦常常见到,教会在面对攻击时,很多时却守不住立场,领袖们往往不愿意驱逐教会的害群之马。 But just as often the church wilts under attack. Leaders often refuse to remove a person who is leaking poison into the church.

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