词语大全 自以为是造句_自以为是中英文解释和造句

Posted 家伙

篇首语:那就是假话,所谓天才。勤奋的工作才是实在。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 自以为是造句_自以为是中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 自以为是造句_自以为是中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 自以为得计造句_自以为得计中英文解释和造句

词语大全 自以为是造句_自以为是中英文解释和造句

自以为是  zì yǐ wéi shì








  • 自以为是了不起的大人物。 He thinks himself to be somebody.

  • 我这样说不是为了让你感到自以为是的。 I am not saying this to make your head swell .

  • 你这个人太自以为是了。 You are so full of yourself.

  • 他们总自以为是地觉得自己知道一切问题的答案! They’re the only ones who think they know all the answers!

  • 现在需要的是谦逊和体谅,而不是伪善和自以为是。 Humility and passion, not hypocrisy and self-righteousness, is what is needed.

  • 那个自以为是罗密欧的家伙勾搭办公室里每一位女士。 That Romeo tried to mess around with every lady in the office.

  • 有些人自以为是很了不起的人物,事实上他离大人物远得很。 Someone believe he is somebody , but in fact he is far away from it .

  • 杰克因为有球,所以他就自以为是球赛中决定一切的人物了。 Jack thought he was the whole cheese in the game because he owned the ball.

  • 正如一个聪明的家伙自以为是,那你也要够聪明,考虑周全。 Just as this person is clever and conceited, you can be clever and considerate.

  • 这听起来更像是诋毁法国人是傲慢自大,自以为是的伪君子。 It sounded more like smearing the French for being arrogant, self-righteous hypocrites.

  • 它是个自以为是的预言,认为你的信息工作者是不值得信任的。 It is a self-fulfilling prophecy to assume that your information workers are untrustworthy.

  • 人类是大自然的精灵,自以为是万物之主宰,可以任凭改造自然。 Human nature is the wizard, master of all things self-righteous, despite transform nature.

  • 因为你欺骗了鱼,你就变得自以为是,以为自己能够欺骗每一个。 Because you tricked the fish, you have bee so conceited you think you can trick anyone.

  • 闭嘴。你以为你是谁啊?威尔史密斯?你就是一个自以为是的混蛋。 Shut up. Who do you think you are? Will Smith? You are a pretentious asshole.

  • 工作狂们自以为是地认为他们在周末睡懒觉就可以弥补缺少的睡眠。 Workaholics are fooling themselves if they think a weekend lie-in can make up for lost sleep.

  • 他是一个结巴口吃、又不信神的年轻人,就像年轻的摩西自以为是。 He was a stuttering, faltering, disbelieving young man, much like the young Moses in his pride.

  • 这种女性观念是男性对女性自以为是的“圣母”想象,是女性叙事的谬误。 This male concept of female is a self-righteous imagination of “Virgin Mary”, and a fallacious female narrative.

  • 自以为是的立法者(人类)犯下了一个大错,以为自己能定义整个软件研发过程。 The self-righteous, legalists have made a big mistake in thinking they can define the software development process.

  • 我执是由于知觉者以“真知”的外在体现认同于自我的知觉。简称“自以为是”。 The sense of personality is due to the identification of the knower with the instruments of knowledge.

  • 此时的女孩塬本以为自己可以挽留写什么,但是壹切都是她自以为是,壹厢情愿的想法而已。 At this time the girls had thought that they can retain what to write, but all her self-righteous, wishful thinking.

  • “别傻了,只有天才才能成为作家,”英文老师自以为是地说道,“而你这学期的成绩可能只得D。” “Don’t be silly, only geniuses can bee writers, ” the English teacher said smugly, “And you are getting a D this semester.

  • 那些自以为是,自以为走对了路子的其实都是笨蛋,就凭他们那一点儿知识,根本是无法找到终点的。 Those, who flatter themselves to be wise, are stupid as a matter of fact. Their wisdom is too less to find terminus.

  • 无论环境怎么变化,你还是坚持一套自以为是的想法,所以你时常会纳闷:为什么别人看不见我的能力? How regardless of the environment does change, you insisted a set thinks oneself infallible idea, therefore you will often wonder: Why can’t others see my ability?

  • 何不对诸如言论自由,自由选举和合法诉讼程序等等旧的自以为是的政治权利给予更多的社会经济关注。 Why not add pressing social and economic concerns to stuffy old political rights such as free speech, free elections and due process of law?

  • 讨厌那些无耻的的人,不管他们做什么我都很讨厌他们,我也讨厌那些自以为是喜欢乱吼的人,讨厌死了。 I hate those Shameless people, whether they are doing what I hate them, I also hate those who think they liked reals , i hate them!

  • 人,生来就是自由之身,却无处不被枷戴锁.那些自以为是主子的人,实际上却奴性更强.这种变化是怎么发生的呢? Man was born free , and he is everywhere in chains . Those who think themselves the masters of others , are indeed slaves than they . How did this transformation e about?

  • 阿特拉斯:嘿嘿嘿嘿。奎托斯,你一点都没有变,依然是那个自以为是的蠢家伙,恩,你打算怎样去打败众神之王呢? Atlas : Kratos, still the arrogant and foolish warrior. You have not changed. Hmm… and how do you plan to defeat the king of the gods?

  • 或许,你一向是默默无闻,自以为是被遗忘的角色,你是否想过改变现状,见到礼貌的打招呼,课堂上大胆的表露自己的观点呢! Perhaps, you always are unknown, the forgotten role of self-righteous, do you ever change the status quo, to see the polite greetings, classroom bold show their point of view it!

  • 假如我们知道某人喜好什么音乐,就可以对他的性格有很多了解,但是尽管如此,我们也不以自以为是的断定这是他的全部性格。 The basic message is that we can learn an awful lot about someone if we know what kind of music they like bit it doesn’t tell us the whole story.

  • 经过几年的股市动荡,投资者似乎不再像1999年末和2000年初那样洋洋自得了。即使这样,自以为是依旧是我们最主要的敌人。 After years of turmoil in the stock market, the investors are no longer so placent as around the turn between 1999 and 2000. But placency still remains our number one enemy nonetheless.

  • 自以为是造句相关


    词语大全 自以为得计造句_自以为得计中英文解释和造句

    自以为得计  zì yǐ wéi dé jì








  • 自以为得计,包工头无法偷工减料,捞不到大钱。 Thinks is very clever, labor contractor to cut corners, take less than lot of money.

  • 男孩儿们把女孩锁进了厨房自以为得计,但是实际上最后胜利者却是女孩; The boys thought they had tricked the girls by locking them in the kitchen.

  • 一切狡猾的人,不照科学态度办事的人,自以为得计自以为很聪明,其实都是最蠢的,都是没有好结果的。 All sly people, all those who do not have a scientific attitude in their work, fancy themselves resourceful and clever, but in fact they are most stupid and will e to no good.

  • 自以为得计造句相关



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    强不知以为知  qiǎngbùzhīyǐwéizhī强不知以为知的意思和解释:不懂装懂,本来不知道,强说知道。强不知以为知的出处强不知以为知的例子强不知以为知造句强不知以为知造句相

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    词语大全 刚愎自用造句_刚愎自用中英文解释和造句

    刚愎自用  gāngbìzìyòng刚愎自用的意思和解释:愎:任性;刚愎:强硬回执;自用:自以为是。十分固执自信,不考虑别人的意见。刚愎自用的出处《左传·宣公十二年》:“其佐先谷,

    词语大全 刚愎自用造句_刚愎自用中英文解释和造句

    刚愎自用  gāngbìzìyòng刚愎自用的意思和解释:愎:任性;刚愎:强硬回执;自用:自以为是。十分固执自信,不考虑别人的意见。刚愎自用的出处《左传·宣公十二年》:“其佐先谷,

    词语大全 刚愎自用造句_刚愎自用中英文解释和造句

    刚愎自用  gāngbìzìyòng刚愎自用的意思和解释:愎:任性;刚愎:强硬回执;自用:自以为是。十分固执自信,不考虑别人的意见。刚愎自用的出处《左传·宣公十二年》:“其佐先谷,

    词语大全 自鸣得意造句_自鸣得意中英文解释和造句

    自鸣得意  zìmíngdéyì自鸣得意的意思和解释:鸣:表示,以为。自以为了不起,表示很得意。自鸣得意的出处清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·江城》:“姊妹相逢无他语,惟各以阃威自鸣得意。”

    词语大全 自鸣得意造句_自鸣得意中英文解释和造句

    自鸣得意  zìmíngdéyì自鸣得意的意思和解释:鸣:表示,以为。自以为了不起,表示很得意。自鸣得意的出处清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·江城》:“姊妹相逢无他语,惟各以阃威自鸣得意。”